private void DoCropsEditorConnections(Node editor, TreeItem entry) { activeCrop = crops[entry]; if (activeCrop.Bonus == null) { activeCrop.Bonus = new CropData.Bonus_(); } DoEditorConnections(editor, activeCrop); var intEdit = editor.GetNode <SpinBox>("Texture/SubImageEditor/Values/SubRectWidth/SpinBox"); intEdit.Value = 128; intEdit.Editable = false; intEdit = editor.GetNode <SpinBox>("Texture/SubImageEditor/Values/SubRectHeight/SpinBox"); intEdit.Value = 32; intEdit.Editable = false; intEdit = editor.GetNode <SpinBox>("SeedTexture/SubImageEditor/Values/SubRectWidth/SpinBox"); intEdit.Value = 16; intEdit.Editable = false; intEdit = editor.GetNode <SpinBox>("SeedTexture/SubImageEditor/Values/SubRectHeight/SpinBox"); intEdit.Value = 16; intEdit.Editable = false; intEdit = editor.GetNode <SpinBox>("GiantTexture/SubImageEditor/Values/SubRectWidth/SpinBox"); intEdit.Value = 48; intEdit.Editable = false; intEdit = editor.GetNode <SpinBox>("GiantTexture/SubImageEditor/Values/SubRectHeight/SpinBox"); intEdit.Value = 63; intEdit.Editable = false; }
public void ReadCropData(string path) { cropData = JsonUtility.FromJson <CropData>(PlayerPrefs.GetString(path)); print("I have read my data sir: " + PlayerPrefs.GetString(path)); parent = GetComponentInParent <TileSystem>(); CheckGrowth(); }
public void RemoveCrop(CropData crop) { if (!crop) { return; } dieCrops.Add(crop); }
public void Init(CropData data, Field parent, Vector3 position) { Clear(); data.entity = this; Data = data; Data.OnStageChanged += OnStageChange; Parent = parent; transform.SetParent(parent.transform); transform.position = position; }
/// <summary> /// Crops the in-memory Image according to the arguments provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="image">The in-memory image to be cropped.</param> /// <param name="x">X coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle to be retained.</param> /// <param name="y">Y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle to be retained.</param> /// <param name="width">Width (in pixels) of the rectangle to be retained.</param> /// <param name="height">Height (in pixels) of the rectangle to be retained.</param> private static void CropImage(Image image, CropData cropData) { // Adjust crop values for scaled down preview image double scaleFactor = image.Width / cropData.prevW; image.Mutate(ctx => ctx.Crop( new Rectangle( (int)(cropData.x * scaleFactor), (int)(cropData.y * scaleFactor), (int)(cropData.width * scaleFactor), (int)(cropData.height * scaleFactor) ))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Crop(int id, CropData args) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Invalid arguments provided to crop image.")); } BaseMedia media = await _Db.Media.FindAsync(id); if (media == null) { return(NotFound("The requested media file does not exist.")); } ImageMedia oldImage = media as ImageMedia; if (oldImage == null) { return(BadRequest("Unable to crop non-image media file.")); } // Generate new GUID string filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(oldImage.Filename); // Save the file again, passing in crop data ImageUtils.SaveImage(await System.IO.File.ReadAllBytesAsync(oldImage.FilePath), Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Images", filename), args); ImageMedia newImage = new ImageMedia { Title = oldImage.Title, Alt = oldImage.Alt, Name = oldImage.Name + "_cropped", // other values provided by cropping code }; await _Db.AddAsync(newImage); await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); _Logger.LogDebug("Media file {0} cropped - new file ID is {1}", id, newImage.Id); return(Ok(newImage.Id)); // Todo: may want to pass back something else here } catch (Exception ex) { _Logger.LogError("Error cropping media file {0}: {1}", id, ex.Message); _Logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest("Something went wrong, please try again later.")); } }
private void SelectTile() { selectedTilePosition = tileMapReadController.GetGridPosition(Input.mousePosition, true); TileBase tileBase = tileMapReadController.GetTileBase(selectedTilePosition); try { TileData tileData = tileMapReadController.GetTileData(tileBase); if (!(tileData is null)) { if (!fields.ContainsKey((Vector2Int)selectedTilePosition)) { fields.Add((Vector2Int)selectedTilePosition, tileData); } else { fields[(Vector2Int)selectedTilePosition] = tileData; } } } catch { return; } selectedCropPosition = cropsReadController.GetGridPosition(Input.mousePosition, true); TileBase cropBase = cropsReadController.GetTileBase(selectedTilePosition); try { CropData cropData = cropsReadController.GetCropData(cropBase); if (!(cropData is null)) { if (!crops.ContainsKey((Vector2Int)selectedTilePosition)) { crops.Add((Vector2Int)selectedTilePosition, cropData); } else { crops[(Vector2Int)selectedTilePosition] = cropData; } } } catch { return; } }
private static unsafe SerializableDocument GetSerializable(DataObject data, out CropData cropData) { MemoryStream pixiStream = data.GetData("PIXI") as MemoryStream; SerializableDocument document = PixiParser.Deserialize(pixiStream); if (data.GetDataPresent(typeof(CropData))) { cropData = CropData.FromStream(data.GetData(typeof(CropData)) as MemoryStream); } else { cropData = new CropData(document.Width, document.Height, 0, 0); } return(document); }
public CropData PlantCrop(CropInformation crop) { if (!crop) { return(null); } if (spaceOccup < crop.Size) { return(null); } CropData cropData = new CropData(crop, this); Crops.Add(cropData); return(cropData); }
public void PlantCrop(CropInformation crop, Vector3 position) { if (!crop) { return; } if (FData.spaceOccup < crop.Size) { MessageManager.Instance.New("空间不足"); return; } CropData cropData = FData.PlantCrop(crop); if (cropData) { Crop entity = ObjectPool.Get(crop.Prefab, transform); entity.Init(cropData, this, position); NotifyCenter.PostNotify(FieldManager.FieldCropPlanted, this, cropData); } }
private void Clear() { if (Data && Data.Info) { GameManager.Crops.TryGetValue(Data.Info, out var crops); if (crops != null) { crops.Remove(this); if (crops.Count < 1) { GameManager.Crops.Remove(Data.Info); } } Data = null; } if (Parent) { Parent.Crops.Remove(this); Parent = null; } resourceInfo = null; UI = null; }
/// <summary> /// Saves an Image to the specified path and creates scaled down copies where appropriate. /// /// Use within a try-catch. /// </summary> /// <returns>Dictionary to be peristed in the database, under [ImageMedia.Filenames].</returns> public static Dictionary <string, dynamic> SaveImage(Image image, string path, CropData cropData = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentException("Path must not be null or empty."); } // If crop instructions are provided, crop the image before saving. if (cropData != null) { CropImage(image, cropData); } // Save the original image image.Save(path); // Save any required smaller versions of the image, return results to calling method. return(SaveScaledCopies(image, Path.GetFileName(path))); }
public static Dictionary <string, dynamic> SaveImage(string base64Image, string path, CropData cropData = null) { Image image = Image.Load(base64Image.DecodeBase64Bytes()); return(SaveImage(image, path, cropData)); }
public static Dictionary <string, dynamic> SaveImage(byte[] imageBytes, string path, CropData cropData = null) { Image image = Image.Load(imageBytes); return(SaveImage(image, path, cropData)); }
private void FillPlotInfo(Plot p) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Clear(); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Plot Summary"); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(p.PlotId + ": SoilType: " + p.getSoilType()); if (p.getNumberOfCrops() != 0) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Total Crops Set in Plot" + p.getNumberOfCrops().ToString()); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Crops Harvested: " + p.getNumberOfHarvestedCrops().ToString()); } else { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("No Crops Set in Plot"); } plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("------------------"); if (p.getNumberOfCrops() != 0) { if (p.plotWeeks[rcaea.simulation.CurrentWeek].isEmpty) { string[] Crops = p.getAllCropNamesInPlotWithStartEndDates(); foreach (string s in Crops) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(s); } } else { CropData currentPlot = p.GetCurrentCropData(); if (currentPlot != null) { if (currentPlot.getIsAlive()) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Currently Selected Crop"); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Set at " + rcaea.simulation.DateToString(currentPlot.GetBeginDate())); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Matured at: " + rcaea.simulation.DateToString(currentPlot.GetEndDate())); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Current Status: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.getHealth()); if (fertilizerCbx.SelectedIndex != 0) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Current Water Costs: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.GetWaterCost()); } if (wateringCbx.SelectedIndex != 0) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Current Fertilizer Costs: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(Convert.ToInt32(currentPlot.GetFertilizerCost())); } if (currentPlot.GetYield() != 0) { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Total Costs: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.GetTotalCost()); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Total Profit: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.getProfits()); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Yield: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.GetYield()); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Possible Yield: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.getIdealYield()); } } else { plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Currently Selected Crop"); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Set at " + rcaea.simulation.DateToString(currentPlot.GetBeginDate())); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add("Current Status: "); plotInfoLstbx.Items.Add(currentPlot.getHealth()); } } } } }
public void CompleteCrop(CropData cropData) { _host.CompleteCrop(cropData); }
private void loadData(IContentPack contentPack) {$"\t{contentPack.Manifest.Name} {contentPack.Manifest.Version} by {contentPack.Manifest.Author} - {contentPack.Manifest.Description}"); // load objects DirectoryInfo objectsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Objects")); if (objectsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in objectsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Objects/{dir.Name}"; // load data ObjectData obj = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <ObjectData>($"{relativePath}/object.json"); if (obj == null) { continue; } // save object obj.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/object.png"); if (obj.IsColored) { obj.textureColor = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/color.png"); } this.objects.Add(obj); // save ring if (obj.Category == ObjectData.Category_.Ring) { this.myRings.Add(obj); } // Duplicate check if (dupObjects.ContainsKey(obj.Name)) { Log.error($"Duplicate object: {obj.Name} just added by {contentPack.Manifest.Name}, already added by {dupObjects[obj.Name].Manifest.Name}!"); } else { dupObjects[obj.Name] = contentPack; } } } // load crops DirectoryInfo cropsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Crops")); if (cropsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in cropsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Crops/{dir.Name}"; // load data CropData crop = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <CropData>($"{relativePath}/crop.json"); if (crop == null) { continue; } // save crop crop.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/crop.png"); crops.Add(crop); // save seeds crop.seed = new ObjectData { texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/seeds.png"), Name = crop.SeedName, Description = crop.SeedDescription, Category = ObjectData.Category_.Seeds, Price = crop.SeedPurchasePrice, CanPurchase = true, PurchaseFrom = crop.SeedPurchaseFrom, PurchasePrice = crop.SeedPurchasePrice, PurchaseRequirements = crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements ?? new List <string>(), NameLocalization = crop.SeedNameLocalization, DescriptionLocalization = crop.SeedDescriptionLocalization }; // TODO: Clean up this chunk // I copy/pasted it from the unofficial update decompiled string str = ""; string[] array = new[] { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" } .Except(crop.Seasons) .ToArray(); foreach (var season in array) { str += $"/z {season}"; } string strtrimstart = str.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' }); if (crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements != null && crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements.Count > 0) { for (int index = 0; index < crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements.Count; index++) { if (SeasonLimiter.IsMatch(crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements[index])) { crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements[index] = strtrimstart; Log.warn($" Faulty season requirements for {crop.SeedName}!\n Fixed season requirements: {crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements[index]}"); } } if (!crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements.Contains(str.TrimStart('/'))) { Log.trace($" Adding season requirements for {crop.SeedName}:\n New season requirements: {strtrimstart}"); crop.seed.PurchaseRequirements.Add(strtrimstart); } } else { Log.trace($" Adding season requirements for {crop.SeedName}:\n New season requirements: {strtrimstart}"); crop.seed.PurchaseRequirements.Add(strtrimstart); } objects.Add(crop.seed); // Duplicate check if (dupCrops.ContainsKey(crop.Name)) { Log.error($"Duplicate crop: {crop.Name} just added by {contentPack.Manifest.Name}, already added by {dupCrops[crop.Name].Manifest.Name}!"); } else { dupCrops[crop.Name] = contentPack; } } } // load fruit trees DirectoryInfo fruitTreesDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "FruitTrees")); if (fruitTreesDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in fruitTreesDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"FruitTrees/{dir.Name}"; // load data FruitTreeData tree = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <FruitTreeData>($"{relativePath}/tree.json"); if (tree == null) { continue; } // save fruit tree tree.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/tree.png"); fruitTrees.Add(tree); // save seed tree.sapling = new ObjectData { texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/sapling.png"), Name = tree.SaplingName, Description = tree.SaplingDescription, Category = ObjectData.Category_.Seeds, Price = tree.SaplingPurchasePrice, CanPurchase = true, PurchaseRequirements = tree.SaplingPurchaseRequirements, PurchaseFrom = tree.SaplingPurchaseFrom, PurchasePrice = tree.SaplingPurchasePrice, NameLocalization = tree.SaplingNameLocalization, DescriptionLocalization = tree.SaplingDescriptionLocalization }; objects.Add(tree.sapling); // Duplicate check if (dupFruitTrees.ContainsKey(tree.Name)) { Log.error($"Duplicate fruit tree: {tree.Name} just added by {contentPack.Manifest.Name}, already added by {dupFruitTrees[tree.Name].Manifest.Name}!"); } else { dupFruitTrees[tree.Name] = contentPack; } } } // load big craftables DirectoryInfo bigCraftablesDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "BigCraftables")); if (bigCraftablesDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in bigCraftablesDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"BigCraftables/{dir.Name}"; // load data BigCraftableData craftable = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <BigCraftableData>($"{relativePath}/big-craftable.json"); if (craftable == null) { continue; } // save craftable craftable.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/big-craftable.png"); bigCraftables.Add(craftable); // Duplicate check if (dupBigCraftables.ContainsKey(craftable.Name)) { Log.error($"Duplicate big craftable: {craftable.Name} just added by {contentPack.Manifest.Name}, already added by {dupBigCraftables[craftable.Name].Manifest.Name}!"); } else { dupBigCraftables[craftable.Name] = contentPack; } } } // load hats DirectoryInfo hatsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Hats")); if (hatsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in hatsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Hats/{dir.Name}"; // load data HatData hat = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <HatData>($"{relativePath}/hat.json"); if (hat == null) { continue; } // save object hat.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/hat.png"); hats.Add(hat); // Duplicate check if (dupHats.ContainsKey(hat.Name)) { Log.error($"Duplicate hat: {hat.Name} just added by {contentPack.Manifest.Name}, already added by {dupHats[hat.Name].Manifest.Name}!"); } else { dupBigCraftables[hat.Name] = contentPack; } } } // Load weapons // load objects DirectoryInfo weaponsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Weapons")); if (weaponsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in weaponsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Weapons/{dir.Name}"; // load data WeaponData weapon = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <WeaponData>($"{relativePath}/weapon.json"); if (weapon == null) { continue; } // save object weapon.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/weapon.png"); weapons.Add(weapon); // Duplicate check if (dupWeapons.ContainsKey(weapon.Name)) { Log.error($"Duplicate weapon: {weapon.Name} just added by {contentPack.Manifest.Name}, already added by {dupWeapons[weapon.Name].Manifest.Name}!"); } else { dupBigCraftables[weapon.Name] = contentPack; } } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(IFormCollection request) { try { // Create required directories if not existing EnsureInit(); // Deserialize cropping data if applicable CropData cropData = null; if (request.Str("cropData") != null) { cropData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CropData>(request.Str("cropData")); } // Original filename string uploadedName = request.Str("filename"); // Generate a backend filename for the uploaded file - same extension as uploaded file. string filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(uploadedName); string fileType = request.Str("fileType"); // Determine what type of file has been uploaded and act accordingly (may want to refactor these) // FOR IMAGES if (MediaType.MimesForCategory(MediaCategory.Image).Contains(fileType)) { string filepath = Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Images", filename); // Save image and all associated versions of it. var filedata = ImageUtils.SaveImage(request.Str("file") .Split(',')[1], filepath, cropData); // Create database record to track images ImageMedia dbImageMedia = new ImageMedia { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uploadedName), MediaType = MediaType.FromString(fileType), FilePath = filepath, Size = filedata["size"], Title = request.Str("title"), Alt = request.Str("alt"), Width = filedata["width"], Height = filedata["height"], Versions = filedata["versions"] }; await _Db.AddAsync(dbImageMedia); } // FOR AUDIO else if (MediaType.MimesForCategory(MediaCategory.Audio).Contains(fileType)) { string filepath = Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Audio", filename); // Save the audio file byte[] bytes = request.Str("file").Split(',')[1].DecodeBase64Bytes(); await System.IO.File.WriteAllBytesAsync(filepath, bytes); // Read the audio file to determine its duration - it will either be mp3(mpeg) or wav // Configure ffprobe path using appsettings values FFProbe probe = new FFProbe(); probe.ToolPath = _Config["ffprobePath"]; // If running linux, look for ffprobe instaed of ffprobe.exe if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { probe.FFProbeExeName = "ffprobe"; } // Get audio file metadata MediaInfo mediaInfo = probe.GetMediaInfo(Path.Combine(_HostingEnv.ContentRootPath, filepath)); // Create the media database record AudioMedia audioMedia = new AudioMedia { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uploadedName), MediaType = MediaType.FromString(fileType), FilePath = filepath, Size = new FileInfo(filepath).Length, Duration = Math.Round(mediaInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds) }; await _Db.AddAsync(audioMedia); } // FOR GENERAL else if (MediaType.MimesForCategory(MediaCategory.General).Contains(fileType)) { string filepath = Path.Combine("Storage", "Media", "Documents", filename); // Save the file byte[] bytes = request.Str("file").Split(',')[1].DecodeBase64Bytes(); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, bytes); // Create the media database record GeneralMedia generalMedia = new GeneralMedia { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uploadedName), MediaType = MediaType.FromString(fileType), FilePath = filepath, Size = new FileInfo(filepath).Length, }; await _Db.AddAsync(generalMedia); } else { return(new UnsupportedMediaTypeResult()); } await _Db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { _Logger.LogError("Error uploading file: {0}", ex.Message); _Logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest(new ResponseHelper("Something went wrong, please contact the devloper if the problem persists", ex.Message))); } }
private void loadData(IContentPack contentPack) {$"\t{contentPack.Manifest.Name} {contentPack.Manifest.Version} by {contentPack.Manifest.Author} - {contentPack.Manifest.Description}"); // load objects DirectoryInfo objectsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Objects")); if (objectsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in objectsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Objects/{dir.Name}"; // load data ObjectData obj = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <ObjectData>($"{relativePath}/object.json"); if (obj == null) { continue; } // save object obj.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/object.png"); if (obj.IsColored) { obj.textureColor = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/color.png"); } this.objects.Add(obj); // save ring if (obj.Category == ObjectData.Category_.Ring) { this.myRings.Add(obj); } } } // load crops DirectoryInfo cropsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Crops")); if (cropsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in cropsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Crops/{dir.Name}"; // load data CropData crop = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <CropData>($"{relativePath}/crop.json"); if (crop == null) { continue; } // save crop crop.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/crop.png"); crops.Add(crop); // save seeds crop.seed = new ObjectData { texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/seeds.png"), Name = crop.SeedName, Description = crop.SeedDescription, Category = ObjectData.Category_.Seeds, Price = crop.SeedPurchasePrice, CanPurchase = true, PurchaseFrom = crop.SeedPurchaseFrom, PurchasePrice = crop.SeedPurchasePrice, PurchaseRequirements = crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements ?? new List <string>() }; // TODO: Clean up this chunk // I copy/pasted it from the unofficial update decompiled string str = ""; string[] array = new string[] { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" }.Except(crop.Seasons).ToArray <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string season = array[i]; str += string.Format("/z {0}", season); } string strtrimstart = str.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' }); if (crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements != null && crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements.Count > 0) { for (int index = 0; index < crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements.Count; index++) { if (SeasonLimiter.IsMatch(crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements[index])) { crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements[index] = strtrimstart; Log.warn(string.Format(" Faulty season requirements for {0}!\n", crop.SeedName) + string.Format(" Fixed season requirements: {0}", crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements[index])); } } if (!crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements.Contains(str.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' }))) { Log.trace(string.Format(" Adding season requirements for {0}:\n", crop.SeedName) + string.Format(" New season requirements: {0}", strtrimstart)); crop.seed.PurchaseRequirements.Add(strtrimstart); } } else { Log.trace(string.Format(" Adding season requirements for {0}:\n", crop.SeedName) + string.Format(" New season requirements: {0}", strtrimstart)); crop.seed.PurchaseRequirements.Add(strtrimstart); } objects.Add(crop.seed); } } // load fruit trees DirectoryInfo fruitTreesDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "FruitTrees")); if (fruitTreesDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in fruitTreesDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"FruitTrees/{dir.Name}"; // load data FruitTreeData tree = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <FruitTreeData>($"{relativePath}/tree.json"); if (tree == null) { continue; } // save fruit tree tree.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/tree.png"); fruitTrees.Add(tree); // save seed tree.sapling = new ObjectData { texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/sapling.png"), Name = tree.SaplingName, Description = tree.SaplingDescription, Category = ObjectData.Category_.Seeds, Price = tree.SaplingPurchasePrice, CanPurchase = true, PurchaseRequirements = tree.SaplingPurchaseRequirements, PurchaseFrom = tree.SaplingPurchaseFrom, PurchasePrice = tree.SaplingPurchasePrice }; objects.Add(tree.sapling); } } // load big craftables DirectoryInfo bigCraftablesDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "BigCraftables")); if (bigCraftablesDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in bigCraftablesDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"BigCraftables/{dir.Name}"; // load data BigCraftableData craftable = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <BigCraftableData>($"{relativePath}/big-craftable.json"); if (craftable == null) { continue; } // save craftable craftable.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/big-craftable.png"); bigCraftables.Add(craftable); } } // load objects DirectoryInfo hatsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Hats")); if (hatsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in hatsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Hats/{dir.Name}"; // load data HatData hat = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <HatData>($"{relativePath}/hat.json"); if (hat == null) { continue; } // save object hat.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/hat.png"); hats.Add(hat); } } }
private void loadData(IContentPack contentPack) {$"\t{contentPack.Manifest.Name} {contentPack.Manifest.Version} by {contentPack.Manifest.Author} - {contentPack.Manifest.Description}"); // load objects DirectoryInfo objectsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Objects")); if (objectsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in objectsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Objects/{dir.Name}"; // load data ObjectData obj = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <ObjectData>($"{relativePath}/object.json"); if (obj == null) { continue; } // save object obj.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/object.png"); if (obj.IsColored) { obj.textureColor = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/color.png"); } this.objects.Add(obj); // save ring if (obj.Category == ObjectData.Category_.Ring) { this.myRings.Add(obj); } } } // load crops DirectoryInfo cropsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Crops")); if (cropsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in cropsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Crops/{dir.Name}"; // load data CropData crop = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <CropData>($"{relativePath}/crop.json"); if (crop == null) { continue; } // save crop crop.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/crop.png"); crops.Add(crop); // save seeds crop.seed = new ObjectData { texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/seeds.png"), Name = crop.SeedName, Description = crop.SeedDescription, Category = ObjectData.Category_.Seeds, Price = crop.SeedPurchasePrice, CanPurchase = true, PurchaseFrom = crop.SeedPurchaseFrom, PurchasePrice = crop.SeedPurchasePrice, PurchaseRequirements = crop.SeedPurchaseRequirements ?? new List <string>() }; string[] excludeSeasons = new[] { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" }.Except(crop.Seasons).ToArray(); crop.seed.PurchaseRequirements.Add($"z {string.Join(" ", excludeSeasons)}"); objects.Add(crop.seed); } } // load fruit trees DirectoryInfo fruitTreesDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "FruitTrees")); if (fruitTreesDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in fruitTreesDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"FruitTrees/{dir.Name}"; // load data FruitTreeData tree = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <FruitTreeData>($"{relativePath}/tree.json"); if (tree == null) { continue; } // save fruit tree tree.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/tree.png"); fruitTrees.Add(tree); // save seed tree.sapling = new ObjectData { texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/sapling.png"), Name = tree.SaplingName, Description = tree.SaplingDescription, Category = ObjectData.Category_.Seeds, Price = tree.SaplingPurchasePrice, CanPurchase = true, PurchaseRequirements = tree.SaplingPurchaseRequirements, PurchaseFrom = tree.SaplingPurchaseFrom, PurchasePrice = tree.SaplingPurchasePrice }; objects.Add(tree.sapling); } } // load big craftables DirectoryInfo bigCraftablesDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "BigCraftables")); if (bigCraftablesDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in bigCraftablesDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"BigCraftables/{dir.Name}"; // load data BigCraftableData craftable = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <BigCraftableData>($"{relativePath}/big-craftable.json"); if (craftable == null) { continue; } // save craftable craftable.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/big-craftable.png"); bigCraftables.Add(craftable); } } // load objects DirectoryInfo hatsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(contentPack.DirectoryPath, "Hats")); if (hatsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in hatsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { string relativePath = $"Hats/{dir.Name}"; // load data HatData hat = contentPack.ReadJsonFile <HatData>($"{relativePath}/hat.json"); if (hat == null) { continue; } // save object hat.texture = contentPack.LoadAsset <Texture2D>($"{relativePath}/hat.png"); hats.Add(hat); } } }