public static extern int CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(
     ref CredentialUiInfo credInfo,
     uint authError,
     ref uint authPackage,
     IntPtr inAuthBuffer,
     uint inAuthBufferSize,
     out IntPtr outAuthBuffer,
     out uint outAuthBufferSize,
     ref bool saveCredentials,
     CredentialUiWindowsFlags flags);
 public static extern int CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(ref CredentialUiInfo credInfo, uint authError, ref CredentialPackFlags authPackage, IntPtr inAuthBuffer, uint inAuthBufferSize, out IntPtr outAuthBuffer, out uint outAuthBufferSize, ref bool saveCredentials, CredentialUiWindowsFlags flags);
        public static bool DisplayModal(Program program,
                                        ref CredentialUiInfo credUiInfo,
                                        ref CredentialPackFlags authPackage,
                                        IntPtr packedAuthBufferPtr,
                                        uint packedAuthBufferSize,
                                        IntPtr inBufferPtr,
                                        int inBufferSize,
                                        bool saveCredentials,
                                        CredentialUiWindowsFlags flags,
                                        out string username,
                                        out string password)
            if (program is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(program));

            int error;

                // open a standard Windows authentication dialog to acquire username + password credentials
                if ((error = CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials(credInfo: ref credUiInfo,
                                                               authError: 0,
                                                               authPackage: ref authPackage,
                                                               inAuthBuffer: inBufferPtr,
                                                               inAuthBufferSize: (uint)inBufferSize,
                                                               outAuthBuffer: out packedAuthBufferPtr,
                                                               outAuthBufferSize: out packedAuthBufferSize,
                                                               saveCredentials: ref saveCredentials,
                                                               flags: flags)) != Win32Error.Success)
                    program.Trace.WriteLine($"credential prompt failed ('{Win32Error.GetText(error)}').");

                    username = null;
                    password = null;


                // use `StringBuilder` references instead of string so that they can be written to
                var usernameBuffer = new StringBuilder(512);
                var domainBuffer   = new StringBuilder(256);
                var passwordBuffer = new StringBuilder(512);
                int usernameLen    = usernameBuffer.Capacity;
                int passwordLen    = passwordBuffer.Capacity;
                int domainLen      = domainBuffer.Capacity;

                // unpack the result into locally useful data
                if (!CredUnPackAuthenticationBuffer(flags: authPackage,
                                                    authBuffer: packedAuthBufferPtr,
                                                    authBufferSize: packedAuthBufferSize,
                                                    username: usernameBuffer,
                                                    maxUsernameLen: ref usernameLen,
                                                    domainName: domainBuffer,
                                                    maxDomainNameLen: ref domainLen,
                                                    password: passwordBuffer,
                                                    maxPasswordLen: ref passwordLen))
                    username = null;
                    password = null;

                    error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                    program.Trace.WriteLine($"failed to unpack buffer ('{Win32Error.GetText(error)}').");


                program.Trace.WriteLine("successfully acquired credentials from user.");

                username = usernameBuffer.ToString();
                password = passwordBuffer.ToString();

                if (packedAuthBufferPtr != IntPtr.Zero)