        private string FormatBeholdLine(SocketUserMessage message, CrewData crew)
            List <string> result = new List <string>();

            result.Add($"[Full details for {crew.name}]({_datacoreURL}crew/{crew.symbol}/)");

            result.Add(FormatCrewStatsWithEmotes(message, crew));

            var rankLine = $"Voyage #{crew.ranks.voyRank}, Gauntlet #{crew.ranks.gauntletRank}, {(crew.events.HasValue ? crew.events.Value : 0)} events, {crew.collections.Count()} collections";

            if (crew.bigbook_tier.HasValue)
                rankLine += $", Big book **tier {crew.bigbook_tier.Value}**";

            var coolRanks = CrewFormatter.FormatCrewCoolRanks(crew, true);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(coolRanks))

            return(string.Join("\n", result));
    private void InitEmployeeContent(ref List <EmployeeContent> contentList, ref Transform contentTransform)
        contentList = new List <EmployeeContent>();
        for (int i = 0; i < contentTransform.childCount; i++)
            contentList.Add(contentTransform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <EmployeeContent>());

            CrewData crewData = contentList[i].CrewData == null
                ? (CrewData)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(CrewData))
                : contentList[i].CrewData;


        foreach (EmployeeContent content in contentList)
            CrewData crewData = content.CrewData;
            content.transform.SetParent(crewData.isHired ? _crewTransform : _unemployedTransform);

            if (!_crew.crewDataList.Contains(crewData) && crewData.isHired)
            else if (_crew.crewDataList.Contains(crewData) && !crewData.isHired)
 private static string FormatCrewStatsWithEmotes(SocketUserMessage message, CrewData crew, int raritySearch = 0, bool forGauntlet = false)
     return(string.Join(" ", CrewFormatter.FormatCrewStats(crew, true, raritySearch, forGauntlet).Select(s => $"{s.Replace("^", " ")}"))
            .Replace("SCI", GetEmoteOrString(message, "sci", "SCI"))
            .Replace("SEC", GetEmoteOrString(message, "sec", "SEC"))
            .Replace("ENG", GetEmoteOrString(message, "eng", "ENG"))
            .Replace("DIP", GetEmoteOrString(message, "dip", "DIP"))
            .Replace("CMD", GetEmoteOrString(message, "cmd", "CMD"))
            .Replace("MED", GetEmoteOrString(message, "med", "MED")));
    public void UpdateUI(CrewData crewData)
        _crewData = crewData;

        _portrait.sprite = _crewData.sprite;
        _name.text       = _crewData.crewName;
        _age.text        = $"{_crewData.age}";
        _gender.text     = $"{_crewData.gender}";
        _quirk.text      = _crewData.quirk;
        _length.text     = $"{_crewData.lengthCM}cm";
        _profession.text = $"{_crewData.profession}";
        _bloodType.text  = _bloodTypes[(int)_crewData.bloodType];
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DataTable crewPanels = CsvReader.GetCrewPanels();
            DataTable jsPanels   = CsvReader.GetPanels();
            DataTable plannedJs  = CrewData.GetOffPeriods();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataRow crewRow in crewPanels.Rows)
                string partTimeType = crewRow["Part Time Type"].ToString();

                if (partTimeType != "FT")
                    string crewMember = crewRow[0].ToString();

                    var crewPlannedJs = plannedJs.Select($"P_LTR_CODE = '{crewMember}'");

                    List <DateTime> plannedDates = GetPlannedDates(crewPlannedJs);

                    foreach (DataRow jsRow in jsPanels.Rows)
                        if (jsRow[partTimeType].ToString() == "1")
                            DateTime panelDate = DateTime.Parse(jsRow[0].ToString());
                            if (plannedDates.Contains(panelDate) == false)
                                sb.AppendLine($"{crewMember} does not match panel {partTimeType}");
                    string crewMember = crewRow[0].ToString();

                    var crewPlannedJs = plannedJs.Select($"P_LTR_CODE = '{crewMember}'");

                    if (crewPlannedJs.Count() > 0)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{crewMember} does not match panel {partTimeType}");

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\\Users\\david.bracken\\OneDrive - TUI\\Documents\\Furlough\\CC Infor\\Panel Errors.txt", sb.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        ///List halinde bir veya birden fazla Crew datası iletir.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        private static void CrewData_Post(HttpClient client)
            CrewData crewData = new CrewData()
                Crew = new List <Crew> {
                    new Crew {
                        CrewId    = "000111", Airline = "SXS", Airport = "AYT",
                        FirstName = "SAM", LastName = "BROWN", Title = "SE",
                        StartDate = "2019-07-01Z", EndDate = "2019-08-01Z"
                    new Crew {
                        CrewId    = "000222", Airline = "SXS", Airport = "AYT",
                        FirstName = "JOHN", LastName = "WHITE", Title = "SE",
                        StartDate = "2019-07-01Z", EndDate = "2019-08-01Z"
                    new Crew {
                        CrewId    = "000333", Airline = "SXS", Airport = "AYT",
                        FirstName = "CHARLES", LastName = "BARKLEY", Title = "SE",
                        StartDate = "2019-07-01Z", EndDate = "2019-08-01Z"

            CrewDataRootObject root = new CrewDataRootObject();

            root.CrewData = crewData;

            string jsonContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root);

            string apiQuery = ($"/api/CrewData/Post?user={username}&pass={password}");

            Uri url = new Uri(client.BaseAddress + apiQuery);

            var postTask = client.PostAsJsonAsync(url, root);


            var result = postTask.Result;

            var innerMsg = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            Console.WriteLine($"{(Int32)result.StatusCode}, {result.ReasonPhrase},{innerMsg}");
        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode configNode)
            vesselsCreated      = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "vesselsCreated");
            deferVesselCreation = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool?>(configNode, "deferVesselCreation", (bool?)false).Value;

            foreach (ConfigNode child in configNode.GetNodes("VESSEL_DETAIL"))
                // Read all the orbit data
                VesselData vd = new VesselData();
                vd.name       = child.GetValue("name");
                vd.id         = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Guid?>(child, "id", (Guid?)null);
                vd.craftURL   = child.GetValue("craftURL");
                vd.craftPart  = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <AvailablePart>(child, "craftPart", null);
                vd.flagURL    = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "flagURL", (string)null);
                vd.vesselType = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <VesselType>(child, "vesselType");
                vd.body       = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(child, "body");
                vd.latitude   = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lat");
                vd.longitude  = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lon");
                vd.altitude   = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double?>(child, "alt", (double?)null);
                vd.heading    = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "heading", 0.0f);
                vd.pitch      = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "pitch", 0.0f);
                vd.roll       = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "roll", 0.0f);
                vd.orbiting   = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool?>(child, "orbiting", (bool?)child.HasNode("ORBIT")).Value;
                vd.owned      = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(child, "owned");

                if (child.HasNode("ORBIT"))
                    vd.orbit = new OrbitSnapshot(child.GetNode("ORBIT")).Load();

                // Load crew data
                foreach (ConfigNode crewNode in child.GetNodes("CREW"))
                    CrewData cd = new CrewData();

                    cd.name        = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(crewNode, "name", (string)null);
                    cd.addToRoster = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(crewNode, "addToRoster");


                // Add to the global list
    private void SetEmployeeStatus(bool hire)
        CrewData crewData = _employeeContract.CrewData;

        crewData.isHired = hire;

        if (hire)

        _currentEmployeeContent.transform.SetParent(hire ? _crewTransform : _unemployedTransform);

        public static SpawnVessel Create(ConfigNode configNode, SpawnVesselFactory factory)
            SpawnVessel spawnVessel = new SpawnVessel();

            ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(configNode, "deferVesselCreation", x => spawnVessel.deferVesselCreation = x, factory, false);

            bool valid = true;
            int  index = 0;

            foreach (ConfigNode child in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "VESSEL"))
                DataNode dataNode = new DataNode("VESSEL_" + index++, factory.dataNode, factory);

                    VesselData vessel = new VesselData();

                    // Get name
                    if (child.HasValue("name"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "name", x => vessel.name = x, factory);

                    // Get craft details
                    if (child.HasValue("craftURL"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "craftURL", x => vessel.craftURL = x, factory);
                    if (child.HasValue("craftPart"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <AvailablePart>(child, "craftPart", x => vessel.craftPart = x, factory);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.AtLeastOne(child, new string[] { "craftURL", "craftPart" }, factory);

                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "flagURL", x => vessel.flagURL = x, factory, (string)null);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <VesselType>(child, "vesselType", x => vessel.vesselType = x, factory, VesselType.Ship);

                    // Use an expression to default - then it'll work for dynamic contracts
                    if (!child.HasValue("targetBody"))
                        child.AddValue("targetBody", "@/targetBody");
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(child, "targetBody", x => vessel.body = x, factory);

                    // Get landed stuff
                    if (child.HasValue("pqsCity"))
                        string pqsCityStr = null;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "pqsCity", x => pqsCityStr = x, factory);
                        if (pqsCityStr != null)
                                vessel.pqsCity = vessel.body.GetComponentsInChildren <PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == pqsCityStr).First();
                            catch (Exception e)
                                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(WaypointGenerator), "Couldn't load PQSCity with name '" + pqsCityStr + "'");
                                valid = false;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Vector3d>(child, "pqsOffset", x => vessel.pqsOffset = x, factory, new Vector3d());

                        // Don't expect these to load anything, but do it to mark as initialized
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lat", x => vessel.latitude = x, factory, 0.0);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lon", x => vessel.longitude = x, factory, 0.0);

                        // Do load alt and height
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double?>(child, "alt", x => vessel.altitude = x, factory, (double?)null);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "height", x => vessel.height = x, factory,
                                                                   !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vessel.craftURL) ? 0.0f : 2.5f);
                        vessel.orbiting = false;
                    else if (child.HasValue("lat") && child.HasValue("lon"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lat", x => vessel.latitude = x, factory);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lon", x => vessel.longitude = x, factory);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double?>(child, "alt", x => vessel.altitude = x, factory, (double?)null);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "height", x => vessel.height = x, factory,
                                                                   !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vessel.craftURL) ? 0.0f : 2.5f);
                        vessel.orbiting = false;
                    // Get orbit
                        valid          &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Orbit>(child, "ORBIT", x => vessel.orbit = x, factory);
                        vessel.orbiting = true;

                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "heading", x => vessel.heading = x, factory, 0.0f);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "pitch", x => vessel.pitch = x, factory, 0.0f);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <float>(child, "roll", x => vessel.roll = x, factory, 0.0f);

                    // Get additional flags
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(child, "owned", x => vessel.owned = x, factory, false);

                    // Handle the CREW nodes
                    foreach (ConfigNode crewNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(child, "CREW"))
                        int count = 1;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(crewNode, "count", x => count = x, factory, 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            CrewData cd = new CrewData();

                            // Read crew details
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(crewNode, "name", x => cd.name = x, factory, (string)null);
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(crewNode, "addToRoster", x => cd.addToRoster = x, factory, true);

                            // Check for unexpected values
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(crewNode, factory);

                            // Add the record

                    // Check for unexpected values
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(child, factory);

                    // Add to the list

            if (!configNode.HasNode("VESSEL"))
                valid = false;
                LoggingUtil.LogError(factory, "SpawnVessel requires at least one VESSEL node.");

            return(valid ? spawnVessel : null);
        public static List <BaseCrew> GetCrewData()
            List <BaseCrew> retList = new List <BaseCrew>();

            Manager m1 = new Manager
                CrewId          = "89201",
                CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**",
                CrewExtension   = "55545",
                CrewPhoneNumber = "4435680439",
                FirstName       = "Michael",
                LastName        = "Cavallo",
                ProductList     = new List <ProductData>
                    new ProductData {
                        ProductName    = "Balances and Holdings",
                        ProductOwner   = "Theresa Young",
                        TechnicalOwner = "Michael Cavallo"
                    new ProductData {
                        ProductName    = "Address",
                        ProductOwner   = "Theresa Young",
                        TechnicalOwner = "Michael Cavallo"
                    new ProductData {
                        ProductName    = "Portfolio Watch",
                        ProductOwner   = "Theresa Young",
                        TechnicalOwner = "Michael Cavallo"

            ProjectManager pm1 = new ProjectManager
                CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName       = "Jae",
                LastName        = "Lee",
                CrewExtension   = "99341",
                CrewPhoneNumber = "22049385550",
                ManagerId       = m1.CrewId,
                CrewId          = "10592"

            CrewData c1  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c2  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c3  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c4  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c5  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c6  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c7  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c8  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c9  = new CrewData();
            CrewData c10 = new CrewData();

            // retList.Add(m1);
            // retList.Add(pm1);

            c1.FirstName       = "Yumi";
            c1.LastName        = "Yu";
            c1.CrewExtension   = "83942";
            c1.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c1.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c1.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c1.CrewPhoneNumber = "2839482127";
            c1.CrewId          = "12345";

            c2.FirstName       = "Alex";
            c2.LastName        = "Jones";
            c2.CrewExtension   = "77483";
            c2.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c2.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c2.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c2.CrewPhoneNumber = "1039459304";
            c2.CrewId          = "23456";

            c3.FirstName       = "Jack";
            c3.LastName        = "Son";
            c3.CrewExtension   = "88293";
            c3.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c3.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c3.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c3.CrewPhoneNumber = "3049587302";
            c3.CrewId          = "34567";

            c4.FirstName       = "Lauren";
            c4.LastName        = "Haggle";
            c4.CrewExtension   = "11039";
            c4.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c4.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c4.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c4.CrewPhoneNumber = "1043998930";
            c4.CrewId          = "45678";

            c5.FirstName       = "Arthor";
            c5.LastName        = "Ash";
            c6.CrewExtension   = "20394";
            c5.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c5.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c5.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c5.CrewPhoneNumber = "1034931098";
            c5.CrewId          = "77458";

            c6.FirstName       = "Thor";
            c6.LastName        = "Ragnorok";
            c7.CrewExtension   = "920387";
            c6.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c6.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c6.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c6.CrewPhoneNumber = "7069854730";
            c6.CrewId          = "92034";

            c7.FirstName       = "Peter";
            c7.LastName        = "Parker";
            c7.CrewExtension   = "77869";
            c7.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c7.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c7.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c7.CrewPhoneNumber = "9074520980";
            c7.CrewId          = "11830";

            c8.FirstName       = "Brandon";
            c8.LastName        = "Bjergson";
            c8.CrewExtension   = "20394";
            c8.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c8.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c8.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c8.CrewPhoneNumber = "6098753200";
            c8.CrewId          = "75982";

            c9.FirstName       = "Zack";
            c9.LastName        = "Johnson";
            c9.CrewExtension   = "90125";
            c9.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c9.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c9.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c9.CrewPhoneNumber = "30234534908";
            c9.CrewId          = "22309";

            c10.FirstName       = "Akiko";
            c10.LastName        = "Yokosama";
            c10.CrewExtension   = "50184";
            c10.CrewManagerId   = m1.CrewId;
            c10.CrewPMId        = pm1.CrewId;
            c10.CrewEmail       = "*****@*****.**";
            c10.CrewPhoneNumber = "3027784747";
            c10.CrewId          = "88930";

        protected override void OnLoad(ConfigNode configNode)
            vesselsCreated = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(configNode, "vesselsCreated");
            deferVesselCreation = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool?>(configNode, "deferVesselCreation", (bool?)false).Value;

            foreach (ConfigNode child in configNode.GetNodes("VESSEL_DETAIL"))
                // Read all the orbit data
                VesselData vd = new VesselData();
                vd.name = child.GetValue("name");
                vd.id = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<Guid?>(child, "id", (Guid?)null);
                vd.craftURL = child.GetValue("craftURL");
                vd.flagURL = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "flagURL", (string)null);
                vd.vesselType = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<VesselType>(child, "vesselType");
                vd.body = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<CelestialBody>(child, "body");
                vd.latitude = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lat");
                vd.longitude = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lon");
                vd.altitude = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double?>(child, "alt", (double?)null);
                vd.heading = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "heading", 0.0f);
                vd.pitch = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "pitch", 0.0f);
                vd.roll = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "roll", 0.0f);
                vd.orbiting = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool?>(child, "orbiting", (bool?)child.HasNode("ORBIT")).Value;
                vd.owned = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(child, "owned");

                if (child.HasNode("ORBIT"))
                    vd.orbit = new OrbitSnapshot(child.GetNode("ORBIT")).Load();

                // Load crew data
                foreach (ConfigNode crewNode in child.GetNodes("CREW"))
                    CrewData cd = new CrewData();

                    cd.name = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(crewNode, "name", (string)null);
                    cd.addToRoster = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(crewNode, "addToRoster");


                // Add to the global list
 public CrewData(CrewData cd)
     name = cd.name;
     gender = cd.gender;
     addToRoster = cd.addToRoster;
        public static SpawnVessel Create(ConfigNode configNode, SpawnVesselFactory factory)
            SpawnVessel spawnVessel = new SpawnVessel();

            ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(configNode, "deferVesselCreation", x => spawnVessel.deferVesselCreation = x, factory, false);

            bool valid = true;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (ConfigNode child in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "VESSEL"))
                DataNode dataNode = new DataNode("VESSEL_" + index++, factory.dataNode, factory);

                    VesselData vessel = new VesselData();

                    // Get name
                    if (child.HasValue("name"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "name", x => vessel.name = x, factory);

                    // Get craft details
                    if (child.HasValue("craftURL"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "craftURL", x => vessel.craftURL = x, factory);
                    if (child.HasValue("craftPart"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<AvailablePart>(child, "craftPart", x => vessel.craftPart = x, factory);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.AtLeastOne(child, new string[] { "craftURL", "craftPart" }, factory);

                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "flagURL", x => vessel.flagURL = x, factory, (string)null);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<VesselType>(child, "vesselType", x => vessel.vesselType = x, factory, VesselType.Ship);

                    // Use an expression to default - then it'll work for dynamic contracts
                    if (!child.HasValue("targetBody"))
                        child.AddValue("targetBody", "@/targetBody");
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<CelestialBody>(child, "targetBody", x => vessel.body = x, factory);

                    // Get landed stuff
                    if (child.HasValue("pqsCity"))
                        string pqsCityStr = null;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "pqsCity", x => pqsCityStr = x, factory);
                        if (pqsCityStr != null)
                                vessel.pqsCity = vessel.body.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSCity>(true).Where(pqs => pqs.name == pqsCityStr).First();
                            catch (Exception e)
                                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(WaypointGenerator), "Couldn't load PQSCity with name '" + pqsCityStr + "'");
                                valid = false;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<Vector3d>(child, "pqsOffset", x => vessel.pqsOffset = x, factory, new Vector3d());

                        // Don't expect these to load anything, but do it to mark as initialized
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lat", x => vessel.latitude = x, factory, 0.0);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lon", x => vessel.longitude = x, factory, 0.0);

                        // Do load alt and height
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double?>(child, "alt", x => vessel.altitude = x, factory, (double?)null);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "height", x => vessel.height = x, factory,
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vessel.craftURL) ? 0.0f : 2.5f);
                        vessel.orbiting = false;

                        // Generate PQS city coordinates
                        LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(factory, "Generating coordinates from PQS city for Vessel " + vessel.name);

                        // Translate by the PQS offset (inverse transform of coordinate system)
                        Vector3d position = vessel.pqsCity.transform.position;
                        Vector3d v = vessel.pqsOffset;
                        Vector3d i = vessel.pqsCity.transform.right;
                        Vector3d j = vessel.pqsCity.transform.forward;
                        Vector3d k = vessel.pqsCity.transform.up;
                        Vector3d offsetPos = new Vector3d(
                            (j.y * k.z - j.z * k.y) * v.x + (i.z * k.y - i.y * k.z) * v.y + (i.y * j.z - i.z * j.y) * v.z,
                            (j.z * k.x - j.x * k.z) * v.x + (i.x * k.z - i.z * k.x) * v.y + (i.z * j.x - i.x * j.z) * v.z,
                            (j.x * k.y - j.y * k.x) * v.x + (i.y * k.x - i.x * k.y) * v.y + (i.x * j.y - i.y * j.x) * v.z
                        offsetPos *= (i.x * j.y * k.z) + (i.y * j.z * k.x) + (i.z * j.x * k.y) - (i.z * j.y * k.x) - (i.y * j.x * k.z) - (i.x * j.z * k.y);
                        vessel.latitude = vessel.body.GetLatitude(position + offsetPos);
                        vessel.longitude = vessel.body.GetLongitude(position + offsetPos);
                    else if (child.HasValue("lat") && child.HasValue("lon"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lat", x => vessel.latitude = x, factory);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lon", x => vessel.longitude = x, factory);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double?>(child, "alt", x => vessel.altitude = x, factory, (double?)null);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "height", x => vessel.height = x, factory,
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vessel.craftURL) ? 0.0f : 2.5f);
                        vessel.orbiting = false;
                    // Get orbit
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<Orbit>(child, "ORBIT", x => vessel.orbit = x, factory);
                        vessel.orbiting = true;

                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "heading", x => vessel.heading = x, factory, 0.0f);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "pitch", x => vessel.pitch = x, factory, 0.0f);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "roll", x => vessel.roll = x, factory, 0.0f);

                    // Get additional flags
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(child, "owned", x => vessel.owned = x, factory, false);

                    // Handle the CREW nodes
                    foreach (ConfigNode crewNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(child, "CREW"))
                        int count = 1;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<int>(crewNode, "count", x => count = x, factory, 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            CrewData cd = new CrewData();

                            // Read crew details
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(crewNode, "name", x => cd.name = x, factory, (string)null);
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(crewNode, "addToRoster", x => cd.addToRoster = x, factory, true);

                            // Check for unexpected values
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(crewNode, factory);

                            // Add the record

                    // Check for unexpected values
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(child, factory);

                    // Add to the list

            if (!configNode.HasNode("VESSEL"))
                valid = false;
                LoggingUtil.LogError(factory, "SpawnVessel requires at least one VESSEL node.");

            return valid ? spawnVessel : null;
        public static SpawnVessel Create(ConfigNode configNode, CelestialBody defaultBody, SpawnVesselFactory factory)
            SpawnVessel spawnVessel = new SpawnVessel();

            bool valid = true;
            int  index = 0;

            foreach (ConfigNode child in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "VESSEL"))
                DataNode dataNode = new DataNode("VESSEL_" + index++, factory.dataNode, factory);

                    VesselData vessel = new VesselData();

                    // Get name
                    if (child.HasValue("name"))
                        vessel.name = child.GetValue("name");

                    // Get paths
                    vessel.craftURL   = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "craftURL");
                    vessel.flagURL    = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(child, "flagURL", (string)null);
                    vessel.vesselType = ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <VesselType>(child, "vesselType", VesselType.Ship);

                    // Get celestial body
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <CelestialBody>(child, "targetBody", x => vessel.body = x, factory, defaultBody, Validation.NotNull);

                    // Get landed stuff
                    if (child.HasValue("lat") && child.HasValue("lon"))
                        valid        &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lat", x => vessel.latitude = x, factory);
                        valid        &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double>(child, "lon", x => vessel.longitude = x, factory);
                        valid        &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <double?>(child, "alt", x => vessel.altitude = x, factory, (double?)null);
                        vessel.landed = true;
                    // Get orbit
                        valid       &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateMandatoryChild(child, "ORBIT", factory);
                        vessel.orbit = new OrbitSnapshot(ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNode(child, "ORBIT")).Load();
                        vessel.orbit.referenceBody = vessel.body;

                    // Get additional flags
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(child, "owned", x => vessel.owned = x, factory, false);

                    // Handle the CREW nodes
                    foreach (ConfigNode crewNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(child, "CREW"))
                        int count = 1;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <int>(crewNode, "count", x => count = x, factory, 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            CrewData cd = new CrewData();

                            // Read crew details
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(crewNode, "name", x => cd.name = x, factory, (string)null);
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(crewNode, "addToRoster", x => cd.addToRoster = x, factory, true);

                            // Add the record

                    // Add to the list

            return(valid ? spawnVessel : null);
 public void ShowEmployeeContract(CrewData crewData, EmployeeContent employeeContent)
     _currentEmployeeContent = employeeContent;
        public static SpawnVessel Create(ConfigNode configNode, SpawnVesselFactory factory)
            SpawnVessel spawnVessel = new SpawnVessel();

            ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(configNode, "deferVesselCreation", x => spawnVessel.deferVesselCreation = x, factory, false);

            bool valid = true;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (ConfigNode child in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "VESSEL"))
                DataNode dataNode = new DataNode("VESSEL_" + index++, factory.dataNode, factory);

                    VesselData vessel = new VesselData();

                    // Get name
                    if (child.HasValue("name"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "name", x => vessel.name = x, factory);

                    // Get craft details
                    if (child.HasValue("craftURL"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "craftURL", x => vessel.craftURL = x, factory);
                    if (child.HasValue("craftPart"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<AvailablePart>(child, "craftPart", x => vessel.craftPart = x, factory);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.AtLeastOne(child, new string[] { "craftURL", "craftPart" }, factory);

                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(child, "flagURL", x => vessel.flagURL = x, factory, (string)null);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<VesselType>(child, "vesselType", x => vessel.vesselType = x, factory, VesselType.Ship);

                    // Use an expression to default - then it'll work for dynamic contracts
                    if (!child.HasValue("targetBody"))
                        child.AddValue("targetBody", "@/targetBody");
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<CelestialBody>(child, "targetBody", x => vessel.body = x, factory);

                    // Get landed stuff
                    if (child.HasValue("lat") && child.HasValue("lon"))
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lat", x => vessel.latitude = x, factory);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double>(child, "lon", x => vessel.longitude = x, factory);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<double?>(child, "alt", x => vessel.altitude = x, factory, (double?)null);
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "height", x => vessel.height = x, factory,
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vessel.craftURL) ? 0.0f : 2.5f);
                        vessel.orbiting = false;
                    // Get orbit
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<Orbit>(child, "ORBIT", x => vessel.orbit = x, factory);
                        vessel.orbiting = true;

                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "heading", x => vessel.heading = x, factory, 0.0f);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "pitch", x => vessel.pitch = x, factory, 0.0f);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<float>(child, "roll", x => vessel.roll = x, factory, 0.0f);

                    // Get additional flags
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(child, "owned", x => vessel.owned = x, factory, false);

                    // Handle the CREW nodes
                    foreach (ConfigNode crewNode in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(child, "CREW"))
                        int count = 1;
                        valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<int>(crewNode, "count", x => count = x, factory, 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            CrewData cd = new CrewData();

                            // Read crew details
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<string>(crewNode, "name", x => cd.name = x, factory, (string)null);
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue<bool>(crewNode, "addToRoster", x => cd.addToRoster = x, factory, true);

                            // Check for unexpected values
                            valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(crewNode, factory);

                            // Add the record

                    // Check for unexpected values
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ValidateUnexpectedValues(child, factory);

                    // Add to the list

            if (!configNode.HasNode("VESSEL"))
                valid = false;
                LoggingUtil.LogError(factory, "SpawnVessel requires at least one VESSEL node.");

            return valid ? spawnVessel : null;
 public CrewData(CrewData cd)
     name        = cd.name;
     gender      = cd.gender;
     addToRoster = cd.addToRoster;
 public CrewData(CrewData cd)
     name = cd.name;