    void SetTilesValuesForCorridors()
        // Go through every corridor...
        for (int i = 0; i < corridors.Length; i++)
            Corridor3D currentCorridor = corridors[i];

            // and go through it's length.
            for (int j = 0; j < currentCorridor.corridorLength; j++)
                // Start the coordinates at the start of the corridor.
                int xCoord      = currentCorridor.startXPos;
                int yCoord      = currentCorridor.startYPos;
                int CorridDepth = currentCorridor.Depth - 1;

                // Depending on the direction, add or subtract from the appropriate
                // coordinate based on how far through the length the loop is.
                switch (currentCorridor.direction)
                case Direction.North:
                    yCoord += j;

                case Direction.East:
                    xCoord += j;

                case Direction.South:
                    yCoord -= j;

                case Direction.West:
                    xCoord -= j;

                // Set the tile at these coordinates to Floor.
                tiles[CorridDepth][xCoord][yCoord] = currentCorridor.FloorType;
        //Redo Room[0] to ensure entry room not destroyed
        Room3D EntryRoom = rooms[0];
        //Debug.Log("Total Rooms " + rooms.Length + " Room # " + i);
        int EntryDepth = EntryRoom.Depth - 1;

        // ... and for each room go through it's width.
        for (int j = 0; j < EntryRoom.roomWidth; j++)
            int xCoord = EntryRoom.xPos + j;

            // For each horizontal tile, go up vertically through the room's height.
            for (int k = 0; k < EntryRoom.roomHeight; k++)
                int yCoord = EntryRoom.yPos + k;

                // The coordinates in the jagged array are based on the room's position and it's width and height.
                tiles[EntryDepth][xCoord][yCoord] = EntryRoom.FloorType;
    public void BuildFixedRoom(int width, int height, int columns, int rows, Corridor3D corridor, int level, TileType3D floorType)
        // Set the entering corridor direction.
        enteringCorridor = corridor.direction;
        Depth            = level;

        //Set value for height and width
        roomWidth  = width;
        roomHeight = height;
        FloorType  = floorType;

        switch (corridor.direction)
        // If the corridor entering this room is going north...
        case Direction.North:
            // ... the height of the room mustn't go beyond the board so it must be clamped based
            // on the height of the board (rows) and the end of corridor that leads to the room.
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, rows - corridor.EndPositionY);

            // The y coordinate of the room must be at the end of the corridor (since the corridor leads to the bottom of the room).
            yPos = corridor.EndPositionY;

            // The x coordinate can be random but the left-most possibility is no further than the width
            // and the right-most possibility is that the end of the corridor is at the position of the room.
            xPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);

            // This must be clamped to ensure that the room doesn't go off the board.
            xPos = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);

        case Direction.East:
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, columns - corridor.EndPositionX);
            xPos      = corridor.EndPositionX;

            yPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
            yPos = Mathf.Clamp(yPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);

        case Direction.South:
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
            yPos       = corridor.EndPositionY - roomHeight + 1;

            xPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
            xPos = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);

        case Direction.West:
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
            xPos      = corridor.EndPositionX - roomWidth + 1;

            yPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
            yPos = Mathf.Clamp(yPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);
    // This is an overload of the SetupRoom function and has a corridor parameter that represents the corridor entering the room.
    public void SetupRoom(IntRange widthRange, IntRange heightRange, int columns, int rows, Corridor3D corridor, int level, TileType3D roomType)
        // Set the entering corridor direction.
        enteringCorridor = corridor.direction;
        Depth            = level;
        // Set random values for width and height.
        roomWidth  = widthRange.Random;
        roomHeight = heightRange.Random;
        FloorType  = roomType;

        switch (corridor.direction)
        // If the corridor entering this room is going north...
        case Direction.North:
            // ... the height of the room mustn't go beyond the board so it must be clamped based
            // on the height of the board (rows) and the end of corridor that leads to the room.
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, rows - corridor.EndPositionY);

            // The y coordinate of the room must be at the end of the corridor (since the corridor leads to the bottom of the room).
            yPos = corridor.EndPositionY;

            // The x coordinate can be random but the left-most possibility is no further than the width
            // and the right-most possibility is that the end of the corridor is at the position of the room.
            xPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);

            // This must be clamped to ensure that the room doesn't go off the board.
            xPos = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);

        case Direction.East:
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, columns - corridor.EndPositionX);
            xPos      = corridor.EndPositionX;

            yPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
            yPos = Mathf.Clamp(yPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);

        case Direction.South:
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
            yPos       = corridor.EndPositionY - roomHeight + 1;

            xPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionX - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
            xPos = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);

        case Direction.West:
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, corridor.EndPositionX);
            xPos      = corridor.EndPositionX - roomWidth + 1;

            yPos = Random.Range(corridor.EndPositionY - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndPositionY);
            yPos = Mathf.Clamp(yPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);
        //Debug.Log("Room Created at " + xPos + "," + yPos + "With size " + roomHeight + "," + roomWidth + " at depth of " + Depth);
    void CreateRoomsAndCorridors()
        // Create the rooms array with a random size.
        int TotalRooms;
        int RoomPerLvl;
        int RoomTotalLoop;

        RoomTotalLoop = 0;

        RoomPerLvl = numRooms.Random;
        //TotalRooms = (RoomPerLvl * Depth) + 3 + (1+(2*(Depth-1)));
        TotalRooms = (RoomPerLvl * Depth) + 3;
        Debug.Log("Total Rooms: " + TotalRooms);
        Debug.Log("Total Room per LVL " + RoomPerLvl);

        rooms = new Room3D[TotalRooms];

        // There should be one less corridor than there is rooms.
        corridors = new Corridor3D[TotalRooms - 1];

        //Create the first room and corridor.
        rooms[0]     = new Room3D();
        corridors[0] = new Corridor3D();

        //Create Entry Room
        rooms[0].CreateEntry(1, 1, columns, rows);
        corridors[0].BuildEntryCorridor(rooms[0], 5);
        rooms[1]     = new Room3D();
        corridors[1] = new Corridor3D();
        rooms[1].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, corridors[0], 1, TileType3D.Floor);
        corridors[1].SetupCorridor(rooms[1], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, false, 1);

        rooms[2]     = new Room3D();
        corridors[2] = new Corridor3D();
        rooms[2].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, corridors[1], 1, TileType3D.Floor);
        corridors[2].SetupCorridor(rooms[2], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, false, 1);

        // Setup the first room, there is no previous corridor so we do not use one.
        //rooms[0].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows);

        // Setup the first corridor using the first room.
        //corridors[0].SetupCorridor(rooms[0], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, true);
        for (int i = 0; i < RoomPerLvl; i++)
            // Create a room.
            rooms[RoomTotalLoop] = new Room3D();
            //Debug.Log("Room " + RoomTotalLoop);

            // Setup the room based on the previous corridor.
            rooms[RoomTotalLoop].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, corridors[RoomTotalLoop - 1], 1, TileType3D.Floor);

            // If we haven't reached the end of the corridors array...
            if (RoomTotalLoop < corridors.Length)
                // ... create a corridor.
                corridors[RoomTotalLoop] = new Corridor3D();

                // Setup the corridor based on the room that was just created.
                corridors[RoomTotalLoop].SetupCorridor(rooms[RoomTotalLoop], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, false, 1);
        // Create an extra room on current level and next level down. Both will be classed as stair undef.

        for (int d = 1; d < Depth; d++)
            for (int i = 0; i < RoomPerLvl; i++)
                // Create a room.

                rooms[RoomTotalLoop] = new Room3D();
                //Debug.Log("Depth " + d + " Room " + RoomTotalLoop);
                // Setup the room based on the previous corridor.
                rooms[RoomTotalLoop].SetupRoom(roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, corridors[RoomTotalLoop - 1], d + 1, TileType3D.Floor);

                // If we haven't reached the end of the corridors array...
                if (RoomTotalLoop < corridors.Length)
                    // ... create a corridor.
                    corridors[RoomTotalLoop] = new Corridor3D();

                    // Setup the corridor based on the room that was just created.
                    corridors[RoomTotalLoop].SetupCorridor(rooms[RoomTotalLoop], corridorLength, roomWidth, roomHeight, columns, rows, false, d + 1);
            //Create same room at current level and next level for down stairs.