public override void Awake() { base.Awake(); characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); baseStepOffset = characterController.stepOffset; baseRadius = characterController.radius; baseHeight = characterController.height; baseSkinWidth = characterController.skinWidth; crouch = GetComponent<Crouch>(); }
public virtual void Process() { if (Crouch.Process()) { } else if (Prone.Process()) { } else if (Sprint.Process()) { } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //Makes sure that there's an audio clip on the audio source, and makes sure it's playable. audioData = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); audioData.clip = Pavement; audioData.Play(); audioData.loop = true; audioData.Pause(); //Gets the crouch & zone component from the parent. cro = GetComponentInParent <Crouch>(); zone = GetComponentInParent <ZoneStatusUpdater>(); }
public override void OnStateEnter() { _inputReader = stateMachine.GetComponent <InputReader>(); _stats = stateMachine.GetComponent <StatHolder>().held; _motor = stateMachine.GetComponent <Motor>(); _crouch = stateMachine.GetComponent <Crouch>(); _grounded = stateMachine.GetComponent <Grounded>(); _falldmg = stateMachine.GetComponent <FallDamage>(); #region change motor vals _motor.speed = _stats.runSpeed; _motor.accelRate = _stats.runAccelRate; _motor.sprintHorizontalInputReductionMult = 1f; #endregion }
private void Awake() { inven = false; invLight.SetActive(false); movement = player.GetComponent <move>(); //예진// crouch = player.GetComponent <Crouch>(); cubeCamera = player.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; pick = player.GetComponent <pickup>(); rb = player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); point = GvrReticle.GetComponent <GvrReticlePointer>(); total_weight = 0; }
public override void OnStateEnter() { _stats = stateMachine.GetComponent <StatHolder>().held; _input = stateMachine.GetComponent <InputReader>(); _crouch = stateMachine.GetComponent <Crouch>(); _motor = stateMachine.GetComponent <Motor>(); //_motor.enabled = false; _motor.disabledWorkAround = true; // actually physics slide the player forward _slide = stateMachine.GetComponent <Slide>(); _slide.duration = _stats.slideLength; _slide.strength = _stats.slideStrength; _slide.enabled = true; }
public override void OnStateEnter() { #region get comps _motor = stateMachine.GetComponent <Motor>(); _stats = stateMachine.GetComponent <StatHolder>().held; _input = stateMachine.GetComponent <InputReader>(); _grounded = stateMachine.GetComponent <Grounded>(); _jump = stateMachine.GetComponent <Jump>(); _crouch = stateMachine.GetComponent <Crouch>(); _collider = stateMachine.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); #endregion #region change motor vals _motor.speed = _stats.crouchSpeed; _motor.accelRate = _stats.crouchAccelRate; #endregion }
public override void OnStateEnter() { _input = stateMachine.GetComponent <InputReader>(); _stats = stateMachine.GetComponent <StatHolder>().held; _motor = stateMachine.GetComponent <Motor>(); _grounded = stateMachine.GetComponent <Grounded>(); _edgeDetect = stateMachine.GetComponent <EdgeDetect>(); _edgeDetect.enabled = true; _climb = stateMachine.GetComponent <Climb>(); toggle = false; _crouch = stateMachine.GetComponent <Crouch>(); _falldmg = stateMachine.GetComponent <FallDamage>(); #region change motor vals _motor.speed = _stats.airSpeed; _motor.accelRate = _stats.airAccelRate; _motor.sprintHorizontalInputReductionMult = 1f; #endregion }
public override void OnStateEnter() { _motor = stateMachine.GetComponent <Motor>(); _grounded = stateMachine.GetComponent <Grounded>(); _stats = stateMachine.GetComponent <StatHolder>().held; _falldmg = stateMachine.GetComponent <FallDamage>(); _jump = stateMachine.GetComponent <Jump>(); _crouch = stateMachine.GetComponent <Crouch>(); _crouch.crouching = true; if (_falldmg.landingFirm) { _motor.accelMult =; timeToExit = 0.01f; _falldmg.landingFirm = false; } else if (_falldmg.landingHard) { _motor.accelMult =; _motor.speed = _stats.runSpeed * 0.6f; _motor.accelRate = _stats.runAccelRate * 0.6f; timeToExit = 0.9f; _jump.disableOverride = true; _falldmg.landingHard = false; } else if (_falldmg.landingSplat) { _motor.accelMult =; _motor.speed = _stats.runSpeed * 0.2f; _motor.accelRate = _stats.runAccelRate * 0.2f; timeToExit = 1.5f; _jump.disableOverride = true; _falldmg.landingSplat = false; } timer = 0; }
//Update checks player state, and set the flags //Update() is called later than FixedUpdate() void Update() { mouseTracker.Track(this.transform, cam.transform); //if player input attemps to jump this frame //Core point : the if doesnot check isJumping state, in this case you press jump when jumping, character will jump once it's grounded. It's like the pre-calculation. if (!callJump) { callJump = Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"); } //if player just got grounded this frame if (!previouslyGrounded && controller.isGrounded) { //TODO shake PlayAudioClip(landSFX); nextStepPlace += footStepLength; //if not add one step, landing sound and a foot step sound will play at the same time(if character traveled more than one step dist in air) frameMovement.y = 0f; //TODO what is this //isJumping = false; //TODO complementary code to fix jump crouch problem. This increases coupling. Crouch crouchAbility = GetComponent <Crouch>(); if (crouchAbility != null && Input.GetButton("Crouch")) { characterState = CharacterState.Crouching; SetMoveSpeed(crouchAbility.crouchMoveSpeed, crouchAbility.crouchMoveSpeed); } else { characterState = CharacterState.Idle; } } //if player start jumping this frame if (previouslyGrounded && /*!isJumping*/ characterState != CharacterState.Jumping && !controller.isGrounded) { frameMovement.y = 0f; } previouslyGrounded = controller.isGrounded; }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); IdleState = new Idle(this); MoveState = new Move(this); JumpState = new Jump(this); FallState = new Fall(this); WallSlideState = new WallSliding(this); CrouchState = new Crouch(this); GroundPoundState = new GroundPound(this); growthFsm.AddToStateList((int)PlayerGrowthStates.SMALL, new Small(this, smallAnimations)); growthFsm.AddToStateList((int)PlayerGrowthStates.BIG, new Big(this, bigAnimations)); growthFsm.InitializeFSM((int)PlayerGrowthStates.SMALL); baseMovementFSM.InitializeFSM(IdleState); playerMoveProperties.CalculatePhysicsValues(); }
private void initialize() { jump = GetComponent <Jump>(); walk = GetComponent <PlayerWalk>(); firePivot = transform.FindChild("FirePivot"); teleportable = GetComponent <Teleportable>(); dieAnim = GetComponent <PlayerDieAnim>(); crouch = GetComponent <Crouch>(); idle = GetComponent <Idle>(); lookDirections = GetComponent <LookDirections>(); body = GetComponent <ChipmunkBody>(); rightFireDir.x = 1f; rightFireDir.y = -0.5f; leftFireDir.x = -1f; leftFireDir.y = -0.5f; fireDir = rightFireDir; collisionGroupSkip = GetComponent <ChipmunkShape>().collisionGroup; // not sure if ok: all layers except Player's layer collisionLayersSkip = unchecked ((uint)(1 << KLayers.PLAYER)); //collisionLayers = 0; }
private void Awake() { _playerCrouch = GetComponent <Crouch>(); _playerPosition = GetComponent <Transform>(); _hit.SetActive(false); }
void Update() { Animator anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); Crouch crouch = new Crouch(); // WASD入力から、XZ平面(水平な地面)を移動する方向(velocity)を得ます velocity =; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { velocity.z += 1; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { velocity.x -= 1; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { velocity.z -= 1; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { velocity.x += 1; } currentBaseState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateIdle || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateWalk || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateJump || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateRunningJump || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateSlide || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateCrouch || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateCrouchWalk || currentBaseState.fullPathHash == stateRun) { moveflg = true; } else { moveflg = false; } if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) && moveflg == true) //方向キーを押しているとき(歩き) { if (crouch.CrouchJudge() == true && !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) //しゃがんでいてシフト(走りボタンが押されていないとき) { moveSpeed = crouchSpeed; //移動速度にしゃがみ速度を代入 } else//しゃがんでいないとき { moveSpeed = walkSpeed; //移動速度に歩き速度を代入 if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) //上記に加えさらにシフトキーを押しているとき(走り) { moveSpeed = runSpeed; //移動速度に走り速度を代入 } } } else //移動しないとき { moveSpeed = 0.0f;//移動速度を元に戻す() } // 速度ベクトルの長さを1秒でmoveSpeedだけ進むように調整します velocity = velocity.normalized * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; anim.SetFloat("Speed", moveSpeed);//animatorにmoveSpeedを渡してSpeedに応じてアニメーション遷移 // いずれかの方向に移動している場合 if (velocity.magnitude > 0) { // プレイヤーの回転(transform.rotation)の更新 // 無回転状態のプレイヤーのZ+方向(後頭部)を、 // カメラの水平回転(refCamera.hRotation)で回した移動の反対方向(-velocity)に回す回転に段々(applySpeedずつ)近づけます transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, //開始地点(今の地点) Quaternion.LookRotation(refCamera.hRotation * velocity), //終了地点(カメラの水平方向の前方向とキャラの向きから算出) applySpeed); //振り向き速度 // プレイヤーの位置(transform.position)の更新 // カメラの水平回転(refCamera.hRotation)で回した移動方向(velocity)を足し込みます transform.position += refCamera.hRotation * velocity; } }
//handy way to make sure there's nothing wrong public void InitializePlayer() { try { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); } catch { rb = this.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); } //set up ground component try { //moveComponent = move.GetComponent<PlayerMovementv3>(); moveComponent = move.GetComponent <PlayerGroundMovement>(); } catch { GameObject go = new GameObject(); go.transform.parent = transform; go.transform.position = transform.position; move = go; //move.AddComponent<PlayerMovementv3>(); move.AddComponent <PlayerGroundMovement>(); //moveComponent = move.GetComponent<PlayerMovementv3>(); moveComponent = move.GetComponent <PlayerGroundMovement>(); = "move"; } playerMovementArray[0] = move; //set up grapple component try { grappleComponent = grapple.GetComponent <GrappleComponent>(); } catch { GameObject go = new GameObject(); go.transform.parent = transform; go.transform.position = transform.position; grapple = go; grapple.AddComponent <GrappleComponent>(); grappleComponent = grapple.GetComponent <GrappleComponent>(); = "grapple"; } grappleComponent.Initialize(); playerMovementArray[1] = grapple; //set up crouch component try { crouchComponent = crouch.GetComponent <Crouch>(); } catch { GameObject go = new GameObject(); go.transform.parent = transform; go.transform.position = transform.position; crouch = go; crouch.AddComponent <Crouch>(); crouchComponent = crouch.GetComponent <Crouch>(); = "crouch"; } playerMovementArray[2] = crouch; //set up air component try { airComponent = air.GetComponent <PlayerAirMovement>(); } catch { GameObject go = new GameObject(); go.transform.parent = transform; go.transform.position = transform.position; air = go; air.AddComponent <PlayerAirMovement>(); airComponent = air.GetComponent <PlayerAirMovement>(); = "air"; } playerMovementArray[3] = air; for (int i = 0; i < playerMovementArray.Length; i++) { Debug.Log(playerMovementArray[i].name + " is in the player movement array"); } SetMovementType("move"); }
public StateController <CharacterState, CharacterContext> BuildCharacterControllerImpl(StateControllerBuilder <CharacterState, CharacterContext> builder) { Builder = builder; InjectState(this); // Declare Smash Attacks SmashUp.Charge.Data.SmashAttack = SmashAttack.Charge; SmashSide.Charge.Data.SmashAttack = SmashAttack.Charge; SmashDown.Charge.Data.SmashAttack = SmashAttack.Charge; SmashUp.Attack.Data.SmashAttack = SmashAttack.Attack; SmashSide.Attack.Data.SmashAttack = SmashAttack.Attack; SmashDown.Attack.Data.SmashAttack = SmashAttack.Attack; // Ground Attacks new [] { Idle, Walk, CrouchStart, Crouch, CrouchEnd } // Smash Attacks .AddTransitions <CharacterState, CharacterContext>(context => { var input = context.Input; if (!input.Attack.WasPressed) { return(null); } switch (input.Smash.Direction) { case Direction.Right: case Direction.Left: return(SmashSide.Charge); case Direction.Up: return(SmashUp.Charge); case Direction.Down: return(SmashDown.Charge); } return(null); }) // Tilt Attacks .AddTransitions <CharacterState, CharacterContext>(context => { var input = context.Input; if (!input.Attack.WasPressed) { return(null); } switch (input.Movement.Direction) { case Direction.Right: case Direction.Left: return(TiltSide); case Direction.Up: return(TiltUp); case Direction.Down: return(TiltDown); } return(Neutral); }); SmashUp.Charge.AddTransitionTo(SmashUp.Attack); SmashDown.Charge.AddTransitionTo(SmashDown.Attack); SmashSide.Charge.AddTransitionTo(SmashSide.Attack); TiltDown.AddTransitionTo(Crouch, Input(i => i.Movement.Direction == Direction.Down)); new[] { Neutral, TiltUp, TiltDown, TiltSide, SmashUp.Attack, SmashDown.Attack, SmashSide.Attack } .AddTransitionTo(Idle); new [] { Fall, Jump, JumpAerial } .AddTransitions(Land, ctx => ctx.IsGrounded) // Aerial Attacks .AddTransitions <CharacterState, CharacterContext>(context => { var input = context.Input; if (!input.Attack.WasPressed) { return(null); } switch (input.Movement.Direction) { case Direction.Right: return(context.Direction >= 0f ? AerialForward : AerialBackward); case Direction.Left: return(context.Direction >= 0f ? AerialBackward : AerialForward); case Direction.Up: return(AerialUp); case Direction.Down: return(AerialDown); } return(AerialNeutral); }); new[] { AerialForward, AerialBackward, AerialDown, AerialUp, AerialNeutral } .AddTransitions(AerialAttackLand, ctx => ctx.IsGrounded) .AddTransitionTo(Fall); AerialAttackLand.AddTransitionTo(Idle); // Aerial Movement new [] { Idle, Walk, Dash, Run, RunTurn, RunBrake, CrouchStart, Crouch, CrouchEnd, Shield.Main } .AddTransitions(JumpStart, ctx => ctx.Input.Jump.WasPressed && ctx.CanJump); new[] { JumpStart, JumpAerial }.AddTransitionTo(Jump); new[] { Jump, Fall }.AddTransitions(JumpAerial, ctx => ctx.Input.Jump.WasPressed && ctx.CanJump) .AddTransitions(EscapeAir, Input(i => i.Shield.WasPressed)); Jump.AddTransition(Idle, ctx => ctx.NormalizedStateTime >= 1.0f && ctx.IsGrounded) .AddTransition(Fall, ctx => ctx.NormalizedStateTime >= 1.0f && !ctx.IsGrounded); EscapeAir.AddTransitionTo(FallHelpless); new[] { Fall, FallHelpless, EscapeAir }.AddTransitions(Land, ctx => ctx.IsGrounded); Land.AddTransitionTo(Idle); Func <Func <PlayerInputContext, DirectionalInput>, Func <CharacterContext, bool> > movementContext = func => { return(ctx => !DirectionInput(Direction.Down)(ctx) && Input(i => Mathf.Abs(func(i).Value.x) > DirectionalInput.DeadZone)(ctx)); }; // Running States Idle.AddTransition(Dash, movementContext(i => i.Smash)); Dash.AddTransitionTo(Idle, DirectionInput(Direction.Neutral)); new[] { Dash, RunTurn }.AddTransitionTo(Run); Run.AddTransition(RunBrake, DirectionInput(Direction.Neutral)); Run.AddTransition(RunTurn, ctx => !Mathf.Approximately(Mathf.Sign(ctx.Input.Movement.Value.x), Mathf.Sign(ctx.Direction))); RunBrake.AddTransitionTo(Idle); // Ground Movement new[] { Idle, Walk, Run } .AddTransitions(CrouchStart, DirectionInput(Direction.Down)) .AddTransitions(Fall, ctx => !ctx.IsGrounded); Idle.AddTransition(Walk, movementContext(i => i.Movement)); Walk.AddTransition(Idle, DirectionInput(Direction.Neutral)); // Crouching States CrouchStart.AddTransitionTo(Crouch); CrouchEnd.AddTransitionTo(Idle); new[] { CrouchStart, Crouch, CrouchEnd }.AddTransitions(Fall, ctx => !ctx.IsGrounded); Crouch.AddTransition(CrouchEnd, Input(i => i.Movement.Direction != Direction.Down)); // Ledge States new[] { Idle, Fall, FallHelpless }.AddTransitions(LedgeGrab, ctx => ctx.State.IsGrabbingLedge); LedgeGrab.AddTransitionTo(LedgeIdle); LedgeIdle.AddTransition(LedgeRelease, ctx => !ctx.State.IsGrabbingLedge) .AddTransition(LedgeClimb, DirectionInput(Direction.Up)) .AddTransition(LedgeJump, ctx => ctx.Input.Jump.WasPressed && ctx.CanJump) .AddTransition(LedgeAttack, Attack()); LedgeJump.AddTransitionTo(Jump); new[] { LedgeRelease, LedgeClimb, LedgeEscape, LedgeAttack } .AddTransitions(Idle, ctx => ctx.NormalizedStateTime >= 1.0f && ctx.IsGrounded) .AddTransitions(Fall, ctx => ctx.NormalizedStateTime >= 1.0f && !ctx.IsGrounded); // Shielding Idle.AddTransition(Shield.On, Input(i => i.Shield.Current)); Shield.On.AddTransition(Shield.Perfect, ctx => ctx.State.IsHit) .AddTransitionTo(Shield.Main); Shield.Main.AddTransition(Shield.Broken, ctx => ctx.State.ShieldDamage <= 0) .AddTransition(Shield.Off, Input(i => !i.Shield.Current)); Shield.Off.AddTransitionTo(Idle); new[] { Shield.Broken, Shield.Stunned, Idle }.Chain(); // Rolls/Sidesteps Shield.Main .AddTransition(EscapeForward, ctx => { if (ctx.Direction > 0f) { return(DirectionalSmash(Direction.Right)(ctx)); } else { return(DirectionalSmash(Direction.Left)(ctx)); } }) .AddTransition(EscapeBackward, ctx => { if (ctx.Direction > 0f) { return(DirectionalSmash(Direction.Left)(ctx)); } else { return(DirectionalSmash(Direction.Right)(ctx)); } }) .AddTransition(Escape, DirectionInput(Direction.Down)); new[] { Escape, EscapeForward, EscapeBackward }.AddTransitionTo(Shield.Main); Builder.WithDefaultState(Idle); BuildCharacterController(); return(Builder.Build()); }
void Awake() { crouch = GetComponent <Crouch>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { text.SetActive(false); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); script = player.GetComponent <Crouch>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); _crouch = transform.parent.GetComponent <Crouch>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { m_crouchScript = GetComponent<Crouch>(); m_CC = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); }
void Awake() { move = GetComponent <WalkAbs>(); jump = GetComponent <Jump>(); crouch = GetComponent <Crouch>(); }
//prob matrix nxn //v = colum vector (states) num at index is the value assosiated with state //I is identity matrix mxm //Gamma set to 1 (0-1) I set it 0 cancels prob matrix (means greedy) // P prob matrix all states in rows and colums //r is colum vector (size num of states) keeps track of current reward for all states // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { jumping = gameObject.GetComponent <Jumping>(); //adds a reference to the jumping script crouch = gameObject.GetComponent <Crouch>(); //adds a reference to the crouching script pMatrix = Matrix <float> .Build.Dense(numOfStates, numOfStates); //creates a probability matrix the size of the number of unique states identity = Matrix <float> .Build.DenseIdentity(numOfStates); //creates a matrix the same size but as an identity matrix Debug.Log(identity); stateList = new List <State>(); samples = new List <Samples>(); states = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(numOfStates); //creates an array/vector for storing the number of single states rewards = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(numOfStates); //creates a vector that holds the reward for each state cumulativeRewards = Vector <float> .Build.Dense(numOfStates); //holds the sum of all rewards each state received //for (int i = 0; i < numOfStates; i++) //{ // states[i] = i; //} //sets all states to false for the start initialState.highJumping = false; initialState.jumping = false; initialState.ducking = false; initialState.dead = false; initialState.objectInfront = false; initialState.wideObject = false; currentState = initialState; //sets current state to blank State tempState = new State(); //holds all the unique states temporarily for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) //these for loops combine each state to get all unique possible states { tempState.highJumping = (a == 1); for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) { tempState.jumping = (b == 1); for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { tempState.ducking = (c == 1); for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++) { tempState.dead = (d == 1); for (int e = 0; e < 2; e++) { tempState.objectInfront = (e == 1); for (int f = 0; f < 2; f++) { tempState.wideObject = (f == 1); stateList.Add(tempState); } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < numOfStates; i++)// This for loop sets the reward/punish amount for each of the single states { //if (!stateList[i].dead && !stateList[i].objectInfront && !stateList[i].wideObject) // rewards[i] += 3; //else if (stateList[i].objectInfront && !stateList[i].jumping) // rewards[i] += -2; //else if (stateList[i].objectInfront && !stateList[i].ducking) // rewards[i] += 1; //else if (stateList[i].dead) // rewards[i] += -10; if (stateList[i].dead)//sets punish for death { rewards[i] += -30; } else { rewards[i] += 1; } if (stateList[i].ducking)//sets reward for ducking { rewards[i] += 1; } if (stateList[i].highJumping)//sets reward for highjump { rewards[i] += 5; } if (stateList[i].jumping)//sets reward for regular jump { rewards[i] += 10; } if (stateList[i].objectInfront)//sets punish for when a cactus is in front of AI { rewards[i] += -2; } else { rewards[i] += 1; } if (stateList[i].wideObject)//sets punish for when a double cactus is in from of AI { rewards[i] += -2; } else { rewards[i] += 1; } if (stateList[i].jumping && stateList[i].objectInfront)// sets reward for jumping when in front of cactus { rewards[i] += 10; } if (stateList[i].jumping && stateList[i].highJumping && stateList[i].wideObject)// sets reward for jumping when in front of double cactus { rewards[i] += 10; } if (!stateList[i].jumping && stateList[i].objectInfront)// sets punish for not jumping when in front of cactus { rewards[i] += -20; } if (!stateList[i].jumping && !stateList[i].highJumping && stateList[i].wideObject)// sets punish for not high jumping when in front of double cactus { rewards[i] += -20; } if (!stateList[i].ducking && !stateList[i].dead && !stateList[i].highJumping && !stateList[i].jumping && !stateList[i].objectInfront && !stateList[i].wideObject) { rewards[i] += 25;// if surviving it will get rewarded } } }
protected override void Init() { _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _footstepController = GetComponentInChildren <FootstepController>(); _crouch = GetComponentInChildren <Crouch>(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles a change in PlayerKeyState. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">Object containing information about the event.</param> public void Handle(object sender, KeyStateChangedEventArgs e) { if (Action != null && _check(e, Keys.Action)) { Action.Handle(sender, e); } if (Crouch != null && _check(e, Keys.Crouch)) { Crouch.Handle(sender, e); } if (Fire != null && _check(e, Keys.Fire)) { Fire.Handle(sender, e); } if (Sprint != null && _check(e, Keys.Sprint)) { Sprint.Handle(sender, e); } if (SecondaryAttack != null && _check(e, Keys.SecondaryAttack)) { SecondaryAttack.Handle(sender, e); } if (Jump != null && _check(e, Keys.Jump)) { Jump.Handle(sender, e); } if (LookRight != null && _check(e, Keys.LookRight)) { LookRight.Handle(sender, e); } if (Handbrake != null && _check(e, Keys.Handbrake)) { Handbrake.Handle(sender, e); } if (Aim != null && _check(e, Keys.Aim)) { Aim.Handle(sender, e); } if (LookLeft != null && _check(e, Keys.LookLeft)) { LookLeft.Handle(sender, e); } if (Submission != null && _check(e, Keys.Submission)) { Submission.Handle(sender, e); } if (Walk != null && _check(e, Keys.Walk)) { Walk.Handle(sender, e); } if (AnalogUp != null && _check(e, Keys.AnalogUp)) { AnalogUp.Handle(sender, e); } if (AnalogDown != null && _check(e, Keys.AnalogDown)) { AnalogDown.Handle(sender, e); } if (AnalogLeft != null && _check(e, Keys.AnalogLeft)) { AnalogLeft.Handle(sender, e); } if (AnalogRight != null && _check(e, Keys.AnalogRight)) { AnalogRight.Handle(sender, e); } if (Yes != null && _check(e, Keys.Yes)) { Yes.Handle(sender, e); } if (No != null && _check(e, Keys.No)) { No.Handle(sender, e); } if (CtrlBack != null && _check(e, Keys.CtrlBack)) { CtrlBack.Handle(sender, e); } }
public static Chart Convert(string path, int distancex = 50, int distancey = 35, int offsety = 10, int dynamic = 20, int repeat = 200) { path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf(@"\")); Chart synthSong = new Chart(); if (File.Exists(path + @"\info.dat")) { //load song info string infoStr = ""; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path + @"\info.dat")) { infoStr = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } //deserialize song info Info info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Info>(infoStr); synthSong.Name = (info._songName != "") ? info._songName : "N/A"; synthSong.Author = (info._songAuthorName != "") ? info._songAuthorName : "N/A"; synthSong.BPM = info._beatsPerMinute; synthSong.Offset = (info._songTimeOffset < 0) ? info._songTimeOffset : synthSong.Offset = 0; synthSong.Beatmapper = (info._levelAuthorName != "") ? info._levelAuthorName : "N/A"; synthSong.BeatConverted = true; synthSong.Artwork = "Default Artwork"; synthSong.ArtworkBytes = null; synthSong.AudioName = ""; synthSong.AudioData = null; synthSong.AudioFrecuency = 0; synthSong.AudioChannels = 2; synthSong.EditorVersion = "1.8"; synthSong.IsAdminOnly = false; for (int i = 0; i < info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps.Count && i < 5; i++) { if (File.Exists(path + @"\" + info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._beatmapFilename)) { //load song difficulty string beatSongStr = ""; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path + @"\" + info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._beatmapFilename)) { beatSongStr = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } //deserialize song difficulty BeatSong beatSong = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BeatSong>(beatSongStr); //convert notes Dictionary <float, List <Note> > track = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); for (int j = 0; j < beatSong._notes.Count; j++) { int time = (int)Math.Round(beatSong._notes[j]._time * 60000f / info._beatsPerMinute); float y_offset = 0; float _offset = 0; switch (beatSong._notes[j]._cutDirection) { case 0: y_offset += dynamic * 0.01f; break; //up case 1: y_offset -= dynamic * 0.01f; break; //down case 2: _offset += dynamic * 0.01f; break; //left case 3: _offset -= dynamic * 0.01f; break; //right case 4: y_offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //up_left case 5: y_offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //up_right case 6: y_offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset += (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //down_left case 7: y_offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; _offset -= (dynamic / sqrttwo) * 0.01f; break; //down_right } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(_offset + (distancex / 150f) * (beatSong._notes[j]._lineIndex - 1.5f), y_offset + (distancey / 100f) * (beatSong._notes[j]._lineLayer - 1f) + offsety * 0.01f, (time) * 0.02f); Note.NoteType type; if (beatSong._notes[j]._type == 0) { type = Note.NoteType.LeftHanded; } else if (beatSong._notes[j]._type == 1) { type = Note.NoteType.RightHanded; } else//bombs { continue; } string id = i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString(); Note note = new Note(pos, id, -1, type); if (!track.ContainsKey(time)) { List <Note> notes = new List <Note>(); notes.Add(note); track.Add(time, notes); } else { track[time].Add(note); } } //convert obstacles List <Crouch> crouches = new List <Crouch>(); List <Slide> slides = new List <Slide>(); for (int j = 0; j < beatSong._obstacles.Count; j++) { int time = (int)Math.Round(beatSong._obstacles[j]._time * 60000f / info._beatsPerMinute); int duration = (int)Math.Round(beatSong._obstacles[j]._duration * 60000f / info._beatsPerMinute); for (int n = time; n < time + duration; n += repeat) { if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._type == 1) { Crouch crouch = new Crouch(); crouch.time = n; crouch.position = new float[] { 0, 0, n * 18.75f }; crouches.Add(crouch); } else { Slide slide = new Slide(); slide.time = n; slide.position = new float[] { 0, 0, n * 18.75f }; if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._width == 1) { if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 0)//one on the left { slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 4; } else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 3)//one on the right { slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 2; } else//one middle right or middle left { slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 3; } slides.Add(slide); } else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._width == 2) { if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 0)//two on the left { slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 1; } else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 1)//two in the middle { slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 3; } else if (beatSong._obstacles[j]._lineIndex == 2)//two on the right { slide.slideType = (Note.NoteType) 0; } slides.Add(slide); } else { Crouch crouch = new Crouch(); crouch.time = n; crouch.position = new float[] { 0, 0, n * 18.75f }; crouches.Add(crouch); } } } } Beats defaultBeats = new Beats(); defaultBeats.Easy = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); defaultBeats.Normal = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); defaultBeats.Hard = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); defaultBeats.Expert = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); defaultBeats.Master = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); defaultBeats.Custom = new Dictionary <float, List <Note> >(); synthSong.Track = defaultBeats; Crouchs defaultCrouchs = new Crouchs(); defaultCrouchs.Easy = new List <Crouch>(); defaultCrouchs.Normal = new List <Crouch>(); defaultCrouchs.Hard = new List <Crouch>(); defaultCrouchs.Expert = new List <Crouch>(); defaultCrouchs.Master = new List <Crouch>(); defaultCrouchs.Custom = new List <Crouch>(); synthSong.Crouchs = defaultCrouchs; Slides defaultSlides = new Slides(); defaultSlides.Easy = new List <Slide>(); defaultSlides.Normal = new List <Slide>(); defaultSlides.Hard = new List <Slide>(); defaultSlides.Expert = new List <Slide>(); defaultSlides.Master = new List <Slide>(); defaultSlides.Custom = new List <Slide>(); synthSong.Slides = defaultSlides; if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Expert")) { synthSong.Track.Expert = track; synthSong.Crouchs.Expert = crouches; synthSong.Slides.Expert = slides; } else if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Hard")) { synthSong.Track.Hard = track; synthSong.Crouchs.Hard = crouches; synthSong.Slides.Hard = slides; } else if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Normal")) { synthSong.Track.Normal = track; synthSong.Crouchs.Normal = crouches; synthSong.Slides.Normal = slides; } else if (info._difficultyBeatmapSets[0]._difficultyBeatmaps[i]._difficulty.Equals("Easy")) { synthSong.Track.Easy = track; synthSong.Crouchs.Easy = crouches; synthSong.Slides.Easy = slides; } else { synthSong.Track.Master = track; synthSong.Crouchs.Master = crouches; synthSong.Slides.Master = slides; } } } string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path); foreach (string filePath in filePaths) { if (filePath.Contains(".egg"))//replace the .egg file ending with .ogg { string tmp = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.IndexOf(".egg")) + ".ogg"; if (!File.Exists(tmp)) { File.Copy(filePath, tmp); } } } } return(synthSong); }