private TSubmitChangesResult StoreManualCode(ref CorporateExchangeSetupTDS ASubmitChanges,
                                                     out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult)
            AVerificationResult = null;
            int TransactionsChanged;

            TSubmitChangesResult Result = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS(
                ref ASubmitChanges, out TransactionsChanged, out AVerificationResult);

            if ((Result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK) && (TransactionsChanged > 0) && (FPetraUtilsObject.GetCallerForm() != null))
                                                  "{0} GL Transaction was automatically updated with the new corporate exchange rate.",
                                                  "{0} GL Transactions were automatically updated with the new corporate exchange rate.",
                                                  TransactionsChanged, true), TransactionsChanged),
                                Catalog.GetString("Save Corporate Exchange Rates"), MessageBoxButtons.OK);

        public static TSubmitChangesResult SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS(ref CorporateExchangeSetupTDS AInspectDS,
            out int ATransactionsChanged, out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult)
            AVerificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection();
            ATransactionsChanged = -1;
            int TransactionsChanged = -1;

            AInspectDS = AInspectDS.GetChangesTyped(true);

            if (AInspectDS == null)
                AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult(
                        Catalog.GetString("Save Corportate Exchange Rates"),
                        Catalog.GetString("No changes - nothing to do"),
                return TSubmitChangesResult.scrNothingToBeSaved;

            TDBTransaction Transaction = null;
            bool SubmissionOK = false;
            CorporateExchangeSetupTDS InspectDS = AInspectDS;

                ref Transaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                    foreach (ACorporateExchangeRateRow Row in InspectDS.ACorporateExchangeRate.Rows)
                        if ((Row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified) || (Row.RowState == DataRowState.Added))
                            // should only be -1 if no exchange rates were modified or created
                            if (TransactionsChanged == -1)
                                TransactionsChanged = 0;

                            // update international amounts for all gl transaction using modified or new exchange rate
                            string Query = "UPDATE a_transaction SET a_amount_in_intl_currency_n = " +
                                           "(a_amount_in_base_currency_n / " + Row.RateOfExchange.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")" +
                                           " FROM a_ledger" +
                                           " WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + Row.DateEffectiveFrom.Month +
                                           " AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + Row.DateEffectiveFrom.Year +
                                           " AND a_ledger.a_ledger_number_i = a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                           " AND a_ledger.a_base_currency_c = '" + Row.FromCurrencyCode + "'" +
                                           " AND a_ledger.a_intl_currency_c = '" + Row.ToCurrencyCode + "'";

                            TransactionsChanged += DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.ExecuteNonQuery(Query, Transaction);

                    // save changes to exchange rates
                    ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges(InspectDS.ACorporateExchangeRate, Transaction);

                    SubmissionOK = true;

            TSubmitChangesResult SubmissionResult;

            if (SubmissionOK)
                SubmissionResult = TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK;
                SubmissionResult = TSubmitChangesResult.scrError;

            AInspectDS = InspectDS;
            ATransactionsChanged = TransactionsChanged;

            return SubmissionResult;
        public static TSubmitChangesResult SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS(ref CorporateExchangeSetupTDS AInspectDS,
                                                                         out int ATransactionsChanged, out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult)
            AVerificationResult  = new TVerificationResultCollection();
            ATransactionsChanged = -1;
            int TransactionsChanged = -1;

            AInspectDS = AInspectDS.GetChangesTyped(true);

            if (AInspectDS == null)
                AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult(
                                            Catalog.GetString("Save Corportate Exchange Rates"),
                                            Catalog.GetString("No changes - nothing to do"),

            TDBTransaction            Transaction  = new TDBTransaction();
            TDataBase                 db           = DBAccess.Connect("SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS");
            bool                      SubmissionOK = true;
            CorporateExchangeSetupTDS InspectDS    = AInspectDS;

                ref Transaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                foreach (ACorporateExchangeRateRow xchangeRateRow in InspectDS.ACorporateExchangeRate.Rows)
                    if ((xchangeRateRow.RowState == DataRowState.Modified) || (xchangeRateRow.RowState == DataRowState.Added))
                        // should only be -1 if no exchange rates were modified or created
                        if (TransactionsChanged == -1)
                            TransactionsChanged = 0;

                        String rateOfExchangeStr = xchangeRateRow.RateOfExchange.ToString(
                        // update international amounts for all gl transaction using modified or new exchange rate
                        string Query = "UPDATE a_transaction SET a_amount_in_intl_currency_n = " +
                                       "ROUND (a_amount_in_base_currency_n / " + rateOfExchangeStr + ", 2)" +
                                       " FROM a_ledger" +
                                       " WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " +
                                       xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Month +
                                       " AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Year +
                                       " AND a_ledger.a_ledger_number_i = a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                       " AND a_ledger.a_base_currency_c = '" + xchangeRateRow.FromCurrencyCode + "'" +
                                       " AND a_ledger.a_intl_currency_c = '" + xchangeRateRow.ToCurrencyCode + "'";

                        TransactionsChanged += db.ExecuteNonQuery(Query, Transaction);

                    if (TransactionsChanged > 0)
                        // I also need to correct entries in GLM and GLMP after modifying these transactions:
                        DataTable ledgerTbl = db.SelectDT(
                            "SELECT * FROM a_ledger WHERE " +
                            " a_ledger.a_base_currency_c = '" + xchangeRateRow.FromCurrencyCode + "'" +
                            " AND a_ledger.a_intl_currency_c = '" + xchangeRateRow.ToCurrencyCode + "'",
                            "a_ledger", Transaction);

                        foreach (DataRow ledgerRow in ledgerTbl.Rows)
                            Int32 ledgerNumber = Convert.ToInt32(ledgerRow["a_ledger_number_i"]);
                            DataTable tempTbl  = db.SelectDT(
                                "SELECT DISTINCT a_batch.a_batch_period_i, a_batch.a_batch_year_i FROM" +
                                " a_batch, a_transaction, a_ledger WHERE" +
                                " EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Month +
                                " AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Year +
                                " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i =" + ledgerNumber +
                                " AND a_batch.a_batch_number_i = a_transaction.a_batch_number_i " +
                                " ORDER BY a_batch_period_i",
                                "temp", Transaction);

                            if ((tempTbl == null) || (tempTbl.Rows.Count == 0))

                            Int32 transactionPeriod = Convert.ToInt32(tempTbl.Rows[0]["a_batch_period_i"]);
                            Int32 transactionYear   = Convert.ToInt32(tempTbl.Rows[0]["a_batch_year_i"]);

                            DataTable glmTbl = db.SelectDT(
                                "SELECT * from a_general_ledger_master" +
                                " WHERE a_ledger_number_i = " + ledgerNumber +
                                " AND a_year_i = " + transactionYear,
                                "temp", Transaction);
                            Boolean seemsToWorkOk = true;

//                              TLogging.Log("GLM correction: ");
                            Int32 glmSequence     = 0;
                            String accountCode    = "";
                            String costCentreCode = "";
                            String problem        = "";

                            foreach (DataRow glmRow in glmTbl.Rows)
                                glmSequence    = Convert.ToInt32(glmRow["a_glm_sequence_i"]);
                                accountCode    = glmRow["a_account_code_c"].ToString();
                                costCentreCode = glmRow["a_cost_centre_code_c"].ToString();

                                tempTbl = db.SelectDT(
                                    "SELECT sum(a_amount_in_intl_currency_n) AS debit_total FROM a_transaction WHERE " +
                                    " EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Month +
                                    " AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Year +
                                    " AND a_account_code_c = '" + accountCode + "'" +
                                    " AND a_cost_centre_code_c = '" + costCentreCode + "'" +
                                    " AND a_debit_credit_indicator_l", "temp", Transaction);

                                Boolean hasDebitTransactions = (
                                    tempTbl != null &&
                                    tempTbl.Rows[0]["debit_total"].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull)
                                Decimal debitTotal = 0;

                                if (hasDebitTransactions)
                                    seemsToWorkOk = (tempTbl.Rows.Count == 1);

                                    if (!seemsToWorkOk)
                                        problem = "DebitTotal";

                                    debitTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(tempTbl.Rows[0]["debit_total"]);

                                tempTbl = db.SelectDT(
                                    "SELECT sum(a_amount_in_intl_currency_n) AS credit_total FROM a_transaction WHERE " +
                                    " EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Month +
                                    " AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + xchangeRateRow.DateEffectiveFrom.Year +
                                    " AND a_account_code_c = '" + accountCode + "'" +
                                    " AND a_cost_centre_code_c = '" + costCentreCode + "'" +
                                    " AND NOT a_debit_credit_indicator_l", "temp", Transaction);

                                Boolean hasCreditTransactions = (
                                    tempTbl != null &&
                                    tempTbl.Rows[0]["credit_total"].GetType() != typeof(System.DBNull)
                                Decimal creditTotal = 0;

                                if (hasCreditTransactions)
                                    seemsToWorkOk = (tempTbl.Rows.Count == 1);

                                    if (!seemsToWorkOk)
                                        problem = "CreditTotal";

                                    creditTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(tempTbl.Rows[0]["credit_total"]);

                                if (!hasDebitTransactions && !hasCreditTransactions)
//                                      TLogging.Log("CostCentre " + costCentreCode + " Account " + accountCode + " - no transactions.");

                                Decimal lastMonthBalance = 0;

                                if (transactionPeriod > 1)
                                    tempTbl = db.SelectDT(
                                        "SELECT a_actual_intl_n as last_month_balance " +
                                        " FROM a_general_ledger_master_period WHERE " +
                                        " a_glm_sequence_i = " + glmSequence + " AND a_period_number_i = " + (transactionPeriod - 1),
                                        "temp", Transaction);
                                    seemsToWorkOk = (tempTbl.Rows.Count == 1);

                                    if (!seemsToWorkOk)
                                        problem = "lastMonthBalance";

                                    lastMonthBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(tempTbl.Rows[0]["last_month_balance"]);
                                    lastMonthBalance = Convert.ToInt32(glmRow["a_start_balance_intl_n"]);

                                tempTbl = db.SelectDT(
                                    "SELECT a_actual_intl_n as this_month_balance " +
                                    " FROM  a_general_ledger_master_period WHERE " +
                                    " a_glm_sequence_i = " + glmSequence + " AND a_period_number_i = " + transactionPeriod,
                                    "temp", Transaction);

                                seemsToWorkOk = (tempTbl.Rows.Count == 1);

                                if (!seemsToWorkOk)
                                    problem = "thisMonthBalance";

                                Decimal thisMonthBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(tempTbl.Rows[0]["this_month_balance"]);

                                tempTbl = db.SelectDT(
                                    "SELECT a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS debit_indicator FROM " +
                                    " a_account WHERE a_account_code_c = '" + accountCode + "'" +
                                    " AND a_ledger_number_i = " + ledgerNumber,
                                    "temp", Transaction);
                                seemsToWorkOk = (tempTbl.Rows.Count == 1);

                                if (!seemsToWorkOk)
                                    problem = "debitCreditIndicator";

                                Boolean debitCreditIndicator = Convert.ToBoolean(tempTbl.Rows[0]["debit_indicator"]);

                                Decimal newPeriodBalance = (debitCreditIndicator) ?
                                                           lastMonthBalance + debitTotal - creditTotal
                                                           lastMonthBalance - debitTotal + creditTotal;

                                Decimal discrepency = newPeriodBalance - thisMonthBalance;

                                    "UPDATE a_general_ledger_master_period SET " +
                                    " a_actual_intl_n = a_actual_intl_n + " + discrepency.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                                    " WHERE a_glm_sequence_i = " + glmSequence +
                                    " AND a_period_number_i >= " + transactionPeriod, Transaction);

                                    "UPDATE a_general_ledger_master SET " +
                                    " a_ytd_actual_intl_n = a_ytd_actual_intl_n + " + discrepency.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                                    " WHERE a_glm_sequence_i = " + glmSequence, Transaction);

//                                  TLogging.Log("Discrepency for CostCentre " + costCentreCode + " Account " + accountCode + " is " + discrepency);
                            }     // foreach glmRow

                            if (!seemsToWorkOk)
                                TLogging.Log("SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS: unable to read " + problem + " for CostCentre " + costCentreCode +
                                             " Account " + accountCode);
                                SubmissionOK = false;
                        } // foreach ledgerRow
                    }     // if TransactionsChanged

                // save changes to exchange rates
                ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges(InspectDS.ACorporateExchangeRate, Transaction);
            });     // WriteTransaction

            TSubmitChangesResult SubmissionResult;

            if (SubmissionOK)
                SubmissionResult = TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK;
                SubmissionResult = TSubmitChangesResult.scrError;

            AInspectDS           = InspectDS;
            ATransactionsChanged = TransactionsChanged;

        public static TSubmitChangesResult SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS(ref CorporateExchangeSetupTDS AInspectDS,
                                                                         out int ATransactionsChanged, out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult)
            AVerificationResult  = new TVerificationResultCollection();
            ATransactionsChanged = -1;
            int TransactionsChanged = -1;

            AInspectDS = AInspectDS.GetChangesTyped(true);

            if (AInspectDS == null)
                AVerificationResult.Add(new TVerificationResult(
                                            Catalog.GetString("Save Corportate Exchange Rates"),
                                            Catalog.GetString("No changes - nothing to do"),

            TDBTransaction            Transaction  = null;
            bool                      SubmissionOK = false;
            CorporateExchangeSetupTDS InspectDS    = AInspectDS;

                                                                  ref Transaction, ref SubmissionOK,
                foreach (ACorporateExchangeRateRow Row in InspectDS.ACorporateExchangeRate.Rows)
                    if ((Row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified) || (Row.RowState == DataRowState.Added))
                        // should only be -1 if no exchange rates were modified or created
                        if (TransactionsChanged == -1)
                            TransactionsChanged = 0;

                        // update international amounts for all gl transaction using modified or new exchange rate
                        string Query = "UPDATE a_transaction SET a_amount_in_intl_currency_n = " +
                                       "(a_amount_in_base_currency_n / " + Row.RateOfExchange.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")" +
                                       " FROM a_ledger" +
                                       " WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + Row.DateEffectiveFrom.Month +
                                       " AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d) = " + Row.DateEffectiveFrom.Year +
                                       " AND a_ledger.a_ledger_number_i = a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                       " AND a_ledger.a_base_currency_c = '" + Row.FromCurrencyCode + "'" +
                                       " AND a_ledger.a_intl_currency_c = '" + Row.ToCurrencyCode + "'";

                        TransactionsChanged += DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.ExecuteNonQuery(Query, Transaction);

                // save changes to exchange rates
                ACorporateExchangeRateAccess.SubmitChanges(InspectDS.ACorporateExchangeRate, Transaction);

                SubmissionOK = true;

            TSubmitChangesResult SubmissionResult;

            if (SubmissionOK)
                SubmissionResult = TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK;
                SubmissionResult = TSubmitChangesResult.scrError;

            AInspectDS           = InspectDS;
            ATransactionsChanged = TransactionsChanged;

        private TSubmitChangesResult StoreManualCode(ref CorporateExchangeSetupTDS ASubmitChanges,
            out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult)
            AVerificationResult = null;
            int TransactionsChanged;

            TSubmitChangesResult Result = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.SaveCorporateExchangeSetupTDS(
                ref ASubmitChanges, out TransactionsChanged, out AVerificationResult);

            if ((Result == TSubmitChangesResult.scrOK) && (TransactionsChanged != -1))
                            "{0} GL Transaction was automatically updated with the new corporate exchange rate.",
                            "{0} GL Transactions were automatically updated with the new corporate exchange rate.",
                            TransactionsChanged, true), TransactionsChanged),
                    Catalog.GetString("Save Corporate Exchange Rates"), MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            return Result;