private void RefreshMe(bool reEntry = false) { if (reEntry) { nsgBusId = 0; } nsgBus = null; txtRegistrationNumber.Text = string.Empty; txtMaxSeatingAllowed.Text = string.Empty; txtTotalSeatCount.Text = string.Empty; txtKMRun.Text = string.Empty; txtDriverName.Text = string.Empty; txtDriverMobileNumber.Text = string.Empty; txtCoDriverName.Text = string.Empty; txtCoDriverMobileNumber.Text = string.Empty; cmbRouteNumbers.SelectedIndex = -1; if (nsgBusId > 0) { this.Text = "Bus Route Detail [EDIT] - "; LoadData(); btnDelete.Visible = true; } else { this.Text = "Bus Route Detail [ADD]"; btnDelete.Visible = false; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateMainControls()) { return; } try { if (nsgBus == null) { nsgBus = new CoreBus(); nsgBus.EntryDate = DateTime.Now; nsgBus.EntryUserID = GlobalClass.LoggedInUserID; } else { nsgBus.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; nsgBus.UpdateUserID = GlobalClass.LoggedInUserID; } nsgBus.RegistrationNumber = txtRegistrationNumber.Text; nsgBus.MaxPassengerAllowed = int.Parse(txtMaxSeatingAllowed.Text); nsgBus.TotalSeatCount = int.Parse(txtTotalSeatCount.Text); nsgBus.KilometerRun = int.Parse(txtKMRun.Text); nsgBus.DriverName = txtDriverName.Text; nsgBus.DriverContactNumber = txtDriverMobileNumber.Text; nsgBus.CoDriverName = txtCoDriverName.Text; nsgBus.CoDriverContactNumber = txtCoDriverMobileNumber.Text; nsgBus.BusRouteID = long.Parse(cmbRouteNumbers.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (nsgBus.BusID == 0) { DB.CoreBus.Add(nsgBus); } DB.SaveChanges(); var msgResponse = MessageBox.Show("Bus details saved successfully. Do you want to continue with bus entry?", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (msgResponse == DialogResult.Yes) { RefreshMe(true); } else { btnClose_Click(null, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text + " : btnSave_Click : " + ex.Source, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected BusSpecificationBase() { bus = new CoreBus(messageChannel, messageChannel); var objectFactory = new DefaultObjectFactory(); objectFactory.Initialize(); host = objectFactory.GetInstance <IHost>(); host.Start(); LogManager.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Verbose); }
private void LoadData() { nsgBus = DB.CoreBus.Where(b => b.BusID == nsgBusId).FirstOrDefault(); txtRegistrationNumber.Text = nsgBus.RegistrationNumber; txtMaxSeatingAllowed.Text = nsgBus.MaxPassengerAllowed.ToString(); txtTotalSeatCount.Text = nsgBus.TotalSeatCount.ToString(); txtKMRun.Text = nsgBus.KilometerRun.ToString(); txtDriverName.Text = nsgBus.DriverName; txtDriverMobileNumber.Text = nsgBus.DriverContactNumber; txtCoDriverName.Text = nsgBus.CoDriverName; txtCoDriverMobileNumber.Text = nsgBus.CoDriverContactNumber; cmbRouteNumbers.SelectedValue = nsgBus.BusRouteID; this.Text += nsgBus.RegistrationNumber; }
protected override void Given() { messageChannel = new InMemoryMessageChannel(); bus = new CoreBus(messageChannel, messageChannel, messageRouting); }