        public ActionResult UpdateNow(FormCollection fc)
            string code   = fc["code"].ToString();
            string desc   = fc["desc"].ToString();
            string status = fc["status"].ToString();
            int    id2    = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]);

            Syllabus_ManagementEntities4 f = new Syllabus_ManagementEntities4();
            Core_Value cores = new Core_Value();

            var stat = (from u in f.Core_Value
                        where u.name == status
                        select u.coreValue_ID).FirstOrDefault();

            var d = f.Program_Educational_Objs.SingleOrDefault(b => b.programEduOutcome_ID == id2);

            d.objectives   = code;
            d.codeName     = code;
            d.coreValue_FK = stat;

            return(RedirectToAction("ProgramObj2", "Chairman"));
        // Chair Create
        public ActionResult AddCoreValue(FormCollection cv_info)
            //retrieve data from URL because passed through form
            string cv_desc          = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["cvAttrib"]).Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />");
            string cv_CoreValueName = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["cvCoreValue"]);

            //connect to db
            Syllabus_ManagementEntities4 syllabus = new Syllabus_ManagementEntities4();

            //retrieve table details (firstName, lastName, etc.)
            Core_Value_Attribute cv_a = new Core_Value_Attribute();
            Core_Value           cv   = new Core_Value();

            //find the id base from the selected
            var core_val = (from u in syllabus.Core_Value
                            where u.name == cv_CoreValueName
                            select u);

            //assigning the table data through the input using only the FIRST
            cv_a.coreValue_FK = core_val.First().coreValue_ID;
            cv_a.description  = cv_desc;

                //add data to db

                //save data to db
            catch (Exception)
            return(RedirectToAction("InstGradAttrb", "InstGradAttrb"));
        // Teacher and Coordinator View
        public ActionResult InstGradAttrb()
            //connect to db
            Syllabus_ManagementEntities1 syllabus = new Syllabus_ManagementEntities1();
            //retrieve table details (firstName, lastName, etc.) -- what table?
            Core_Value value = new Core_Value();

            //from the table friends, select all in descending order by age
            var core_valueList = (from u in syllabus.Core_Value
                                  select u);

            //converting all the retrieved data (friends) into a list object
            ViewData["CoreValueList"] = core_valueList.ToList();