        public void CreatePurchaseOrder_VendorExists_ReturnsPurchaseOrderCreatedEvent()
            /// Arrange
            // Get a create purchase order command with the vendor.
            // (By the time the command gets to the domain it's already been structurally validated.)
            var command = new CreatePurchaseOrder(
                vendorId: Guid.NewGuid(),
                lines: new List <CreatePurchaseOrderLine> {
                new CreatePurchaseOrderLine(productId: Guid.NewGuid(), quantity: 354M, measure: "EA", pricePerUnit: 4.75M),
                new CreatePurchaseOrderLine(productId: Guid.NewGuid(), quantity: 10M, measure: "EA", pricePerUnit: 24.99M)

            // Assume the vendor exists.
            Func <Guid, bool> getVendorExists = _ => true;

            // Get some id as the next id.
            var nextId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Get the event we expect the domain to return.
            var expected = new PurchaseOrderCreated(
                purchaseOrderId: nextId,
                status: PurchaseOrderStatus.Unpaid,
                vendorId: command.VendorId,
                lines: command.Lines.Select(l =>
                                            new PurchaseOrderLine(l.ProductId, l.Quantity, l.Measure, l.PricePerUnit))

            /// Act
            var actual = JC.CreatePurchaseOrder(getVendorExists, nextId, command);

            /// Assert
            CustomAssert.CoreValuesAreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void CreatePO_IncorrectPO_ExceptionRaised()
            var createPO = new CreatePurchaseOrder
                Number     = string.Empty,
                CustomerId = Guid.Empty,
                Lines      = new List <PurchaseOrderLine>()
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = string.Empty,
                        Quantity    = -50,
                        IsPaired    = true
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "Robusta beans",
                        Quantity    = 700,
                        IsPaired    = false

            var client = CreateClient();
            var ex     = Assert.Throws <WebServiceException>(() => client.Post <PurchaseOrderResponse>(createPO));

            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Count == 5);
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Any(e => e.ErrorCode == "NotEmpty" && e.Message == "Specify Number for PurchaseOrder."));
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Any(e => e.ErrorCode == "NotEqual" && e.Message == "Specify nonempty CustomerId for PurchaseOrder."));
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Any(e => e.ErrorCode == "NotEmpty" && e.Message == "Each line in PurchaseOrder should have Description."));
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Any(e => e.ErrorCode == "GreaterThanOrEqual" && e.Message == "PurchaseOrderLine quantity should be positive or zero."));
            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Any(e => e.ErrorCode == "Equal" && e.Message == "Initial IsPaired state should be false."));
        public void CreatePurchaseOrder_VendorDoesNotExist_ReturnsExpectedError()
            /// Arrange
            // Get a create purchase order command with the vendor.
            // (By the time the command gets to the domain it's already been structurally validated.)
            var command = new CreatePurchaseOrder(
                vendorId: Guid.NewGuid(),
                lines: new List <CreatePurchaseOrderLine> {
                new CreatePurchaseOrderLine(productId: Guid.NewGuid(), quantity: 354M, measure: "EA", pricePerUnit: 4.75M),
                new CreatePurchaseOrderLine(productId: Guid.NewGuid(), quantity: 10M, measure: "EA", pricePerUnit: 24.99M)

            // Assume the vendor does not exist.
            Func <Guid, bool> getVendorExists = _ => false;

            // Get some id as the next id.
            var nextId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Get the error we expect the domain to return.
            var expected = new VendorDoesNotExist(command.VendorId);

            /// Act
            var actual = JC.CreatePurchaseOrder(getVendorExists, nextId, command);

            /// Assert
            CustomAssert.CoreValuesAreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void CreatePO_CorrectPO_POCreated()
            var createPO = new CreatePurchaseOrder
                Number = "PO100025",
                CustomerId = starbucksBPResponse.Id,
                Lines = new List<PurchaseOrderLine>()
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "Excelsa beans",
                        Quantity = 50,
                        IsPaired = false
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "Robusta beans",
                        Quantity = 700,
                        IsPaired = false

            var service = appHost.Container.Resolve<PurchaseOrderService>();
            var response = service.Post(createPO);
            Assert.IsTrue(response.Id != Guid.Empty);
            public async Task <object> Any(CreatePurchaseOrder cmd)
                await new PurchaseOrder()

        public void CreatePO_POWithOutLines_ExceptionRaised()
            var createPO = new CreatePurchaseOrder
                Number     = string.Empty,
                CustomerId = Guid.Empty,
                Lines      = new List <PurchaseOrderLine>()

            var client = CreateClient();
            var ex     = Assert.Throws <WebServiceException>(() => client.Post <PurchaseOrderResponse>(createPO));

            Assert.IsTrue(ex.ResponseStatus.Errors.Any(e => e.ErrorCode == "NotEmpty" && e.Message == "Specify at least one Line for PurchaseOrder."));
        public PurchaseOrderResponse Post(CreatePurchaseOrder request)
                PurchaseOrderModel result = request.ConvertTo <PurchaseOrderModel>();

                return(result.ConvertTo <PurchaseOrderResponse>());
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "Something went wrong while posting PO.");
        public void loadtest()
            // Get a MongoClient.
            var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");

            Func <Guid, bool> getVendorExists = _ => true;
            Func <Guid, PurchaseOrderForAddProductTask>    getPurchaseOrderForAddProductTask    = purchaseOrderId => MongoDBEventStore.GetPurchaseOrderForAddProductTask(client, purchaseOrderId);
            Func <Guid, PurchaseOrderForRemoveProductTask> getPurchaseOrderForRemoveProductTask = purchaseOrderId => MongoDBEventStore.GetPurchaseOrderForRemoveProductTask(client, purchaseOrderId);
            Func <Guid> nextId = Guid.NewGuid;

            var create = new CreatePurchaseOrder(
                vendorId: nextId(),
                lines: new List <CreatePurchaseOrderLine>
                new CreatePurchaseOrderLine(
                    productId: nextId(),
                    quantity: 14.5M,
                    measure: "FT",
                    pricePerUnit: 2.8M),
                new CreatePurchaseOrderLine(
                    productId: nextId(),
                    quantity: 1.5M,
                    measure: "YD",
                    pricePerUnit: 235.82M)

            Guid purchaseOrderId = nextId();

            var createResult = JC.CreatePurchaseOrder(
                getVendorExists: getVendorExists,
                nextId: purchaseOrderId,
                command: create);

            MongoDBEventStore.Save(client, nextId(), createResult);

            var expected = getPurchaseOrderForAddProductTask(purchaseOrderId);

            var productId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Put 10000 events in the store for this purchase order.
            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                var addResult = new ProductAddedToPurchaseOrder(
                    purchaseOrderId: purchaseOrderId,
                    productId: productId,
                    measure: "EA",
                    quantity: i);

                MongoDBEventStore.Save(client, nextId(), addResult);

                var removeResult = new ProductRemovedFromPurchaseOrder(
                    purchaseOrderId: purchaseOrderId,
                    productId: productId);

                MongoDBEventStore.Save(client, nextId(), removeResult);

            // Now for the time trial
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            var actual = getPurchaseOrderForAddProductTask(purchaseOrderId);


            CustomAssert.CoreValuesAreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Equal(0, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        public void PairInvoiceToPO_CanBePaired_PairedInvoiceReturned()
            var createInvoice = new CreateInvoice
                Number      = "INV00900300",
                CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                DueDate     = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(30),
                CustomerId  = starbucksBPResponse.Id,
                VendorId    = microsoftBPResponse.Id,
                TaxAmount   = 368.99,
                NetAmount   = 1844.95,
                TotalPrice  = 2213.94,
                Lines       = new List <InvoiceLine>()
                    new InvoiceLine
                        Description = "Xbox One S NBA 2K20 Bundle (1TB)",
                        Quantity    = 5,
                        UnitPrice   = 299,
                        TaxRate     = 20,
                        TaxAmount   = 299,
                        TotalPrice  = 1794,
                        PoNumber    = "PO000100",
                        IsPaired    = false
                    new InvoiceLine
                        Description = "WRC 9 Deluxe Edition FIA World Rally Championship",
                        Quantity    = 5,
                        UnitPrice   = 69.99,
                        TaxRate     = 20,
                        TaxAmount   = 69.99,
                        TotalPrice  = 419.94,
                        PoNumber    = "PO000101",
                        IsPaired    = false

            var invoiceService = appHost.Container.Resolve <InvoiceService>();
            var invoiceToPair  = invoiceService.Post(createInvoice);

            var createPO100 = new CreatePurchaseOrder
                Number     = "PO000100",
                CustomerId = starbucksBPResponse.Id,
                Lines      = new List <PurchaseOrderLine>()
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "Xbox One S NBA 2K20 Bundle (1TB)",
                        Quantity    = 5,
                        IsPaired    = false
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "Xbox One S Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Bundle (1TB)",
                        Quantity    = 5,
                        IsPaired    = false
            var createPO101 = new CreatePurchaseOrder
                Number     = "PO000101",
                CustomerId = starbucksBPResponse.Id,
                Lines      = new List <PurchaseOrderLine>()
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "WRC 9 Deluxe Edition FIA World Rally Championship",
                        Quantity    = 5,
                        IsPaired    = false
                    new PurchaseOrderLine
                        Description = "Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2",
                        Quantity    = 5,
                        IsPaired    = false

            var poService   = appHost.Container.Resolve <PurchaseOrderService>();
            var poToPair100 = poService.Post(createPO100);
            var poToPair101 = poService.Post(createPO101);

            var patchInvoice = new PatchInvoice
                Id = invoiceToPair.Id

            var pairedInvoice = invoiceService.Patch(patchInvoice);

            Assert.IsTrue(pairedInvoice.Lines.Where(l => l.IsPaired).Count() == 2);

            var getPO = new GetPurchaseOrder
                Id = poToPair100.Id
            var partialyPairedPO100 = poService.Get(getPO);

            Assert.IsTrue(partialyPairedPO100.Lines.Where(l => l.IsPaired).Count() == 1);
            getPO.Id = poToPair101.Id;
            var partialyPairedPO101 = poService.Get(getPO);

            Assert.IsTrue(partialyPairedPO101.Lines.Where(l => l.IsPaired).Count() == 1);