private async void Initialize() {// Create new Map with basemap Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels()); myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(34.05293, -118.24368, 6000); // Assign the map to the MapView MyMapView.Map = myMap; try { // Initialize the LocatorTask with the provided service Uri _geocoder = await LocatorTask.CreateAsync(_serviceUri); var vm = CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <SearchViewModel>(); vm.MapView = MyMapView; // Enable the UI controls now that the LocatorTask is ready MySuggestButton.IsEnabled = true; MySearchBar.IsEnabled = true; } catch (Exception e) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", e.ToString(), "OK"); } }
public CurrentLocationPage() { InitializeComponent(); Initialize(); var vm = CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <SearchViewModel>(); vm.MapView = MyMapView; }
public UsersCell() : base() { ContextActions.Add(new MenuItem() { Text = "Make Favorite", Command = new Command(async(obj) => { var item = ((RandomUser)BindingContext); await CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <AppViewModel>().AddToFavorites(item); }) }); }
public FavoritesCell() : base() { ContextActions.Add(new MenuItem() { Text = "Delete", IsDestructive = true, Command = new Command(async(obj) => { var item = ((RandomUser)BindingContext); await CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <AppViewModel>().RemoveFavorites(item); }) }); }
public TodoPageCell() { this.Height = 65; title = new Label() { Margin = new Thickness(0, 8, 0, 0), FontSize = 22 }; date = new Label() { FontSize = 14, TextColor = Color.DarkGray, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 8), }; var rightPanel = new StackLayout() { Children = { title, date } }; var img = new CachedImage() { Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 3, 0), HeightRequest = 55, WidthRequest = 55, DownsampleHeight = 55, DownsampleWidth = 55, Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit, CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromDays(30), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, DownsampleUseDipUnits = true, Source = "todorowimage.png" }; this.ContextActions.Add(new MenuItem() { Text = "Delete", IsDestructive = true, Command = new Command(async(obj) => { var item = (Todo)BindingContext; await CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <TodoViewModel>().DeleteItem(item); }) }); View = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = { img, rightPanel } }; }
public void TimeElapsedEvent() { //example of routing execution to some view model in the application var vm = CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <SimpleViewModel>(); vm.DisplayNotification(new LocalNotification() { Id = 1, Title = "Timer Event", Icon = "icon.png", Message = $"The timer event fired {DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()}" }); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("***************** I am a little teapot *****************************"); #endif }
private void Delete() { var str = (string)this.BindingContext; CoreDependencyService.GetViewModel <ContextMenuViewModel>().OnViewMessageReceived("NameDeleted", str); }