        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id != 0L)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (PokedexId != 0)
                hash ^= PokedexId.GetHashCode();
            if (Cp != 0)
                hash ^= Cp.GetHashCode();
            if (PercentHealth != 0F)
                hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(PercentHealth);
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
        public bool IsRegionModified(AMemory Memory, NvGpuBufferType BufferType, long PA, long Size)
            bool[] Modified = Memory.IsRegionModified(PA, Size);

            if (Modified == null)


            long PageSize = Memory.GetHostPageSize();

            long Mask = PageSize - 1;

            long PAEnd = PA + Size;

            bool RegMod = false;

            int Index = 0;

            while (PA < PAEnd)
                long Key = PA & ~Mask;

                long PAPgEnd = Math.Min((PA + PageSize) & ~Mask, PAEnd);

                bool IsCached = Cache.TryGetValue(Key, out CachedPage Cp);

                if (IsCached)
                    CpCount -= Cp.GetTotalCount();

                    Cp = new CachedPage();

                    Cache.Add(Key, Cp);

                if (Modified[Index++] && IsCached)
                    Cp = new CachedPage();

                    Cache[Key] = Cp;

                Cp.Node = SortedCache.AddLast(Key);

                RegMod |= Cp.AddRange(PA, PAPgEnd, BufferType);

                CpCount += Cp.GetTotalCount();

                PA = PAPgEnd;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (PokemonId != 0)
                hash ^= PokemonId.GetHashCode();
            if (Cp != 0)
                hash ^= Cp.GetHashCode();
            if (WeightKg != 0F)
                hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(WeightKg);
            if (HeightM != 0F)
                hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(HeightM);
            if (PokemonLevel != 0)
                hash ^= PokemonLevel.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
 private void AggregateOutputDir()
     try {
         Cp.CopyDir(TaskOutputDirs, OutputDir);
     } catch (CopyClashException exception) {
         var buildTask1 = signatureToBuildTask[GetFileName(GetDirectoryName(exception.SourceDir1.AbsolutePath))];
         var buildTask2 = signatureToBuildTask[GetFileName(GetDirectoryName(exception.SourceDir2.AbsolutePath))];
         throw new Exception($"Tasks '{buildTask1.Name}' and '{buildTask2.Name}' are clashing. " +
                             $"They produced the same file '{exception.FileRelPath}'.");
        public override string ToString()
            string returnString = "";

            returnString += "T: " + EnginesGUI.GUIUnitsSettings.TemperatureUnits.Format(T);
            returnString += " P: " + EnginesGUI.GUIUnitsSettings.PressureUnits.Format(P);
            returnString += " Rho: " + Rho.ToString("F2");
            returnString += "\n FF: " + FF.ToString("F3");
            returnString += "\n Cp: " + Cp.ToString("F2");
            returnString += " Cv: " + Cv.ToString("F2");
            returnString += "\nGamma: " + Gamma.ToString("F2");
            returnString += " R: " + R.ToString("F2");
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            string         ProjectPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ProjectPath");
            Project        Pj;
            List <Conmgr>  Conmgrs;
            List <Package> Packages;
            Dictionary <int, EzOleDbConnectionManager> CMS;

            using (AutossisEntities db = new AutossisEntities())
                Pj       = db.Project.Where(p => p.ProjectName == projectName).First();
                Conmgrs  = db.Conmgr.Where(p => p.ProjectId == Pj.ProjectId).ToList();
                Packages = db.Package.Where(p => p.ProjectId == Pj.ProjectId).ToList();
                CMS      = getOledbConnectionManagers(Conmgrs);

            ConventionBuilder conventions = new ConventionBuilder();

            .ForTypesDerivedFrom <ICreatePackage>()
            .Export <ICreatePackage>()

            Assembly[] assemblies = new[] { typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly };

            ContainerConfiguration configuration = new ContainerConfiguration()
                                                   .WithAssemblies(assemblies, conventions);

            ICreatePackage Cp;

            using (CompositionHost container = configuration.CreateContainer())
                Cp = container.GetExport <ICreatePackage>(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ProjectType"));
                Cp.ezOleDbConnectionManagers = CMS;
            foreach (Package package in Packages)
                Console.WriteLine(package.PackageName + " 生成成功。");
            JobControl(Pj, null);
            ez.SaveTo(ProjectPath + Pj.ProjectName + ".ispac");
 public string this[string columnName]
         string errormsg = null;
         switch (columnName)
         case "Cp":
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cp.ToString()))
                 errormsg = "Введите условную прибыль";
        public void TestInterpolation()
            const string fromName = "from1";
            const string fromText = "<from>";
            const string toName   = "to2";
            const string toText   = "<to>";

            var mockCore         = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ICentipedeCore>();
            var mockVariables    = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            var mockPythonEngine = MockRepository.GenerateStub <IPythonEngine>();

            mockCore.Expect(c => c.PythonEngine).Return(mockPythonEngine);

            var bcFrom = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IPythonByteCode>();
            var bcTo   = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IPythonByteCode>();

            mockPythonEngine.Expect(e => e.Compile(Arg <String> .Is.Equal(fromText),
                                                   Arg <SourceCodeType> .Is.Anything))

            mockPythonEngine.Expect(e => e.Evaluate(bcFrom))

            mockPythonEngine.Expect(e => e.Compile(Arg <String> .Is.Equal(toText),
                                                   Arg <SourceCodeType> .Is.Anything))

            mockPythonEngine.Expect(e => e.Evaluate(bcTo)).Return(toName);

            var action = new Cp(mockVariables, mockCore)
                From = string.Format("{{{0}}}", fromText),
                To   = string.Format("{{{0}}}", toText)

            using (new FileForTesting(fromName))
                using (new FileForTesting(toName, create: false))

        public Cp[] GetProduct()
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            string    sql   = "select * from cp";

            table = SBS.DBOP.GetDataTable(sql);

            Cp[] cp = new Cp[table.Rows.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                cp[i] = new Cp
                    lx    = table.Rows[i]["lx"].ToString().Trim(),
                    pm1   = table.Rows[i]["pm1"].ToString().Trim(),
                    pm2   = table.Rows[i]["pm2"].ToString().Trim(),
                    color = table.Rows[i]["color"].ToString().Trim(),
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id != 0L)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (PokedexId != 0)
                hash ^= PokedexId.GetHashCode();
            if (Cp != 0)
                hash ^= Cp.GetHashCode();
            if (PercentHealth != 0F)
                hash ^= PercentHealth.GetHashCode();
        public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
            writer.WriteAttributeString("nominal", Nominal.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("mean", Mean.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("standardDeviation", StandardDeviation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("lowerSpecLimit", LowerSpecLimit.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("upperSpecLimit", UpperSpecLimit.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("cp", Cp.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("cpk", Cpk.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("distribution", Distribution);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("skewness", Skewness.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("kurtosis", Kurtosis.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("sampleSize", SampleSize.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


        public void TestMissingFile()
            var mockCore      = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ICentipedeCore>();
            var mockVariables = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            const string fromName = "fromow";
            const string toName   = "toow";

            Cp action = new Cp(mockVariables, mockCore)
                From           = fromName,
                To             = toName,
                AllowOverWrite = false

                Assert.Fail("Did not fail with missing file");
            { }
        public void TestOverwrite()
            var mockCore      = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ICentipedeCore>();
            var mockVariables = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            const string fromName = "fromow";
            const string toName   = "toow";

            Cp action = new Cp(mockVariables, mockCore)
                From           = fromName,
                To             = toName,
                AllowOverWrite = false

            using (new FileForTesting(fromName))
                using (new FileForTesting(toName))
                        Assert.Fail("Did not fail when not overwriting");
                    { }
                    action.AllowOverWrite = true;
                        Assert.Fail("Failed to overwrite");
        public void TestRun()
            var mockCore      = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ICentipedeCore>();
            var mockVariables = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            const string fromName = "from";
            const string toName   = "to";

            Cp action = new Cp(mockVariables, mockCore)
                From = fromName,
                To   = toName
            const int length = 1024;

            using (new FileForTesting(fromName, length))
                using (new FileForTesting(toName, create: false))

                    Assert.AreEqual(File.ReadAllText(toName).Length, length);
        //P_ref is a vector of power refenreces for tehe wind turbine with dimension 1xN
        //v_nac is a vector of wind speed at each wind turbine with dimension 1xN
        //P_demand is a scale of the wind farm power demand.
        //parm is a struct of wind turbine parameters e.g. NREL5MW
        internal static void powerDistributionControl(out ILArray <double> P_ref, out ILArray <double> P_a, double[] v_nac, double P_demand, WindTurbineParameters parm)
            #region "Used variables declaration"
            double           rho;
            ILArray <double> R;
            ILArray <double> rated;
            ILArray <double> Cp;
            int i;

            rho   = parm.rho;               //air density for each wind turbine(probably the same for all)
            R     = parm.radius.C;          //rotor radius for each wind turbine(NREL.r=63m)
            rated = parm.rated.C;           //Rated power for each wind turbine(NREL.Prated=5MW)
            Cp    = parm.Cp.C;              // Max cp of the turbines for each wind turbine(NREL.Cp.max=0.45)

            P_a   = zeros(parm.N, 1);
            P_ref = zeros(parm.N, 1);

            // Compute available power at each turbine
            for (i = 1; i <= parm.N; i++)
                P_a._(i, '=', min_(__[rated._(i), (pi / 2) * rho * _p(R._(i), 2) * _p(v_nac[i - 1], 3) * Cp._(i)]));

            var sum_P_a_ = sum_(P_a);

            //Distribute power according to availibility
            for (i = 1; i <= parm.N; i++)
                if (P_demand < sum_P_a_)
                    P_ref._(i, '=', max_(__[0, min_(__[rated._(i), P_demand * P_a._(i) / sum_P_a_])]));
                    P_ref._(i, '=', P_a._(i));
 private static void LoadContants()
        //P_ref is a vector of power refenreces for tehe wind turbine with dimension 1xN
        //v_nac is a vector of wind speed at each wind turbine with dimension 1xN
        //P_demand is a scale of the wind farm power demand.
        //parm is a struct of wind turbine parameters e.g. NREL5MW
        public static void DistributePower(ILArray <double> v_nac, double P_demand, ILArray <double> Power, WindTurbineParameters parm, out ILArray <double> P_ref, out ILArray <double> P_a)
            double           rho;
            ILArray <double> R;
            ILArray <double> rated;
            int N;
            ILArray <double> Cp;
            double           P_avail;

            rho   = parm.rho;               //air density for each wind turbine(probably the same for all)
            R     = parm.radius.C;          //rotor radius for each wind turbine(NREL.r=63m)
            rated = parm.rated.C;           //Rated power for each wind turbine(NREL.Prated=5MW)
            N     = parm.N;                 //Number of turbines in windfarm
            Cp    = parm.Cp.C;              // Max cp of the turbines for each wind turbine(NREL.Cp.max=0.45)

            P_a   = ILMath.zeros(N, 1);
            P_ref = ILMath.zeros(N, 1);

            // Compute available power at each turbine
            for (var i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++)
                P_a[i] = Math.Min(rated.GetValue(i), (ILMath.pi / 2) * rho * Math.Pow(R.GetValue(i), 2) * Math.Pow(v_nac.GetValue(i), 3) * Cp.GetValue(i));

            //Compute total available power
            P_avail = (double)ILMath.sum(P_a);

            //Distribute power according to availibility
            for (var i = 0; i <= N - 1; i++)
                if (P_demand < P_avail)
                    P_ref[i] = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(rated.GetValue(i), P_demand * P_a.GetValue(i) / P_avail));
                    P_ref[i] = P_a.GetValue(i);
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id != 0UL)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (PokemonId != 0)
                hash ^= PokemonId.GetHashCode();
            if (Cp != 0)
                hash ^= Cp.GetHashCode();
            if (Stamina != 0)
                hash ^= Stamina.GetHashCode();
            if (StaminaMax != 0)
                hash ^= StaminaMax.GetHashCode();
            if (Move1 != 0)
                hash ^= Move1.GetHashCode();
            if (Move2 != 0)
                hash ^= Move2.GetHashCode();
            if (DeployedFortId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= DeployedFortId.GetHashCode();
            if (OwnerName.Length != 0)
                hash ^= OwnerName.GetHashCode();
            if (IsEgg != false)
                hash ^= IsEgg.GetHashCode();
            if (EggKmWalkedTarget != 0D)
                hash ^= EggKmWalkedTarget.GetHashCode();
            if (EggKmWalkedStart != 0D)
                hash ^= EggKmWalkedStart.GetHashCode();
            if (Origin != 0)
                hash ^= Origin.GetHashCode();
            if (HeightM != 0F)
                hash ^= HeightM.GetHashCode();
            if (WeightKg != 0F)
                hash ^= WeightKg.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualAttack != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualAttack.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualDefense != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualDefense.GetHashCode();
            if (IndividualStamina != 0)
                hash ^= IndividualStamina.GetHashCode();
            if (CpMultiplier != 0F)
                hash ^= CpMultiplier.GetHashCode();
            if (Pokeball != 0)
                hash ^= Pokeball.GetHashCode();
            if (CapturedCellId != 0UL)
                hash ^= CapturedCellId.GetHashCode();
            if (BattlesAttacked != 0)
                hash ^= BattlesAttacked.GetHashCode();
            if (BattlesDefended != 0)
                hash ^= BattlesDefended.GetHashCode();
            if (EggIncubatorId.Length != 0)
                hash ^= EggIncubatorId.GetHashCode();
            if (CreationTimeMs != 0UL)
                hash ^= CreationTimeMs.GetHashCode();
            if (NumUpgrades != 0)
                hash ^= NumUpgrades.GetHashCode();
            if (AdditionalCpMultiplier != 0F)
                hash ^= AdditionalCpMultiplier.GetHashCode();
            if (Favorite != 0)
                hash ^= Favorite.GetHashCode();
            if (Nickname.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Nickname.GetHashCode();
            if (FromFort != 0)
                hash ^= FromFort.GetHashCode();
            if (BuddyCandyAwarded != 0)
                hash ^= BuddyCandyAwarded.GetHashCode();
            if (BuddyTotalKmWalked != 0F)
                hash ^= BuddyTotalKmWalked.GetHashCode();
            if (DisplayPokemonId != 0)
                hash ^= DisplayPokemonId.GetHashCode();
            if (DisplayCp != 0)
                hash ^= DisplayCp.GetHashCode();
        //% The main file for running the wind farm controll and wake simulation.
        // It is not completely done yet. Further updates will come
        // Currently there are only 4 turbines, for test purposes. But is should be
        // easily updated to a larger number of turbines.
        // Similarly there is a lot of room for speed optimizations, even though it
        // now runs slowly with only 4 turbines
        // 19/07-13 MS

        public static double[][] Simulation(WakeFarmControlConfig config)
            var parm = new WindTurbineParameters();

            ILMatFile env;
            ILMatFile wt;

            ILArray <int>    idx;
            ILArray <double> ee;

            double           Ki;
            double           Kp;
            int              PC_MaxPit;
            int              PC_MinPit;
            double           VS_CtInSp;
            double           VS_RtGnSp;
            double           VS_Rgn2K;
            double           omega0;
            double           beta0;
            double           power0;
            ILArray <double> x;
            ILArray <double> u0;
            ILArray <double> u;
            ILArray <double> Mg_old;
            ILArray <double> P_ref;
            ILArray <double> Pa;
            ILArray <double> Power;
            ILArray <double> Ct;
            ILArray <double> P_ref_new;
            ILArray <double> v_nac;
            double           alpha;
            double           Mg_max_rate;
            ILArray <double> e;
            ILArray <double> Mg;
            ILArray <double> beta;
            ILArray <double> Cp;
            ILArray <double> Omega;
            ILArray <double> out_;

            if (config.NTurbines == 0)

            // Wind farm properties
            //turbine properties
            env             = wt = new ILMatFile(config.NREL5MW_MatFile);                                             //Load parameters from the NREL 5MW turbine
            parm.N          = config.NTurbines;                                                                       // number of turbines in farm
            parm.rho        = (double)env.GetArray <double>("env_rho");                                               //air density
            parm.radius     = ((double)(wt.GetArray <double>("wt_rotor_radius"))) * ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines); // rotor radius (NREL5MW)
            parm.rated      = 5e6 * ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines);                                                 //rated power (NREL5MW)
            parm.ratedSpeed = (double)wt.GetArray <double>("wt_rotor_ratedspeed");                                    //rated rotor speed

            idx = ILMath.empty <int>();
            ILMath.max(wt.GetArray <double>("wt_cp_table")[ILMath.full], idx);                                        //Find index for max Cp;
            parm.Cp = ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines) * wt.GetArray <double>("wt_cp_table").GetValue(idx.ToArray()); //Set power coefficent to maximum value in the cp table
            parm.Ct = ILMath.ones(1, config.NTurbines) * wt.GetArray <double>("wt_ct_table").GetValue(idx.ToArray()); //Set power coefficent to maximum value in the ct table

            // NOTE: controller parameters should be imported from the wt....struct in
            //Pitch control

            ee = 0;                                 //blade pitch integrator
            Ki = 0.008068634 * 360 / 2 / ILMath.pi; // integral gain (NREL5MW)
            Kp = 0.01882681 * 360 / 2 / ILMath.pi;  // proportional gain (NREL5MW)

            PC_MaxPit = 90;
            PC_MinPit = 0;

            //region control NREL
            VS_CtInSp = 70.16224;
            VS_RtGnSp = 121.6805;
            VS_Rgn2K  = 2.332287;

            // load initial wind data
            var wind = new ILMatFile(config.Wind_MatFile);

            //% Set initial conditions
            omega0 = 1.267; //Rotation speed
            beta0  = 0;     //Pitch

            var timeLine = (int)config.TimeLine();

            power0 = parm.rated.GetValue(0); //Power production
            x      = (omega0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)).Concat((wind.GetArray <double>("wind").GetValue(0, 1) * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)), 1);
            u0     = (beta0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)).Concat((power0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1)), 1);
            u      = u0.C;
            Mg_old = u[ILMath.full, 1];
            P_ref  = ILMath.zeros(parm.N, (int)config.TimeLine()); //Initialize matrix to save the power production history for each turbine
            Pa     = P_ref.C;                                      //Initialize available power matrix
            Power  = P_ref.C;
            Ct     = parm.Ct.C;                                    //Initialize Ct - is this correct?
            Ct[timeLine - 1, ILMath.full] = Ct[0, ILMath.full];
            P_ref_new = power0 * ILMath.ones(config.NTurbines, 1);

            v_nac = ILMath.zeros(Ct.Size[1], timeLine);
            Mg    = ILMath.zeros(u.Size[0], timeLine);
            beta  = ILMath.zeros(u.Size[0], timeLine);
            Omega = ILMath.zeros(Ct.Size[1], timeLine);
            Cp    = ILMath.zeros(timeLine, parm.Cp.Size[1]);

            var turbineModel = new TurbineDrivetrainModel();

            //% Simulate wind farm operation
            //var timeLine = (int) config.TimeLine();
            for (var i = 2; i <= timeLine; i++) //At each sample time(DT) from Tstart to Tend
                //Calculate the wake using the current Ct values
                    ILArray <double> out_v_nac;
                    WakeCalculation.Calculate((Ct[i - 1 - 1, ILMath.full]), i, wind, out out_v_nac);
                    v_nac[ILMath.full, i - 1] = out_v_nac;
                x[ILMath.full, 1] = v_nac[ILMath.full, i - 1];

                //Farm control
                //Calculate the power distribution references for each turbine
                if (config.EnablePowerDistribution)
                    ILArray <double> out_Pa;
                    PowerDistributionControl.DistributePower(v_nac[ILMath.full, i - 1], config.Pdemand, Power[ILMath.full, i - 1 - 1], parm, out P_ref_new, out out_Pa);
                    Pa[ILMath.full, i - 1] = out_Pa;

                //Hold  the demand for some seconds
                if (ILMath.mod(i, ILMath.round(config.PRefSampleTime / config.DT)) == 2) //???
                    P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1] = P_ref_new;
                    if (config.PowerRefInterpolation)
                        alpha = 0.01;
                        P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1] = (1 - alpha) * P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1 - 1] + (alpha) * P_ref_new;
                        P_ref[ILMath.full, i - 1] = P_ref_new;

                //Calculate control for each individual turbine - should be moved to the
                //turbine (drivetrain) model.

                //Torque controller
                for (var j = 1; j <= parm.N; j++)
                    if ((x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * 97 >= VS_RtGnSp) || (u.GetValue(j - 1, 0) >= 1))   // We are in region 3 - power is constant
                        u.SetValue(P_ref.GetValue(j - 1, i - 1) / x.GetValue(j - 1, 0), j - 1, 1);
                    else if (x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * 97 <= VS_CtInSp)                            //! We are in region 1 - torque is zero
                        u.SetValue(0.0, j - 1, 1);
                    else                                                         //! We are in region 2 - optimal torque is proportional to the square of the generator speed
                        u.SetValue(97 * VS_Rgn2K * x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * x.GetValue(j - 1, 0) * Math.Pow(97, 2), j - 1, 1);

                //Rate limit torque change
                //  u(:,2) - Mg_old;
                Mg_max_rate       = 1e6 * config.DT;
                u[ILMath.full, 1] = ILMath.sign(u[ILMath.full, 1] - Mg_old) * ILMath.min(ILMath.abs(u[ILMath.full, 1] - Mg_old), Mg_max_rate) + Mg_old;

                //Pitch controller
                e  = 97 * (omega0 * ILMath.ones(parm.N, 1) - x[ILMath.full, 0]);
                ee = ee - config.DT * e;
                ee = ILMath.min(ILMath.max(ee, PC_MinPit / Ki), PC_MaxPit / Ki);

                u[ILMath.full, 0] = -Kp * config.DT * e + Ki * ee;
                for (var j = 1; j <= parm.N; j++)
                    u.SetValue(Math.Min(Math.Max(u.GetValue(j - 1, 0), PC_MinPit), PC_MaxPit), j - 1, 0);

                if (!config.EnableTurbineDynamics)
                    u = u0;

                Mg[ILMath.full, i - 1] = u[ILMath.full, 1];
                Mg_old = Mg[ILMath.full, i - 1];
                beta[ILMath.full, i - 1] = u[ILMath.full, 0]; //Set pitch

                //Turbine dynamics - can be simplified
                if (config.EnableTurbineDynamics)
                    for (var j = 1; j <= parm.N; j++)
                        double out_x;
                        double out_Ct;
                        double out_Cp;
                        turbineModel.Model(x[j - 1, ILMath.full], u[j - 1, ILMath.full], wt, env, config.DT, out out_x, out out_Ct, out out_Cp);
                        x.SetValue(out_x, j - 1, 0);
                        Ct.SetValue(out_Ct, i - 1, j - 1);
                        Cp.SetValue(out_Cp, i - 1, j - 1);
                    Ct[i - 1, ILMath.full] = parm.Ct;
                    Cp[i - 1, ILMath.full] = parm.Cp;
                    x[ILMath.full, 0]      = parm.ratedSpeed;//Rotational speed

                Omega[ILMath.full, i - 1] = x[ILMath.full, 0];
                Power[ILMath.full, i - 1] = Omega[ILMath.full, i - 1] * Mg[ILMath.full, i - 1];

            //% Save output data
            out_ = (config.DT * (ILMath.counter(0, 1, config.TimeLine())));
            out_ = out_.Concat(v_nac.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Omega.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(beta.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(P_ref.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Ct, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Cp, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Pa.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Mg.T, 1);
            out_ = out_.Concat(Power.T, 1);

            //Ttotal power demand
            var l = config.NTurbines * 3 + 1;
            var r = l + config.NTurbines - 1;

            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(out_[ILMath.full, ILMath.r(l, r)], 1) / 1e6, 1);    // P_ref sum

            l = config.NTurbines * 6 + 1;
            r = l + config.NTurbines - 1;

            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(out_[ILMath.full, ILMath.r(l, r)], 1) / 1e6, 1);    // Pa sum. 'Power Demand'
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(Power).T / 1e6, 1);                                 // 'Actual Production'

            //Ttotal power demand
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(P_ref.T, 1), 1);              // 'Demand'
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(Pa.T, 1), 1);                 // 'Available'
            out_ = out_.Concat(ILMath.sum(Mg * Omega).T, 1);            // 'Actual'

            //Total power produced
            out_ = out_.Concat((Mg * Omega).T, 1);

            var out_doubleArray = new double[out_.Size[0]][];

            for (int i = 0; i <= out_doubleArray.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                out_doubleArray[i] = new double[out_.Size[1]];
                for (int j = 0; j <= out_doubleArray[i].GetLength(0) - 1; j++)
                    out_doubleArray[i][j] = out_.GetValue(i, j);
        public bool IsRegionModified(AMemory Memory, NvGpuBufferType BufferType, long PA, long Size)
            (bool[] Modified, long ModifiedCount) = Memory.IsRegionModified(PA, Size);

            PA = Memory.GetPhysicalAddress(PA);


            long PageSize = AMemory.PageSize;


            bool HasResidents = AddResidency(PA, Size);

            if (!HasResidents && ModifiedCount == 0)

            long Mask = PageSize - 1;

            long ResidencyKey = PA;

            long PAEnd = PA + Size;

            bool RegMod = false;

            int Index = 0;

            while (PA < PAEnd)
                long Key = PA & ~AMemory.PageMask;

                long PAPgEnd = Math.Min((PA + AMemory.PageSize) & ~AMemory.PageMask, PAEnd);

                bool IsCached = Cache.TryGetValue(Key, out CachedPage Cp);

                if (IsCached)
                    CpCount -= Cp.GetTotalCount();

                    Cp = new CachedPage();

                    Cache.Add(Key, Cp);

                if (Modified[Index++] && IsCached)
                    Cp = new CachedPage();

                    Cache[Key] = Cp;


                Cp.Node = SortedCache.AddLast(Key);

                RegMod |= Cp.AddRange(PA, PAPgEnd, BufferType);

                CpCount += Cp.GetTotalCount();

                PA = PAPgEnd;
