public void LoadTheme() { string themecode = ""; string language = ""; int siteid = 0; var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("ThemeStatus"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("language"))) { language = nv.Get("language"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("theme"))) { themecode = nv.Get("theme"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("site"))) { int.TryParse(nv.Get("site"), out siteid); } if (siteid == 0) { siteid = ShopCache.GetMainSite().id; } LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, language, "", false); }
/// <summary> /// 判断登录状态 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool LoginStatus() { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["admin"] == null) { var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("Master"); int uid = 0; string uhash = ""; string uname = ""; if (nv.Count > 1) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("id")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("hash")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("name"))) { //uid = StringUtils.StrToInt(nv.Get("id"), 0); int.TryParse(nv.Get("id"), out uid); uhash = nv.Get("hash"); uname = nv.Get("name"); Lebi_Administrator master = B_Lebi_Administrator.GetModel(uid); if (CheckAdmin(master, uhash, uname, true)) { SetSession(master); return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(false); } return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 处理语言标签 /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Tag(string content) { var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("ThemeStatus"); string langcode = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("language"))) { langcode = nv.Get("language"); return(Language.Tag(content, langcode)); } return(Language.Tag(content, CurrentLanguage.Code)); }
/// <summary> /// 处理语言 /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="lang"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Lang(string content) { var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("ThemeStatus"); string langcode = ""; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("language"))) //{ // langcode = nv.Get("language"); // //return langcode; // return Language.Content(content, langcode); //} //return CurrentLanguage.Code; return(Language.Content(content, CurrentLanguage.Code)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改购物车产品 /// </summary> public void UserBasket_Edit() { int t = 142; //int num = RequestTool.RequestInt("num", 1);//默认数量1 string property = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("property"); string CookieName = "UserProduct" + t; List <Lebi_User_Product> pros = Basket.UserProduct(CurrentUser, t); foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in pros) { pro.count = RequestTool.RequestInt("BasketCount" + pro.Product_id, 1);//默认数量1 pro.count = pro.count < 1 ? 1 : pro.count; } if ( > 0 && CurrentUser.IsAnonymous == 0)//已经登录 { foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in pros) { B_Lebi_User_Product.Update(pro); } } else//未登录 { NameValueCollection nv = CookieTool.GetCookie(CookieName); string key, userproduct; foreach (Lebi_User_Product pro in pros) { key = "p" + pro.Product_id.ToString(); userproduct = nv.Get(key); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userproduct)) { //nv.Add(key, pro.count.ToString()); nv.Add(key, pro.count.ToString() + "|" + property); } else { nv.Set(key, pro.count.ToString() + "|" + property); } } CookieTool.WriteCookie(CookieName, nv, 365); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
/// <summary> /// 发送手机验证码 /// </summary> public void GetPhoneCheckCode() { string phone = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("phone"); CurrentUser.MobilePhone = phone; CurrentUser.Language = CurrentLanguage.Code; string mcode = RequestTool.RequestString("m"); try { int phonecount = B_Lebi_User.Counts("MobilePhone=lbsql{'" + phone + "'} and IsCheckedMobilePhone=1"); if (phonecount > 0) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("此手机号已经注册") + "\"}"); return; } int Count = 0; string Count_ = CookieTool.GetCookie("GetPhoneCheckCode_" + CurrentUser.MobilePhone).Get("Count"); int.TryParse(Count_, out Count); if (Count > 5) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("已超出当日使用次数") + "\"}"); return; } string servermcode = Session["mcode"] == null ? "1" : (string)Session["mcode"]; if (servermcode != mcode || servermcode == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("发送失败,请刷新页面后重试") + "" + servermcode + "\"}"); return; } SMS.SendSMS_checkcode(CurrentUser); Count++; NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection(); nvs.Add("Count", Count.ToString()); CookieTool.WriteCookie("GetPhoneCheckCode_" + CurrentUser.MobilePhone, nvs, 1); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); } catch { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("发送失败,请联系客服") + "\"}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件验证码 /// </summary> public void GetEmailCheckCode() { string email = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("email"); CurrentUser.Email = email; CurrentUser.Language = CurrentLanguage.Code; string mcode = RequestTool.RequestString("m"); try { int emailcount = B_Lebi_User.Counts("Email=lbsql{'" + email + "'} and IsCheckedEmail=1"); if (emailcount > 0) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("此邮箱已经注册") + "\"}"); return; } int Count = 0; string Count_ = CookieTool.GetCookie("GetEmailCheckCode_" + CurrentUser.Email).Get("Count"); int.TryParse(Count_, out Count); if (Count > 5) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("已超出当日使用次数") + "\"}"); return; } string servermcode = Session["mcode"] == null ? "" : (string)Session["mcode"]; if (servermcode != mcode || servermcode == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("发送失败,请刷新页面后重试") + "\"}"); return; } Email.SendEmail_checkcode(CurrentUser); Count++; NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection(); nvs.Add("Count", Count.ToString()); CookieTool.WriteCookie("GetEmailCheckCode_" + CurrentUser.Email, nvs, 1); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); } catch { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("发送失败,请联系客服") + "\"}"); } }
/// <summary> /// 购物车或收藏夹中删除一个商品 /// 141购物车 /// 142收藏 /// 143浏览记录 /// </summary> public void UserProduct_Del() { int t = RequestTool.RequestInt("type", 141);//默认收藏 if (t != 141 && t != 142 && t != 143) { Response.Write("OK"); return; } string productid = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("pid"); if (productid == "all") { //清空购物车/收藏夹 Basket.Clear(CurrentUser, t); } else { int pid = RequestTool.RequestInt("pid", 0); if (EX_User.LoginStatus(CurrentUser))//已经登录 { B_Lebi_User_Product.Delete("user_id=" + + " and product_id=" + pid + " and type_id_UserProductType=" + t + ""); } else//未登录 { string CookieName = "UserProduct" + t; NameValueCollection nv = CookieTool.GetCookie(CookieName); string key = "p" + pid.ToString(); string userproduct = nv.Get(key); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userproduct)) { nv.Remove(key); } CookieTool.WriteCookie(CookieName, nv, 365); } } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"mes\":\"" + Tag("操作成功") + "\"}"); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { //页面载入检查 PageLoadCheck(); site = new Site_Agent(); string themecode = ""; int siteid = 0; string languagecode = ""; var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("ThemeStatus"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("theme"))) { themecode = nv.Get("theme"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("language"))) { languagecode = nv.Get("language"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("theme"))) { int.TryParse(nv.Get("site"), out siteid); } if (siteid == 0) { siteid = ShopCache.GetMainSite().id; } LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, languagecode, "", true); DefaultCurrency = B_Lebi_Currency.GetModel("IsDefault=1"); if (DefaultCurrency == null) { DefaultCurrency = B_Lebi_Currency.GetList("", "Sort desc").FirstOrDefault(); } CurrentCurrency = DefaultCurrency; base.OnLoad(e); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (!Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("plugin_gongyingshang")) { Response.Redirect(WebPath + "/"); Response.End(); return; } PageLoadCheck(); //页面载入检查 #region 当前用户信息 int selectsupplierid = RequestTool.RequestInt("selectsupplierid"); if (selectsupplierid > 0) { //切换超级账号 string msg = ""; EX_Supplier.Login(CurrentUser, "", selectsupplierid, out msg); CurrentSupplierUser = B_Lebi_Supplier_User.GetModel("User_id = " + + " and Supplier_id=" + selectsupplierid + " and Type_id_SupplierUserStatus=9011"); } if (CurrentSupplierUser == null) { CurrentSupplierUser = EX_Supplier.CurrentSupplierUser(CurrentUser); } if ( == 0) { Response.Redirect(Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SupplierPath + "/Login.aspx"); return; } CurrentSupplier = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(CurrentSupplierUser.Supplier_id); if (CurrentSupplier.Type_id_SupplierStatus != 442) { Response.Redirect(Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SupplierPath + "/Login.aspx"); return; } CurrentSupplierUserGroup = B_Lebi_Supplier_UserGroup.GetModel(CurrentSupplierUser.Supplier_UserGroup_id); if (CurrentSupplierUserGroup == null) { CurrentSupplierUserGroup = new Lebi_Supplier_UserGroup(); } if (CurrentSupplier != null) { CurrentSupplierGroup = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetModel(CurrentSupplier.Supplier_Group_id); if (CurrentSupplierGroup == null) { CurrentSupplierGroup = new Lebi_Supplier_Group(); } } else { Response.Redirect(Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SupplierPath + "/Login.aspx"); return; } DateTime LastDate = CurrentSupplier.Time_This; TimeSpan ts = System.DateTime.Now - LastDate; int NewEventTimes = 0; int.TryParse(SYS.NewEventTimes, out NewEventTimes); LeftNewEventTimes = Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalSeconds % (NewEventTimes / 1000)); LeftNewEventTimes = NewEventTimes - (LeftNewEventTimes * 1000); #endregion #region 配合前台主题 string themecode = ""; int siteid = 0; var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("ThemeStatus"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("theme"))) { themecode = nv.Get("theme"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("site"))) { int.TryParse(nv.Get("site"), out siteid); } if (siteid == 0) { siteid = ShopCache.GetMainSite().id; } LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, CurrentLanguage.Code, "", true); #endregion #region 处理菜单 MenuType = Shop.Tools.CookieTool.GetCookieString("Menu"); if (MenuType == "") { MenuType = "Index"; } string menu_ids = ""; if (CurrentSupplierUserGroup != null && CurrentSupplierUser.User_id != CurrentSupplier.User_id) { menu_ids = CurrentSupplierUserGroup.Menu_ids; } else { CurrentSupplierGroup = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetModel(CurrentSupplier.Supplier_Group_id); if (CurrentSupplierGroup != null) { menu_ids = CurrentSupplierGroup.Menu_ids; } } //lebi菜单 if (!Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("managelicenese")) { lbmenu = "<ul class=\"tool\"><li><span><a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/?desk=1\">" + Tag("桌面") + "</a></span></li></ul>"; string license = "Copyright 2003-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"footcopy\"></a> , All Rights Reserved. Powered by <a href=\"" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"LebiShop\" class=\"footcopy\">LebiShop</a> V<a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/config/version.aspx\">" + SYS.Version + "." + SYS.Version_Son + "</a>"; try { Label LBLicense = (Label)this.Page.FindControl("LBLicense"); LBLicense.Text = license; } catch { string strscript = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"><script language='javascript'>"; strscript += "document.onreadystatechange = loadlicense;"; strscript += "function loadlicense(){"; strscript += "if(document.readyState == \"complete\"){"; strscript += "if ($(\"#lebicopy\")[0] == undefined) {alert('页面布局异常')}"; strscript += "$('#lebicopy').html('" + license + "')"; strscript += "}}</script>"; Response.Write(strscript); } } else { lbmenu = "<ul class=\"tool\"><li><span><a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/?desk=1\">" + Tag("桌面") + "</a></ul>"; } //处理菜单 desk = RequestTool.RequestInt("desk", 0); AllMenus = new List <Lebi_Supplier_Menu>(); List <Lebi_Supplier_Menu> All = B_Lebi_Supplier_Menu.GetList("Isshow=1", "Sort desc"); string currentgroupmenu = "," + menu_ids + ","; foreach (Lebi_Supplier_Menu m in All) { if (currentgroupmenu.Contains("," + + ",")) { AllMenus.Add(m); } } TopMenus = (from m in AllMenus where m.parentid == 0 select m).ToList(); if (desk != 1) { try { var temp = from m in AllMenus where reqPage.Contains(m.URL.ToLower()) && m.parentid > 0 && m.URL != "" select m; //if (temp == null) // CurrentLeftMenu = new Lebi_Menu(); //else //{ CurrentLeftMenu = temp.ToList().FirstOrDefault(); CurrentTopMenu = (from m in AllMenus where == CurrentLeftMenu.parentid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); CurrentTopMenu = (from m in TopMenus where == CurrentTopMenu.parentid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); ////写入cookie NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection(); nvs.Add("top",; nvs.Add("left",; CookieTool.WriteCookie("sMenu", nvs, 365); //} } catch (NullReferenceException) { var menu = CookieTool.GetCookie("sMenu"); int tid = 0; int lid = 0; int.TryParse(menu.Get("top"), out tid); int.TryParse(menu.Get("left"), out lid); CurrentTopMenu = (from m in TopMenus where == tid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); CurrentLeftMenu = (from m in AllMenus where == lid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); } } else { //写入cookie NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection(); nvs.Add("top", "0"); nvs.Add("left", "0"); CookieTool.WriteCookie("sMenu", nvs, 365); } if (CurrentTopMenu == null) { CurrentTopMenu = new Lebi_Supplier_Menu(); desk = 1; } #endregion Suppliers = GetSuppliers(); base.OnLoad(e); }
/// <summary> /// 用户注册 /// </summary> public void User_Reg() { string url = ""; bool Checkmobilephone = false; bool Checkemail = false; string MobilePhone = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("MobilePhone"); string Email = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Email"); try { Lebi_UserLevel defaultlevel = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetModel("Grade>0 order by Grade asc"); if (defaultlevel == null) { defaultlevel = new Lebi_UserLevel(); } if (defaultlevel.RegisterType == 0) //关闭注册 { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("会员注册已关闭") + "\"}"); return; } if (SYS.UserRegCheckedType.Contains("mobilephone")) { Checkmobilephone = true; string MobilePhone_checkcode = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("MobilePhone_checkcode"); try { string phonecheckcode = (string)Session["phonecheckcode"];//phonecheckcode if (phonecheckcode != (MobilePhone + MobilePhone_checkcode)) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("手机验证码错误") + phonecheckcode + "(" + MobilePhone + MobilePhone_checkcode + ")\"}"); return; } if (SYS.IsMobilePhoneMutiReg == "0") { int phonecount = B_Lebi_User.Counts("MobilePhone=lbsql{'" + MobilePhone + "'} and IsCheckedMobilePhone=1"); if (phonecount > 0) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("此手机号已经注册") + "\"}"); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("手机验证码错误") + "" + ex.ToString() + "\"}"); return; } } if (SYS.UserRegCheckedType.Contains("email")) { Checkemail = true; string Email_checkcode = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Email_checkcode"); try { string emailcheckcode = (string)Session["emailcheckcode"]; if (emailcheckcode != (Email + Email_checkcode)) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("邮件验证码错误") + "\"}"); return; } int emailcount = B_Lebi_User.Counts("Email=lbsql{'" + Email + "'} and IsCheckedEmail=1"); if (emailcount > 0) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("此邮箱已经注册") + "\"}"); return; } } catch { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("邮件验证码错误") + "\"}"); return; } } if (SYS.Verifycode_UserRegister == "1") { if (Checkemail == false && Checkmobilephone == false) { string verifycode = RequestTool.RequestString("verifycode"); if (CurrentCheckCode != verifycode) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("验证码错误") + "\"}"); return; } } } string UserName = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("UserName"); string PWD = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Password"); string token = RequestTool.RequestString("token"); if (UserName == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("请输入用户名") + "\"}"); return; } if (PWD == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("请输入密码") + "\"}"); return; } //检查用户名存在 int count = B_Lebi_User.Counts("UserName=lbsql{'" + UserName + "'}"); if (count > 0) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("用户名已注册") + "\"}"); return; } var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("parentuser"); int parentuserid = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("id"))) { string parentuserid_ = nv.Get("id"); int.TryParse(parentuserid_, out parentuserid); } if (parentuserid == 0) { parentuserid = RequestTool.RequestInt("parentuserid", 0); } if (parentuserid != 0) { Lebi_User puser = B_Lebi_User.GetModel("id=" + parentuserid + ""); if (puser != null) { if (defaultlevel.RegisterType == 2) //邀请注册 { Lebi_UserLevel userlevel = B_Lebi_UserLevel.GetModel(puser.UserLevel_id); if (userlevel != null) { if (userlevel.RegisterType == 0) //关闭注册 { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("会员注册已关闭") + "\"}"); return; } } } if (SYS.IsUsedAgent == "1") { if (Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("plugin_agent")) { parentuserid =; puser.Count_sonuser++; B_Lebi_User.Update(puser); } } } } else { if (defaultlevel.RegisterType == 2) //邀请注册 { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("请输入邀请码") + "\"}"); return; } } Lebi_User model = new Lebi_User(); B_Lebi_User.SafeBindForm(model); model.NickName = model.UserName; model.Password = EX_User.MD5(PWD); model.UserLevel_id =; model.Time_Reg = DateTime.Now; model.Time_This = DateTime.Now; model.Time_Last = DateTime.Now; model.Count_Login = 1; model.IP_This = RequestTool.GetClientIP(); model.IP_Last = RequestTool.GetClientIP(); if (Checkemail) { model.IsCheckedEmail = 1; } if (Checkmobilephone) { model.IsCheckedMobilePhone = 1; } model.User_id_parent = parentuserid; if (CurrentSite != null) { model.Site_id =; } if (CurrentLanguage != null) { model.Language = CurrentLanguage.Code; } model.Area_id = RequestTool.RequestInt("Area_id", 0); int DefaultUserEndDays = 0; int.TryParse(SYS.DefaultUserEndDays, out DefaultUserEndDays); model.Time_End = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(DefaultUserEndDays); Lebi_User user = EX_User.UserReg(model, PWD); try { //发送邮件 if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().MailSign.ToLower().Contains("zhuce") || ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().AdminMailSign.ToLower().Contains("register")) { Shop.Bussiness.Email.SendEmail_newuser(user); } //发送短信 if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().SMS_sendmode.Contains("SMSTPL_newuser") || ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().SMS_sendmode.Contains("SMSTPL_Admin_newuser")) { SMS.SendSMS_newuser(user); } } catch { } url = RequestTool.RequestString("url").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", ""); if (EX_User.MD5(SYS.InstallCode + url) != token) { url = URL("P_Index", ""); } if (url.ToLower().IndexOf("http") > -1 || url.ToLower().IndexOf(URL("P_Register", "").ToLower()) > -1 || url.ToLower().IndexOf(URL("P_Login", "").ToLower()) > -1 || url == "") { url = URL("P_Index", ""); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"url\":\"" + url + "\"}"); } catch (Exception e) { SystemLog.Add("User_Reg-" + e.ToString()); } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (!Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("plugin_gongyingshang")) { Response.Write(""); Response.End(); return; } PageLoadCheck(); //页面载入检查 #region 当前用户信息 int selectsupplierid = RequestTool.RequestInt("selectsupplierid"); if (selectsupplierid > 0) { //切换超级账号 string msg = ""; EX_Supplier.Login(CurrentUser, "", selectsupplierid, out msg); CurrentSupplierUser = B_Lebi_Supplier_User.GetModel("User_id = " + + " and Supplier_id=" + selectsupplierid + " and Type_id_SupplierUserStatus=9011"); } if (CurrentSupplierUser == null) { CurrentSupplierUser = EX_Supplier.CurrentSupplierUser(CurrentUser); } if ( == 0) { Response.Redirect(Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SupplierPath + "/Login.aspx"); return; } CurrentSupplier = B_Lebi_Supplier.GetModel(CurrentSupplierUser.Supplier_id); if (CurrentSupplier.Type_id_SupplierStatus != 442) { Response.Redirect(Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SupplierPath + "/Login.aspx"); return; } CurrentSupplierUserGroup = B_Lebi_Supplier_UserGroup.GetModel(CurrentSupplierUser.Supplier_UserGroup_id); if (CurrentSupplierUserGroup == null) { CurrentSupplierUserGroup = new Lebi_Supplier_UserGroup(); } if (CurrentSupplier != null) { CurrentSupplierGroup = B_Lebi_Supplier_Group.GetModel(CurrentSupplier.Supplier_Group_id); if (CurrentSupplierGroup == null) { CurrentSupplierGroup = new Lebi_Supplier_Group(); } } else { Response.Redirect(Shop.Bussiness.Site.Instance.SupplierPath + "/Login.aspx"); return; } #endregion #region 配合前台主题 string themecode = ""; int siteid = 0; var nv = CookieTool.GetCookie("ThemeStatus"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("theme"))) { themecode = nv.Get("theme"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nv.Get("theme"))) { int.TryParse(nv.Get("site"), out siteid); } if (siteid == 0) { siteid = ShopCache.GetMainSite().id; } LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, CurrentLanguage.Code, "", true); #endregion Suppliers = GetSuppliers(); base.OnLoad(e); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.LoginStatus() && RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain().ToLower().IndexOf("login.aspx") < 0) { //Response.Redirect(site.AdminPath + "/login.aspx?url=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + ""); string url = site.AdminPath + "/login.aspx?url=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + "&token=" + EX_Admin.MD5(SYS.InstallCode + RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + ""; url = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location='" + url + "';</script>"; Response.Write(url); Response.End(); return; } CurrentAdmin = EX_Admin.CurrentAdmin(); //CurrentAdminGroup = (Lebi_Admin_Group)Session["admin_group"]; CurrentAdminGroup = B_Lebi_Admin_Group.GetModel(CurrentAdmin.Admin_Group_id); DateTime LastDate = CurrentAdmin.Time_This; TimeSpan ts = System.DateTime.Now - LastDate; int NewEventTimes = 0; int.TryParse(SYS.NewEventTimes, out NewEventTimes); LeftNewEventTimes = Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalSeconds % (NewEventTimes / 1000)); LeftNewEventTimes = NewEventTimes - (LeftNewEventTimes * 1000); MenuType = LB.Tools.CookieTool.GetCookieString("Menu"); if (MenuType == "") { MenuType = "Index"; } if (Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.ServicepackName(SYS.LicensePackage) == "免费版") { LicenseString = "<div class=\"licensecheck\" style=\"display:block;float:left;margin:7px 0 0 0;padding:0;height:25px;line-height:25px;color:#ffffff;\"><span><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#fff;font-size:12px;\">" + Tag("免费版") + "</a></span></div>"; } if (Shop.Bussiness.EX_Admin.CheckPower("version")) { int vers = B_Lebi_Version.Counts("IsUpdate=0 and Version_Check like '%" + SYS.Version + "." + SYS.Version_Son + "%'"); if (vers > 0) { Version = "<div id=\"version\"><a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/config/Version.aspx\" style=\"color:red\" >" + Tag("发现新版本") + " " + Tag("点击此处更新") + " </a></div>"; } } //lebi菜单 if (!Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("managelicenese")) { var licenseuserurl = "username="******"&password="******"&vc=" + EX_User.MD5(SYS.LicensePWD); lbmenu = "<ul class=\"tool\"><li><span><a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/Ajax/ajax_admin.aspx?__Action=MenuJump&pid=0\">" + Tag("桌面") + "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"Copyright();\">" + Tag("关于") + "</a></span></li></ul>"; lbmenu += "<ul class=\"faq\"><li><a href=\"" + licenseuserurl + "\" title=\"" + Tag("客服中心") + "\" target=\"_blank\"><b></b><span>" + Tag("客服中心") + "</span></a></li></ul>"; string license = "Copyright 2003-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"footcopy\"></a> , All Rights Reserved. Powered by <a href=\"" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"LebiShop\" class=\"footcopy\">LebiShop</a> V<a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/config/version.aspx\">" + SYS.Version + "." + SYS.Version_Son + "</a>"; try { Label LBLicense = (Label)this.Page.FindControl("LBLicense"); LBLicense.Text = license; } catch { string strscript = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">"; //strscript = "<script language='javascript'>"; //strscript += "document.onreadystatechange = loadlicense;"; //strscript += "function loadlicense(){"; //strscript += "if(document.readyState == \"complete\"){"; //strscript += "if ($(\"#lebicopy\")[0] == undefined) {alert('页面布局异常')}else{"; //strscript += "$('#lebicopy').html('" + license + "')}"; //strscript += "}}</script>"; strscript += license; Response.Write(strscript); } } else { lbmenu = "<ul class=\"tool\"><li><span><a href=\"" + site.AdminPath + "/Ajax/ajax_admin.aspx?__Action=MenuJump&pid=0\">" + Tag("桌面") + "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"Copyright();\">" + Tag("关于") + "</a></span></li></ul>"; } //处理菜单 desk = RequestTool.RequestInt("desk", 0); AllMenus = new List <Lebi_Menu>(); List <Lebi_Menu> All = B_Lebi_Menu.GetList("Isshow=1", "Sort desc"); string currentgroupmenu = "," + CurrentAdminGroup.Menu_ids + ","; if (CurrentAdmin.AdminType == "super") { AllMenus = All; } else { foreach (Lebi_Menu m in All) { if (currentgroupmenu.Contains("," + + ",")) { AllMenus.Add(m); } } } TopMenus = (from m in AllMenus where m.parentid == 0 select m).ToList(); string currentPage = RequestTool.GetRequestUrl().ToLower(); int apathindex = currentPage.IndexOf(site.AdminPath.ToLower()); currentPage = currentPage.Substring(apathindex, currentPage.Length - apathindex); currentPage = currentPage.Substring(site.AdminPath.Length, currentPage.Length - site.AdminPath.Length).TrimStart('/'); if (desk != 1) { try { var temp = from m in AllMenus where currentPage.IndexOf(m.URL.ToLower().TrimStart('/')) == 0 && m.parentid > 0 && m.URL != "" select m; //if (temp == null) // CurrentLeftMenu = new Lebi_Menu(); //else //{ CurrentLeftMenu = temp.ToList().FirstOrDefault(); CurrentTopMenu = (from m in AllMenus where == CurrentLeftMenu.parentid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); CurrentTopMenu = (from m in TopMenus where == CurrentTopMenu.parentid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); ////写入cookie NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection(); nvs.Add("top",; nvs.Add("left",; CookieTool.WriteCookie("Menu", nvs, 30); //} } catch (NullReferenceException) { var menu = CookieTool.GetCookie("Menu"); int tid = 0; int lid = 0; int.TryParse(menu.Get("top"), out tid); int.TryParse(menu.Get("left"), out lid); CurrentTopMenu = (from m in TopMenus where == tid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); CurrentLeftMenu = (from m in AllMenus where == lid select m).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); } } else { //写入cookie NameValueCollection nvs = new NameValueCollection(); nvs.Add("top", "0"); nvs.Add("left", "0"); CookieTool.WriteCookie("Menu", nvs, 365); } if (CurrentTopMenu == null) { CurrentTopMenu = new Lebi_Menu(); desk = 1; } CheckPagePower(); if (CurrentAdmin.Avatar == "") { CurrentAdmin.Avatar = site.AdminImagePath + "/Avatar.jpg"; } base.OnLoad(e); }