public ActionResult Create(CreateContestBindingModel model) { if (model != null && this.ModelState.IsValid) { var loggedUserId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); var newContest = Mapper.Map <Contest>(model); newContest.StartDate = DateTime.Now; newContest.CreatorId = loggedUserId; if (model.RewardStrategy == RewardStrategy.One) { newContest.NumberOfPrizes = 1; } var creator = this.Data.Users .All() .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == loggedUserId); this.Data.Contests.Add(newContest); newContest.Participants.Add(creator); this.Data.SaveChanges(); return(this.RedirectToAction("Details", "Contest", new { newContest.Id })); } this.LoadCategories(); return(this.View(model)); }
public ActionResult CreateContest(CreateContestBindingModel model) { if (model == null) { this.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(this.Json(new { ErrorMessage = "Missing Data" })); } if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) { this.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; return(this.Json(this.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(x => x.Errors).Select(x => x.ErrorMessage))); } try { int contestId = this._service.CreateContest(model, this.User.Identity.GetUserId()); return(this.RedirectToAction("PreviewContest", new { id = contestId })); } catch (NotFoundException exception) { this.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; return(this.Json(new { ErrorMessage = exception.Message })); } }
public int CreateContest(CreateContestBindingModel model, string userId) { if (this.Data.RewardStrategies.Find(model.RewardStrategyId) == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Not existing reward strategy"); } if (this.Data.ParticipationStrategies.Find(model.ParticipationStrategyId) == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Not existing participation strategy"); } if (this.Data.VotingStrategies.Find(model.VotingStrategyId) == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Not existing voting strategy"); } if (this.Data.DeadlineStrategies.Find(model.DeadlineStrategyId) == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Not existing deadline strategy"); } var loggedUserId = userId; var contest = new Contest { Title = model.Title, Description = model.Description, Status = ContestStatus.Active, RewardStrategyId = model.RewardStrategyId, VotingStrategyId = model.VotingStrategyId, ParticipationStrategyId = model.ParticipationStrategyId, DeadlineStrategyId = model.DeadlineStrategyId, ParticipantsLimit = model.ParticipantsLimit, TopNPlaces = model.TopNPlaces, SubmissionDeadline = model.SubmissionDeadline, IsOpenForSubmissions = true, StartDate = DateTime.Now, OrganizatorId = loggedUserId, }; this.Data.Contests.Add(contest); this.Data.SaveChanges(); return(contest.Id); }
public ActionResult Create(CreateContestBindingModel model) { if (!this.ModelState.IsValid) { return this.View(model); } var loggedUserId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); string thumbnailImageData = ""; try { var image = PictureUtills.CreateImageFromBase64(model.Thumbnail); var thumbnail = PictureUtills.CreateThumbnailFromImage(image, 316); thumbnailImageData = PictureUtills.ConvertImageToBase64(thumbnail); } catch (Exception ex) { thumbnailImageData = model.Thumbnail; } var contest = new Contest() { Title = model.Title, Description = model.Description, StartDate = model.StartDate, EndDate = model.EndDate, OwnerId = loggedUserId, VotingType = model.VotingType, ParticipationType = model.ParticipationType, DeadlineType = model.DeadlineType, Picture = model.Thumbnail, Thumbnail = thumbnailImageData, Status = model.StartDate < DateTime.Now ? ContestStatus.Active : ContestStatus.Inactive, }; if (contest.DeadlineType == DeadlineType.ParticipationLimit) { contest.ParticipationLimit = model.ParticipationLimit; } this.Data.Contests.Add(contest); this.Data.SaveChanges(); if (model.VotingType == VotingType.Closed) { contest.Jury = new VotingCommittee(); contest.Jury.ContestId = contest.Id; } foreach (var prize in model.Prizes) { var dbPrize = new Prize() { Name = prize.Name, Description = prize.Description, ContestId = contest.Id, }; contest.Prizes.Add(dbPrize); } this.Data.SaveChanges(); var members = this.Data.Users.All().ToList(); foreach (var member in members) { var notification = new Notification() { RecipientId = member.Id, Content = string.Format( Messages.NewContest, contest.Title, contest.StartDate), CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, IsRead = false, }; this.Data.Notifications.Add(notification); } this.Data.SaveChanges(); var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ContestsHub>(); hubContext.Clients.All.receiveMessage(contest.Id); return this.RedirectToAction("Contests", "Me"); }
public ActionResult Create(CreateContestBindingModel model) { if (model != null && this.ModelState.IsValid) { var loggedUserId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId(); var newContest = Mapper.Map<Contest>(model); newContest.StartDate = DateTime.Now; newContest.CreatorId = loggedUserId; if (model.RewardStrategy == RewardStrategy.One) { newContest.NumberOfPrizes = 1; } var creator = this.Data.Users .All() .FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == loggedUserId); this.Data.Contests.Add(newContest); newContest.Participants.Add(creator); this.Data.SaveChanges(); return this.RedirectToAction("Details", "Contest", new { newContest.Id }); } this.LoadCategories(); return this.View(model); }
public ActionResult CreateContest(CreateContestBindingModel newContest) { if (newContest.DeadlineStrategy == DeadlineStrategy.ByTime) { if (newContest.Deadline > DateTime.Now) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var currentUser = this.Data.Users.Find(currentUserId); var contest = new Contest() { Title = newContest.Title, Description = newContest.Description, CreatedOn = newContest.CreatedOn, OwnerId = currentUserId, ParticipationStrategy = newContest.ParticipationStrategy, NumberOfParticipants = newContest.NumberOfParticipants, DeadlineStrategy = newContest.DeadlineStrategy, Deadline = newContest.Deadline, PrizeCount = newContest.PrizeCount, PrizeValues = newContest.PrizeValues*2, RewardStrategy = newContest.RewardStrategy, VotingStrategy = newContest.VotingStrategy }; currentUser.Coints = currentUser.Coints - contest.PrizeValues/2; if (currentUser.Coints < 0) { this.TempData["message-create-contest-coints"] = "You do NOT have enough Coints!"; } else { this.Data.Contests.Add(contest); //currentUser.Contests.Add(contest); this.Data.Contests.SaveChanges(); this.TempData["message-create-contest-success"] = "You successfully created new contest!"; return RedirectToAction("ContestDetails", "Contests", new {id = contest.Id}); } } } } else if(newContest.NumberOfParticipants>0) { var currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var currentUser = this.Data.Users.Find(currentUserId); var contest = new Contest() { Title = newContest.Title, Description = newContest.Description, CreatedOn = newContest.CreatedOn, OwnerId = currentUserId, ParticipationStrategy = newContest.ParticipationStrategy, NumberOfParticipants = newContest.NumberOfParticipants, DeadlineStrategy = newContest.DeadlineStrategy, Deadline = newContest.Deadline, PrizeCount = newContest.PrizeCount, PrizeValues = newContest.PrizeValues*2, RewardStrategy = newContest.RewardStrategy, VotingStrategy = newContest.VotingStrategy }; currentUser.Coints = currentUser.Coints - contest.PrizeValues/2; if (currentUser.Coints < 0) { this.TempData["message-create-contest-coints"] = "You do NOT have enough Coints!"; } else { this.Data.Contests.Add(contest); currentUser.Contests.Add(contest); this.Data.Contests.SaveChanges(); this.TempData["message-create-contest-success"] = "You successfully created new contest!"; return RedirectToAction("ContestDetails", "Contests", new {id = contest.Id}); } } return this.View(newContest); }
private ActionResult AddInvalidContest() { var contest = new CreateContestBindingModel { VotingType = VotingType.Open, Description = "Description 1", Prizes = new HashSet<Prize>(), DeadlineType = DeadlineType.EndDate, ParticipationType = ParticipationType.Open, StartDate = DateTime.Now, }; return this.contestsController.Create(contest); }
private void AddContestWithJury() { var contest = new CreateContestBindingModel { Title = "Title 1", VotingType = VotingType.Closed, Description = "Description 1", Prizes = new HashSet<Prize>(), DeadlineType = DeadlineType.EndDate, ParticipationType = ParticipationType.Open, StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now, ParticipationLimit = 1, Thumbnail = "Thumbnail", }; this.contestsController.Create(contest); new User() { UserName = "******", Id = "123" } );; }
private ActionResult AddContest() { var contest = new CreateContestBindingModel { Title = "Title 1", VotingType = VotingType.Open, Description = "Description 1", Prizes = new HashSet<Prize>(), DeadlineType = DeadlineType.EndDate, ParticipationType = ParticipationType.Open, StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now, ParticipationLimit = 1, Thumbnail = "Thumbnail", }; return this.contestsController.Create(contest); }