public CountryResponse Delete(Guid identifier) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); using (SqliteConnection db = new SqliteConnection(SQLiteHelper.SqLiteTableName)) { db.Open(); SqliteCommand insertCommand = new SqliteCommand(); insertCommand.Connection = db; //Use parameterized query to prevent SQL injection attacks insertCommand.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Countries WHERE Identifier = @Identifier"; insertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Identifier", identifier); try { insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqliteException error) { MainWindow.ErrorMessage = error.Message; response.Success = false; response.Message = error.Message; return(response); } db.Close(); response.Success = true; return(response); } }
private void CanDeserializeCountryResponse(CountryResponse resp) { Assert.Equal("NA", resp.Continent.Code); Assert.Equal(42, resp.Continent.GeoNameId); Assert.Equal("North America", resp.Continent.Name); Assert.Equal(1, resp.Country.GeoNameId); Assert.False(resp.Country.IsInEuropeanUnion); Assert.Equal("US", resp.Country.IsoCode); Assert.Equal(56, resp.Country.Confidence); Assert.Equal("United States", resp.Country.Name); Assert.Equal(2, resp.RegisteredCountry.GeoNameId); Assert.True(resp.RegisteredCountry.IsInEuropeanUnion); Assert.Equal("DE", resp.RegisteredCountry.IsoCode); Assert.Equal("Germany", resp.RegisteredCountry.Name); Assert.Equal(4, resp.RepresentedCountry.GeoNameId); Assert.True(resp.RepresentedCountry.IsInEuropeanUnion); Assert.Equal("GB", resp.RepresentedCountry.IsoCode); Assert.Equal("United Kingdom", resp.RepresentedCountry.Name); Assert.Equal("military", resp.RepresentedCountry.Type); Assert.Equal("", resp.Traits.IPAddress); }
public async Task <CountryResponse> CreateCountry(Country countryModel) { var userId = await _loginRepository.GetUserIdByAuthToken(""); var countryExisting = GetCountryByName(countryModel.countryName); if (countryExisting != null) { var response = new CountryResponse { status = false, message = "Country already exists", countryList = null }; return(response); } else { var country = new MtnCountry() { CountryName = countryModel.countryName, CreatedBy = userId }; var loginSessionEntry = _context.MtnCountry.Add(country); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); var countryList = new List <Country>(); countryList.Add(new Country { countryId = Convert.ToString(country.CountryId), countryName = country.CountryName }); var response = new CountryResponse { status = true, countryList = countryList }; return(response); } }
public async Task <Response <Applicant> > CreateApplicant(Applicant applicant) { Applicant newApplicant = new Applicant(); Response <Applicant> response = new Response <Applicant>(); if (applicant == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicant)); } CountryResponse countryResponse = await ValidateCountry(applicant.CountryOfOrigin); if (countryResponse != null && countryResponse.Name != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryResponse.Name)) { newApplicant = await this.applicantRepository.Create(applicant); await this.applicantRepository.Save(); if (newApplicant != null && newApplicant.ID > 0) { response.ResponseCode = ResultCode.SUCCESS; response.Description = "Successful"; response.Result = newApplicant; return(response); } } response.ResponseCode = ResultCode.FAILED; response.Description = "Could not create applicant."; return(response); }
public static CountryResponse GetCountries() { uri = new Uri(""); var client = new RestClient(uri); IRestRequest request = new RestRequest("rest/v1/all", Method.GET); //send request in json format request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json; // execute the request target IRestResponse <Country> response = client.Execute <Country>(request); var content = response.Content; // raw content as string string getcountries = JToken.Parse(content).ToString(Formatting.Indented); //deseralise the object into a list format matching the COuntry class. var countries = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Country> >(getcountries); //var cArray = countries.ToArray(); //count = countries.Count; var countryResponse = new CountryResponse(); countryResponse.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode; //countryResponse.StatusCode = response.StatusCode.ToString(); countryResponse.Countries = countries; return(countryResponse); }
public async Task <Response <Applicant> > UpdateApplicant(Applicant applicant) { Applicant newApplicant = new Applicant(); Response <Applicant> response = new Response <Applicant>(); CountryResponse countryResponse = await ValidateCountry(applicant.CountryOfOrigin); if (countryResponse != null && countryResponse.Name != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryResponse.Name)) { newApplicant = await this.applicantRepository.Update(applicant); await this.applicantRepository.Save(); if (newApplicant != null && newApplicant.ID > 0) { response.ResponseCode = ResultCode.SUCCESS; response.Description = "Successful"; response.Result = newApplicant; return(response); } } else { response.ResponseCode = ResultCode.FAILED; response.Description = "The supplied country could not be validated."; return(response); } response.ResponseCode = ResultCode.FAILED; response.Description = "Could not update applicant."; return(response); }
private void cbCountryWineList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CountryResponse selectedCountry = (CountryResponse)cbCountryWineList.SelectedItem; SelectedCountryId = selectedCountry.CountryId; ShowRegionsWinelist(); }
public CountryResponse Create(CountryViewModel country) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); using (SqliteConnection db = new SqliteConnection(SQLiteHelper.SqLiteTableName)) { db.Open(); SqliteCommand insertCommand = db.CreateCommand(); insertCommand.CommandText = SqlCommandInsertPart; try { insertCommand = AddCreateParameters(insertCommand, country); insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqliteException error) { MainWindow.ErrorMessage = error.Message; response.Success = false; response.Message = error.Message; return(response); } db.Close(); response.Success = true; return(response); } }
public void CanDeserializeCountryResponse(CountryResponse resp) { resp.SetLocales(new List <string> { "en" }); Assert.That(resp.Continent.Code, Is.EqualTo("NA")); Assert.That(resp.Continent.GeoNameId, Is.EqualTo(42)); Assert.That(resp.Continent.Name, Is.EqualTo("North America")); Assert.That(resp.Country.GeoNameId, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(resp.Country.IsoCode, Is.EqualTo("US")); Assert.That(resp.Country.Confidence, Is.EqualTo(56)); Assert.That(resp.Country.Name, Is.EqualTo("United States")); Assert.That(resp.RegisteredCountry.GeoNameId, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(resp.RegisteredCountry.IsoCode, Is.EqualTo("CA")); Assert.That(resp.RegisteredCountry.Name, Is.EqualTo("Canada")); Assert.That(resp.RepresentedCountry.GeoNameId, Is.EqualTo(4)); Assert.That(resp.RepresentedCountry.IsoCode, Is.EqualTo("GB")); Assert.That(resp.RepresentedCountry.Name, Is.EqualTo("United Kingdom")); Assert.That(resp.RepresentedCountry.Type, Is.EqualTo("military")); Assert.That(resp.Traits.IPAddress, Is.EqualTo("")); }
public SignUpViewModel() { TakePicture = new Command(async() => await TakePictureAsync()); SelectPicture = new Command(async() => await SelectPictureAsync()); CountryResponse = new CountryResponse(); FinishCommand = new Command(() => FinishCommandExecute()); // GetCountry(); }
private void cbCountryAllWineList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CountryResponse selectedCountry = (CountryResponse)cbCountryAllWineList.SelectedItem; if (selectedCountry != null) { SelectedCountryIdAllwinelist = selectedCountry.CountryId; } ShowRegionsAllWinelist(); }
public CountryResponse GetCountries() { var response = new CountryResponse(); if (getCountry.countryData == null) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } = getCountry.countryData; response.count = getCountry.countryData.Count(); return(response); }
private SelectList CountrySelectList() { ICountryServices country = new CountryServices(); CountryResponse countriesResponse = country.GetCountries(); List <Country> countriesList = new List <Country>(); countriesList = countriesResponse.countries; var selectList = new SelectList(countriesList, "id", "name"); return(selectList); }
private void ShowRegionsAddNewWine(long selectedCountryId) { cbOriginRegion.Items.Clear(); CountryResponse selectedCountry = Metadata.Countries.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CountryId == selectedCountryId); if (selectedCountry != null && selectedCountry.Regions.Count() > 0) { cbOriginRegion.Items.AddRange(selectedCountry.Regions.ToArray()); cbOriginRegion.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { ShowDistrictAddNewWine(0, 0); } }
private void ShowCountriesAllWinelist() { cbCountryAllWineList.Items.Clear(); CountryResponse firstObject = new CountryResponse { CountryId = -1, CountryName = "alla länder" }; cbCountryAllWineList.Items.Add(firstObject); cbCountryAllWineList.Items.AddRange(Metadata.Countries.ToArray()); cbCountryAllWineList.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void ShowRegionsAllWinelist() { CountryResponse selectedCountry = Metadata.Countries.FirstOrDefault(r => r.CountryId == SelectedCountryIdAllwinelist); cbRegionAllWineList.Items.Clear(); RegionResponse firstObject = new RegionResponse { RegionId = -1, CountryId = -1, RegionName = "alla regioner" }; cbRegionAllWineList.Items.Add(firstObject); if (selectedCountry != null) { cbRegionAllWineList.Items.AddRange(selectedCountry.Regions.ToArray()); } cbRegionAllWineList.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public CountryResponse GetAllCountries() { var countries = _context.MtnCountry; IEnumerable <Country> countryList = countries.ToList().Select( cr => new Country() { countryId = Convert.ToString(cr.CountryId), countryName = cr.CountryName }); var countryResponse = new CountryResponse() { status = true, countryList = countryList.ToList() }; return(countryResponse); }
public async Task <CountryResponse> ValidateCountry(string countryName) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); string url = this.configurationFile.EuRestCountriesUrl.Replace("{{name}}", countryName); RestClientCall <CountryResponse> call = new RestClientCall <CountryResponse>(); try { response = await call.Get(url); return(response); } catch (Exception er) { } response.Name = string.Empty; return(response); }
public CountryResponse Create(CountryViewModel co) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); try { response = WpfApiHandler.SendToApi <CountryViewModel, CountryResponse>(co, "Create"); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Country = new CountryViewModel(); response.Success = false; response.Message = ex.Message; } return(response); }
public IActionResult Save(CountryResponse countryResponse) { City city = null; Region region = null; if (!Context.Cities.Any(x => x.Name == countryResponse.Capital)) { city = new City { Name = countryResponse.Capital }; } else { city = Context.Cities.First(x => x.Name == countryResponse.Capital); } if (!Context.Regions.Any(x => x.Name == countryResponse.Region)) { region = new Region { Name = countryResponse.Region }; } else { region = Context.Regions.First(x => x.Name == countryResponse.Region); } if (!Context.Countries.Any(x => x.NumericCode == countryResponse.NumericCode)) { Country country = new Country { Name = countryResponse.Name, NumericCode = countryResponse.NumericCode, City = city, Area = countryResponse.Area, Population = countryResponse.Population, Region = region }; Context.Countries.Add(country); } Context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Countries")); }
public dynamic GetActiveCountries() { try { CountryRepository countryRepository = new CountryRepository(); var countriesList = countryRepository.GetActiveCountries(); if (countriesList != null) { Logger.Instance.WriteInLog(LogType.INFO, "Countries successfully obtained"); CountryResponse countryResponse = new CountryResponse(); countryResponse.countries = new List <Country>(); foreach (var countryTemp in countriesList) { Country country = new Country(); = countryTemp.Name; = countryTemp.Id; = countryTemp.Active; countryResponse.countries.Add(country); } return(JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(countryResponse))); } else { Logger.Instance.WriteInLog(LogType.WARNING, "Something wrong ocurred while getting the countries"); return(JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new CountryResponse { countries = new List <Country>(), errors = "Could not get the countries" }))); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.WriteInLog(LogType.ERROR, "An error ocurred while getting the countries", null, ex.Message); return(JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new CountryResponse { countries = new List <Country>(), errors = ex.Message.ToString() }))); } }
public CountryResponse Delete(Guid identifier) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); try { CountryViewModel co = new CountryViewModel(); co.Identifier = identifier; response = WpfApiHandler.SendToApi <CountryViewModel, CountryResponse>(co, "Delete"); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Country = new CountryViewModel(); response.Success = false; response.Message = ex.Message; } return(response); }
public CountryResponse GetCountry() { CommonRequest obj = new CommonRequest(); UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Requesting.."); userManager.getCountry(obj, () => { CountryResponse = userManager.CountryResponse; //LstCountry = new ObservableCollection<Models.Country>(); //foreach (var item in //{ // LstCountry.Add(item); //} UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); }); return(CountryResponse); }
public CountryResponse Create(CountryViewModel re) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); try { Country addedCountry = unitOfWork.GetCountryRepository().Create(re.ConvertToCountry()); unitOfWork.Save(); response.Country = addedCountry.ConvertToCountryViewModel(); response.Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { response.Country = new CountryViewModel(); response.Success = false; response.Message = ex.Message; } return(response); }
public JsonResult Delete([FromBody] CountryViewModel country) { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); try { response = this.countryService.Delete(country.Identifier); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Success = false; response.Message = ex.Message; Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } return(Json(response, new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented })); }
public MapCountryPage() { InitializeComponent(); _country = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CountryResponse>(Settings.Country); Pin CountryPin = new Pin { Type = PinType.SavedPin, Position = new Position(_country.Latlng[0], _country.Latlng[1]), Label = _country.Name, Address = "" }; MapView.MoveToRegion( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(_country.Latlng[0], _country.Latlng[1]), Distance.FromMiles(10))); MapView.Pins.Add(CountryPin); }
public CountryResponse DeleteAll() { CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse(); try { using (SqliteConnection db = new SqliteConnection(SQLiteHelper.SqLiteTableName)) { db.Open(); db.EnableExtensions(true); SqliteCommand insertCommand = new SqliteCommand(); insertCommand.Connection = db; //Use parameterized query to prevent SQL injection attacks insertCommand.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Countries"; try { insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqliteException error) { response.Success = false; response.Message = error.Message; MainWindow.ErrorMessage = error.Message; return(response); } db.Close(); } } catch (SqliteException error) { response.Success = false; response.Message = error.Message; return(response); } response.Success = true; return(response); }
public CountryResponse Map(Country request) { if (request == null) { return(null); } ; CountryResponse response = new CountryResponse { Id = request.Id, Iso3cc = request.Iso3cc, Iso2cc = request.Iso2cc, IsoNumerical = request.IsoNumerical, EconomicArea = request.EconomicArea, Name = request.Name, Type = request.Type, }; return(response); }
public CountryResponse Detail(int id) { CountryResponse response = null; try { var detail = _dbContext.Get <t_sys_country>(id); if (detail != null) { response = new CountryResponse { Id =, Name = }; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtils.LogError("CountryService.Detail", ex); } return(response); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostMtnCountry([FromBody] Country mtnCountry) { try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var response = await _countyRepository.CreateCountry(mtnCountry); return(new JsonResult(response)); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new CountryResponse { status = false, message = "Error occured on page", countryList = null }; return(new JsonResult(response)); } }