void PrepareFieldsForNew()
            checkedListBoxTraits.Items.AddRange(CreatureTrait.GetAllTraitWurmText().Cast <object>().ToArray());

            this.Text = "Adding new creature to herd: " + herdId;
        List <CreatureTrait> GetTraitsFromXML(XElement xTraits)
            var result = new List <CreatureTrait>();

            foreach (var xTrait in xTraits.Elements("Trait"))
        public static CreatureTrait[] ParseTraitsFromLine(string line)
            List <CreatureTrait> result = new List <CreatureTrait>();

            foreach (var trait in CreatureTrait.GetAllPossibleTraits())
                if (line.Contains(trait.ToString()))
        void BuildTraits()

            var traits    = creature.Traits;
            var allTraits = CreatureTrait.GetAllTraitEnums();

            foreach (var trait in allTraits)
                    traits.Count(x => x.CreatureTraitId == trait) == 1);
        public int GetValueForTrait(CreatureTrait trait)
            if (thisValueMapIsNoMore)
                usingDefault = true;

            if (usingDefault)

            int result = 0;

            valueMap.TryGetValue(trait, out result);
 private void UpdateTraitView()
     if (currentTraitValueMap != null)
         foreach (var keyval in currentTraitValueMap.ValueMap)
             CreatureTrait trait   = new CreatureTrait(keyval.Key);
             var           control = new UcGrangerTraitValueEditBox()
                 Trait    = trait,
                 Value    = keyval.Value,
                 ReadOnly = currentTraitValueMap.ReadOnly
             control.TraitValueChanged += control_TraitValueChanged;
        public TraitValueMap(GrangerContext context, string traitValueMapId)
            this.context         = context;
            this.traitValueMapId = traitValueMapId;

            valueMap = CreatureTrait.GetAllDefaultValues();

            if (traitValueMapId == TraitValuator.DefaultId)
                ReadOnly = true;
                ReadOnly = false;
                var entities = this.context.TraitValues.Where(x => x.ValueMapId == traitValueMapId);
                foreach (var entity in entities)
                    valueMap[entity.Trait.CreatureTraitId] = entity.Value;
        private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!ValidateCreatureIdentity())
                this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None;
                    if (OpMode == CreatureViewEditOpType.New)
                        var newEntity = new CreatureEntity()
                            Id = CreatureEntity.GenerateNewCreatureId(context)
                        creature = new Creature(mainForm, newEntity, context, creatureColorDefinitions);

                    List <CreatureTrait> traitlist = new List <CreatureTrait>();
                    foreach (var item in checkedListBoxTraits.CheckedItems)
                        catch (Exception _e)
                            logger.Error(_e, "failed to create creature trait from text:" + item.ToString());
                    var traitlistArray = traitlist.ToArray();

                    creature.Name          = textBoxName.Text.Trim();
                    creature.Father        = comboBoxFather.Text.Trim();
                    creature.Mother        = comboBoxMother.Text.Trim();
                    creature.TakenCareOfBy = textBoxCaredForBy.Text.Trim();
                    creature.BrandedFor    = textBoxBrandedFor.Text.Trim();

                    creature.Traits = traitlistArray;

                    creature.TraitsInspectSkill = (float)numericUpDownAHskill.Value;
                    float traitSkill = CreatureTrait.GetMinSkillForTraits(traitlistArray, checkBoxEpic.Checked);
                    if (creature.TraitsInspectSkill < traitSkill)
                        creature.TraitsInspectSkill = traitSkill;
                    creature.EpicCurve = checkBoxEpic.Checked;

                    creature.Comments = textBoxComment.Text;
                    creature.IsMale   = radioButtonMale.Checked;
                    creature.Color    = creatureColorDefinitions.GetForId(comboBoxColor.Text);
                    creature.Age      = CreatureAge.CreateAgeFromEnumString(comboBoxAge.Text);

                    creature.NotInMoodUntil = dateTimePickerBred.Value;
                    creature.GroomedOn      = dateTimePickerGroomed.Value;
                    creature.PregnantUntil  = dateTimePickerPregnant.Value;
                    creature.BirthDate      = dateTimePickerBirthDate.Value;

                    creature.SetTag("diseased", checkBoxDiseased.Checked);
                    creature.SetTag("dead", checkBoxDead.Checked);
                    creature.SetTag("sold", checkBoxSold.Checked);

                    creature.ServerName = comboBoxServerName.Text.Trim();

                    if (OpMode == CreatureViewEditOpType.New)
                        creature.Herd = herdId;
                    this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
                catch (Exception _e)
                    logger.Error(_e, "problem while updating database, op: " + OpMode);
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem on submitting to database.\r\n" + _e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None;
        public override BreedingEvalResults?Evaluate(Creature creature1, Creature creature2, TraitValuator valuator)
            if (creature1 == creature2)

            BreedingEvalResults results = new BreedingEvalResults();

            var allPossibleTraits    = CreatureTrait.GetAllPossibleTraits();
            var traits1              = creature1.Traits;
            var traits2              = creature2.Traits;
            var concatTraits         = traits1.Concat <CreatureTrait>(traits2).ToArray();
            var distinctConcatTraits = concatTraits.Distinct().ToArray();

            if (creature1.IsMale == creature2.IsMale)
                results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreNotInMood)
                if (creature1.NotInMood || creature2.NotInMood)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnorePregnant)
                if (creature1.Pregnant || creature2.Pregnant)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreRecentlyPregnant)
                if (creature1.PregnantInLast24H || creature2.PregnantInLast24H)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreOtherHerds)
                if (creature1.Herd != creature2.Herd)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnorePairedCreatures)
                if (creature1.HasMate() || creature2.HasMate())
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreSold)
                if (creature1.CheckTag("sold") || creature2.CheckTag("sold"))
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreDead)
                if (creature1.CheckTag("dead") || creature2.CheckTag("dead"))
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreFoals)
                if ((creature1.IsFoal() && !options.AgeIgnoreOnlyOtherCreatures) ||
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreYoung)
                if (((creature1.Age.CreatureAgeId == CreatureAgeId.Young) && !options.AgeIgnoreOnlyOtherCreatures) ||
                    creature2.Age.CreatureAgeId == CreatureAgeId.Young)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.IgnoreAdolescent)
                if (((creature1.Age.CreatureAgeId == CreatureAgeId.Adolescent) && !options.AgeIgnoreOnlyOtherCreatures)
                    creature2.Age.CreatureAgeId == CreatureAgeId.Adolescent)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (options.ExcludeExactAgeEnabled)
                if (DateTime.Now - creature1.BirthDate < options.ExcludeExactAgeValue ||
                    DateTime.Now - creature2.BirthDate < options.ExcludeExactAgeValue)
                    results.Ignored = true;

            if (creature1.IsInbreedWith(creature2))
                if (options.DiscardOnInbreeding)
                    results.Discarded = true;
                    var    potentialBadTraits = CreatureTrait.GetInbreedBadTraits().Where(x => !distinctConcatTraits.Contains(x)).ToArray();
                    double sum = 0;
                    foreach (var trait in potentialBadTraits)
                        sum += trait.GetTraitValue(valuator);
                    sum           /= potentialBadTraits.Length;
                    sum           *= options.InbreedingPenaltyWeight * 2;
                    results.Value += sum;

            if (options.DiscardOnAnyNegativeTraits)
                if (creature2.Traits.Any(x => x.GetTraitValue(valuator) < 0))
                    results.Discarded = true;

            if (results.Discarded != true && results.Ignored != true)
                Dictionary <CreatureTrait, int> uniqueTraitCounter = new Dictionary <CreatureTrait, int>();
                foreach (var trait in concatTraits)
                    if (uniqueTraitCounter.ContainsKey(trait))
                        uniqueTraitCounter[trait] += 1;
                        uniqueTraitCounter[trait] = 1;
                    var    traitval = trait.GetTraitValue(valuator);
                    double result   = 0;
                    if (traitval < 0)
                        result += traitval * options.BadTraitWeight;
                    else if (traitval > 0)
                        result += traitval;

                    results.Value += result;

                if (options.PreferUniqueTraits)
                    foreach (var keyval in uniqueTraitCounter)
                        if (keyval.Value == 1)
                            var traitval = keyval.Key.GetTraitValue(valuator);
                            if (traitval > 0)
                                results.Value += (traitval * options.UniqueTraitWeight) - traitval;

                if (options.IncludePotentialValue)
                    foreach (var trait in allPossibleTraits)
                        double result = 0;
                        result        += EvaluatePotentialValue(creature1, valuator, trait);
                        result        += EvaluatePotentialValue(creature2, valuator, trait);
                        results.Value += result;

                if (results.Value > 0)
                    var h1ColVal  = options.GetValueForColor(creature1.Color);
                    var h2ColVal  = options.GetValueForColor(creature2.Color);
                    var colValAdj = (h1ColVal + h2ColVal) * 0.5f;
                    results.Value *= colValAdj;
        private double EvaluatePotentialValue(Creature creature, TraitValuator valuator, CreatureTrait trait)
            double result = 0;

            if (trait.IsUnknownForThisCreature(creature))
                var traitval = trait.GetTraitValue(valuator);
                if (traitval > 0)
                    result += traitval * options.PotentialValuePositiveWeight;
                else if (traitval < 0)
                    result += traitval * options.PotentialValueNegativeWeight;
        public void HandleLogEvent(string line)
            // Smile emote triggers processing of new creature.
            // If previous processing is still active, it should be finalized.
            if (line.StartsWith("You smile at", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                debugLogger.Log("smile cond: " + line);

            // While processing creature, log events are parsed and valid data buffered into the current buffer.
            if (isProcessing)
                //[20:23:18] It has fleeter movement than normal. It has a strong body. It has lightning movement. It can carry more than average. It seems overly aggressive.
                if (!verifyList.Traits && CreatureTrait.CanThisBeTraitLogMessage(line))
                    debugLogger.Log("found maybe trait line: " + line);
                    var extractedTraits = GrangerHelpers.ParseTraitsFromLine(line);
                    foreach (var trait in extractedTraits)
                        debugLogger.Log("found trait: " + trait);
                        verifyList.Traits = true;
                    debugLogger.Log("trait parsing finished");
                    if (creatureBuffer.InspectSkill == 0 && creatureBuffer.Traits.Count > 0)
                        var message =
                                "{0} ({1}) can see traits, but Granger found no Animal Husbandry skill for him. Is this a bug? Creature will be added anyway.",
                                playerMan.PlayerName, creatureBuffer.Server);
                        trayPopups.Schedule(message, "POSSIBLE PROBLEM", 5000);
                //[20:23:18] She is very strong and has a good reserve of fat.
                if (line.StartsWith("He", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !verifyList.Gender)
                    creatureBuffer.IsMale = true;
                    verifyList.Gender     = true;
                    debugLogger.Log("creature set to male");
                if (line.StartsWith("She", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !verifyList.Gender)
                    creatureBuffer.IsMale = false;
                    verifyList.Gender     = true;
                    debugLogger.Log("creature set to female");
                //[22:34:28] His mother is the old fat Painthop. His father is the venerable fat Starkclip.
                //[22:34:28] Her mother is the old fat Painthop. Her father is the venerable fat Starkclip.
                if (IsParentIdentifyingLine(line) && !verifyList.Parents)
                    debugLogger.Log("found maybe parents line");

                    Match motherMatch = ParseMother(line);
                    if (motherMatch.Success)
                        string mother = motherMatch.Groups["g"].Value;
                        mother = GrangerHelpers.ExtractCreatureName(mother);
                        creatureBuffer.MotherName = mother;
                        debugLogger.Log("mother set to: " + mother);
                    Match fatherMatch = ParseFather(line);
                    if (fatherMatch.Success)
                        string father = fatherMatch.Groups["g"].Value;
                        father = GrangerHelpers.ExtractCreatureName(father);
                        creatureBuffer.FatherName = father;
                        debugLogger.Log("father set to: " + father);
                    verifyList.Parents = true;
                    debugLogger.Log("finished parsing parents line");
                //[20:23:18] It is being taken care of by Darkprincevale.
                if (line.Contains("It is being taken care") && !verifyList.CaredBy)
                    debugLogger.Log("found maybe take care of line");
                    Match caredby = Regex.Match(line, @"care of by (\w+)");
                    if (caredby.Success)
                        creatureBuffer.CaredBy = caredby.Groups[1].Value;
                        debugLogger.Log("cared set to: " + creatureBuffer.CaredBy);
                    verifyList.CaredBy = true;
                    debugLogger.Log("finished parsing care line");
                //[17:11:42] She will deliver in about 4 days.
                //[17:11:42] She will deliver in about 1 day.
                if (line.Contains("She will deliver in") && !verifyList.Pregnant)
                    debugLogger.Log("found maybe pregnant line");
                    Match match = Regex.Match(line, @"She will deliver in about (\d+)");
                    if (match.Success)
                        double length = Double.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) + 1D;
                        creatureBuffer.PregnantUntil = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(length);
                        debugLogger.Log("found creature to be pregnant, estimated delivery: " + creatureBuffer.PregnantUntil);
                    verifyList.Pregnant = true;
                    debugLogger.Log("finished parsing pregnant line");
                //[20:58:26] A foal skips around here merrily
                //[01:59:09] This calf looks happy and free.
                if ((line.Contains("A foal skips around here merrily") ||
                     line.Contains("This calf looks happy and free") ||
                     line.Contains("A small cuddly ball of fluff")) &&
                    debugLogger.Log("applying foalization to the creature");
                        creatureBuffer.Age     = CreatureAge.Foalize(creatureBuffer.Age);
                        verifyList.Foalization = true;
                    catch (InvalidOperationException exception)
                        logger.Error(exception, "The creature appears to be a foal, but has invalid age for a foal!");
                //[20:57:27] It has been branded by and belongs to the settlement of Silver Hill Estate.
                if (line.Contains("It has been branded") && !verifyList.Branding)
                    debugLogger.Log("found maybe branding line");
                    Match match = Regex.Match(line, @"belongs to the settlement of (.+)\.");
                    if (match.Success)
                        string settlementName = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        creatureBuffer.BrandedBy = settlementName;
                        debugLogger.Log("found creature to be branded for: " + creatureBuffer.BrandedBy);
                        verifyList.Branding = true;
                //[11:43:35] Its colour is ash.
                if (line.Contains("Its colour is"))
                    debugLogger.Log("found maybe color line");
                    Match match = Regex.Match(line, @"Its colour is (.+)\.");
                    if (match.Success)
                        string colorName = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        creatureBuffer.ColorWurmLogText = colorName;
                        debugLogger.Log("found creature to have color: " + creatureBuffer.ColorWurmLogText);
                        verifyList.Branding = true;
        bool TryUpdateExistingCreature(CreatureEntity[] herdsFinds)
            if (herdsFinds.Length == 1)
                CreatureEntity oldCreature = herdsFinds[0];

                bool sanityFail = false;

                #region SANITY_CHECKS

                string sanityFailReason = null;

                // Verifying if creature parents match.

                // Wurm trivia:
                // If a creature has a mother name or a father name, these names cannot change.
                // However when parent dies, Wurm loses reference and the name is no longer in the log event!

                // father checks
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldCreature.FatherName) &&
                    sanityFail = true;
                    if (sanityFailReason == null)
                        sanityFailReason = "Old father was blank but new data has a father name";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldCreature.FatherName) &&
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(creatureBuffer.FatherName) &&
                    oldCreature.FatherName != creatureBuffer.FatherName)
                    sanityFail = true;
                    if (sanityFailReason == null)
                        sanityFailReason = "Old data father name was different than new father name";

                // mother checks
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldCreature.MotherName) &&
                    sanityFail = true;
                    if (sanityFailReason == null)
                        sanityFailReason = "Old mother was blank but new data has a mother name";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oldCreature.MotherName) &&
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty(creatureBuffer.MotherName) &&
                    oldCreature.MotherName != creatureBuffer.MotherName)
                    sanityFail = true;
                    if (sanityFailReason == null)
                        sanityFailReason = "Old data mother name was different than new mother name";

                // Verifying if creature traits match.

                // Have to take into account current AH level of the player,
                // as well as the level this creature has been previously inspected at.

                if (oldCreature.TraitsInspectedAtSkill.HasValue)
                    // Skip this check if creature had genesis cast within last 1 hour.
                    // Genesis clears some negative traits.
                    debugLogger.Log(string.Format("Checking creature for Genesis cast (creature name: {0}",
                    if (!parentModule.Settings.HasGenesisCast(creatureBuffer.Name))
                        debugLogger.Log("No genesis cast found");
                        var             lowskill      = Math.Min(oldCreature.TraitsInspectedAtSkill.Value, creatureBuffer.InspectSkill);
                        CreatureTrait[] certainTraits = CreatureTrait.GetTraitsUpToSkillLevel(lowskill,
                                                                                              oldCreature.EpicCurve ?? false);
                        var oldCreatureTraits = oldCreature.Traits.ToArray();
                        var newCreatureTraits = creatureBuffer.Traits.ToArray();
                        foreach (var trait in certainTraits)
                            if (oldCreatureTraits.Contains(trait) != newCreatureTraits.Contains(trait))
                                sanityFail = true;
                                if (sanityFailReason == null)
                                    sanityFailReason = "Trait mismatch below inspect skill treshhold (" +
                                                       lowskill + "): " + trait.ToCompactString();
                        debugLogger.Log("Genesis cast found, skipping trait sanity check");
                        debugLogger.Log(string.Format("Removed cached genesis cast data for {0}",


                if (sanityFail)
                    debugLogger.Log("sanity check failed for creature update: " + oldCreature + ". Reason: " +
                    trayPopups.Schedule("There was data mismatch when trying to update creature, reason: " + sanityFailReason,
                                        "ERROR AT UPDATE CREATURE",
                    oldCreature.Age           = creatureBuffer.Age;
                    oldCreature.TakenCareOfBy = creatureBuffer.CaredBy;
                    oldCreature.BrandedFor    = creatureBuffer.BrandedBy;
                    if (creatureBuffer.HasFatherName)
                        oldCreature.FatherName = creatureBuffer.FatherName;
                    if (creatureBuffer.HasMotherName)
                        oldCreature.MotherName = creatureBuffer.MotherName;
                    oldCreature.ServerName = creatureBuffer.Server.ServerName.Original;
                    if (oldCreature.TraitsInspectedAtSkill <= creatureBuffer.InspectSkill ||
                        creatureBuffer.InspectSkill >
                        CreatureTrait.GetFullTraitVisibilityCap(oldCreature.EpicCurve ?? false))
                        oldCreature.Traits = creatureBuffer.Traits;
                        oldCreature.TraitsInspectedAtSkill = creatureBuffer.InspectSkill;
                        debugLogger.Log("old creature data had more accurate trait info, skipping");
                    oldCreature.SetTag("dead", false);
                    oldCreature.IsMale        = creatureBuffer.IsMale;
                    oldCreature.PregnantUntil = creatureBuffer.PregnantUntil;
                    if (oldCreature.Name != creatureBuffer.Name)
                        if (NameIsUniqueInHerd(creatureBuffer.Name, oldCreature.Herd))
                            trayPopups.Schedule(String.Format("Updating name of creature {0} to {1}",
                                                              creatureBuffer.Name), "CREATURE NAME UPDATE");
                            oldCreature.Name = creatureBuffer.Name;
                            trayPopups.Schedule(String.Format("Could not update name of creature {0} to {1}, " +
                                                              "because herd already has a creature with such name.",
                                                              creatureBuffer.Name), "WARNING");
                    oldCreature.SmilexamineLastDate = DateTime.Now;
                    if (creatureBuffer.HasColorWurmLogText && grangerSettings.UpdateCreatureColorOnSmilexamines)
                        oldCreature.CreatureColorId =
                    debugLogger.Log("successfully updated creature in db");
                    trayPopups.Schedule(String.Format("Updated creature: {0}", oldCreature), "CREATURE UPDATED");

                debugLogger.Log("processor buffer cleared");
        int GetPotentialValueForCreature(Creature creature, bool positive)
            var missingTraits = CreatureTrait.GetMissingTraits(creature.Traits, creature.TraitsInspectSkill, creature.EpicCurve);

            return(Evaluate(missingTraits, positive));
 private void Start()
     aggression = new CreatureTrait(0f, CREATURE_TRAIT_FALLOFF);
     lastTarget = GetComponent <LastTarget>();