/*void GrappleAim() * { * if (grapplingState == GrapplingState.Normal) * { * GameObject close; * * if (Physics.Raycast(cameraTransform.position, cameraTransform.forward, out grappleHit, maxDistance, whatIsGrappleable)) * { * * autoAim = false; * aimPoint.transform.position = grappleHit.point; * aimPoint.SetActive(true); * grapplePoint = grappleHit.point; * } * else if (playerControl.GetGrapplingAutoAimStatus() && (close = FindGrapplePoint()) != null) * { * // should i make it actually shoot to the player * * * aimPoint.transform.position = close.transform.position; * aimPoint.SetActive(true); * } * else * { * aimPoint.SetActive(false); * } * } * * }*/ void StartGrapple() { if (grapplingState == GrapplingState.Normal) { GameObject close; if (Physics.Raycast(cameraTransform.position, cameraTransform.forward, out grappleHit, maxDistance, whatIsGrappleable)) { showRope = true; lr.positionCount = 2; //autoAim = false; StartGrappleHelper(grappleHit.collider.gameObject); grapplePoint = grappleHit.point; } else if (playerControl.GetGrapplingAutoAimStatus() && (close = FindGrapplePoint()) != null) { // should i make it actually shoot to the player showRope = true; lr.positionCount = 2; //autoAim = true; crosshair.ChangeCrossHairSize(); StartGrappleHelper(close.gameObject); grapplePoint = close.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.center; } } }