    public void AddCraft(int id)
        Craft craftToAdd = database.FetchCraftByID(id);

        if (craftToAdd == null) // if the id does not exist.

        // Instantiate the recipeItem

        int        category  = craftToAdd.category;
        GameObject recipeslt = Instantiate(recipeSlot);

        recipeslt.transform.SetParent(recipePanel[category].transform.Find("Panel"), false);// Add a recipeSlot in the approppriate Panel
        //recipeslt.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.SetActive(true); // Lock the receipt
        Transform product   = recipeslt.transform.Find("Slot").Find("Product Panel");
        Transform component = recipeslt.transform.Find("Slot").Find("Component Panel");

        // Instantiate the productItem

        int productID     = craftToAdd.itemsID[0];
        int productAmount = craftToAdd.itemsAmount[0];

        Item     productItem = idatabase.FetchItemByID(productID);
        ItemView productObj  = ItemView.CreateStandalone(productItem, productAmount);

        productObj.transform.SetParent(product, false);
        productObj.transform.localPosition = Vector2.zero; // sets the position of the item according to the slot
        //productObj.transform.localPosition = Vector2.zero; // sets the position of the item according to the slot
        productObj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
        // Instantiate the componentItems

        int numberOfComp = craftToAdd.itemsID.Length - 1;

        int[] componentID     = new int[numberOfComp];
        int[] componentAmount = new int[numberOfComp];

        Item[] componentItem = new Item[numberOfComp];
        int[]  amount        = new int[numberOfComp];

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComp; i++)
            componentID[i]     = craftToAdd.itemsID[i + 1];
            componentAmount[i] = craftToAdd.itemsAmount[i + 1];
            componentItem[i]   = idatabase.FetchItemByID(componentID[i]);
            amount[i]          = craftToAdd.itemsAmount[i + 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComp; i++)
            ItemView compObj = ItemView.CreateStandalone(componentItem[i], amount[i]);
            compObj.transform.SetParent(component, false);
            compObj.transform.localPosition = Vector2.zero; // sets the position of the item according to the slot
            compObj.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;

        // Instantiate the create Button Function

        Button button = recipeslt.GetComponentInChildren <Button>();

        button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
            createObject(productID, productAmount, componentID, componentAmount);
        product.GetComponent <HorizontalFitter>().Refit();
        LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(component.GetComponent <RectTransform>());
        //float width = component.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width;
        //float height = component.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height - component.GetComponent<GridLayoutGroup>().padding.vertical;
        //float size = Mathf.Min(width, height) / Mathf.Sqrt(component.transform.childCount);
        //component.GetComponent<GridLayoutGroup>().cellSize = new Vector2(size - component.GetComponent<GridLayoutGroup>().spacing.x, size - component.GetComponent<GridLayoutGroup>().spacing.y);
        LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild(product.GetComponent <RectTransform>());
        LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild(recipeslt.GetComponent <RectTransform>());
        LayoutRebuilder.MarkLayoutForRebuild(GetComponent <RectTransform>());
    public void AddCraft(int id)
        Craft craftToAdd = database.FetchCraftByID(id);

        if (craftToAdd == null) // if the id does not exist.

        // Instantiate the recipeItem

        int        category  = craftToAdd.category;
        GameObject recipeslt = Instantiate(recipeSlot, recipePanel[category].transform.Find("Panel")); // Add a recipeSlot in the approppriate Panel
        //recipeslt.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.SetActive(true); // Lock the receipt

        // Instantiate the productItem

        int productID     = craftToAdd.itemsID[0];
        int productAmount = craftToAdd.itemsAmount[0];

        Item productItem = idatabase.FetchItemByID(productID);

        GameObject productObj = Instantiate(craftItem, recipeslt.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0)); // creates the productItem gameObject in the productSlot of the product panel of the recipeSlot

        productObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite  = productItem.Sprite;                              // sets the sprite
        productObj.GetComponent <ItemData>().item = productItem;                                     // sets the item

        productObj.transform.localPosition = Vector2.zero;                                           // sets the position of the item according to the slot
        productObj.name = productItem.Title;                                                         // sets the name of the gameObject

        // Instantiate the componentItems

        int numberOfComp = craftToAdd.itemsID.Length - 1;

        int[] componentID     = new int[numberOfComp];
        int[] componentAmount = new int[numberOfComp];

        Item[] componentItem = new Item[numberOfComp];

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComp; i++)
            componentID[i]     = craftToAdd.itemsID[i + 1];
            componentAmount[i] = craftToAdd.itemsAmount[i + 1];
            componentItem[i]   = idatabase.FetchItemByID(componentID[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComp; i++)
            GameObject compSlot = Instantiate(craftSlot, recipeslt.transform.GetChild(1)); // creates the ComponentSlot of the Component panel of the recipeSlot
            GameObject compObj  = Instantiate(craftItem, compSlot.transform);              // creates the craftItem gameObject in the ComponentSlot of the component panel of the recipeSlot
            compObj.GetComponent <ItemData>().item = componentItem[i];                     // sets the
            compObj.GetComponent <Image>().sprite  = componentItem[i].Sprite;              // sets the sprite
            compObj.transform.localPosition        = Vector2.zero;                         // sets the position of the item according to the slot
            compObj.name = componentItem[i].Title;                                         // sets the name of the gameObject
            compSlot.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = componentAmount[i].ToString();
            compSlot.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().transform.SetAsLastSibling();

        // Instantiate the create Button Function

        Button button = recipeslt.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <Button>();

        button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
            createObject(productID, productAmount, componentID, componentAmount);