        void EditContext_LayoutRequested(CoreTextEditContext sender, CoreTextLayoutRequestedEventArgs args)
            CoreTextLayoutRequest request = args.Request;

            // Get the screen coordinates of the entire control and the selected text.
            // This information is used to position the IME candidate window.

            // First, get the coordinates of the edit control and the selection
            // relative to the Window.
            Rect contentRect   = GetElementRect(ContentPanel);
            Rect selectionRect = GetElementRect(SelectionText);

            // Next, convert to screen coordinates in view pixels.
            Rect windowBounds = Window.Current.CoreWindow.Bounds;

            contentRect.X   += windowBounds.X;
            contentRect.Y   += windowBounds.Y;
            selectionRect.X += windowBounds.X;
            selectionRect.Y += windowBounds.Y;

            // Finally, scale up to raw pixels.
            double scaleFactor = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().RawPixelsPerViewPixel;

            contentRect   = ScaleRect(contentRect, scaleFactor);
            selectionRect = ScaleRect(selectionRect, scaleFactor);

            // This is the bounds of the selection.
            // Note: If you return bounds with 0 width and 0 height, candidates will not appear while typing.
            request.LayoutBounds.TextBounds = selectionRect;

            //This is the bounds of the whole control
            request.LayoutBounds.ControlBounds = contentRect;
        void EditContext_LayoutRequested(CoreTextEditContext sender, CoreTextLayoutRequestedEventArgs args)
            CoreTextLayoutRequest request = args.Request;

            request.LayoutBounds.TextBounds = _textInputRect;