            public void AsCroppedInCorrectHeight(int imageIndex)
                var i         = imageIndex;
                var cropSetup = new CropSetup {
                    LeftPx = 27 * 16, RightPx = 29 * 16, TopPx = 1 * 7, BottomPx = 6 * 16
                var sourceFile = Common.GetSourceImagePath(i);
                var image      = ImageFrame.FromFile(sourceFile);

                Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => image.AsCroppedImage(cropSetup));
        /// <summary>
        /// Crops given image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to crop</param>
        /// <param name="cropSetup">Crop setup</param>
        /// <returns>Cropped image</returns>
        public static ImageFrame AsCroppedImage(this ImageFrame image, CropSetup cropSetup)
            if (!cropSetup.IsAnyCropSet())

            var newWidthPx  = image.ImageWidthPx - cropSetup.LeftPx - cropSetup.RightPx;
            var newHeightPx = image.ImageHeightPx - cropSetup.TopPx - cropSetup.BottomPx;

            var widthCheck = newWidthPx % 16;

            if (widthCheck != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("New width is not divisible by 16!");

            var heightCheck = newHeightPx % 16;

            if (heightCheck != 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("New height is not divisible by 16!");

            var newImage = new byte[(newWidthPx * 3 * newHeightPx) + image.HeaderBytesLength];

            //copy header from source and ...
            image.Image.CopyBytesTo(0, newImage, 0, image.HeaderBytesLength);

            //copy image bytes from source to new image
            var leftCropBytes      = (cropSetup.LeftPx * 3);
            var imageWidthBytes    = image.ImageWidthPx * 3;
            var newImageWidthBytes = (newWidthPx * 3);

            var destRow = 0;

            //read rows
            for (var i = cropSetup.BottomPx; i < newHeightPx + cropSetup.BottomPx; i++)
                var srcOffSet  = (leftCropBytes + (i * imageWidthBytes) + image.HeaderBytesLength);
                var destOffSet = (destRow++ *newImageWidthBytes + image.HeaderBytesLength);
                image.Image.CopyBytesTo(srcOffSet, newImage, destOffSet, newImageWidthBytes);

            var ret = new ImageFrame(newImage);

            //.. adjust header with new width and size
            ret.SetSizeInfo((uint)newImage.Length, newWidthPx, newHeightPx);
            public void AsHuffmanEncodedAndDecodedWithSave(int imageIndex)
                var i         = imageIndex;
                var cropSetup = new CropSetup {
                    LeftPx = 27 * 16, RightPx = 29 * 16, TopPx = 1 * 16, BottomPx = 6 * 16
                var sourceFile      = Common.GetSourceImagePath(i);
                var image           = ImageFrame.FromFile(sourceFile).AsCroppedImage(cropSetup).AsGrayScale();
                var encodedFilename = Common.GetSaveImagePath(i, "gray-huffman-encoded");

                var encoded         = new HuffmanImageFrame().Open(encodedFilename);
                var decodedFilename = Common.GetSaveImagePath(i, "gray-huffman-decoded.bmp");

                var decoded = ImageFrame.FromFile(decodedFilename);
