        public async Task Test_Withdraw_exceeded()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BankAppDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test_Withdraw_exceed")

            using (var context = new BankAppDbContext(options))
                var account = new Account
                    Balance = 10,

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var x = new CreateWithdrawCommandHandler(context);
                await x.Handle(new CreateWithdrawCommand { Amount = 20, AccountId = account.AccountId }, new CancellationToken());

            //Assert that method throws AmountExceedsBalanceException
        public async Task Test_Transaction_Created()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <BankAppDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test_Withdraw_exceed")

            int actual = 0;

            using (var context = new BankAppDbContext(options))
                var senderAccount = new Account
                    Balance = 100,
                var recieverAccount = new Account
                    Balance = 0

                context.AddRange(senderAccount, recieverAccount);
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                var withdrawCommand = new CreateWithdrawCommandHandler(context);
                await withdrawCommand.Handle(new CreateWithdrawCommand { Amount = 10, AccountId = senderAccount.AccountId }, new CancellationToken());

                var depositCommand = new CreateDepositCommandHandler(context);
                await depositCommand.Handle(new CreateDepositCommand { Amount = 10, AccountId = senderAccount.AccountId }, new CancellationToken());

                var transferCommand = new CreateTransferCommandHandler(context);
                await transferCommand.Handle(new CreateTransferCommand { Amount = 10, SenderAccountId = senderAccount.AccountId, RecieverAccountId = recieverAccount.AccountId }, new CancellationToken());

                actual = await context.Transactions.CountAsync();

            //Assert that method creates 4 transfers
            int expected = 4;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);