public async Task <IActionResult> PostOutputAsync([FromQuery, Required] long roundId, [FromBody, Required] OutputRequest request) { if (roundId < 0 || request.Level < 0 || !ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } CoordinatorRound round = Coordinator.TryGetRound(roundId); if (round is null) { TryLogLateRequest(roundId, RoundPhase.OutputRegistration); return(NotFound("Round not found.")); } if (round.Status != CoordinatorRoundStatus.Running) { TryLogLateRequest(roundId, RoundPhase.OutputRegistration); return(Gone("Round is not running.")); } RoundPhase phase = round.Phase; if (phase != RoundPhase.OutputRegistration) { TryLogLateRequest(roundId, RoundPhase.OutputRegistration); return(Conflict($"Output registration can only be done from OutputRegistration phase. Current phase: {phase}.")); } if (request.OutputAddress.Network != Network) { // RegTest and TestNet address formats are sometimes the same. if (Network == Network.Main) { return(BadRequest($"Invalid OutputAddress Network.")); } } if (request.OutputAddress == Constants.GetCoordinatorAddress(Network)) { Logger.LogWarning($"Bob is registering the coordinator's address. Address: {request.OutputAddress}, Level: {request.Level}, Signature: {request.UnblindedSignature}."); } if (request.Level > round.MixingLevels.GetMaxLevel()) { return(BadRequest($"Invalid mixing level is provided. Provided: {request.Level}. Maximum: {round.MixingLevels.GetMaxLevel()}.")); } if (round.ContainsRegisteredUnblindedSignature(request.UnblindedSignature)) { return(NoContent()); } MixingLevel mixinglevel = round.MixingLevels.GetLevel(request.Level); Signer signer = mixinglevel.Signer; if (signer.VerifyUnblindedSignature(request.UnblindedSignature, request.OutputAddress.ScriptPubKey.ToBytes())) { using (await OutputLock.LockAsync()) { Bob bob = null; try { bob = new Bob(request.OutputAddress, mixinglevel); round.AddBob(bob); round.AddRegisteredUnblindedSignature(request.UnblindedSignature); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"Invalid outputAddress is provided. Details: {ex.Message}")); } int bobCount = round.CountBobs(); int blindSigCount = round.CountBlindSignatures(); if (bobCount == blindSigCount) // If there'll be more bobs, then round failed. Someone may broke the crypto. { await round.ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(RoundPhase.Signing); } } return(NoContent()); } return(BadRequest("Invalid signature provided.")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostInputsAsync([FromBody, Required] InputsRequest request) { // Validate request. if (request.RoundId < 0 || !ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Invalid request.")); } if (request.Inputs.Count() > 7) { return(BadRequest("Maximum 7 inputs can be registered.")); } using (await InputsLock.LockAsync()) { CoordinatorRound round = Coordinator.TryGetRound(request.RoundId); if (round is null || round.Phase != RoundPhase.InputRegistration) { return(NotFound("No such running round in InputRegistration. Try another round.")); } // Do more checks. try { uint256[] blindedOutputs = request.BlindedOutputScripts.ToArray(); int blindedOutputCount = blindedOutputs.Length; int maxBlindedOutputCount = round.MixingLevels.Count(); if (blindedOutputCount > maxBlindedOutputCount) { return(BadRequest($"Too many blinded output was provided: {blindedOutputCount}, maximum: {maxBlindedOutputCount}.")); } if (blindedOutputs.Distinct().Count() < blindedOutputs.Length) { return(BadRequest("Duplicate blinded output found.")); } if (round.ContainsAnyBlindedOutputScript(blindedOutputs)) { return(BadRequest("Blinded output has already been registered.")); } if (request.ChangeOutputAddress.Network != Network) { // RegTest and TestNet address formats are sometimes the same. if (Network == Network.Main) { return(BadRequest($"Invalid ChangeOutputAddress Network.")); } } var uniqueInputs = new HashSet <TxoRef>(); foreach (InputProofModel inputProof in request.Inputs) { if (uniqueInputs.Contains(inputProof.Input)) { return(BadRequest("Cannot register an input twice.")); } uniqueInputs.Add(inputProof.Input); } var alicesToRemove = new HashSet <Guid>(); var getTxOutResponses = new List <(InputProofModel inputModel, Task <GetTxOutResponse> getTxOutTask)>(); var batch = RpcClient.PrepareBatch(); foreach (InputProofModel inputProof in request.Inputs) { if (round.ContainsInput(inputProof.Input.ToOutPoint(), out List <Alice> tr)) { alicesToRemove.UnionWith(tr.Select(x => x.UniqueId)); // Input is already registered by this alice, remove it later if all the checks are completed fine. } if (Coordinator.AnyRunningRoundContainsInput(inputProof.Input.ToOutPoint(), out List <Alice> tnr)) { if (tr.Union(tnr).Count() > tr.Count) { return(BadRequest("Input is already registered in another round.")); } } OutPoint outpoint = inputProof.Input.ToOutPoint(); var bannedElem = await Coordinator.UtxoReferee.TryGetBannedAsync(outpoint, notedToo : false); if (bannedElem != null) { return(BadRequest($"Input is banned from participation for {(int)bannedElem.BannedRemaining.TotalMinutes} minutes: {inputProof.Input.Index}:{inputProof.Input.TransactionId}.")); } var txOutResponseTask = batch.GetTxOutAsync(inputProof.Input.TransactionId, (int)inputProof.Input.Index, includeMempool: true); getTxOutResponses.Add((inputProof, txOutResponseTask)); } // Perform all RPC request at once var waiting = Task.WhenAll(getTxOutResponses.Select(x => x.getTxOutTask)); await batch.SendBatchAsync(); await waiting; byte[] blindedOutputScriptHashesByte = ByteHelpers.Combine(blindedOutputs.Select(x => x.ToBytes())); uint256 blindedOutputScriptsHash = new uint256(Hashes.SHA256(blindedOutputScriptHashesByte)); var inputs = new HashSet <Coin>(); foreach (var responses in getTxOutResponses) { var(inputProof, getTxOutResponseTask) = responses; var getTxOutResponse = await getTxOutResponseTask; // Check if inputs are unspent. if (getTxOutResponse is null) { return(BadRequest($"Provided input is not unspent: {inputProof.Input.Index}:{inputProof.Input.TransactionId}.")); } // Check if unconfirmed. if (getTxOutResponse.Confirmations <= 0) { // If it spends a CJ then it may be acceptable to register. if (!await Coordinator.ContainsCoinJoinAsync(inputProof.Input.TransactionId)) { return(BadRequest("Provided input is neither confirmed, nor is from an unconfirmed coinjoin.")); } // Check if mempool would accept a fake transaction created with the registered inputs. // This will catch ascendant/descendant count and size limits for example. var result = await RpcClient.TestMempoolAcceptAsync(new[] { new Coin(inputProof.Input.ToOutPoint(), getTxOutResponse.TxOut) }); if (!result.accept) { return(BadRequest($"Provided input is from an unconfirmed coinjoin, but a limit is reached: {result.rejectReason}")); } } // Check if immature. if (getTxOutResponse.Confirmations <= 100) { if (getTxOutResponse.IsCoinBase) { return(BadRequest("Provided input is immature.")); } } // Check if inputs are native segwit. if (getTxOutResponse.ScriptPubKeyType != "witness_v0_keyhash") { return(BadRequest("Provided input must be witness_v0_keyhash.")); } TxOut txOut = getTxOutResponse.TxOut; var address = (BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress)txOut.ScriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress(Network); // Check if proofs are valid. if (!address.VerifyMessage(blindedOutputScriptsHash, inputProof.Proof)) { return(BadRequest("Provided proof is invalid.")); } inputs.Add(new Coin(inputProof.Input.ToOutPoint(), txOut)); } var acceptedBlindedOutputScripts = new List <uint256>(); // Calculate expected networkfee to pay after base denomination. int inputCount = inputs.Count; Money networkFeeToPayAfterBaseDenomination = (inputCount * round.FeePerInputs) + (2 * round.FeePerOutputs); // Check if inputs have enough coins. Money inputSum = inputs.Sum(x => x.Amount); Money changeAmount = (inputSum - (round.MixingLevels.GetBaseDenomination() + networkFeeToPayAfterBaseDenomination)); if (changeAmount < Money.Zero) { return(BadRequest($"Not enough inputs are provided. Fee to pay: {networkFeeToPayAfterBaseDenomination.ToString(false, true)} BTC. Round denomination: {round.MixingLevels.GetBaseDenomination().ToString(false, true)} BTC. Only provided: {inputSum.ToString(false, true)} BTC.")); } acceptedBlindedOutputScripts.Add(blindedOutputs.First()); Money networkFeeToPay = networkFeeToPayAfterBaseDenomination; // Make sure we sign the proper number of additional blinded outputs. var moneySoFar = Money.Zero; for (int i = 1; i < blindedOutputCount; i++) { if (!round.MixingLevels.TryGetDenomination(i, out Money denomination)) { break; } Money coordinatorFee = denomination.Percentage(round.CoordinatorFeePercent * round.AnonymitySet); // It should be the number of bobs, but we must make sure they'd have money to pay all. changeAmount -= (denomination + round.FeePerOutputs + coordinatorFee); networkFeeToPay += round.FeePerOutputs; if (changeAmount < Money.Zero) { break; } acceptedBlindedOutputScripts.Add(blindedOutputs[i]); } // Make sure Alice checks work. var alice = new Alice(inputs, networkFeeToPayAfterBaseDenomination, request.ChangeOutputAddress, acceptedBlindedOutputScripts); foreach (Guid aliceToRemove in alicesToRemove) { round.RemoveAlicesBy(aliceToRemove); } round.AddAlice(alice); // All checks are good. Sign. var blindSignatures = new List <uint256>(); for (int i = 0; i < acceptedBlindedOutputScripts.Count; i++) { var blindedOutput = acceptedBlindedOutputScripts[i]; var signer = round.MixingLevels.GetLevel(i).Signer; uint256 blindSignature = signer.Sign(blindedOutput); blindSignatures.Add(blindSignature); } alice.BlindedOutputSignatures = blindSignatures.ToArray(); // Check if phase changed since. if (round.Status != CoordinatorRoundStatus.Running || round.Phase != RoundPhase.InputRegistration) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable, "The state of the round changed while handling the request. Try again.")); } // Progress round if needed. if (round.CountAlices() >= round.AnonymitySet) { await round.RemoveAlicesIfAnInputRefusedByMempoolAsync(); if (round.CountAlices() >= round.AnonymitySet) { await round.ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(RoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation); } } var resp = new InputsResponse { UniqueId = alice.UniqueId, RoundId = round.RoundId }; return(Ok(resp)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug(ex); return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } } }
public async Task BanningTestsAsync() { (string password, IRPCClient rpc, Network network, Coordinator coordinator, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, BitcoinStore bitcoinStore, Backend.Global global) = await Common.InitializeTestEnvironmentAsync(RegTestFixture, 1); Money denomination = Money.Coins(0.1m); decimal coordinatorFeePercent = 0.1m; int anonymitySet = 3; int connectionConfirmationTimeout = 120; var roundConfig = RegTestFixture.CreateRoundConfig(denomination, 140, 0.7, coordinatorFeePercent, anonymitySet, 240, connectionConfirmationTimeout, 1, 1, 1, 24, true, 11); coordinator.RoundConfig.UpdateOrDefault(roundConfig, toFile: true); coordinator.AbortAllRoundsInInputRegistration(""); await rpc.GenerateAsync(3); // So to make sure we have enough money. Uri baseUri = new Uri(RegTestFixture.BackendEndPoint); var fundingTxCount = 0; var inputRegistrationUsers = new List <(Requester requester, uint256 blinded, BitcoinAddress activeOutputAddress, BitcoinAddress changeOutputAddress, IEnumerable <InputProofModel> inputProofModels, List <(Key key, BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress address, uint256 txHash, Transaction tx, OutPoint input)> userInputData)>(); CoordinatorRound round = null; for (int i = 0; i < roundConfig.AnonymitySet; i++) { var userInputData = new List <(Key key, BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress inputAddress, uint256 txHash, Transaction tx, OutPoint input)>(); var activeOutputAddress = new Key().PubKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit, network); var changeOutputAddress = new Key().PubKey.GetAddress(ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit, network); round = coordinator.GetCurrentInputRegisterableRoundOrDefault(); Requester requester = new Requester(); uint256 blinded = requester.BlindScript(round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().Signer.Key.PubKey, round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().Signer.R.PubKey, activeOutputAddress.ScriptPubKey); uint256 blindedOutputScriptsHash = new uint256(Hashes.SHA256(blinded.ToBytes())); var inputProofModels = new List <InputProofModel>(); int numberOfInputs = new Random().Next(1, 7); var receiveSatoshiSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfInputs; j++) { var key = new Key(); var receiveSatoshi = new Random().Next(1000, 100000000); receiveSatoshiSum += receiveSatoshi; if (j == numberOfInputs - 1) { receiveSatoshi = 100000000; } BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress inputAddress = key.PubKey.GetSegwitAddress(network); uint256 txHash = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(inputAddress, Money.Satoshis(receiveSatoshi)); fundingTxCount++; Assert.NotNull(txHash); Transaction transaction = await rpc.GetRawTransactionAsync(txHash); var coin = transaction.Outputs.GetCoins(inputAddress.ScriptPubKey).Single(); OutPoint input = coin.Outpoint; var inputProof = new InputProofModel { Input = input, Proof = key.SignCompact(blindedOutputScriptsHash) }; inputProofModels.Add(inputProof); GetTxOutResponse getTxOutResponse = await rpc.GetTxOutAsync(input.Hash, (int)input.N, includeMempool : true); // Check if inputs are unspent. Assert.NotNull(getTxOutResponse); userInputData.Add((key, inputAddress, txHash, transaction, input)); } inputRegistrationUsers.Add((requester, blinded, activeOutputAddress, changeOutputAddress, inputProofModels, userInputData)); } var mempool = await rpc.GetRawMempoolAsync(); Assert.Equal(inputRegistrationUsers.SelectMany(x => x.userInputData).Count(), mempool.Length); while ((await rpc.GetRawMempoolAsync()).Length != 0) { await rpc.GenerateAsync(1); } var aliceClients = new List <Task <AliceClient> >(); foreach (var user in inputRegistrationUsers) { aliceClients.Add(AliceClient.CreateNewAsync(round.RoundId, new[] { user.activeOutputAddress }, new[] { round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().SchnorrKey.SchnorrPubKey }, new[] { user.requester }, network, user.changeOutputAddress, new[] { user.blinded }, user.inputProofModels, baseUri, null)); } long roundId = 0; var users = new List <(Requester requester, uint256 blinded, BitcoinAddress activeOutputAddress, BitcoinAddress changeOutputAddress, IEnumerable <InputProofModel> inputProofModels, List <(Key key, BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress address, uint256 txHash, Transaction tx, OutPoint input)> userInputData, AliceClient aliceClient, UnblindedSignature unblindedSignature)>(); for (int i = 0; i < inputRegistrationUsers.Count; i++) { var user = inputRegistrationUsers[i]; var request = aliceClients[i]; var aliceClient = await request; if (roundId == 0) { roundId = aliceClient.RoundId; } else { Assert.Equal(roundId, aliceClient.RoundId); } // Because it's valuetuple. users.Add((user.requester, user.blinded, user.activeOutputAddress, user.changeOutputAddress, user.inputProofModels, user.userInputData, aliceClient, null)); } Assert.Equal(users.Count, roundConfig.AnonymitySet); var confirmationRequests = new List <Task <(RoundPhase currentPhase, IEnumerable <ActiveOutput>)> >(); foreach (var user in users) { confirmationRequests.Add(user.aliceClient.PostConfirmationAsync()); } RoundPhase roundPhase = RoundPhase.InputRegistration; int k = 0; foreach (var request in confirmationRequests) { var resp = await request; if (roundPhase == RoundPhase.InputRegistration) { roundPhase = resp.currentPhase; } else { Assert.Equal(roundPhase, resp.currentPhase); } var user = users.ElementAt(k); user.unblindedSignature = resp.Item2.First().Signature; } using (var satoshiClient = new SatoshiClient(baseUri, null)) { var times = 0; while (!(await satoshiClient.GetAllRoundStatesAsync()).All(x => x.Phase == RoundPhase.InputRegistration)) { await Task.Delay(100); if (times > 50) // 5 sec, 3 should be enough { throw new TimeoutException("Not all rounds were in InputRegistration."); } times++; } } int bannedCount = coordinator.UtxoReferee.CountBanned(false); Assert.Equal(0, bannedCount); aliceClients.Clear(); round = coordinator.GetCurrentInputRegisterableRoundOrDefault(); foreach (var user in inputRegistrationUsers) { aliceClients.Add(AliceClient.CreateNewAsync(round.RoundId, new[] { user.activeOutputAddress }, new[] { round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().SchnorrKey.SchnorrPubKey }, new[] { user.requester }, network, user.changeOutputAddress, new[] { user.blinded }, user.inputProofModels, baseUri, null)); } roundId = 0; users = new List <(Requester requester, uint256 blinded, BitcoinAddress activeOutputAddress, BitcoinAddress changeOutputAddress, IEnumerable <InputProofModel> inputProofModels, List <(Key key, BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress address, uint256 txHash, Transaction tx, OutPoint input)> userInputData, AliceClient aliceClient, UnblindedSignature unblindedSignature)>(); for (int i = 0; i < inputRegistrationUsers.Count; i++) { var user = inputRegistrationUsers[i]; var request = aliceClients[i]; var aliceClient = await request; if (roundId == 0) { roundId = aliceClient.RoundId; } else { Assert.Equal(roundId, aliceClient.RoundId); } // Because it's valuetuple. users.Add((user.requester, user.blinded, user.activeOutputAddress, user.changeOutputAddress, user.inputProofModels, user.userInputData, aliceClient, null)); } Assert.Equal(users.Count, roundConfig.AnonymitySet); confirmationRequests = new List <Task <(RoundPhase currentPhase, IEnumerable <ActiveOutput>)> >(); foreach (var user in users) { confirmationRequests.Add(user.aliceClient.PostConfirmationAsync()); } using (var satoshiClient = new SatoshiClient(baseUri, null)) { var times = 0; while (!(await satoshiClient.GetAllRoundStatesAsync()).All(x => x.Phase == RoundPhase.InputRegistration)) { await Task.Delay(100); if (times > 50) // 5 sec, 3 should be enough { throw new TimeoutException("Not all rounds were in InputRegistration."); } times++; } } bannedCount = coordinator.UtxoReferee.CountBanned(false); Assert.True(bannedCount >= roundConfig.AnonymitySet); foreach (var aliceClient in aliceClients) { aliceClient?.Dispose(); } }
public async Task NotingTestsAsync() { (string password, IRPCClient rpc, Network network, Coordinator coordinator, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, BitcoinStore bitcoinStore, Backend.Global global) = await Common.InitializeTestEnvironmentAsync(RegTestFixture, 1); Money denomination = Money.Coins(1m); decimal coordinatorFeePercent = 0.1m; int anonymitySet = 2; int connectionConfirmationTimeout = 1; bool doesNoteBeforeBan = true; CoordinatorRoundConfig roundConfig = RegTestFixture.CreateRoundConfig(denomination, 140, 0.7, coordinatorFeePercent, anonymitySet, 240, connectionConfirmationTimeout, 1, 1, 1, 24, doesNoteBeforeBan, 11); coordinator.RoundConfig.UpdateOrDefault(roundConfig, toFile: true); coordinator.AbortAllRoundsInInputRegistration(""); Uri baseUri = new Uri(RegTestFixture.BackendEndPoint); var registerRequests = new List <(BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress changeOutputAddress, uint256 blindedData, InputProofModel[] inputsProofs)>(); AliceClient aliceClientBackup = null; CoordinatorRound round = coordinator.GetCurrentInputRegisterableRoundOrDefault(); for (int i = 0; i < roundConfig.AnonymitySet; i++) { BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress activeOutputAddress = new Key().PubKey.GetSegwitAddress(network); BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress changeOutputAddress = new Key().PubKey.GetSegwitAddress(network); Key inputKey = new Key(); BitcoinWitPubKeyAddress inputAddress = inputKey.PubKey.GetSegwitAddress(network); var requester = new Requester(); uint256 blinded = requester.BlindScript(round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().Signer.Key.PubKey, round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().Signer.R.PubKey, activeOutputAddress.ScriptPubKey); uint256 blindedOutputScriptsHash = new uint256(Hashes.SHA256(blinded.ToBytes())); uint256 txHash = await rpc.SendToAddressAsync(inputAddress, Money.Coins(2)); await rpc.GenerateAsync(1); Transaction transaction = await rpc.GetRawTransactionAsync(txHash); Coin coin = transaction.Outputs.GetCoins(inputAddress.ScriptPubKey).Single(); OutPoint input = coin.Outpoint; InputProofModel inputProof = new InputProofModel { Input = input, Proof = inputKey.SignCompact(blindedOutputScriptsHash) }; InputProofModel[] inputsProofs = new InputProofModel[] { inputProof }; registerRequests.Add((changeOutputAddress, blinded, inputsProofs)); aliceClientBackup = await AliceClient.CreateNewAsync(round.RoundId, new[] { activeOutputAddress }, new[] { round.MixingLevels.GetBaseLevel().SchnorrKey.SchnorrPubKey }, new[] { requester }, network, changeOutputAddress, new[] { blinded }, inputsProofs, baseUri, null); } await WaitForTimeoutAsync(baseUri); int bannedCount = coordinator.UtxoReferee.CountBanned(false); Assert.Equal(0, bannedCount); int notedCount = coordinator.UtxoReferee.CountBanned(true); Assert.Equal(anonymitySet, notedCount); round = coordinator.GetCurrentInputRegisterableRoundOrDefault(); foreach (var registerRequest in registerRequests) { await AliceClient.CreateNewAsync(round.RoundId, aliceClientBackup.RegisteredAddresses, round.MixingLevels.GetAllLevels().Select(x => x.SchnorrKey.SchnorrPubKey), aliceClientBackup.Requesters, network, registerRequest.changeOutputAddress, new[] { registerRequest.blindedData }, registerRequest.inputsProofs, baseUri, null); } await WaitForTimeoutAsync(baseUri); bannedCount = coordinator.UtxoReferee.CountBanned(false); Assert.Equal(anonymitySet, bannedCount); notedCount = coordinator.UtxoReferee.CountBanned(true); Assert.Equal(anonymitySet, notedCount); }
private async void Round_StatusChangedAsync(object sender, CoordinatorRoundStatus status) { try { var round = sender as CoordinatorRound; Money feePerInputs = null; Money feePerOutputs = null; // If success save the coinjoin. if (status == CoordinatorRoundStatus.Succeded) { using (await CoinJoinsLock.LockAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) { uint256 coinJoinHash = round.CoinJoin.GetHash(); CoinJoins.Add(coinJoinHash); UnconfirmedCoinJoins.Add(coinJoinHash); LastSuccessfulCoinJoinTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(CoinJoinsFilePath, new[] { coinJoinHash.ToString() }).ConfigureAwait(false); // When a round succeeded, adjust the denomination as to users still be able to register with the latest round's active output amount. IEnumerable <(Money value, int count)> outputs = round.CoinJoin.GetIndistinguishableOutputs(includeSingle: true); var bestOutput = outputs.OrderByDescending(x => x.count).FirstOrDefault(); if (bestOutput != default) { Money activeOutputAmount = bestOutput.value; int currentConfirmationTarget = await AdjustConfirmationTargetAsync(lockCoinJoins : false).ConfigureAwait(false); var fees = await CoordinatorRound.CalculateFeesAsync(RpcClient, currentConfirmationTarget).ConfigureAwait(false); feePerInputs = fees.feePerInputs; feePerOutputs = fees.feePerOutputs; Money newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs = activeOutputAmount - (feePerInputs + (2 * feePerOutputs)); if (newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs < RoundConfig.Denomination) { if (newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs > Money.Coins(0.01m)) { RoundConfig.Denomination = newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs; RoundConfig.ToFile(); } } } } } // If aborted in signing phase, then ban Alices that did not sign. if (status == CoordinatorRoundStatus.Aborted && round.Phase == RoundPhase.Signing) { IEnumerable <Alice> alicesDidntSign = round.GetAlicesByNot(AliceState.SignedCoinJoin, syncLock: false); CoordinatorRound nextRound = GetCurrentInputRegisterableRoundOrDefault(syncLock: false); if (nextRound != null) { int nextRoundAlicesCount = nextRound.CountAlices(syncLock: false); var alicesSignedCount = round.AnonymitySet - alicesDidntSign.Count(); // New round's anonset should be the number of alices that signed in this round. // Except if the number of alices in the next round is already larger. var newAnonymitySet = Math.Max(alicesSignedCount, nextRoundAlicesCount); // But it cannot be larger than the current anonset of that round. newAnonymitySet = Math.Min(newAnonymitySet, nextRound.AnonymitySet); // Only change the anonymity set of the next round if new anonset does not equal and newanonset is larger than 1. if (nextRound.AnonymitySet != newAnonymitySet && newAnonymitySet > 1) { nextRound.UpdateAnonymitySet(newAnonymitySet, syncLock: false); if (nextRoundAlicesCount >= nextRound.AnonymitySet) { // Progress to the next phase, which will be OutputRegistration await nextRound.ExecuteNextPhaseAsync(RoundPhase.ConnectionConfirmation).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } foreach (Alice alice in alicesDidntSign) // Because the event sometimes is raised from inside the lock. { // If it is from any coinjoin, then do not ban. IEnumerable <OutPoint> utxosToBan = alice.Inputs.Select(x => x.Outpoint); await UtxoReferee.BanUtxosAsync(1, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, forceNoted : false, round.RoundId, utxosToBan.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false); } } // If finished start a new round. if (status == CoordinatorRoundStatus.Aborted || status == CoordinatorRoundStatus.Succeded) { round.StatusChanged -= Round_StatusChangedAsync; round.CoinJoinBroadcasted -= Round_CoinJoinBroadcasted; await MakeSureTwoRunningRoundsAsync(feePerInputs, feePerOutputs).ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogWarning(ex); } }
private async void Round_StatusChangedAsync(object sender, CoordinatorRoundStatus status) { try { var round = sender as CoordinatorRound; Money feePerInputs = null; Money feePerOutputs = null; // If success save the coinjoin. if (status == CoordinatorRoundStatus.Succeded) { uint256[] mempoolHashes = null; try { mempoolHashes = await RpcClient.GetRawMempoolAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); } using (await CoinJoinsLock.LockAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) { if (mempoolHashes is { }) { var fallOuts = UnconfirmedCoinJoins.Where(x => !mempoolHashes.Contains(x)); CoinJoins.RemoveAll(x => fallOuts.Contains(x)); UnconfirmedCoinJoins.RemoveAll(x => fallOuts.Contains(x)); } uint256 coinJoinHash = round.CoinJoin.GetHash(); CoinJoins.Add(coinJoinHash); UnconfirmedCoinJoins.Add(coinJoinHash); LastSuccessfulCoinJoinTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await File.AppendAllLinesAsync(CoinJoinsFilePath, new[] { coinJoinHash.ToString() }).ConfigureAwait(false); // When a round succeeded, adjust the denomination as to users still be able to register with the latest round's active output amount. IEnumerable <(Money value, int count)> outputs = round.CoinJoin.GetIndistinguishableOutputs(includeSingle: true); var bestOutput = outputs.OrderByDescending(x => x.count).FirstOrDefault(); if (bestOutput != default) { Money activeOutputAmount = bestOutput.value; int currentConfirmationTarget = await AdjustConfirmationTargetAsync(lockCoinJoins : false).ConfigureAwait(false); var fees = await CoordinatorRound.CalculateFeesAsync(RpcClient, currentConfirmationTarget).ConfigureAwait(false); feePerInputs = fees.feePerInputs; feePerOutputs = fees.feePerOutputs; Money newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs = activeOutputAmount - (feePerInputs + (2 * feePerOutputs)); if (newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs < RoundConfig.Denomination) { if (newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs > Money.Coins(0.01m)) { RoundConfig.Denomination = newDenominationToGetInWithactiveOutputs; RoundConfig.ToFile(); } } } }