public async Task WriteSessionLogEvent(CreateSessionLogEventRequest request)
            var session = await GetSession();

            var events = await _cache.SessionEvents();

            var eventItem = events.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key == request.EventKey);

            if (eventItem == null)
                // todo: log this

            using (var uow = _uowFactory.GetUnitOfWork())
                await uow.SessionRepo.CreateSessionLogEvent(new Repositories.DatabaseRepos.SessionRepo.Models.CreateSessionLogEventRequest()
                    Session_Log_Id      = session.SessionLogId,
                    Event_Id            = eventItem.Id,
                    InfoDictionary_JSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request.Info),
                    Created_By          = ApplicationConstants.SystemUserId
        public async Task WriteSessionLogEvent(CreateSessionLogEventRequest request)
            var session = await GetSession();

            var events = await _cache.SessionEvents();

            var eventItem = events.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key == request.EventKey);

            if (eventItem == null)
                // todo: rather log this than throw an exception
                throw new Exception($"Could not find session log event with key {request.EventKey}");

            using (var uow = _uowFactory.GetUnitOfWork())
                await uow.SessionRepo.CreateSessionLogEvent(new Infrastructure.Repositories.SessionRepo.Models.CreateSessionLogEventRequest()
                    Session_Log_Id = session.SessionLogId,
                    Event_Id       = eventItem.Id,
                    Message        = request.Message,
                    Created_By     = ApplicationConstants.SystemUserId

        public async Task <int> CreateSessionLogEvent(CreateSessionLogEventRequest request)
            var sqlStoredProc = "sp_session_log_event_create";

            var response = await DapperAdapter.GetFromStoredProcAsync <int>
                storedProcedureName : sqlStoredProc,
                parameters : request,
                dbconnectionString : DefaultConnectionString,
                sqltimeout : DefaultTimeOut,
                dbconnection : _connection,
                dbtransaction : _transaction);

            if (response == null || response.FirstOrDefault() == 0)
                throw new Exception("No items have been created");