    private static void correlation_test01()

    //  Purpose:
    //    CORRELATION_TEST01 plots the correlation functions.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    11 November 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        Console.WriteLine("  Make plots of correlation functions.");

        const int n = 101;

        FullertonLib.BesselData globaldata = new();
        //  besselj
        double rho0 = 1.0;

        FullertonLib.r8BESJ0Data j0data = new();
        double[] rho = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -8.0, 8.0);
        Correlation.CorrelationResult tr = Correlation.correlation_besselj(globaldata, j0data, n, rho, rho0);
        double[] c = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        j0data     = tr.j0data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "besselj", "Bessel J correlation");
        //  besselk
        rho0 = 1.0;
        FullertonLib.r8BESK1Data k1data = new();
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -4.0, 4.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_besselk(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "besselk", "Bessel K correlation");
        //  circular
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_circular(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "circular", "Circular correlation");
        //  constant
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_constant(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "constant", "Constant correlation");
        //  cubic
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_cubic(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "cubic", "Cubic correlation");
        //  damped_cosine
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -6.0, 6.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_damped_cosine(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "damped_cosine", "Damped cosine correlation");
        //  damped_sine
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -12.0, 12.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_damped_sine(globaldata, j0data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "damped_sine", "Damped sine correlation");
        //  exponential
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_exponential(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "exponential", "Exponential correlation");
        //  gaussian
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_gaussian(globaldata, j0data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "gaussian", "Gaussian correlation");
        //  hole
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -6.0, 6.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_hole(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "hole", "Hole correlation");
        //  linear
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_linear(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "linear", "Linear correlation");
        //  matern, nu = 2.5
        rho0 = 1.0;
        FullertonLib.r8BESKData kdata = new();
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_matern(globaldata, kdata, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        kdata      = tr.kdata;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "matern", "Matern correlation (NU = 2.5)");
        //  pentaspherical
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_pentaspherical(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "pentaspherical", "Pentaspherical correlation");
        //  power, e = 2.0
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_power(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "power", "Power correlation");
        //  rational_quadratic
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -4.0, 4.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_rational_quadratic(globaldata, j0data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        j0data     = tr.j0data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "rational_quadratic", "Rational quadratic correlation");
        //  spherical
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_spherical(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "spherical", "Spherical correlation");
        //  white_noise
        rho0       = 1.0;
        rho        = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, -2.0, 2.0);
        tr         = Correlation.correlation_white_noise(globaldata, k1data, n, rho, rho0);
        c          = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Plot.correlation_plot(n, rho, c, "white_noise", "White noise correlation");
    public static Correlation.CorrelationResult sample_paths_cholesky(FullertonLib.BesselData globaldata, FullertonLib.r8BESKData kdata, int n, int n2, double rhomax, double rho0,
                                                                      Func <FullertonLib.BesselData, FullertonLib.r8BESKData, int, double[], double, Correlation.CorrelationResult> correlation, ref typeMethods.r8vecNormalData data, ref int seed)

    //  Purpose:
    //    SAMPLE_PATHS_CHOLESKY: sample paths for stationary correlation functions.
    //  Discussion:
    //    This method uses the Cholesky factorization of the correlation matrix.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    11 November 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int N, the number of points on each path.
    //    Input, int N2, the number of paths.
    //    Input, double RHOMAX, the maximum value of RHO.
    //    Input, double RHO0, the correlation length.
    //    Input, double *CORRELATION ( int n, double rho_vec[], double rho0),
    //    the name of the function which evaluates the correlation.
    //    Input/output, int &SEED, a seed for the random number
    //    generator.
    //    Output, double X[N*N2], the sample paths.
        int flag = 0;
        int j;
        //  Choose N equally spaced sample points from 0 to RHOMAX.
        const double rhomin = 0.0;

        double[] rho_vec = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, rhomin, rhomax);
        //  Evaluate the correlation function.
        Correlation.CorrelationResult tr = correlation(globaldata, kdata, n, rho_vec, rho0);
        double[] cor_vec = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        //  Construct the correlation matrix;
        //  From the vector
        //    [ C(0), C(1), C(2), ... C(N-1) ]
        //  construct the vector
        //    [ C(N-1), ..., C(2), C(1), C(0), C(1), C(2), ...  C(N-1) ]
        //  Every row of the correlation matrix can be constructed by a subvector
        //  of this vector.
        double[] cor = new double[n * n];

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int k = typeMethods.i4_wrap(j - i, 0, n - 1);
                cor[i + j * n] = cor_vec[k];

        //  Get the Cholesky factorization of COR:
        //    COR = L * L'.
        double[] l = typeMethods.r8mat_cholesky_factor(n, cor, ref flag);
        switch (flag)
        //  The matrix might not be nonnegative definite.
        case 2:
            Console.WriteLine("SAMPLE_PATHS_CHOLESKY - Fatal error!");
            Console.WriteLine("  The correlation matrix is not");
            Console.WriteLine("  symmetric nonnegative definite.");

        //  Compute a matrix of N by N2 normally distributed values.
        double[] r = typeMethods.r8mat_normal_01_new(n, n2, ref data, ref seed);
        //  Compute the sample path.
        double[] x = typeMethods.r8mat_mm_new(n, n, n2, l, r);

        Correlation.CorrelationResult res = new() { result = x, data = globaldata };

    private static void correlation_test02()

    //  Purpose:
    //    CORRELATION_TEST02 plots sample paths with SAMPLE_PATHS_CHOLESKY.
    //  Discussion:
    //    Most paths will be blue, but make the LAST one red so that there will
    //    always be one distinguished path that is easy to follow.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    11 November 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        const double rho0   = 1.0;
        const double rhomax = 10.0;
        const double rhomin = 0.0;

        Console.WriteLine("  SAMPLE_PATHS_CHOLESKY generates sample paths from the");
        Console.WriteLine("  correlation matrix, factored using the Cholesky factor.");
        Console.WriteLine("  It requires that the correlation matrix is nonnegative definite.");
        Console.WriteLine("  SAMPLE_PATHS_EIGEN generates sample paths from the");
        Console.WriteLine("  correlation matrix, factored using the eigen factorization.");
        Console.WriteLine("  If the correlation matrix is not nonnegative definite,");
        Console.WriteLine("  we simply suppress negative eigenvalues.");

        FullertonLib.BesselData globaldata = new();

        const int n  = 101;
        const int n2 = 3;

        double[] rho = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, rhomin, rhomax);
        //  besselj
        //  Use EIGEN, because CHOLESKY fails.
        int seed = 123456789;

        typeMethods.r8vecNormalData   data  = new();
        FullertonLib.r8BESJ0Data      jdata = new();
        Correlation.CorrelationResult tr    = SamplePaths.sample_paths_eigen(globaldata, jdata, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_besselj, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        double[] x = tr.result;
        jdata = tr.j0data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "besselj", "Bessel J correlation");
        //  besselk
        seed = 123456789;
        FullertonLib.r8BESK1Data k1data = new();
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_besselk, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "besselk", "Bessel K correlation");
        //  circular
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_circular, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "circular", "Circular correlation");
        //  constant
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_constant, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "constant", "Constant correlation");
        //  cubic
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_cubic, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "cubic", "Cubic correlation");
        //  damped_cosine
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_damped_cosine, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "damped_cosine", "Damped cosine correlation");
        //  damped_sine
        //  Use EIGEN, because CHOLESKY fails.
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_eigen(globaldata, jdata, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_damped_sine, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        jdata      = tr.j0data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "damped_sine", "Damped sine correlation");
        //  exponential
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_exponential, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "exponential", "Exponential correlation");
        //  gaussian
        //  Use EIGEN, because CHOLESKY fails.
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_eigen(globaldata, jdata, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_gaussian, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        jdata      = tr.j0data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "gaussian", "Gaussian correlation");
        //  hole
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_hole, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "hole", "Hole correlation");
        //  linear
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_linear, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "linear", "Linear correlation");
        //  matern ( nu = 2.5 )
        seed = 123456789;
        FullertonLib.r8BESKData kdata = new();
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, kdata, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_matern, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        kdata      = tr.kdata;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "matern", "Matern correlation (nu=2.5)");
        //  pentaspherical
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_pentaspherical, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "pentaspherical", "Pentaspherical correlation");
        //  power ( e = 2.0 )
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_power, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "power", "Power correlation (e=2.0)");
        //  rational_quadratic
        //  Use EIGEN, because CHOLESKY fails.
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_eigen(globaldata, jdata, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_rational_quadratic, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        jdata      = tr.j0data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "rational_quadratic", "Rational quadratic correlation");
        //  spherical
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_spherical, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "spherical", "Spherical correlation");
        //  white_noise
        seed       = 123456789;
        tr         = SamplePaths.sample_paths_cholesky(globaldata, k1data, n, n2, rhomax, rho0, Correlation.correlation_white_noise, ref data, ref seed);
        globaldata = tr.data;
        x          = tr.result;
        k1data     = tr.k1data;
        Paths.paths_plot(n, n2, rho, x, "white_noise", "White noise correlation");
    public static Correlation.CorrelationResult sample_paths_eigen(FullertonLib.BesselData globaldata, FullertonLib.r8BESJ0Data jdata, int n, int n2, double rhomax, double rho0,
                                                                   Func <FullertonLib.BesselData, FullertonLib.r8BESJ0Data, int, double[], double, Correlation.CorrelationResult> correlation, ref typeMethods.r8vecNormalData data, ref int seed)

    //  Purpose:
    //    SAMPLE_PATHS_EIGEN: sample paths for stationary correlation functions.
    //  Discussion:
    //    This method uses the eigen-decomposition of the correlation matrix.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    12 November 2012
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int N, the number of points on each path.
    //    Input, int N2, the number of paths.
    //    Input, double RHOMAX, the maximum value of RHO.
    //    Input, double RHO0, the correlation length.
    //    Input, double *CORRELATION ( int n, double rho_vec[], double rho0),
    //    the name of the function which evaluates the correlation.
    //    Input/output, int &SEED, a seed for the random number
    //    generator.
    //    Output, double X[N*N2], the sample paths.
        int i;
        int j;
        int k;
        //  Choose N equally spaced sample points from 0 to RHOMAX.
        const double rhomin = 0.0;

        double[] rho_vec = typeMethods.r8vec_linspace_new(n, rhomin, rhomax);
        //  Evaluate the correlation function.
        Correlation.CorrelationResult tr = correlation(globaldata, jdata, n, rho_vec, rho0);
        double[] cor_vec = tr.result;
        globaldata = tr.data;
        jdata      = tr.j0data;
        //  Construct the correlation matrix;
        //  From the vector
        //    [ C(0), C(1), C(2), ... C(N-1) ]
        //  construct the vector
        //    [ C(N-1), ..., C(2), C(1), C(0), C(1), C(2), ...  C(N-1) ]
        //  Every row of the correlation matrix can be constructed by a subvector
        //  of this vector.
        double[] cor = new double[n * n];

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                k = typeMethods.i4_wrap(Math.Abs(i - j), 0, n - 1);
                cor[i + j * n] = cor_vec[k];

        //  Get the eigendecomposition of COR:
        //    COR = V * D * V'.
        //  Because COR is symmetric, V is orthogonal.
        double[] d = new double[n];
        double[] w = new double[n];
        double[] v = new double[n * n];

        TRED2.tred2(n, cor, ref d, ref w, ref v);

        TQL2.tql2(n, ref d, ref w, v);
        //  We assume COR is non-negative definite, and hence that there
        //  are no negative eigenvalues.
        double dmin = typeMethods.r8vec_min(n, d);

        if (dmin < -Math.Sqrt(typeMethods.r8_epsilon()))
            Console.WriteLine("SAMPLE_PATHS_EIGEN - Warning!");
            Console.WriteLine("  Negative eigenvalues observed as low as " + dmin + "");

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            d[i] = Math.Max(d[i], 0.0);

        //  Compute the eigenvalues of the factor C.
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            d[i] = Math.Sqrt(d[i]);

        //  Compute C, such that C' * C = COR.
        double[] c = new double[n * n];

        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                c[i + j * n] = 0.0;
                for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
                    c[i + j * n] += d[k] * v[i + k * n] * v[j + k * n];

        //  Compute N by N2 independent random normal values.
        double[] r = typeMethods.r8mat_normal_01_new(n, n2, ref data, ref seed);
        //  Multiply to get the variables X which have correlation COR.
        double[] x = typeMethods.r8mat_mm_new(n, n, n2, c, r);

        Correlation.CorrelationResult result = new() { result = x, data = globaldata };
