/// <summary>
		/// Saves the log entry to a file
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="entry">The error entry.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The file name that the error entry became.
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
		public string SaveLog(CrashLogEntry entry)
				string logFileName = entry.RequestMethod + entry.LogTime.ToFileTime() + ".xml";
				StreamWriter srWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(_basePath, logFileName));

				XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CrashLogEntry));

				serializer.Serialize(srWriter, entry);


				return logFileName;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to write log entry {0}", ex.Message);
				return "Failed to log file.";
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ProcessRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request = null)

            Guid activityId = Guid.NewGuid();

            if (Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length < 4)
                throw new MalformedUriException(string.Format("There is {0} segments but must be at least 4 segments in the URI.", Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length));

            string apiName    = Request.RequestUri.Segments[2].Replace("/", string.Empty);
            string methodName = Request.RequestUri.Segments[3].Replace("/", string.Empty);

            // Check that the verbose messaging is working
            DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("The api name is {0} and the method is {1}", apiName, methodName));

            // find the api.
            var api = WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Apis[apiName];

            if (api == null)
                // Check that the verbose messaging is working
                DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find the requested web API: {0}", apiName));
                throw new WebApiNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find the requested web API: {0}", apiName));

            // find the web method.
            WebMethod method = api.WebMethods[methodName];

            if (method == null)
                DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find the requested web method: {0}", methodName));
                throw new WebMethodNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find web method: {0}", methodName));

            // Is this scheduled as a job?
            bool asJob = method.AsJob;

            // Is this a POST method
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > query2;

            if (Request.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
                string documentContents = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    // Work out the parameters from JSON
                    var queryStrings = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    if (documentContents.StartsWith("[")) // it's an array. Let's use a horrible nested loop
                        JArray tokenArray = JArray.Parse(documentContents);
                        foreach (JObject details in tokenArray)
                            foreach (var detail in details)
                                var name  = detail.Key;
                                var value = detail.Value.ToString();
                                queryStrings.Add(name, value);
                    else  // it's an object. Let's just treat it as an object
                        JObject obj = JObject.Parse(documentContents);

                        foreach (var details in obj)
                            var name  = details.Key;
                            var value = details.Value.ToString();
                            queryStrings.Add(name, value);

                    if (method.Parameters.Any(param => queryStrings.All(q => q.Key != param.Name)))
                        DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
                        throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");

                    query2 = queryStrings.ToList();
                catch (Exception)
                    DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
                    throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");
                // Get our parameters.
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > query = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs();
                if (method.Parameters.Any(param => query.All(q => q.Key != param.Name)))
                    DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
                    throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");

                query2 = query;

            // We now catch an exception from the runner
                DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Started Executing the runner"));

                if (!asJob)
                    PowershellReturn output =
                        await _powershellRunner.ExecuteAsync(method.PowerShellPath, method.Snapin, method.Module, query2.ToList(), asJob);

                    JToken token = output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("[")
                                                ? (JToken)JArray.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
                                                : JObject.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData);

                    return(new HttpResponseMessage
                        Content = new JsonContent(token)
                else                 // run as job.
                    Guid   jobId         = Guid.NewGuid();
                    string requestedHost = String.Empty;

                    if (Request.Properties.ContainsKey("MS_OwinContext"))
                        requestedHost = ((OwinContext)Request.Properties["MS_OwinContext"]).Request.RemoteIpAddress;

                    _jobListProvider.AddRequestedJob(jobId, requestedHost);

                    // Go off and run this job please sir.
                    var task = Task <bool> .Factory.StartNew(
                        () =>
                            Task <PowershellReturn> goTask =

                            var output = goTask.Result;

                            JToken token = output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("[")
                                                                ? (JToken)JArray.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
                                                                : JObject.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData);

                            _jobListProvider.CompleteJob(jobId, output.PowerShellReturnedValidData, String.Empty);

                            string outputPath = Path.Combine(WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Jobs.JobStorePath, jobId + ".json");

                            using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
                                    Formatting = Formatting.Indented                                             // Make it readable for Ops sake!
                                serializer.Serialize(writer, token);

                        catch (PowerShellExecutionException poException)
                            CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
                                Exceptions     = poException.Exceptions,
                                LogTime        = poException.LogTime,
                                RequestAddress = requestedHost,
                                RequestMethod  = methodName,
                                RequestUrl     = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
                            string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

                            DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput(poException.Message + " logged to " + logFile);

                            ErrorResponse response =
                                new ErrorResponse
                                ActivityId = activityId,
                                LogFile    = logFile,
                                Message    = poException.Message

                            JToken token = new JObject(response);

                            _jobListProvider.CompleteJob(jobId, false, String.Empty);

                            string outputPath = Path.Combine(WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Jobs.JobStorePath, jobId + ".json");

                            using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
                                    Formatting = Formatting.Indented                                             // Make it readable for Ops sake!
                                serializer.Serialize(writer, token);

                    // return the Job ID.
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage
                        Content = new JsonContent(new JValue(jobId))
            catch (PowerShellExecutionException poException)
                CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
                    Exceptions     = poException.Exceptions,
                    LogTime        = poException.LogTime,
                    RequestAddress = String.Empty,                     // TODO: Find a way of getting the request host.
                    RequestMethod  = methodName,
                    RequestUrl     = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
                string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

                DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput(poException.Message + " logged to " + logFile);

                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                                                                      new ErrorResponse
                    ActivityId = activityId,
                    LogFile    = logFile,
                    Message    = poException.Message

            catch (Exception ex)
                CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
                    Exceptions = new List <PowerShellException>
                        new PowerShellException
                            ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
                            LineNumber   = 0,
                            ScriptName   = "GenericController.cs",
                            StackTrace   = ex.StackTrace
                    LogTime        = DateTime.Now,
                    RequestAddress = String.Empty,                     // TODO: Find a way of getting the request host.
                    RequestMethod  = methodName,
                    RequestUrl     = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
                string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

                DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.UnhandledException(ex.Message + " logged to " + logFile, ex.StackTrace ?? String.Empty);

                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                                                                      new ErrorResponse
                    ActivityId = activityId,
                    LogFile    = logFile,
                    Message    = ex.Message

		public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ProcessRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request = null)

			Guid activityId = Guid.NewGuid();

			if (Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length < 4)
				throw new MalformedUriException(string.Format("There is {0} segments but must be at least 4 segments in the URI.", Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length));

			string apiName = Request.RequestUri.Segments[2].Replace("/", string.Empty);
			string methodName = Request.RequestUri.Segments[3].Replace("/", string.Empty);

			// Check that the verbose messaging is working
			DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("The api name is {0} and the method is {1}", apiName, methodName));

			// find the api.
			var api = WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Apis[apiName];
			if (api == null)
				// Check that the verbose messaging is working
				DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find the requested web API: {0}", apiName));
				throw new WebApiNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find the requested web API: {0}", apiName));

			// find the web method.
			WebMethod method = api.WebMethods[methodName];
			if (method == null)
				DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find the requested web method: {0}", methodName));
				throw new WebMethodNotFoundException(string.Format("Cannot find web method: {0}", methodName));
			// Is this scheduled as a job?
			bool asJob = method.AsJob;

			// Is this a POST method
			IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> query2;			
			if (Request.Method == HttpMethod.Post)
				string documentContents = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

					// Work out the parameters from JSON
					var queryStrings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
					JToken token = documentContents.StartsWith("[") ? (JToken)JArray.Parse(documentContents) : JObject.Parse(documentContents);
					foreach (var details in token)
						var name = details.First.First.ToString();
						var value = details.Last.First.ToString();
						queryStrings.Add(name, value);

					if (method.Parameters.Any(param => queryStrings.All(q => q.Key != param.Name)))
						DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
						throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");
					query2 = queryStrings.ToList();
				catch (Exception )
					DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
					throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");
				// Get our parameters.
				IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> query = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs();
				if (method.Parameters.Any(param => query.All(q => q.Key != param.Name)))
					DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
					throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");

				query2 = query;

			// We now catch an exception from the runner
				DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Started Executing the runner"));

				if (!asJob)
					PowershellReturn output =
						await _powershellRunner.ExecuteAsync(method.PowerShellPath, method.Snapin, method.Module, query2.ToList(), asJob);

					JToken token = output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("[")
						? (JToken) JArray.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
						: JObject.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData);

					return new HttpResponseMessage
						Content = new JsonContent(token)
				else // run as job.
					Guid jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
					string requestedHost = String.Empty;

					if (Request.Properties.ContainsKey("MS_OwinContext"))
						requestedHost = ((OwinContext)Request.Properties["MS_OwinContext"]).Request.RemoteIpAddress;

					_jobListProvider.AddRequestedJob(jobId, requestedHost );

					// Go off and run this job please sir.
					var task = Task<bool>.Factory.StartNew(
						() =>
								Task<PowershellReturn> goTask =  

								var output = goTask.Result;

								JToken token = output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("[")
								? (JToken)JArray.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
								: JObject.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData);

								_jobListProvider.CompleteJob(jobId, output.PowerShellReturnedValidData, String.Empty);

								string outputPath = Path.Combine(WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Jobs.JobStorePath, jobId + ".json");

								using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputPath))
									JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
										Formatting = Formatting.Indented // Make it readable for Ops sake!
									serializer.Serialize(writer, token);

								return true;
							catch (PowerShellExecutionException poException)
								CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
									Exceptions = poException.Exceptions,
									LogTime = poException.LogTime,
									RequestAddress = requestedHost, 
									RequestMethod = methodName,
									RequestUrl = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
								string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

								DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput(poException.Message + " logged to " + logFile);

								ErrorResponse response =
										new ErrorResponse
											ActivityId = activityId,
											LogFile = logFile,
											Message = poException.Message

								JToken token = new JObject(response);

								_jobListProvider.CompleteJob(jobId, false, String.Empty);

								string outputPath = Path.Combine(WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Jobs.JobStorePath, jobId + ".json");

								using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputPath))
									JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
										Formatting = Formatting.Indented // Make it readable for Ops sake!
									serializer.Serialize(writer, token);
								return true;
					// return the Job ID.
					return new HttpResponseMessage
						Content = new JsonContent(new JValue(jobId))
			catch (PowerShellExecutionException poException)
				CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
					Exceptions = poException.Exceptions,
					LogTime = poException.LogTime,
					RequestAddress = String.Empty, // TODO: Find a way of getting the request host.
					RequestMethod = methodName,
					RequestUrl = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
				string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

				DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput(poException.Message + " logged to " + logFile);

				HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, 
						new ErrorResponse
							ActivityId = activityId,
							LogFile = logFile,
							Message = poException.Message

				return response;
			catch (Exception ex)
				CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
					Exceptions = new List<PowerShellException>
						new PowerShellException
							ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
							LineNumber = 0,
							ScriptName = "GenericController.cs",
							StackTrace = ex.StackTrace
					LogTime = DateTime.Now,
					RequestAddress = String.Empty, // TODO: Find a way of getting the request host.
					RequestMethod = methodName,
					RequestUrl = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
				string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

				DynamicPowershellApiEvents.Raise.UnhandledException(ex.Message + " logged to " + logFile, ex.StackTrace ?? String.Empty);

				HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, 
						new ErrorResponse
							ActivityId = activityId,
							LogFile = logFile,
							Message = ex.Message

				return response;
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ProcessRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request = null)
            PSCommand psCommand;

            if (request.Properties.TryGetValue("APP_PSCommand", out object psc) && psc is PSCommand)
                psCommand = (PSCommand)psc;
                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging("Unable to retrieve the PowerShell command");
                throw new PScommandNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve the PowerShell command");

            Guid activityId = Guid.NewGuid();

            bool asJob = psCommand.AsJob;

            //var inParams = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var inParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >();
            List <PSParameter> allowedParams;

            #region ----- Body parameters -----
            allowedParams = psCommand.GetParametersByLocation(RestLocation.Body);

            string documentContents = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            documentContents = documentContents.ToString().Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(documentContents))
                // If only one parameter is defined in parameter file, not name needed

                /*if (allowedParams.Count == 1)
                 * {
                 *  if (documentContents.StartsWith("["))
                 *  {
                 *      JArray tokenArray = JArray.Parse(documentContents);
                 *      Object value = JsonHelper.Convert(tokenArray);
                 *      inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(allowedParams.First().Name, value));
                 *  }
                 *  else if (documentContents.StartsWith("{"))
                 *  {
                 *      JObject obj = JObject.Parse(documentContents);
                 *      Object value = JsonHelper.Convert(obj);
                 *      inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(allowedParams.First().Name, value));
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(allowedParams.First().Name, documentContents));
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else if(allowedParams.Count > 1)
                 * {
                if (documentContents.StartsWith("["))     // if more one parameter are defined in config file, array is not allow
                    PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Body cannot be a json array."));
                    throw new MissingParametersException("Body cannot be a json array.");
                else if (documentContents.StartsWith("{"))     // it's an object. Let's just treat it as an object
                    JObject obj = JObject.Parse(documentContents);

                    foreach (var detail in obj)
                        String name  = detail.Key;
                        Object value = JsonHelper.Convert(detail.Value);

                        if (allowedParams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != null)
                            inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, value));
                            PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Parameter {0} is not allow in body.", name));
                            throw new MissingParametersException(String.Format("Parameter {0} is not allow in body.", name));
                    PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Boby must be a json object with {0} properties.", allowedParams.Count));
                    throw new MissingParametersException(String.Format("Boby must be a json object with {0} properties.", allowedParams.Count));

            #region ----- QueryString parameters -----
            allowedParams = psCommand.GetParametersByLocation(RestLocation.Query);

            foreach (var p in Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs())
                var param = allowedParams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(p.Key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (param != null)
                    var value = Convert.ChangeType(p.Value, param.Type);

                    inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(param.Name, value));
                    PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Parameter {0} is not allow in QueryString.", p.Key));
                    throw new MissingParametersException(String.Format("Parameter {0} is not allow in QueryString.", p.Key));

            #region ----- URI Path parameters -----
            allowedParams = psCommand.GetParametersByLocation(RestLocation.Path);

            if (Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length - 4 <= allowedParams.Count)
                for (int i = 4; i < Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length; i++)
                    string uriValue = Request.RequestUri.Segments[i].Replace("/", string.Empty);

                    var param = allowedParams.Skip(i - 4).FirstOrDefault();
                    var value = Convert.ChangeType(uriValue, param.Type);

                    inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(param.Name, value));
            else if (Request.RequestUri.Segments.Length - 4 > allowedParams.Count)
                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Too many parameters in Path."));
                throw new MissingParametersException(String.Format("Too many parameters in Path."));

            #region ----- Header parameters -----
            List <string> allowedParamNames = psCommand.GetParametersByLocation(RestLocation.Header).Select(x => x.Name.ToLower()).ToList();

             * Request.Headers.Where(x => allowedParamNames.Contains(x.Key.ToLower()))
             *             .ToList()
             *             .ForEach(x => inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(x.Key, x.Value)));

            foreach (var p in Request.Headers)
                var param = allowedParams.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(p.Key, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (param != null)
                    var value = Convert.ChangeType(p.Value, param.Type);
                    inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(param.Name, value));


            #region ----- ConfigFile parameters -----
            foreach (var param in psCommand.GetParametersByLocation(RestLocation.ConfigFile, true))
                inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(param.Name, param.Value));


            #region ----- User parameter -----
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(psCommand.ParameterForUser))
                string userName = this.User.Identity != null ? this.User.Identity.Name : "Anonymous";

                inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(psCommand.ParameterForUser, userName));

            #region ----- Roles parameter -----
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(psCommand.ParameterForRoles))
                string[] userRoles = this.User.Identity == null
                                            ? new string[0]
                                            : (this.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity)
                                     .Where(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Role)
                                     .Select(c => c.Value)

                inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(psCommand.ParameterForRoles, userRoles));

            #region ----- Claims parameter -----
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(psCommand.ParameterForClaims))
                Claim[] userClaims = this.User.Identity == null
                                            ? new Claim[0]
                                            : (this.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity)

                inParams.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, object>(psCommand.ParameterForClaims, userClaims));

            #region ----- Check if all parameters required are found -----
            if (psCommand.GetParametersRequired().Select(x => x.Name).Any(requiedName => inParams.All(q => q.Key != requiedName)))
                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Cannot find all parameters required."));
                throw new MissingParametersException("Cannot find all parameters required.");

            // We now catch an exception from the runner
                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.VerboseMessaging(String.Format("Started Executing the runner"));

                if (!asJob)
                    PowershellReturn output =
                        await _powershellRunner.ExecuteAsync(psCommand.Name, psCommand.Snapin, psCommand.Module, inParams, asJob);

                    JToken token = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output.ActualPowerShellData)
                        ? new JObject()
                        : output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("[")
                            ? (JToken)JArray.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
                            : output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("{")
                                ? JObject.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
                                : JObject.Parse("{\"Message\":" + output.ActualPowerShellData + "}");

                    JToken token2 = "";

                    return(new HttpResponseMessage
                        Content = new JsonContent(token)
                else // run as job.
                    Guid   jobId         = Guid.NewGuid();
                    string requestedHost = String.Empty;

                    if (Request.Properties.ContainsKey("MS_OwinContext"))
                        requestedHost = ((OwinContext)Request.Properties["MS_OwinContext"]).Request.RemoteIpAddress;

                    _jobListProvider.AddRequestedJob(jobId, requestedHost);

                    // Go off and run this job please sir.
                    var task = Task <bool> .Factory.StartNew(
                        () =>
                            Task <PowershellReturn> goTask =

                            var output = goTask.Result;

                            JToken token = output.ActualPowerShellData.StartsWith("[")
                                ? (JToken)JArray.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData)
                                : JObject.Parse(output.ActualPowerShellData);

                            _jobListProvider.CompleteJob(jobId, output.PowerShellReturnedValidData, String.Empty);

                            string outputPath = Path.Combine(WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Jobs.JobStorePath, jobId + ".json");

                            using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
                                    Formatting = Formatting.Indented     // Make it readable for Ops sake!
                                serializer.Serialize(writer, token);

                        catch (PowerShellExecutionException poException)
                            CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
                                Exceptions     = poException.Exceptions,
                                LogTime        = poException.LogTime,
                                RequestAddress = requestedHost,
                                RequestMethod  = psCommand.Name,
                                RequestUrl     = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
                            string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

                            PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput(poException.Message + " logged to " + logFile);

                            ErrorResponse response =
                                new ErrorResponse
                                ActivityId = activityId,
                                LogFile    = logFile,
                                Message    = poException.Message

                            JToken token = new JObject(response);

                            _jobListProvider.CompleteJob(jobId, false, String.Empty);

                            string outputPath = Path.Combine(WebApiConfiguration.Instance.Jobs.JobStorePath, jobId + ".json");

                            using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
                                    Formatting = Formatting.Indented     // Make it readable for Ops sake!
                                serializer.Serialize(writer, token);

                    // return the Job ID.
                    return(new HttpResponseMessage
                        Content = new JsonContent(new JValue(jobId))
            catch (PowerShellClientException ex)
                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput("[" + ex.Category.ToString() + "]" + ex.Message);
                switch (ex.Category)
                case ErrorCategory.PermissionDenied: return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.Message));

                case ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound: return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message));

                case ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument: return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message));

                case ErrorCategory.ResourceExists: return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, ex.Message));
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "[" + ex.Category.ToString() + "]" + ex.Message));
            catch (PowerShellExecutionException poException)
                string requestedHost = String.Empty;
                if (Request.Properties.ContainsKey("MS_OwinContext"))
                    requestedHost = ((OwinContext)Request.Properties["MS_OwinContext"]).Request.RemoteIpAddress;

                CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
                    Exceptions     = poException.Exceptions,
                    LogTime        = poException.LogTime,
                    RequestAddress = requestedHost,
                    RequestMethod  = psCommand.Name,
                    RequestUrl     = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
                string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.InvalidPowerShellOutput(poException.Message + " logged to " + logFile);

                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                                                                      new ErrorResponse
                    ActivityId = activityId,
                    LogFile    = logFile,
                    Message    = poException.Message

            catch (Exception ex)
                CrashLogEntry entry = new CrashLogEntry
                    Exceptions = new List <PowerShellException>
                        new PowerShellException
                            ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
                            LineNumber   = 0,
                            ScriptName   = "GenericController.cs",
                            StackTrace   = ex.StackTrace
                    LogTime        = DateTime.Now,
                    RequestAddress = String.Empty, // TODO: Find a way of getting the request host.
                    RequestMethod  = psCommand.Name,
                    RequestUrl     = Request.RequestUri.ToString()
                string logFile = _crashLogger.SaveLog(entry);

                PowerShellRestApiEvents.Raise.UnhandledException(ex.Message + " logged to " + logFile, ex.StackTrace ?? String.Empty);

                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
                                                                      new ErrorResponse
                    ActivityId = activityId,
                    LogFile    = logFile,
                    Message    = ex.Message
