 public NeuronalNetwork(int inputLength, ActivationFunctions activationFunction, CostFunctions costFunction = CostFunctions.SquaredMean)
     this.activationFunction = activationFunction;
     layers            = new List <Layer>();
     this.inputLength  = inputLength;
     this.costFunction = costFunction;
文件: Model.cs 项目: AyoubDSK/DNN
        public Model(Layer[] layers, Connection[] connections, CostFunctions cost_function)
            Layers      = layers;
            Connections = connections;
            OLIndex     = layers.Length - 1;

            switch (cost_function)
            case CostFunctions.MeanSquareSrror:

                if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanSquareErrorSigmoid;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanSquareErrorTanH;


            case CostFunctions.MeanAbsoluteError:

                if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanAbsoluteErrorSigmoid;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanAbsoluteErrorTanH;


            case CostFunctions.CrossEntropy:

                if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpySigmoid;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpyTanH;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Softmax)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpySoftmax;


                throw new ArgumentException("Cost function can't be set");
 public void SupervisedBackProp(double[] input, double[] Y, CostFunctions costFunction, List <List <NeuronValues> > startingvs, out double cost, out List <List <List <NeuronValues> > > grads, out List <double[]> biasGrads)
     SupervisedBackProp(new List <double[]>()
     }, new List <double[]>()
     }, costFunction, startingvs, out cost, out grads, out biasGrads);
 public NeuronalNetwork(int inputLength, ActivationFunctions activation, int[] topology, CostFunctions costFunction = CostFunctions.SquaredMean)
     this.inputLength        = inputLength;
     this.activationFunction = activation;
     this.costFunction       = costFunction;
     layers = new List <Layer>();
     for (int i = 0; i < topology.Length; i++)
         int prevLength = i == 0 ? inputLength : topology[i - 1];
         layers.Add(new Layer(prevLength, topology[i]));
            public static double GetCostOf(double[] output, double[] expected, CostFunctions costFunction)
                switch (costFunction)
                case CostFunctions.SquaredMean:
                    return(SquaredMeanEmpiricalLoss(output, expected));

                case CostFunctions.BinaryCrossEntropy:
                    return(BinaryCrossEntropyEmpiricalLoss(output, expected));

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
        public NeuralNetwork(Layer[] layers, LConnection[] layers_connections, CostFunctions cost_function, double learing_rate)
            Layers       = layers;
            LConnections = layers_connections;
            OLIndex      = layers.Length - 1;

            foreach (var item in LConnections)
                item.LearningRate = learing_rate;

            switch (cost_function)
            case CostFunctions.MeanSquareSrror:

                if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanSquareErrorSigmoid;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanSquareErrorTanH;


            case CostFunctions.MeanAbsoluteError:

                if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanAbsoluteErrorSigmoid;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanAbsoluteErrorTanH;


            case CostFunctions.CrossEntropy:

                if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpySigmoid;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpyTanH;

                else if (Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Softmax)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpySoftmax;


                throw new ArgumentException("Cost function can't be set");
            public static List <double> GetCostGradients(double[] output, double[] expected, CostFunctions costFunction, out double cost)
                cost = GetCostOf(output, expected, costFunction);

                List <double> Gradients = new List <double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(output.Length, expected.Length); i++)
                    if (double.IsNaN(expected[i]))
                        Gradients.Add(Derivatives.DerivativeOf(output[i], expected[i], costFunction));
        /// <summary>
        /// if expected has NaN it has not expected output
        /// </summary>
        public void SupervisedBackProp(List <double[]> input, List <double[]> expectedOutput, CostFunctions costFunction, List <List <NeuronValues> > startingStates, out double cost, out List <List <List <NeuronValues> > > grads, out List <double[]> biasGrads)
            cost = 0;
            if (input.Count != expectedOutput.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            var copy = new TemporalNetwork(ActivationFunction, TemporalLayers);

            List <double[]> costs = new List <double[]>();

            for (int t = 0; t < input.Count; t++)
                double[] outputT = copy.ExecuteNetwork(input[t]);
                costs.Add(new double[expectedOutput[t].Length]);
                cost += Cost.GetCostOf(outputT, expectedOutput[t], costFunction);//REPAIR
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedOutput[i].Length; i++)
                    costs[t][i] = Derivatives.DerivativeOf(outputT[i], expectedOutput[t][i], costFunction);
            GetGradients(costs, input, startingStates, out grads, out biasGrads);
        /// Solves the optimization problem.
        /// Result will be put in #SolutionType and (if solution is valid) #ResultGraph.
        public void Run(ISolver solver)
            if (MinArcCount > 0 || MaxArcCount < int.MaxValue || ArcCountWeight != 0)
                CostFunctions.Add(new CostFunction(cost: (arc => 1.0),
                                                   lowerBound: MinArcCount > 0 ? (double)MinArcCount - 0.5 : double.NegativeInfinity,
                                                   upperBound: MaxArcCount < int.MaxValue ? (double)MaxArcCount + 0.5 : double.PositiveInfinity,
                                                   objectiveWeight: ArcCountWeight));

            Problem problem = new Problem();

            problem.Mode = OptimizationMode.Minimize;

            // a binary variable for the inclusion of each arc
            foreach (Arc a in Graph.Arcs())
                Variable v = problem.GetVariable(a);
                v.Type = VariableType.Binary;

            // constraints and objective for each cost function
            foreach (CostFunction c in CostFunctions)
                if (c.ObjectiveWeight != 0 || c.LowerBound > double.MinValue || c.UpperBound < double.MaxValue)
                    Expression cSum = 0.0;
                    foreach (Arc a in Graph.Arcs())
                        cSum.Add(problem.GetVariable(a), c.Cost(a));
                    if (c.ObjectiveWeight != 0)
                        problem.Objective += c.ObjectiveWeight * cSum;
                    if (c.LowerBound > double.MinValue)
                        problem.Constraints.Add(cSum >= c.LowerBound);
                    if (c.UpperBound < double.MaxValue)
                        problem.Constraints.Add(cSum <= c.UpperBound);

            // constraints for degrees
            if (MinInDegree != null || MaxInDegree != null ||
                MinOutDegree != null || MaxOutDegree != null ||
                MinDegree != null || MaxDegree != null)
                foreach (Node n in Graph.Nodes())
                    double myMinInDegree  = (MinInDegree != null ? MinInDegree(n) : double.NegativeInfinity);
                    double myMaxInDegree  = (MaxInDegree != null ? MaxInDegree(n) : double.PositiveInfinity);
                    double myMinOutDegree = (MinOutDegree != null ? MinOutDegree(n) : double.NegativeInfinity);
                    double myMaxOutDegree = (MaxOutDegree != null ? MaxOutDegree(n) : double.PositiveInfinity);
                    double myMinDegree    = (MinDegree != null ? MinDegree(n) : double.NegativeInfinity);
                    double myMaxDegree    = (MaxDegree != null ? MaxDegree(n) : double.PositiveInfinity);

                    if (myMinInDegree > double.MinValue || myMaxInDegree < double.MaxValue ||
                        myMinOutDegree > double.MinValue || myMaxOutDegree < double.MaxValue ||
                        myMinDegree > double.MinValue || myMaxDegree < double.MaxValue)
                        Expression inDegree  = 0;
                        Expression outDegree = 0;
                        Expression degree    = 0;
                        foreach (Arc a in Graph.Arcs(n))
                            double weight = (DegreeWeight != null ? DegreeWeight(a) : 1);
                            if (weight != 0)
                                Node     u      = Graph.U(a);
                                Node     v      = Graph.V(a);
                                bool     isEdge = Graph.IsEdge(a);
                                bool     isLoop = u == v;
                                Variable avar   = problem.GetVariable(a);
                                degree.Add(avar, isLoop ? 2 * weight : weight);
                                if (u == n || isEdge)
                                    outDegree.Add(avar, (isLoop && isEdge) ? 2 * weight : weight);
                                if (v == n || isEdge)
                                    inDegree.Add(avar, (isLoop && isEdge) ? 2 * weight : weight);
                        if (myMinInDegree > double.MinValue)
                            problem.Constraints.Add(inDegree >= myMinInDegree);
                        if (myMaxInDegree < double.MaxValue)
                            problem.Constraints.Add(inDegree <= myMaxInDegree);

                        if (myMinOutDegree > double.MinValue)
                            problem.Constraints.Add(outDegree >= myMinOutDegree);
                        if (myMaxOutDegree < double.MaxValue)
                            problem.Constraints.Add(outDegree <= myMaxOutDegree);

                        if (myMinDegree > double.MinValue)
                            problem.Constraints.Add(degree >= myMinDegree);
                        if (myMaxDegree < double.MaxValue)
                            problem.Constraints.Add(degree <= myMaxDegree);

            Solution solution = solver.Solve(problem);

            SolutionType = solution.Type;
            if (solution.Valid)
                ResultGraph = new Subgraph(Graph);
                foreach (Arc arc in Graph.Arcs())
                    ResultGraph.Enable(arc, solution[problem.GetVariable(arc)] >= 0.5);
                ResultGraph = null;
文件: Map.cs 项目: akollaki/SCRAP-R
            //Links creation based on obstacles, vehicle action and initial weights
            void initLinks()
                foreach (var item in nodes)
                    if (item is NavNode && item.isActive)
                        //Find max y and x respect to vehicle action

                        double xMaxCoord = ((NavNode)item).xCoord + vehicleAction;
                        double yMaxCoord = ((NavNode)item).yCoord + vehicleAction;

                        int maxX = getCellFromCoord(xMaxCoord, yMaxCoord)[0];
                        int maxY = getCellFromCoord(xMaxCoord, yMaxCoord)[1];

                        //Find min y and x respect to vehicle action
                        int minX;
                        int minY;

                        double xMinCoord = ((NavNode)item).xCoord - vehicleAction;
                        double yMinCoord = ((NavNode)item).yCoord - vehicleAction;
                        minX = getCellFromCoord(xMinCoord, yMinCoord)[0];
                        minY = getCellFromCoord(xMinCoord, yMinCoord)[1];

                        if (maxX > rows - 1)
                            maxX = rows - 1;
                        if (minX < 0)
                            minX = 0;
                        if (maxY > cols - 1)
                            maxY = cols - 1;
                        if (minY < 0)
                            minY = 0;

                        //Connect nodes depending on vehicle action and obstacles. Initial weight based on initial cost function params
                        for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++)
                            for (int j = minY; j <= maxY; j++)
                                //Find attachable nodes
                                NavNode target           = (NavNode)getNodeByID(getNodeIdFromCell(i, j));
                                double  euclDistToTarget = CostFunctions.euclideanDist((NavNode)item, target);
                                bool    check            = ((item.getId() != target.getId()) && (target.isActive) && ((euclDistToTarget <= vehicleAction)));
                                if (check)
                                    //TODO: find a smart way to manage weights
                                    //choose initial weights
                                    int    count = target.nvisited;
                                    double alpha = CostFunctions.alpha;
                                    double comm  = CostFunctions.commCost((NavNode)item, target, resolution, rows, cols, nodes);
                                    double W     = count + comm + alpha;
                                    // And finally, link
                                    item.addLink(target, W);
文件: Model.cs 项目: CaddyDz/DNN
        private int OLIndex;  //Output layer Index of output model

        public Model(NeuralNetwork[] neural_networks, NNConnection[] neural_networks_Connections, CostFunctions cost_function, double learing_rate = 0.1)
            NeuralNetworks = neural_networks;
            NNConnections  = neural_networks_Connections;

            ONNIndex = NeuralNetworks.Length - 1;
            OLIndex  = NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].OLIndex;

            switch (cost_function)
            case CostFunctions.MeanSquareSrror:

                if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanSquareErrorSigmoid;

                else if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanSquareErrorTanH;


            case CostFunctions.MeanAbsoluteError:

                if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanAbsoluteErrorSigmoid;

                else if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaMeanAbsoluteErrorTanH;


            case CostFunctions.CrossEntropy:

                if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Sigmoid)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpySigmoid;

                else if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.TanH)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpyTanH;

                else if (NeuralNetworks[ONNIndex].Layers[OLIndex].GetActivatonFunction() == Layer.ActivationFunction.Softmax)
                    Delta_OutputLayer = DeltaCorssEntorpySoftmax;


                throw new ArgumentException("Cost function can't be set");

            foreach (var item in NNConnections)
                item.Model_Connection_LearningRate = learing_rate;
            /// <param name="expected">In case of Reinforcement learning expected is reward</param>
            public static double DerivativeOf(double neuronActivation, double expected, CostFunctions costFunction)
                if (double.IsNaN(expected))
                switch (costFunction)
                case CostFunctions.BinaryCrossEntropy:
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                case CostFunctions.SquaredMean:
                    return(SquaredMeanErrorDerivative(neuronActivation, expected));

                case CostFunctions.logLikelyhoodTerm:
                    return(LogLikelyhoodTermDerivative(neuronActivation, expected));

                    throw new NotImplementedException();