static void Main() { // Create CourseCatalog, ScheduleOfClasses, and Faculty objects. // The order of creation is important because a ScheduleOfClasses // needs a CourseCatalog object to properly initialize and a // Faculty object needs a ScheduleOfClasses object. // Create a CourseCatalog object and read data from input files. CourseCatalog catalog = new CourseCatalog("CourseCatalog.dat", "Prerequisites.dat"); catalog.ReadCourseCatalogData(); catalog.ReadPrerequisitesData(); // Create a ScheduleOfClasses object and read data from input file. ScheduleOfClasses schedule = new ScheduleOfClasses("SoC_SP2009.dat", "SP2009"); schedule.ReadScheduleData(catalog); // Create a Faculty object and read data from input files. Faculty faculty = new Faculty("Faculty.dat", "TeachingAssignments.dat"); faculty.ReadFacultyData(); faculty.ReadAssignmentData(schedule); // Create and display an instance of the main GUI window Application.Run(new MainForm(schedule)); }
/// <summary> /// 应用程序的主入口点。 /// </summary> static void Main() { // Create CourseCatalog, ScheduleOfClasses, and Faculty objects. // The order of creation is important because a ScheduleOfClasses // needs a CourseCatalog object to properly initialize and a // Faculty object needs a ScheduleOfClasses object. // Create a CourseCatalog object and read data from input files. dfdgfddfg CourseCatalog catalog = new CourseCatalog("CourseCatalog.dat", "Prerequisites.dat"); catalog.ReadCourseCatalogData(); catalog.ReadPrerequisitesData(); // Create a ScheduleOfClasses object and read data from input file. ScheduleOfClasses schedule = new ScheduleOfClasses("SoC_SP2009.dat", "SP2009"); schedule.ReadScheduleData(catalog); // Create a Faculty object and read data from input files. Faculty faculty = new Faculty("Faculty.dat", "TeachingAssignments.dat"); faculty.ReadFacultyData(); faculty.ReadAssignmentData(schedule); // Create and display an instance of the main GUI window Application.Run(new MainForm(schedule)); }
//******************************************** // Test scaffold. // static void Main() { // We need a CourseCatalog object to test the Faculty class CourseCatalog catalog = new CourseCatalog("CourseCatalog.dat", "Prerequisites.dat"); catalog.ReadCourseCatalogData(); catalog.ReadPrerequisitesData(); // We also need a ScheduleOfClasses object. ScheduleOfClasses schedule = new ScheduleOfClasses("SoC_SP2009.dat", "SP2009"); schedule.ReadScheduleData(catalog); // Create a Faculty object. Faculty faculty = new Faculty("Faculty.dat", "TeachingAssignments.dat"); // Read Faculty data from input file. faculty.ReadFacultyData(); faculty.ReadAssignmentData(schedule); // Display information about the faculty. faculty.Display(); }
/// <summary> /// อัพเดทหรือเพิ่มข้อมูล course catalog /// </summary> /// <param name="data">ข้อมูลที่ต้องการดำเนินการ</param> public async Task UpsertCourseCatalog(CourseCatalog data) { var update = Builders <CourseCatalog> .Update .Set(it => it.GroupName, data.GroupName) .Set(it => it.Advertisements, data.Advertisements) .Set(it => it.Grade, data.Grade) .Set(it => it.SideName, data.SideName) .Set(it => it.PriceUSD, data.PriceUSD) .Set(it => it.Series, data.Series) .Set(it => it.Title, data.Title) .Set(it => it.FullDescription, data.FullDescription) .Set(it => it.DescriptionImageUrl, data.DescriptionImageUrl) .Set(it => it.CreatedDate, data.CreatedDate) .Set(it => it.DeletedDate, data.DeletedDate) .Set(it => it.Semesters, data.Semesters) .Set(it => it.IsFree, data.IsFree) .Set(it => it.TotalWeeks, data.TotalWeeks); var updateOption = new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true }; await MongoAccess.MongoUtil.Instance .GetCollection <CourseCatalog>(AppConfigOptions.CourseCatalogTableName) .UpdateOneAsync(it => ==, update, updateOption); }
/// <summary> /// Upadtes the category filters for a given course catalog /// </summary> /// <param name="cat">Course catalog</param> /// <param name="allCourses">List of existing courses</param> /// <param name="db">Database context</param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task UpdateCategoryFiltersForCatalog(CourseCatalog cat, List <Course> allCourses, DatabaseContext db) { var doc = await SendGetRequest(_categoryUrl); var navi = doc.GetElementbyId("pageTopNavi"); var links = navi.Descendants().Where((d) => d.Name == "a" && d.Attributes.Any(a => a.Name == "class" && a.Value.Contains("depth_2"))); var modifiedCatalogText = cat.ShortTitle.Replace("WS", "Winter").Replace("SS", "Sommer"); if (links.Any(l => l.InnerText == modifiedCatalogText)) { var url = links.First(l => l.InnerText == modifiedCatalogText).Attributes["href"].Value; doc = await SendGetRequest(BaseUrl + WebUtility.HtmlDecode(url)); var nodes = GetNodesForCategories(doc); var parentCategories = await UpdateCategoriesInDatabase(db, null, nodes, doc, true, cat, allCourses); do { foreach (var category in parentCategories.Select(e => e.Value)) { PaulRepository.AddLog($"Currently at filter {category.Title}", FatalityLevel.Verbose, ""); } var tasks = parentCategories.Keys.Select(node => UpdateCategoryForHtmlNode(db, node, parentCategories[node], cat, allCourses)).ToList(); parentCategories = (await Task.WhenAll(tasks)).SelectMany(r => r).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } while (parentCategories.Keys.Any()); } }
public CourseCatalogDTO(CourseCatalog cource) { CourseId = cource.CourseId; Name = cource.Name; Description = cource.Description; CreatedByUserId = cource.CreatedByUserID; }
/// <summary> /// Updates all courses in the database for a given course catalog /// </summary> /// <param name="catalog">Catalog for which the courses should be updated</param> /// <param name="allCourses">List of courses that have already been parsed (from database)</param> /// <param name="db">Database context</param> public async Task UpdateCoursesInCourseCatalog(CourseCatalog catalog, List <Course> allCourses, DatabaseContext db) { var counter = 1; try { PaulRepository.AddLog($"Update for {catalog.ShortTitle} started!", FatalityLevel.Normal, ""); var courseList = allCourses.Where(co => co.Catalogue.InternalID == catalog.InternalID && !co.IsTutorial).ToList(); //ensure that every course has the right instance of the course catalog so that we don't get a tracking exception courseList.ForEach(course => course.Catalogue = catalog); var messages = await Task.WhenAll(new[] { "1", "2" }.Select(useLogo => SendPostRequest(catalog.InternalID, "", useLogo))); foreach (var message in messages) { var document = new HtmlDocument(); document.Load(await message.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()); var pageResult = GetPageSearchResult(document, counter); if (pageResult.HasCourses) { await GetCourseList(db, document, catalog, courseList, updateUrls : true); } while (pageResult.LinksToNextPages.Count > 0) { var docs = await Task.WhenAll(pageResult.LinksToNextPages.Select(s => SendGetRequest(BaseUrl + s))); //Getting course list for at most 3 pages var courses = await Task.WhenAll(docs.Select(d => GetCourseList(db, d, catalog, courseList, updateUrls: true))); counter += pageResult.LinksToNextPages.Count; pageResult = GetPageSearchResult(docs.Last(), counter); } } await UpdateCoursesInDatabase(db, courseList, catalog); PaulRepository.AddLog($"Update for {catalog.ShortTitle} completed!", FatalityLevel.Normal, ""); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException e) { //db.ChangeTracker.Entries().First(entry => entry.Equals(e)).State == EntityState.Detached; var str = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var entry in e.Entries) { str.AppendLine("Entry involved: " + entry.Entity + " Type: " + entry.Entity.GetType().Name); } PaulRepository.AddLog($"DbUpdateConcurrency failure: {e} in {catalog.Title} at round {counter}", FatalityLevel.Critical, "Nightly Update"); PaulRepository.AddLog($"DbUpdateConcurrency failure: {str} in {catalog.Title}", FatalityLevel.Critical, "Nightly Update"); } catch (Exception e) { PaulRepository.AddLog("Update failure: " + e + " in " + catalog.Title, FatalityLevel.Critical, "Nightly Update"); } }
/// <summary> /// Assumes mutually-exclusive access to _seenCourseIdsByCatalog. Returns true /// iff the ID was not seen before for this catalog. /// </summary> /// <param name="catalog"></param> /// <param name="courseId"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool AddSeenCourseId(CourseCatalog catalog, string courseId) { if (!_seenCourseIdsByCatalog.ContainsKey(catalog)) { _seenCourseIdsByCatalog[catalog] = new HashSet <string>(); } return(_seenCourseIdsByCatalog[catalog].Add(courseId)); }
//Creater nye objekter i systemet public CourseMDVM() { _courseCatalog = new CourseCatalog(); _courseCatalog.Load(); _deletionCommand = new RelayCommand(DeleteCourse, () => _selectedCourse != null); _updateCommand = new RelayCommand(UpdateCourse, () => _selectedCourse != null); _createCommand = new RelayCommand(CreateCourse, () => true); }
private static async Task RemoveCourseCatalogAsync(DatabaseContext db, CourseCatalog catalog) { db.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; var schedules = db.Schedules.IncludeAll().Where(s => s.CourseCatalogue.InternalID == catalog.InternalID); foreach (var s in schedules) { await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM SelectedCourseUser WHERE SelectedCourseId IN ({String.Join(",", s.SelectedCourses.Select(selectedCourse => selectedCourse.Id))}) "); await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM SelectedCourse Where ScheduleId = @p0", parameters : s.Id); await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM User Where ScheduleId = @p0", parameters : s.Id); db.Entry(s).State = EntityState.Deleted; } await db.SaveChangesAsync(); //Delete Dates await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM DATE WHERE CourseId IN(SELECT Id FROM Course WHERE Course.CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID})"); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); //Delete ExamDates await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM ExamDate WHERE CourseId IN(SELECT Id FROM Course WHERE Course.CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID})"); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); //Delete Connected Courses await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM ConnectedCourse WHERE CourseId IN(SELECT Id FROM Course WHERE Course.CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID}) OR CourseId2 IN(SELECT Id FROM Course WHERE Course.CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID})"); //Delete category courses await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM CategoryCourse WHERE CourseId IN(SELECT Id FROM Course WHERE Course.CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID})"); //Delete category filters (workaround since EF can't perform the normal SQL delete) var categoryFilters = db.CategoryFilters.IncludeAll().Where(c => c.CourseCatalog.InternalID.Equals(catalog.InternalID)).ToList(); while (categoryFilters.Any()) { using (var readOnlyContext = new DatabaseContext(_filename, _basePath)) { var toDeleteCategoryFilters = categoryFilters.Where(c => !c.Subcategories.Any() || (!c.Subcategories.Any() && !categoryFilters.Any(c2 => c2.Subcategories.Contains(c)))); await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM CategoryFilter WHERE ID IN({String.Join(",", toDeleteCategoryFilters.Select(c => c.ID))})"); categoryFilters = db.CategoryFilters.IncludeAll().Where(c => c.CourseCatalog.InternalID.Equals(catalog.InternalID)).ToList(); } } //Workaround for ForeignKey constraint failed await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM Course WHERE CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID} AND IsTutorial=1"); await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($"DELETE FROM Course WHERE CatalogueInternalID = {catalog.InternalID}"); db.Catalogues.Remove(catalog); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public CourseCatalog CourseCatalogFind(string CatalogID) { String stmtId = "CourseCatalog_Find"; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("CatalogID", CatalogID); CourseCatalog result = ExecuteQueryForObject <CourseCatalog>(stmtId, ht); return(result); }
public static List <Course> SearchCourses(string name, CourseCatalog catalog) { var courses = Courses.Where(c => !c.IsTutorial && c.Catalogue.Equals(catalog) && (!c.IsConnectedCourse || c.ConnectedCourses.All(course => course.IsConnectedCourse))); var search = new PrioritySearch <Course>(new Func <Course, string>[] { c => c.InternalCourseID, c => c.ShortName, c => c.Name, c => c.Docent }); return(search.Search(courses, name)); }
private static string GetCourseCatalogOrder(CourseCatalog catalog) { var match = Regex.Match(catalog.ShortTitle, @"(WS|SS)\s*([0-9]+)"); if (match.Success && match.Groups.Count >= 3) { return(match.Groups[2].Value + match.Groups[1].Value); } else { return(catalog.ShortTitle); } }
// GET: CourseCatalogs/Edit/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } CourseCatalog courseCatalog = await db.CourseCatalogs.FindAsync(id); if (courseCatalog == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(courseCatalog)); }
//****************************************** // Test scaffold. static void Main() { // We create a CourseCatalog object ... CourseCatalog catalog = new CourseCatalog("CourseCatalog.dat", "Prerequisites.dat"); // Read data from input files catalog.ReadCourseCatalogData(); catalog.ReadPrerequisitesData(); // ... and use its Display() method to demonstrate the // results! catalog.Display(); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "Id,GroupName,Grade,SideName,PriceUSD,Series,Title,FullDescription,TotalWeeks,DescriptionImageUrl,IsFree,RecLog")] CourseCatalog courseCatalog, IEnumerable <string> Advertisements) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var advetisements = Advertisements ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>(); courseCatalog.Advertisements = string.Join("#;", advetisements); courseCatalog.RecLog.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; db.CourseCatalogs.Add(courseCatalog); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(courseCatalog)); }
public void DataBind(CourseCatalog data = null) { if (data == null) { courseCatalog = new CourseCatalog(); state = FormState.Add; } else { state = FormState.Modify; txtCatalogName.Text = data.CatalogName; txtCatalogSort.Text = data.CatalogSort.ToString(); o = data.CourseID; } }
public void CourseCatalogInsert(CourseCatalog data) { //String stmtId = "CourseCatalog_Insert"; //ExecuteInsert(stmtId, courseCatalog); aers_sys_seedSqlMapDao dal = new aers_sys_seedSqlMapDao(); data.CourseID = dal.GetMaxID("CourseCatalog"); String stmtId = "CourseCatalog_Insert"; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("CatalogID", data.CatalogID); ht.Add("CourseID", data.CourseID); ht.Add("CatalogName", data.CatalogName); ht.Add("CatalogSort", data.CatalogSort); ExecuteInsert(stmtId, data); }
//****************************************** // Test scaffold. // static void Main() { // We need a CourseCatalog object to test the ScheduleOfClasses CourseCatalog catalog = new CourseCatalog("CourseCatalog.dat", "Prerequisites.dat"); catalog.ReadCourseCatalogData(); catalog.ReadPrerequisitesData(); // Create a ScheduleOfClasses object ... ScheduleOfClasses schedule = new ScheduleOfClasses("SoC_SP2009.dat", "SP2009"); // Read data from the input file ... schedule.ReadScheduleData(catalog); // ... and use its Display() method to list the ScheduleOfClasses // results! schedule.Display(); }
public ResultEntity deleteChapter(int?chapterID) { ResultEntity resultEntity = new ResultEntity(); ChapterNode temp = courseService.getChapterByID(chapterID); if (temp != null) { CourseCatalog courseCatalog = new CourseCatalog(); courseCatalog.setChapterNode(temp); courseService.deleteChapter(courseCatalog); resultEntity.setState(courseService.getChapterByID(chapterID) == null ? 1 : 0); } else { resultEntity.setState(0); } resultEntity.setMessage(resultEntity.getState() == 1 ? "删除成功!" : "删除失败,该章节不存在!"); return(resultEntity); }
private void picdelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle >= 0) { CourseCatalog data = this.gridView1.GetRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle) as CourseCatalog; if ((MessageBox.Show("确定要删除吗?", "询问", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes)) { int i = dal.Delete(data.CatalogID); if (i > 0) { DataBind(); } else { MessageBox.Show("删除失败!"); } } } }
// GET: CourseCatalogs/Details/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } CourseCatalog courseCatalog = await db.CourseCatalogs.FindAsync(id); if (courseCatalog == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var semesters = db.Semesters.Include(s => s.CourseCatalog) .Where(it => !it.RecLog.DeletedDate.HasValue) .OrderBy(it => it.RecLog.CreatedDate); ViewBag.Semesters = await semesters.ToListAsync(); return(View(courseCatalog)); }
public static async Task <Schedule> CreateNewScheduleAsync(CourseCatalog catalog) { using (var db = new DatabaseContext(_filename, _basePath)) { db.Attach(catalog); Schedule schedule = new Schedule(); var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); while (db.Schedules.Any(s => s.Id == guid)) { guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } schedule.Id = guid; schedule.CourseCatalogue = catalog; schedule.Name = $"Stundenplan {catalog.ShortTitle}"; db.Schedules.Add(schedule); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(schedule); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id) { CourseCatalog courseCatalog = await db.CourseCatalogs.FindAsync(id); var now = DateTime.Now; courseCatalog.RecLog.DeletedDate = now; var semesterQry = courseCatalog.Semesters; foreach (var item in semesterQry) { item.RecLog.DeletedDate = now; } var unitQry = semesterQry.SelectMany(it => it.Units); foreach (var item in unitQry) { item.RecLog.DeletedDate = now; } var lessonQry = unitQry.SelectMany(it => it.Lessons); foreach (var item in lessonQry) { item.RecLog.DeletedDate = now; } var adsQry = lessonQry.SelectMany(it => it.Advertisements); foreach (var item in adsQry) { item.RecLog.DeletedDate = now; } var totdQry = lessonQry.SelectMany(it => it.TopicOfTheDays); foreach (var item in totdQry) { item.RecLog.DeletedDate = now; } await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,GroupName,Grade,SideName,PriceUSD,Series,Title,FullDescription,TotalWeeks,DescriptionImageUrl,IsFree,RecLog")] CourseCatalog courseCatalog, IEnumerable <string> Advertisements) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var selectedCourseCatalog = await db.CourseCatalogs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(it => it.Id == courseCatalog.Id); if (selectedCourseCatalog == null) { return(View("Error")); } var advetisements = Advertisements ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>(); selectedCourseCatalog.Advertisements = string.Join("#;", advetisements); selectedCourseCatalog.GroupName = courseCatalog.GroupName; selectedCourseCatalog.Grade = courseCatalog.Grade; selectedCourseCatalog.SideName = courseCatalog.SideName; selectedCourseCatalog.PriceUSD = courseCatalog.PriceUSD; selectedCourseCatalog.Series = courseCatalog.Series; selectedCourseCatalog.Title = courseCatalog.Title; selectedCourseCatalog.FullDescription = courseCatalog.FullDescription; selectedCourseCatalog.TotalWeeks = courseCatalog.TotalWeeks; selectedCourseCatalog.DescriptionImageUrl = courseCatalog.DescriptionImageUrl; selectedCourseCatalog.IsFree = courseCatalog.IsFree; foreach (var cc in selectedCourseCatalog.Licenses) { cc.Grade = courseCatalog.Grade.ToString(); foreach (var item in cc.TeacherKeys) { item.Grade = courseCatalog.Grade.ToString(); } } await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { @id = selectedCourseCatalog.Id })); } return(View(courseCatalog)); }
static void Main() { // Create CourseCatalog, ScheduleOfClasses, and Faculty objects. // The order of creation is important because a ScheduleOfClasses // needs a CourseCatalog object to properly initialize and a // Faculty object needs a ScheduleOfClasses object. // Create a CourseCatalog object and read data from input files. CourseCatalog catalog = new CourseCatalog("CourseCatalog.dat", "Prerequisites.dat"); catalog.ReadCourseCatalogData(); catalog.ReadPrerequisitesData(); // Create a ScheduleOfClasses object and read data from input file. ScheduleOfClasses schedule = new ScheduleOfClasses("SoC_SP2009.dat", "SP2009"); schedule.ReadScheduleData(catalog); // Create a Faculty object and read data from input files. Faculty faculty = new Faculty("Faculty.dat", "TeachingAssignments.dat"); faculty.ReadFacultyData(); faculty.ReadAssignmentData(schedule); // We'll handle the students differently: that is, // rather than loading them all in at application outset, // we'll pull in the data that we need just for one // Student when that Student logs on -- see the Student // class constructor for the details. // Let's temporarily create Students this way as a test, // to simulate Students logging on. Note that only the // first Student has "preregistered" for courses based // on the content of his/her Student data file (see Student.cs // for details). Initial Student data is read from the // Student data files. Student s1 = new Student("111-11-1111.dat"); s1.ReadStudentData(schedule); Student s2 = new Student("222-22-2222.dat"); s2.ReadStudentData(schedule); Student s3 = new Student("333-33-3333.dat"); s3.ReadStudentData(schedule); // Let's have one Student try enrolling in something, so // that we can simulate his/her logging off and persisting // the enrollment data in the ssn.dat file (see Student.cs // for details). Section sec = schedule.FindSection("ART101 - 1"); sec.Enroll(s2); s2.WriteStudentData(); // Check contents of 222-22-2222.dat! // Let's see if everything got initialized properly // by calling various display methods! Console.WriteLine("===================="); Console.WriteLine("Course Catalog:"); Console.WriteLine("===================="); Console.WriteLine(""); catalog.Display(); Console.WriteLine("===================="); Console.WriteLine("Schedule of Classes:"); Console.WriteLine("===================="); Console.WriteLine(""); schedule.Display(); Console.WriteLine("======================"); Console.WriteLine("Professor Information:"); Console.WriteLine("======================"); Console.WriteLine(""); faculty.Display(); Console.WriteLine("===================="); Console.WriteLine("Student Information:"); Console.WriteLine("===================="); Console.WriteLine(""); s1.Display(); Console.WriteLine(""); s2.Display(); Console.WriteLine(""); s3.Display(); }
public void CourseCatalogUpdate(CourseCatalog courseCatalog) { String stmtId = "CourseCatalog_Update"; ExecuteUpdate(stmtId, courseCatalog); }
//************************************************************** // public void ReadScheduleData(CourseCatalog courseCatalog) { // We're going to parse tab-delimited records into // six fields - courseNumber, sectionNumber, dayOfWeek, // timeOfDay, room, and capacity. We'll use courseNumber to // look up the appropriate Course object, and will then // call the ScheduleSection() method to fabricate a // new Section object. StreamReader reader = null; try { // Open the file. reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(ScheduleFile, FileMode.Open)); // Read first line from input file. string line = reader.ReadLine(); // Keep reading lines until there aren't any more. while (line != null) { // We'll use the Split() method of the String class to split // the line we read from the file into substrings using tabs // as the delimiter. string[] strings = line.Split('\t'); // Now assign the value of the fields to the appropriate // substring string courseNumber = strings[0]; string sectionValue = strings[1]; string dayOfWeek = strings[2]; string timeOfDay = strings[3]; string room = strings[4]; string capacityValue = strings[5]; // We need to convert the sectionNumber and capacityValue // Strings to ints int sectionNumber = Convert.ToInt32(sectionValue); int capacity = Convert.ToInt32(capacityValue); // Look up the Course object in the Course Catalog. Course c = courseCatalog.FindCourse(courseNumber); // Schedule the Section and add it to the Dictionary. Section s = c.ScheduleSection(sectionNumber, dayOfWeek, timeOfDay, room, capacity); AddSection(s); line = reader.ReadLine(); } } // End of try block catch (FileNotFoundException f) { Console.WriteLine(f); } catch (IOException i) { Console.WriteLine(i); } finally { // Close the input stream. if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } return; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the category filters in the database by comparing new filters with the existing filters /// </summary> /// <param name="db">Database context</param> /// <param name="currentFilter">Current category filter</param> /// <param name="nodes">New html nodes (basically new filters)</param> /// <param name="doc">Current Html document</param> /// <param name="isTopLevel">Determines if we are in the first run (so at the top level of the "tree")</param> /// <param name="cat">Course catalog</param> /// <param name="allCourses">List of existing courses</param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <Dictionary <HtmlNode, CategoryFilter> > UpdateCategoriesInDatabase(DatabaseContext db, CategoryFilter currentFilter, IEnumerable <HtmlNode> nodes, HtmlDocument doc, bool isTopLevel, CourseCatalog cat, List <Course> allCourses) { var dict = new Dictionary <HtmlNode, CategoryFilter>(); List <CategoryFilter> topLevelCategories = null; foreach (var node in nodes) { var title = node.InnerText.Trim(); if (isTopLevel) { if (topLevelCategories == null) { topLevelCategories = db.CategoryFilters.IncludeAll().ToList(); } var category = topLevelCategories.FirstOrDefault(n => n.IsTopLevel && n.CourseCatalog.InternalID == cat.InternalID && n.Title == title); if (category == null) { category = new CategoryFilter { Title = title, CourseCatalog = cat, IsTopLevel = isTopLevel }; db.Entry(category).State = EntityState.Added; } dict[node] = category; } else { var filter = currentFilter.Subcategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == title); if (filter == null) { //we found a new category await _writeLock.WaitAsync(); filter = new CategoryFilter { Title = title, IsTopLevel = isTopLevel, CourseCatalog = cat }; currentFilter?.Subcategories.Add(filter); var entry = db.ChangeTracker.Entries().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Entity == currentFilter); if (entry?.State != EntityState.Added) { entry.State = EntityState.Modified; } db.Entry(filter).State = EntityState.Added; _writeLock.Release(); } dict[node] = filter; } } var courses = await GetCourseList(db, doc, cat, allCourses, allowMultipleIdPasses : true); if (courses.Any() && currentFilter != null) { foreach (var course in courses) { await _writeLock.WaitAsync(); if (!currentFilter.ParsedCourses.Any(c => c.CourseId == course.Id)) { var catCourse = new CategoryCourse { Category = currentFilter, CourseId = course.Id }; db.Entry(catCourse).State = EntityState.Added; currentFilter.ParsedCourses.Add(catCourse); } _writeLock.Release(); } } return(dict); }
public CourseSearchViewModel(CourseCatalog catalog, Schedule schedule) { _catalog = catalog; _schedule = schedule; CategoryBrowser = new CategoryBrowsingViewModel(schedule); }
//************************************************************** // public void ReadScheduleData(CourseCatalog courseCatalog) { // We're going to parse tab-delimited records into // six fields - courseNumber, sectionNumber, dayOfWeek, // timeOfDay, room, and capacity. We'll use courseNumber to // look up the appropriate Course object, and will then // call the ScheduleSection() method to fabricate a // new Section object. StreamReader reader = null; try { // Open the file. reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(ScheduleFile, FileMode.Open)); // Read first line from input file. string line = reader.ReadLine(); // Keep reading lines until there aren't any more. while (line != null) { // We'll use the Split() method of the String class to split // the line we read from the file into substrings using tabs // as the delimiter. string[] strings = line.Split('\t'); // Now assign the value of the fields to the appropriate // substring string courseNumber = strings[0]; string sectionValue = strings[1]; string dayOfWeek = strings[2]; string timeOfDay = strings[3]; string room = strings[4]; string capacityValue = strings[5]; // We need to convert the sectionNumber and capacityValue // Strings to ints int sectionNumber = Convert.ToInt32(sectionValue); int capacity = Convert.ToInt32(capacityValue); // Look up the Course object in the Course Catalog. Course c = courseCatalog.FindCourse(courseNumber); // Schedule the Section and add it to the Dictionary. Section s = c.ScheduleSection(sectionNumber, dayOfWeek, timeOfDay, room, capacity); AddSection(s); line = reader.ReadLine(); } } // End of try block catch (FileNotFoundException f) { Console.WriteLine(f); } catch (IOException i) { Console.WriteLine(i); } finally { // Close the input stream. if ( reader != null ) { reader.Close(); } } return; }
static void Run() { var catalog = new Dictionary <Category, Dictionary <Author, List <Course> > >(); var courseCatalog = new CourseCatalog(); }