public static string GetDataToXmlString(DataTable tb) { string text3; try { string text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; text = text + "<" + tb.TableName + "s>"; foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { text = text + "<" + tb.TableName + ">"; foreach (DataColumn column in tb.Columns) { string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row[column]).Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); text = text + string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", column.ColumnName, text2); } text = text + "</" + tb.TableName + ">"; } text3 = text + "</" + tb.TableName + "s>"; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text3); }
public static string GetTd(object objText, object objClass) { string text4; try { string text = ""; string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(objText); string text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(objClass); if (text2 == "") { text = "<td></td>"; } else { text = "<td"; if (text3 != "") { text = text + " class='" + text3 + "'"; } text = (text + ">") + text2 + "</td>"; } text4 = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text4); }
public static EntityData GetFinanceSubjectSet(DataTable tbRelation) { EntityData data2; try { EntityData allSubjectSet = SubjectDAO.GetAllSubjectSet(); allSubjectSet.CurrentTable.Columns.Add("U8Code"); foreach (DataRow row in tbRelation.Rows) { string text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["SubjectSetCode"]); string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["U8Code"]); DataRow[] rowArray = allSubjectSet.CurrentTable.Select(string.Format("SubjectSetCode='{0}'", text)); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { rowArray[0]["U8Code"] = text2; } } data2 = allSubjectSet; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(data2); }
public static string GetFinanceSubjectSetDesc(DataTable tbSet) { string text4; try { string text = ""; foreach (DataRow row in tbSet.Rows) { string subjectSetName = SubjectRule.GetSubjectSetName(ConvertRule.ToString(row["SubjectSetCode"])); string text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["U8Code"]); if (subjectSetName != "") { if (text != "") { text = text + ";"; } text = text + subjectSetName + ":" + text3; } } text4 = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text4); }
private string ImportSingle(string val) { try { string[] arr = ImportRule.SplitCsvLine(val); if (arr.Length < base.MinColCount) { return(string.Format("列不足{0}个", base.MinColCount)); } string text = arr[1].Trim(); if (text == "") { return("材料名称为空"); } string text2 = arr[0].Trim(); string text3 = ""; if (text2 != "") { DataRow[] rowArray = this.m_tbSystemGroup.Select("FullName = '" + text2 + "'"); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { text3 = rowArray[0]["GroupCode"].ToString(); } } if (text3 == "") { return(string.Format("未知的类型“{0}”", text2)); } MaterialDAL ldal = new MaterialDAL(this.conn); MaterialModel mObj = new MaterialModel(); mObj.MaterialCode = int.Parse(SystemManageDAO.GetNewSysCode("MaterialCode")); mObj.MaterialName = text; mObj.GroupCode = text3; mObj.Spec = ConvertRule.ToString(ConvertRule.GetArrayItem(arr, 2)).Trim(); mObj.Unit = ConvertRule.ToString(ConvertRule.GetArrayItem(arr, 3)).Trim(); mObj.InputPerson = this.InputPerson; try { if (ConvertRule.ToString(ConvertRule.GetArrayItem(arr, 4)).Trim() == "") { mObj.StandardPrice = 0M; } else { mObj.StandardPrice = decimal.Parse(ConvertRule.ToString(ConvertRule.GetArrayItem(arr, 4)).Trim()); } } catch { return(string.Format("参考价“{0}”不是有效的数值", ConvertRule.ToString(ConvertRule.GetArrayItem(arr, 4)).Trim())); } mObj.Remark = ConvertRule.ToString(ConvertRule.GetArrayItem(arr, 5)).Trim(); ldal.Insert(mObj); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(""); }
public static void AddColumnTargetHis(DataTable tbDtl, EntityData entityTargetHis) { try { if (entityTargetHis != null) { DataView view = new DataView(entityTargetHis.CurrentTable, "", "VerID desc", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); foreach (DataRowView view2 in view) { string text = ConvertRule.ToString(view2.Row["VerID"]); if (text != "") { string name = "BudgetMoneyHis_" + text; if (!tbDtl.Columns.Contains(name)) { tbDtl.Columns.Add(name); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
private static void SaveTempToFormalByCost(DataTable dtTemp, DataTable dt) { try { foreach (DataRow row in dtTemp.Rows) { string text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["AlloType"]); string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["buildingCode"]); string text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["costCode"]); DataRow[] rowArray = dt.Select(string.Format(" AlloType='{0}' and BuildingCode='{1}' and CostCode='{2}' ", text, text2, text3)); DataRow drDst = null; if (rowArray.Length > 0) { drDst = rowArray[0]; drDst["ApportionMoney"] = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(drDst["ApportionMoney"]) + ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row["ApportionMoney"]); } else { drDst = dt.NewRow(); ConvertRule.DataRowCopy(row, drDst, dtTemp, dt); dt.Rows.Add(drDst); } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static void DeleteAllSupplier() { try { QueryAgent agent = new QueryAgent(); try { string queryString = "select top 1 a.ContractName, b.SupplierName from Contract a, Supplier b where a.SupplierCode = b.SupplierCode"; DataSet set = agent.ExecSqlForDataSet(queryString); try { if (set.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("供应商“{0}”已生成合同,不能删除", ConvertRule.ToString(set.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SupplierName"]))); } } finally { set.Dispose(); } agent.ExecuteSql("delete SupplierSubjectSet"); agent.ExecuteSql("delete Supplier"); } finally { agent.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static string GetSalProjectNameByCode(string ProjectCode) { string text2; try { string text = ""; if (ProjectCode == "") { return(text); } SalService service = new SalService(); DataTable table = service.GetSalProjectByCode(ProjectCode).Tables[0]; if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { text = ConvertRule.ToString(table.Rows[0]["Proj_Name"]); } text2 = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text2); }
public void ResetTitleHtml() { try { this.m_TitleHtml1 = ""; this.m_TitleHtmlArea = ""; this.m_TitleHtmlAreaPercent = ""; foreach (DataRow row in this.tbPBS.Rows) { if (ConvertRule.ToString(row["PBSType"]) == "B") { this.m_TitleHtml1 = this.m_TitleHtml1 + string.Format("<th align=center nowrap>{0}</th>", CostBudgetPageRule.GetBuildingHref(ConvertRule.ToString(row["PBSCode"]), ConvertRule.ToString(row["PBSName"])) + " "); } else { this.m_TitleHtml1 = this.m_TitleHtml1 + string.Format("<th align=center nowrap>{0}</th>", ConvertRule.ToString(row["PBSName"]) + " "); } this.m_TitleHtmlArea = this.m_TitleHtmlArea + string.Format("<th align=center nowrap style='border-top:0'>{0}</th>", StringRule.BuildShowNumberString(row["Area"], "#,##0.##") + " "); this.m_TitleHtmlAreaPercent = this.m_TitleHtmlAreaPercent + string.Format("<th align=center nowrap style='border-top:0'>{0}</th>", StringRule.BuildShowPercentString(row["AreaPercent"]) + " "); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
private void FillContractChangeCostCode(DataTable tbTemp) { try { QueryAgent agent = new QueryAgent(); foreach (DataRow row in tbTemp.Rows) { if (ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCostCode"]) == "") { string text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]); string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]); string text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostBudgetSetCode"]); string text4 = ""; string queryString = string.Format("select ContractCostCode from ContractCost where ContractCode = '{0}' and CostCode = '{1}' and CostBudgetSetCode = '{2}'", text, text2, text3); DataTable table = agent.ExecSqlForDataSet(queryString).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row2 in table.Rows) { text4 = text4 + ((text4 == "") ? "" : ","); text4 = text4 + ConvertRule.ToString(row2["ContractCostCode"]); } row["ContractCostCode"] = text4; } } agent.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static string GetSystemReportDtlString(DataTable tb) { string text2; try { string text = ""; int num = -1; foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { num++; if (num > 0) { text = text + ";"; } text = text + ConvertRule.ToString(row["FieldName"]) + "=" + ConvertRule.ToString(row["FieldDispName"]); } text2 = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text2); }
private void AddPlan(DataRow[] drsSrc, string RecordType) { try { foreach (DataRow row in drsSrc) { DataRow row2; string text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]); string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]); string text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["PlanYm"]); DataRow[] rowArray = this.tbPlan.Select("ContractCode = '" + text + "' and CostCode='" + text2 + "' and PlanYm = '" + text3 + "'"); if (rowArray.Length == 0) { row2 = this.tbPlan.NewRow(); row2["RecordType"] = RecordType; row2["ContractCode"] = text; row2["CostCode"] = text2; row2["FullCode"] = row["FullCode"]; row2["PlanYm"] = row["PlanYm"]; this.tbPlan.Rows.Add(row2); } else { row2 = rowArray[0]; } row2["PlanMoney"] = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row2["PlanMoney"]) + ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row["PlanMoney"]); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static void SplitPubBuildingName(DataTable tb) { try { tb.Columns.Add("BuildingNameH", typeof(string)); tb.Columns.Add("BuildingNameP", typeof(string)); foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { row["BuildingNameH"] = row["BuildingName"]; row["BuildingNameP"] = row["BuildingName"]; } DataRow[] rowArray = tb.Select("PBSTypeFullName like '住宅%'", "BuildingName"); foreach (DataRow row in rowArray) { string text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["BuildingName"]); DataRow[] rowArray2 = tb.Select(string.Format("BuildingName like '{0}%' and PBSTypeFullName not like '住宅%'", text)); foreach (DataRow row2 in rowArray2) { string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row2["BuildingName"]); string text3 = text2.Substring(text.Length, text2.Length - text.Length); row2["BuildingNameH"] = text; row2["BuildingNameP"] = text3; } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static DataTable ApportionAllPayout(string projectCode, string AreaField) { DataTable table2; try { EntityData buildings = ProductDAO.GetBuildingNotAreaByProjectCode(projectCode); EntityData pBSUnits = PBSDAO.GetPBSUnitByProject(projectCode); DataTable dtApportion = BuildApportionTable(); EntityData payoutByProjectCode = PaymentDAO.GetPayoutByProjectCode(projectCode); foreach (DataRow row in payoutByProjectCode.CurrentTable.Rows) { string payoutCode = ConvertRule.ToString(row["PayoutCode"]); ApportionOnePayout(projectCode, payoutCode, pBSUnits, buildings, dtApportion, AreaField); } payoutByProjectCode.Dispose(); pBSUnits.Dispose(); buildings.Dispose(); table2 = dtApportion; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(table2); }
private static void GetBuildingInfo(string alloType, string buildingCode, ref string buildingName, ref decimal buildingArea, EntityData PBSUnits, EntityData buildings, string AreaField) { if (alloType == "P") { buildingName = ProjectRule.GetProjectName(buildingCode); buildingArea = MathRule.SumColumn(buildings.CurrentTable, AreaField); } else { DataRow[] rowArray; if (alloType == "U") { rowArray = PBSUnits.CurrentTable.Select(string.Format("PBSUnitCode='{0}'", buildingCode)); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { buildingName = ConvertRule.ToString(rowArray[0]["PBSUnitName"]); buildingArea = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(rowArray[0]["BuildingAreaSum"]); } } else if (alloType == "B") { rowArray = buildings.CurrentTable.Select(string.Format("BuildingCode='{0}'", buildingCode)); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { buildingName = ConvertRule.ToString(rowArray[0]["BuildingName"]); buildingArea = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(rowArray[0][AreaField]); } } } }
public static void SetSystemGroupParent(DataRow drNew, DataRow drParent) { try { string text = ""; int num = 0; string text2 = ""; if (drParent != null) { text = ConvertRule.ToString(drParent["GroupCode"]); num = ConvertRule.ToInt(drParent["Deep"]); text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(drParent["FullID"]); } string text3 = drNew["GroupCode"].ToString(); int num2 = num + 1; string text4 = text2; if (text4.Length > 0) { text4 = text4 + "-" + text3; } else { text4 = text3; } drNew["deep"] = num2; drNew["FullID"] = text4; drNew["ParentCode"] = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static DataTable GetSystemAccessDistinctRelation(DataTable tb) { DataTable table2; try { DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("SystemID"); table.Columns.Add("AccessRangeType"); table.Columns.Add("RelationCode"); int num = 0; foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { string text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["AccessRangeType"]); string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["RelationCode"]); string filterExpression = string.Format("AccessRangeType='{0}' and RelationCode='{1}'", text, text2); if (table.Select(filterExpression).Length == 0) { DataRow row2 = table.NewRow(); num++; row2["SystemID"] = num; row2["AccessRangeType"] = text; row2["RelationCode"] = text2; table.Rows.Add(row2); } } table2 = table; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(table2); }
public static string GetSalPayItemName(string SalPayCode, string ContractCode) { string text2; try { string text = ""; if ((SalPayCode == "") || (ContractCode == "")) { return(text); } DataTable salPayItem = GetSalPayItem(SalPayCode, ContractCode); int count = salPayItem.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DataRow row = salPayItem.Rows[i]; if (text != "") { text = text + ","; } text = text + ConvertRule.ToString(row["ItemName"]); } text2 = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text2); }
public static void AddConstructProgressLastReportDate(string PBSUnitCode, DataTable tb) { try { tb.Columns.Add("IsEnd", typeof(int)); foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { string visualProgress = ConvertRule.ToString(row["VisualProgress"]); if (row["EndDate"] == DBNull.Value) { row["IsEnd"] = 0; EntityData lastConstructProgressReportByVisualProgress = GetLastConstructProgressReportByVisualProgress(PBSUnitCode, visualProgress); if (lastConstructProgressReportByVisualProgress.HasRecord()) { row["EndDate"] = ConvertRule.ToDate(lastConstructProgressReportByVisualProgress.CurrentRow["ReportDate"]); } lastConstructProgressReportByVisualProgress.Dispose(); } else { row["IsEnd"] = 1; } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static DataTable UnionHouse(DataTable tb) { DataTable table2; try { DataTable tbDst = tb.Clone(); DataRow[] rowArray = tb.Select("PBSTypeFullName like '住宅%'", "BuildingName"); string[] columnNames = new string[] { "TotalInvest", "TotalCompleteInvest", "PCurrentYearInvest", "BeforInvestAccout", "PTotalConstructSize", "PHouseConstructSize", "PToBuildConstructSize", "POtherConstructSize", "PTotalCompleteSize", "PHouseCompleteSize", "PToBuildCompleteSize", "POtherCompleteSize", "HouseArea", "HouseSize", "ToBuildSize", "OtherSize", "RoomArea", "HouseRoomSize", "ToBuildRoomSize", "OtherRoomSize" }; foreach (DataRow row in rowArray) { DataRow drDst = tbDst.NewRow(); ConvertRule.DataRowCopy(row, drDst, tb, tbDst); string text = ConvertRule.ToString(drDst["BuildingName"]); DataRow[] rowArray2 = tb.Select(string.Format("BuildingName like '{0}%' and PBSTypeFullName not like '住宅%'", text)); foreach (DataRow row3 in rowArray2) { ConvertRule.DataRowAddDecimal(drDst, row3, columnNames); } tbDst.Rows.Add(drDst); } table2 = tbDst; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(table2); }
public static void UpdateConstructAnnualPlanInvest(string PBSUnitCode) { try { if (PBSUnitCode != "") { EntityData pBSUnitByCode = PBSDAO.GetPBSUnitByCode(PBSUnitCode); if (pBSUnitByCode.HasRecord()) { decimal totalInvest = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(pBSUnitByCode.CurrentRow["PInvest"]); EntityData entity = ConstructDAO.GetConstructAnnualPlanByPBSUnit(PBSUnitCode); foreach (DataRow row2 in entity.CurrentTable.Rows) { string visualProgress = ConvertRule.ToString(row2["VisualProgress"]); int currFloorCount = ConvertRule.ToInt(row2["CurrentFloor"]); int totalFloorCount = PBSRule.GetPBSUnitFloorCount(PBSUnitCode); decimal num4 = CalcInvestByVisualProgress(totalInvest, visualProgress, totalFloorCount, currFloorCount); decimal num5 = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row2["InvestBefore"]); decimal num6 = num4 - num5; row2["PInvest"] = num6; } ConstructDAO.UpdateConstructAnnualPlan(entity); entity.Dispose(); pBSUnitByCode.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
private void PBSApport() { try { CostApportion apportion = new CostApportion(); apportion.RoundDec = 2; DataView view = new DataView(this.tbPBS, "PBSType = 'B'", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); foreach (DataRowView view2 in view) { apportion.SetArea(ConvertRule.ToString(view2.Row["PBSCode"]), ConvertRule.ToDecimal(view2.Row["Area"])); } apportion.SetTotalMoney("AreaPercent", 100M); apportion.DoApportion(); this.m_TotalPBSArea = apportion.TotalArea; foreach (DataRowView view2 in view) { DataRow[] rowArray = apportion.tbArea.Select("ID = '" + ConvertRule.ToString(view2.Row["PBSCode"]) + "'"); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { DataRow row = rowArray[0]; view2.Row["AreaPercent"] = row["AreaPercent"]; } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
private void ReCalcByRelation(string AStartYm, string AEndYm) { try { DataView view = new DataView(this.tb, "RecordType = ''", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); foreach (DataRowView view2 in view) { DataRow dr = view2.Row; if (ConvertRule.ToString(dr["FullCode"]) != "") { DataRow[] drs = this.tbContract.Select("FullCode like '" + ConvertRule.ToString(dr["FullCode"]) + "%'"); string[] textArray = new string[] { "ContractMoney", "ContractChangeMoney", "ContractApplyMoney", "ContractPay", "ContractPayReal" }; string[] textArray2 = CostBudgetPageRule.BuildArrayFieldByYm(AStartYm, AEndYm, "PayoutMoneyYm_"); string[] arrColumnName = ConvertRule.ArrayConcat(textArray, textArray2); decimal[] numArray = MathRule.SumColumn(drs, arrColumnName); int index = -1; foreach (string text in arrColumnName) { index++; dr[text] = numArray[index]; } CostBudgetPageRule.CostBudgetDtlCalcField(dr, CostBudgetPageRule.m_DynamicRowType.Contract, null, 0, 0); } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static DataTable GenerateConstructProgressRiskTable(string ProgressCode, bool IsDefault) { DataTable table3; try { EntityData data = new EntityData("ConstructProgressRisk"); EntityData allRiskType = ConstructDAO.GetAllRiskType(); EntityData constructProgressRiskByProgressCode = ConstructDAO.GetConstructProgressRiskByProgressCode(ProgressCode); DataTable currentTable = data.CurrentTable; DataTable table2 = constructProgressRiskByProgressCode.CurrentTable; currentTable.Columns.Add("RiskIndexName", typeof(string)); int num = 0; int count = allRiskType.CurrentTable.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { allRiskType.SetCurrentRow(i); string text = allRiskType.GetString("TypeName"); DataRow row = currentTable.NewRow(); row["RiskTypeName"] = text; DataRow[] rowArray = table2.Select("RiskTypeName='" + text + "'"); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { row["ProgressRiskCode"] = ConvertRule.ToString(rowArray[0]["ProgressRiskCode"]); row["RiskIndexCode"] = rowArray[0]["RiskIndexCode"]; } else { num--; row["ProgressRiskCode"] = num.ToString(); } if ((ConvertRule.ToString(row["RiskIndexCode"]) == "") && IsDefault) { EntityData defaultRiskIndex = ConstructDAO.GetDefaultRiskIndex(); if (defaultRiskIndex.HasRecord()) { row["RiskIndexCode"] = defaultRiskIndex.GetString("IndexCode"); row["RiskIndexName"] = defaultRiskIndex.GetString("IndexName"); } defaultRiskIndex.Dispose(); } if (ConvertRule.ToString(row["RiskIndexName"]) == "") { row["RiskIndexName"] = GetRiskIndexName(row["RiskIndexCode"]); } currentTable.Rows.Add(row); } constructProgressRiskByProgressCode.Dispose(); allRiskType.Dispose(); data.Dispose(); table3 = currentTable; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(table3); }
public static DataTable GenerateConstructPlanTable(string PBSUnitCode, int year, bool isCopy) { DataTable table3; try { EntityData data = new EntityData("ConstructPlanStep"); data.CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ProgressType", typeof(int))); data.CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("IsPoint", typeof(int))); data.CurrentTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("VisualProgressName", typeof(string))); EntityData validVisualProgress = GetValidVisualProgress(); EntityData constructPlanStepByPBSUnitYear = ConstructDAO.GetConstructPlanStepByPBSUnitYear(PBSUnitCode, year); DataTable currentTable = data.CurrentTable; DataTable table2 = constructPlanStepByPBSUnitYear.CurrentTable; int num = 0; int count = validVisualProgress.CurrentTable.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { validVisualProgress.SetCurrentRow(i); string text = validVisualProgress.GetString("SystemID"); DataRow row = currentTable.NewRow(); row["VisualProgress"] = text; row["VisualProgressName"] = validVisualProgress.GetString("VisualProgress"); row["ProgressType"] = validVisualProgress.GetInt("ProgressType"); row["IsPoint"] = validVisualProgress.GetInt("IsPoint"); DataRow[] rowArray = table2.Select("VisualProgress='" + text + "'"); if (rowArray.Length > 0) { if (isCopy) { num--; row["ConstructPlanStepCode"] = num.ToString(); } else { row["ConstructPlanStepCode"] = ConvertRule.ToString(rowArray[0]["ConstructPlanStepCode"]); } row["StartDate"] = ConvertRule.ToDate(rowArray[0]["StartDate"]); row["EndDate"] = ConvertRule.ToDate(rowArray[0]["EndDate"]); } else { num--; row["ConstructPlanStepCode"] = num.ToString(); } currentTable.Rows.Add(row); } constructPlanStepByPBSUnitYear.Dispose(); validVisualProgress.Dispose(); data.Dispose(); table3 = currentTable; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(table3); }
private void ResetContractDateRange() { try { DropDateRangeColumn(this.tbContract); DropDateRangeColumn(this.tb); if ((this.StartYm != "") && (this.EndYm != "")) { string text; string text2; string text3; string name; AddDateRangeColumn(this.tbContract, this.StartYm, this.EndYm); AddDateRangeColumn(this.tb, this.StartYm, this.EndYm); int monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm); foreach (DataRow row in this.tbContract.Rows) { text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]); text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]); DataRow[] rowArray = this.tbPlan.Select("ContractCode = '" + text + "' and CostCode='" + text2 + "'"); foreach (DataRow row2 in rowArray) { text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row2["PlanYm"]); name = "PlanMoneyYm_" + text3; if (this.tbContract.Columns.Contains(name)) { row[name] = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row[name]) + ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row2["PlanMoney"]); } } } foreach (DataRow row in this.tbContract.Rows) { text = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]); text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]); DataRow row3 = null; DataRow[] rowArray2 = this.tb.Select("ContractCode = '" + text + "' and CostCode = '" + text2 + "' and RecordType <> ''"); if (rowArray2.Length > 0) { row3 = rowArray2[0]; } if (row3 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < monthsBetween; i++) { text3 = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, i); name = "PlanMoneyYm_" + text3; row3[name] = row[name]; } } } this.ReCalcByRelation(this.StartYm, this.EndYm); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
private void SetRelationNoContract() { try { int index; DataRow[] rowArray = this.tbContract.Select("RecordType = 'NoContract'"); int length = rowArray.Length; for (index = length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { this.tbContract.Rows.Remove(rowArray[index]); } rowArray = this.tbPayout.Select("RecordType = 'NoContract'"); length = rowArray.Length; for (index = length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { this.tbPayout.Rows.Remove(rowArray[index]); } rowArray = this.tbApportion.Select("RecordType = 'NoContract'"); length = rowArray.Length; for (index = length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { this.tbApportion.Rows.Remove(rowArray[index]); } QueryAgent agent = new QueryAgent(); try { string queryString = "select 'Payment_' + a.PaymentCode as ContractCode, '' as ContractID, '非合同请款' + b.PaymentID as ContractName, c.SubjectCode as CostCode, c.SubjectCode as FullCode, b.SupplyCode as SupplierCode, b.SupplyName as SupplierName, a.ItemMoney as Money, a.CostBudgetSetCode, cb.PBSType, cb.PBSCode from PaymentItem a left join CBS c on c.CostCode = a.CostCode left join CostBudgetSet cb on cb.CostBudgetSetCode = a.CostBudgetSetCode, Payment b, PayoutItem oi, Voucher v, VoucherDetail vd where a.PaymentCode = b.PaymentCode and b.ProjectCode = '" + this.ProjectCode + "' and isnull(b.IsContract, 0) = 0 and a.PaymentItemCode = oi.PaymentItemCode and vd.RelaType = '付款' and vd.RelaCode = oi.PayoutCode and v.VoucherCode = vd.VoucherCode and v.Status in (1, 2)"; if ((this.PBSType != "") || (this.PBSCode != "")) { string text4 = queryString; queryString = text4 + " and cb.PBSType = '" + this.PBSType + "' and cb.PBSCode = '" + this.PBSCode + "'"; } DataTable tbSrc = agent.ExecSqlForDataSet(queryString).Tables[0]; this.AddRelationContractRow(this.tbContract, tbSrc, "NoContract", "ContractMoney"); foreach (DataRow row in this.tbContract.Rows) { string text2 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]).Replace("Payment_", ""); string text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]); queryString = "select b.VoucherCode as PayoutCode, b.CheckDate as PayoutDate, a.DebitMoney as Money, 'Payment_' + pi.PaymentCode as ContractCode, a.SubjectCode as CostCode, a.SubjectCode as FullCode, '' as CostBudgetSetCode, '' as PBSType, '' as PBSCode from VoucherDetail a inner join Voucher b on b.VoucherCode = a.VoucherCode and b.Status in (1, 2), PayoutItem oi, PaymentItem pi where b.ProjectCode = '" + this.ProjectCode + "' and a.RelaType = '付款' and a.RelaCode = oi.PayoutCode and oi.PaymentItemCode = pi.PaymentItemCode and pi.PaymentCode = '" + text2 + "'"; tbSrc = agent.ExecSqlForDataSet(queryString).Tables[0]; this.AddPayout(tbSrc, "Contract"); foreach (DataRow row2 in tbSrc.Rows) { row["ContractPayReal"] = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row["ContractPayReal"]) + ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row2["Money"]); } } CostBudgetPageRule.CostBudgetDtlCalcAllRow(this.tbContract, CostBudgetPageRule.m_DynamicRowType.Contract, null, 0, 0); } finally { agent.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public static void NewYearConstructAnnualPlan(string ProjectCode, int IYear, string UserCode) { try { if ((ProjectCode != "") && (IYear > 0)) { DataRow drDst; int num = IYear + 1; EntityData constructPlanStepByProjectYear = ConstructDAO.GetConstructPlanStepByProjectYear(ProjectCode, IYear); EntityData entity = new EntityData("ConstructPlanStep"); foreach (DataRow row in constructPlanStepByProjectYear.CurrentTable.Rows) { drDst = entity.CurrentTable.NewRow(); ConvertRule.DataRowCopy(row, drDst, constructPlanStepByProjectYear.CurrentTable, entity.CurrentTable); drDst["ConstructPlanStepCode"] = SystemManageDAO.GetNewSysCode("ConstructPlanStepCode"); drDst["IYear"] = num; entity.CurrentTable.Rows.Add(drDst); } ConstructDAO.InsertConstructPlanStep(entity); entity.Dispose(); constructPlanStepByProjectYear.Dispose(); EntityData data3 = PBSDAO.GetV_PBSUnitByProject(ProjectCode); EntityData constructAnnualPlanByProjectYear = ConstructDAO.GetConstructAnnualPlanByProjectYear(ProjectCode, IYear); entity = new EntityData("ConstructAnnualPlan"); foreach (DataRow row3 in data3.CurrentTable.Rows) { string pBSUnitCode = ConvertRule.ToString(row3["PBSUnitCode"]); string code = ConvertRule.ToString(row3["VisualProgress"]); decimal num2 = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row3["TotalBuildArea"]); drDst = entity.CurrentTable.NewRow(); drDst["AnnualPlanCode"] = SystemManageDAO.GetNewSysCode("AnnualPlanCode"); entity.CurrentTable.Rows.Add(drDst); drDst["IYear"] = num; drDst["PBSUnitCode"] = pBSUnitCode; drDst["ProjectCode"] = ProjectCode; drDst["PlanDate"] = DateTime.Now; drDst["PlanPerson"] = UserCode; decimal num3 = CalcPBSUnitCompleteInvest(pBSUnitCode); drDst["InvestBefore"] = num3; EntityData visualProgressByCode = ConstructDAO.GetVisualProgressByCode(code); if (visualProgressByCode.HasRecord() && (visualProgressByCode.GetInt("ProgressType") >= 0)) { drDst["LCFArea"] = num2; } visualProgressByCode.Dispose(); ConstructDAO.InsertConstructAnnualPlan(entity); } entity.Dispose(); constructAnnualPlanByProjectYear.Dispose(); data3.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
private static EntityData ImportSalContractByClient(string ClientCode, string ProjectCode, DataSet dsSrc, StandardEntityDAO dao) { EntityData data2; try { DataTable table = dsSrc.Tables["Contract"]; dao.EntityName = "SalContract"; EntityData entitydata = new EntityData("SalContract"); string[] Params = new string[] { "@ClientCode" }; object[] values = new object[] { ClientCode }; dao.FillEntity(SqlManager.GetSqlStruct("SalContract", "SelectByClient").SqlString, Params, values, entitydata, "SalContract"); if (entitydata.HasRecord()) { dao.DeleteAllRow(entitydata); dao.DeleteEntity(entitydata); } for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = entitydata.CurrentTable.NewRow(); DataRow row2 = table.Rows[i]; string contractCode = row2["contract_code"].ToString(); row["ProjectCode"] = ProjectCode; row["ContractCode"] = contractCode; row["ContractID"] = row2["contract_id"]; row["ClientCode"] = row2["client_code"]; row["ClientName"] = row2["client_name"]; row["RoomCode"] = row2["room_code"]; row["ContractDate"] = row2["contract_date"]; row["TotalPrice"] = row2["total_price"]; row["FactPrice"] = row2["fact_price"]; row["UnitPrice"] = row2["unit_price"]; //row["Jiesuan"] = row2["jiesuan"]; // row["BofangCode"] = row2["bofang_code"]; row["ChamberName"] = row2["chamber"]; row["BuildDim"] = row2["build_dim"]; row["RoomDim"] = row2["room_dim"]; row["Room"] = row2["room"]; row["BuildingName"] = row2["build_name"]; //row["JiesuanDate"] = row2["jiesuan_date"]; string suplCodeByName = GetSuplCodeByName(GetSuplNameByContract(row["ContractID"].ToString(), 4), ProjectCode); row["SuplCode"] = suplCodeByName; string roomCode = ProductRule.GetRoomCodeByChamberRoomName(ConvertRule.ToString(row["ChamberName"]), ConvertRule.ToString(row["Room"]), ProjectCode); row["RoomCode"] = roomCode; UpdateRoomSalState(roomCode, contractCode); entitydata.AddNewRecord(row); dao.InsertEntity(entitydata); } data2 = entitydata; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(data2); }