// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { addRuleSetsToList(); // Choosing a random rule set using Random.Range rulesChosen = Random.Range(0, rulesetList.Count); int[] ruleset = rulesetList[rulesChosen]; ca = new myChapter7Fig1CA(ruleset); // Initialize CA limitFrameRate(); // setOrthographicCamera(); body = new Creature7Body(this.gameObject.transform.position); StartCoroutine(TimeManager()); }
public void Display(Creature7Body gameObject) // Drawing the cells. Cells with a state of 1 are black, cells with a state of 0 are white { if (numberOfCells <= cellCapacity) { for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++) { numberOfCells++; if (cells[i] == 1) { gameObject.CheckBoundaries(); gameObject.move1(); } else { gameObject.CheckBoundaries(); gameObject.move2(); } // Set position based to lower left of screen, with screen offset } } }