public static void readTRIS(CoreMesh surf, int surfaceId,int vtStar) { // trace("READ TRIS"); int brushid = file.ReadInt32(); int TriangleCount =(int)(getChunkSize() / 12); bool showwarning = false; var vertex_id = new int[3]; B3DBone bone= new B3DBone(); while (getChunkSize() != 0) { vertex_id[0] = file.ReadInt32(); vertex_id[1] = file.ReadInt32(); vertex_id[2] = file.ReadInt32(); vertex_id[0] += vtStar; vertex_id[1] += vtStar; vertex_id[2] += vtStar; for (int i=0; i<3;i++) { if (vertex_id[i] >= AnimatedVertices_VertexID.Count) { trace("Illegal vertex index found"); return ; } if (AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] != -1) { if ( AnimatedVertices_BufferID[ vertex_id[i] ] != surfaceId ) //If this vertex is linked in a different meshbuffer { AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] = -1; AnimatedVertices_BufferID[ vertex_id[i] ] = -1; showwarning = true; } } if (AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] == -1) //If this vertex is not in the meshbuffer { var vertex = listVertex[ vertex_id[i] ]; surf.addVertex(vertex.Pos); surf.addVertexColor(vertex.color); if (vertex.useUv1) surf.addTexCoords(vertex.TCoords0, 0); if (vertex.useUv2) surf.addTexCoords(vertex.TCoords1, 1); if (vertex.useNormals) surf.addNormal(vertex.Normal); bone.vertex.Add(vertex); //create vertex id to meshbuffer index link: AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[i] ] = surf.vertices.Count-1; AnimatedVertices_BufferID[ vertex_id[i] ] = surfaceId; } } surf.addFace( AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[0] ], AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[1] ], AnimatedVertices_VertexID[ vertex_id[2] ]); } if (showwarning) { Debug.LogWarning("Warning, different meshbuffers linking to the same vertex, this will cause problems with animated meshes"); } Bones.Add(bone); // surf.material.clone(brushes[brushid]); }
private static void readMesh(string path, string filename, string texturepath) { if (File.Exists(path + "/" + filename)) { string nm = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); importingAssetsDir = "Assets/Prefabs/" + nm + "/"; if (saveAssets) { if (!Directory.Exists(importingAssetsDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(importingAssetsDir); } } trace("load file :"+path + "/" + filename); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path + "/" + filename)) { file = new BinaryReader(fs); file.BaseStream.Position = 0; string id =readUTFBytes(10); int version = readInt(); Debug.Log("ID:" + id + ", version:" + version); int numVerts = (int)file.ReadInt16(); Debug.Log("Numer of vertex:" + numVerts); List<MS3DVertex> vertices = new List<MS3DVertex>(); for (int i=0; i<numVerts; i++) { MS3DVertex vertex = new MS3DVertex(); vertices.Add(vertex); } List<MS3DTriangle> triangles = new List<MS3DTriangle>(); int numTriangles = (int)file.ReadInt16(); Debug.Log("Numer of triangles:" + numTriangles); for (int i=0; i<numTriangles; i++) { MS3DTriangle tri = new MS3DTriangle(); triangles.Add(tri); } int numMeshes=(int)file.ReadInt16(); Debug.Log("Numer of meshes:" + numMeshes); List<MS3DMesh> meshes = new List<MS3DMesh>(); for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; i++) { MS3DMesh mesh = new MS3DMesh(); meshes.Add(mesh); } int numMaterials=(int)file.ReadInt16(); Debug.Log("Number of Materials:" + numMaterials); List<MS3DMaterial> materials = new List<MS3DMaterial>(); for (int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++) { MS3DMaterial material = new MS3DMaterial(); if (File.Exists(path + "/" + material.alphaMap)) { material.textureDetail = loadexture(path + "/" + material.alphaMap); } if (File.Exists(path + "/" + material.textureMap)) { material.texture = loadexture(path + "/" + material.textureMap); } materials.Add(material); } framesPerSecond = file.ReadSingle(); float currentTime =file.ReadSingle(); NumFrames =file.ReadInt32(); int numJoints = file.ReadInt16(); Debug.Log("fps:"+framesPerSecond+", time:"+currentTime+", total frames:"+NumFrames+", num joints:"+numJoints); GameObject ObjectRoot = new GameObject(nm); GameObject meshContainer = new GameObject("Surfaces"); meshContainer.transform.parent = ObjectRoot.transform; if (numJoints > 1) { AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip(); = nm + "take00"; clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) { isStatic = false; CoreJoint Joint = new CoreJoint(); byte flags = file.ReadByte(); char[] name = file.ReadChars(32); char[] parentName = file.ReadChars(32); Joint.Name = ""; for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (name[k] == (char)0) break; Joint.Name += name[k]; } Joint.ParentName = ""; for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) { if (parentName[k] == (char)0) break; Joint.ParentName += parentName[k]; } = Joint.Name; // Debug.Log("Joint name:" + Joint.Name + " , Join Parent:" + Joint.ParentName); Vector3 rotation =; rotation.x = file.ReadSingle(); rotation.y = file.ReadSingle(); rotation.z = file.ReadSingle(); Joint.position =; Joint.position.x = file.ReadSingle(); Joint.position.y = file.ReadSingle(); Joint.position.z = file.ReadSingle(); Joint.rotation = QuaternionCreate(rotation); CoreJoint parent = getBoneByName(Joint.ParentName); if (parent != null) { Joint.parent = parent; Joint.joint.transform.parent = parent.joint.transform; Joint.Path += parent.Path + "/"; // Debug.Log("Bone:"+ Joint.Name+" Parent"+ Joint.ParentName); } else { Joint.joint.transform.parent = ObjectRoot.transform; // Debug.LogWarning("Bone:"+ Joint.Name+" dont have parent"); } Joint.Path += Joint.Name; Joint.joint.transform.localPosition = Joint.position; Joint.joint.transform.localRotation = Joint.rotation; // Debug.Log("Joint: "+Joint.Name+", Position:" + Joint.position +", Rotation: "+rotation); // Debug.Log("Joint :"+Joint.Name+" , Path:"+Joint.Path); Joint.numRotKeyFrames = file.ReadInt16(); Joint.numPosKeyFrames = file.ReadInt16(); float fps = 1.0f/ framesPerSecond; for (int k = 0; k < Joint.numRotKeyFrames; k++) { float time = file.ReadSingle(); Vector3 rot = ReadVector3(); Quaternion qrot = QuaternionCreate(rot) * Joint.rotation; Joint.addRotationCurve(qrot, time ); // Debug.Log("Frame:" + time + " , time:" + (time*fps)); } for (int k = 0; k < Joint.numPosKeyFrames; k++) { float time = file.ReadSingle(); Vector3 pos = Joint.position + ReadVector3(); Joint.addPositionCurve(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, time ); } Joint.addCurves(clip); if (Joint.numRotKeyFrames != Joint.numPosKeyFrames) { Debug.LogError(Joint.numPosKeyFrames + " != " + Joint.numRotKeyFrames); } listJoints.Add(Joint); } clip.frameRate = framesPerSecond; clip.legacy = true; Animation anim = (UnityEngine.Animation)ObjectRoot.AddComponent(typeof(Animation)); anim.AddClip(clip,; anim.clip = clip; anim.playAutomatically = true; if (saveAssets) { string clipAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + + ".asset"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, clipAssetPath); } }//JOINTS for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { MS3DMesh mesh = meshes[i]; CoreMesh cmesh = new CoreMesh(meshContainer, ObjectRoot,; if (mesh.MaterialIndex >= 0 && mesh.MaterialIndex <= materials.Count) { MS3DMaterial material = materials[mesh.MaterialIndex]; bool isDetail = material.textureDetail != null; if (isDetail) { } else { cmesh.material=new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); =; if (material.texture != null) { cmesh.material.mainTexture = material.texture; } if (saveAssets) { string meshAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + + ".asset"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(cmesh.material, meshAssetPath); } } } for (int j = 0; j < mesh.numTriangles; j++) { if(!isStatic) { VertexBone vtx0 = new VertexBone(); cmesh.vertex.Add(vtx0); VertexBone vtx1 = new VertexBone(); cmesh.vertex.Add(vtx1); VertexBone vtx2 = new VertexBone(); cmesh.vertex.Add(vtx2); } int index0 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].indice0; Vector3 v0 = vertices[index0].Vertex; Vector3 n0 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].normal0; float u0 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].s.x; float t0 = 1f * -triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].t.x; int index1 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].indice1; Vector3 v1 = vertices[index1].Vertex; Vector3 n1 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].normal1; float u1 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].s.y; float t1 = 1f * -triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].t.y; int index2 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].indice2; Vector3 v2 = vertices[index2].Vertex; Vector3 n2 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].normal2; float u2 = triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].s.z; float t2 = 1f * -triangles[mesh.TriangleIndices[j]].t.z; int f0 = cmesh.addVertex(v0); cmesh.addNormal(n0); cmesh.addTexCoords(new Vector2(u0, t0), 0); int f1 = cmesh.addVertex(v1); cmesh.addNormal(n1); cmesh.addTexCoords(new Vector2(u1, t1), 0); int f2 = cmesh.addVertex(v2); cmesh.addNormal(n2); cmesh.addTexCoords(new Vector2(u2, t2), 0); cmesh.addFace(f0, f1, f2); if (!isStatic) { int Bone0 = vertices[index0].boneId; int Bone1 = vertices[index1].boneId; int Bone2 = vertices[index2].boneId; cmesh.vertex[f0].addBone(Bone0, 1); cmesh.vertex[f1].addBone(Bone1, 1); cmesh.vertex[f2].addBone(Bone2, 1); } } surfaces.Add(cmesh); } for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { MS3DMesh mesh = meshes[i]; CoreMesh cmesh = surfaces[i]; if (!isStatic) { for (int j = 0; j < cmesh.vertex.Count; j++) { isStatic = false; VertexBone vertex = cmesh.vertex[j]; // Debug.Log("Num Bone:" + vertex.numBones); BoneWeight b = new BoneWeight(); b.boneIndex0 = vertex.bones[0].boneId; b.weight0 = vertex.bones[0].Weight; cmesh.addBone(b); } }; if (saveAssets) { string meshAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir +"_"+i + ".asset"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(cmesh.geometry, meshAssetPath); } } if (saveAssets) { string prefabPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + filename + ".prefab"); var prefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath); PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(ObjectRoot, prefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } materials.Clear(); meshes.Clear(); triangles.Clear(); vertices.Clear(); materials = null; meshes = null; triangles = null; vertices = null; }//file open Debug.Log(path + "/" + filename + " Imported ;) "); } }