public string prcSaveDataSampan(Project model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(ProjId),0) + 1 AS float) AS ProjId FROM tblProject"; var variable = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(connection, Query); try { var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblProject (ProjId, ProjName, Company)" + " Values (" + variable + ",'" + model.ProjName + "','" + model.Company + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(connection, arrayList); return("Successfully Save."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { } }
public string CheckInSave(CustomerCheckInOut model) { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } if (GetReadyForNewCheckIn() != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("already exist data !! "); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(LocationCustId),0) + 1 AS float) AS BinId FROM tbl_Location_Customer"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_Location_Customer(LocationCustId, CustType, CustId, CustName, LUserId, CheckInlatitude,CheckInlongitude, CheckInAddress, CheckInDescription)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "','" + model.CustType + "','" + model.CustId + "', N'" + model.CustName.Replace("'", "`") + "','" + userid + "', '" + model.CheckInLatitude + "' ,'" + model.CheckInLongitude + "', N'" + model.CheckInAddress.Replace("'", "`") + "', N'" + model.CheckInDescription.Replace("'", "`") + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public string SaveConveyance(Conveyance model) { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(ConveyId),0) + 1 AS float) AS ConveyId FROM tblConveyance_Main"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ConveyDescription)) { model.ConveyDescription = ""; } var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblConveyance_Main(ConveyId, dtConveyance, LUserId, visitid ,ConveyDescription)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "', getdate(),'" + userid + "','" + model.visitId + "',N'" + model.ConveyDescription.Replace("'", "`") + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblConveyance_Sub(ConveyId, ConveyTypeId, ConveyAmount)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "', '" + model.conveyTypeId + "', '" + model.conveyAmount + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public void SaveUpdateConveyance(Conveyance model) { try { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); var Query = "SELECT cast(count( Isnull(visitid,0)) AS float) AS visitid FROM tblConveyance_Main where visitid = '" + model.visitId + "'"; var visitid = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); if (visitid > 0) { UpdateConveyance(model); } else { SaveConveyance(model); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException(ex.Message); } }
public string UpdateConveyance(Conveyance model) { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(ConveyId,0) AS float) AS ConveyId FROM tblConveyance_Main where visitid = '" + model.visitId + "'"; var ConveyId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); if (ConveyId == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Conveyance History Not found"); } var sqlQuery = "delete tblConveyance_Sub where ConveyId = '" + ConveyId + "'"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); sqlQuery = "Update tblConveyance_Main set dtConveyance = getdate() , LUserId = '" + userid + "', ConveyDescription= N'" + model.ConveyDescription.Replace("'", "`") + "' where ConveyId = '" + ConveyId + "'"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblConveyance_Sub(ConveyId, ConveyTypeId, ConveyAmount)" + " Values ('" + ConveyId + "', '" + model.conveyTypeId + "', '" + model.conveyAmount + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public bool UserExists(string username) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(UserId),0) AS float) AS UserId FROM tbl_loginUsers where UserName='******'"; var variable = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); try { if (variable > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { } }
public double GetReadyForNewCheckIn() { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); var Query = "select cast( dbo.fnc_CheckInOutSatus('" + userid + "') AS float) AS LocAttendId"; var id = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); return(id); }
public string UpdateImage(string pagename, string imagename) { try { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagename)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Page Name check !!"); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = ""; double NewId = 0; var sqlQuery = ""; if (pagename == "attendance") { //Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(LocAttendId),0) AS float) AS LocAttendId FROM tbl_Location_Attendance where LUserId = " + userid + " and dtCheckOut = null"; Query = "SELECT top 1 cast(LocAttendId AS float) FROM tbl_Location_Attendance L where LUserId = " + userid + " and ISNULL(dtCheckOut,0) = 0 order by L.LocAttendId desc"; NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); sqlQuery = "Update tbl_Location_Attendance set CheckInImage ='" + imagename + "' where LocAttendId = '" + NewId + "' "; } else if (pagename == "custcheckin") { //Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(LocationCustId),0) AS float) AS LocationCustId FROM tbl_Location_Customer where LUserId = " + userid + " and dtCheckOutEntry = null"; Query = "SELECT top 1 cast(LocationCustId AS float) FROM tbl_Location_Customer L where LUserId = " + userid + "and ISNULL(dtCheckOutEntry,0) = 0 order by L.LocationCustId desc "; NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); if (NewId == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Location Cust Id Not found "); } sqlQuery = "Update tbl_Location_Customer set CheckInImage ='" + imagename + "' where LocationCustId = '" + NewId + "' "; } arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException(ex.Message); } }
public string SupplierAdd(Supplier model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(SupplierId),0) + 1 AS float) AS SupplierId FROM tblCat_Supplier"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblCat_Supplier (SupplierId,SupplierCode, SupplierName, SupplierAddress, SupplierPhone, ContactPhone,ContactName, ContactEmail, SupplierLocation, ComId)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "','" + NewId + "','" + model.SupplierName + "','" + model.SupplierAddress + "','" + model.SupplierPhone + "', '" + model.ContactPhone + "','" + model.ContactName + "','','" + model.SupplierLocation + "',2)"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public string ProductAdd(Product model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(ProductId),0) + 1 AS float) AS ProductId FROM tbl_Product"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_Product ( SupplierId, ProductId, ProductName, OPQty, SellPrice, UnitId, CostPrice, Currency, Total, LUserId, ComId)" + " Values ('" + model.SupplierId + "','" + NewId + "','" + model.ProductName + "','" + 0 + "','" + model.SellPrice + "', '" + model.UnitId + "','" + model.CostPrice + "','" + model.Currency + "','" + (model.SellPrice * model.CostPrice) + "','" + 2 + "',2)"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public double GetAttendanceStatus() { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); var Query = "select cast( dbo.fnc_Attendance_Status('" + userid + "') AS float) AS AttendId"; var result = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); return(result); }
public string BinAdd(Bin model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(BinId),0) + 1 AS float) AS BinId FROM tblCat_bin"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblCat_bin (BinId, BinName, ComId)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "','" + model.BinName + "',2)"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public string UnitAdd(Unit model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(UnitId),0) + 1 AS float) AS UnitId FROM tblUnit"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tblUnit (UnitId, UnitName, ComId)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "','" + model.UnitName + "','" + ComId + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public string FuelSave(Fuel model) { var userid = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.User.GetLoggedInUserId <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("User Not found"); } CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(FuelIssueId),0) + 1 AS float) AS FuelIssueId FROM tbl_FuelIssue"; var NewId = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_FuelIssue(FuelIssueId, dtFuel, Description, FuelAmount, UserId)" + " Values ('" + NewId + "','" + model.dtFuel + "', N'" + model.Description.Replace("'", "`") + "', '" + model.FuelAmount + "','" + userid + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Success"); }
public string CreateUser(User model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(UserId),0) + 1 AS float) AS UserId FROM tbl_loginUsers"; var variable = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); try { var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_loginUsers (UserId, UserName, UserPass, UserMail, DisplayName)" + " Values ('" + variable + "','" + model.UserName.ToLower() + "','" + CoreSQL.GetEncryptedData(model.UserPassword) + "', '" + model.UserMail + "','" + model.DisplayName + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Successfully Save."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { } }
public string prcSaveDataSampan(Category model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(CatId),0) + 1 AS float) AS CatId FROM tbl_Category"; var variable = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); try { var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_Category (CatId,CatName)" + " Values ('" + variable + "','" + + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Successfully Save."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { } }
/* =================== SQL Area ======================== */ public string prcRegisterUser(User model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(UserId),0) + 1 AS float) AS UserId FROM tbl_loginUsers"; var variable = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); try { var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_loginUsers (UserId, UserName, PasswordHash, PasswordSalt)" + " Values ('" + variable + "','" + model.UserName + "'," + model.PasswordHash + "," + "" + model.PasswordSalt + ")"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Successfully Save."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { } }
public string prcSaveDataSampan(Student model) { CoreSQLConnection CoreSQL = new CoreSQLConnection(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); var Query = "SELECT cast(Isnull(MAX(CatId),0) + 1 AS float) AS CatId FROM tbl_Student"; var variable = CoreSQL.CoreSQL_GetDoubleData(Query); try { var sqlQuery = "Insert Into tbl_Student (StudentId, StudentName, Gender, DateOfBirth, EmailId, Address)" + " Values ('" + variable + "','" + model.StudentName + "','" + model.Gender + "'," + "'" + model.DateOfBirth + "','" + model.EmailId + "','" + model.Address + "')"; arrayList.Add(sqlQuery); CoreSQL.CoreSQL_SaveDataUseSQLCommand(arrayList); return("Successfully Save."); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { } }