        public static string ConvertUNI2TCV(string strInput)
            string res = "";

            res = strInput;
            ConvertFont convert = new ConvertFont();

            convert.Convert(ref res, FontIndex.iUNI, FontIndex.iTCV);

        //[OutputCache(Duration = 28800, Location = OutputCacheLocation.Server)]
        public ActionResult Index(DateTime?fromDate, DateTime?toDate, string name, string number, string nameAuthor, string nameOwner, string tab, int?pageIndex)
            IEnumerable <View_TTniengiam> model;;
            IEnumerable <Work>            model2;

            model  = _db.View_TTniengiam;
            model2 = _db2.Works;
            if (!fromDate.HasValue && !toDate.HasValue && name == null && nameAuthor == null && nameAuthor == null)
                model  = new List <View_TTniengiam>();
                model2 = new List <Work>();

            if (fromDate.HasValue)
                model  = model.Where(x => x.ngaycap.Date >= fromDate.Value.Date);
                model2 = model2.Where(x => x.CreatedDate.Date >= fromDate.Value.Date);
            if (toDate.HasValue)
                model  = model.Where(x => x.ngaycap.Date <= toDate.Value.Date);
                model2 = model2.Where(x => x.CreatedDate.Date <= toDate.Value.Date);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                model  = model.Where(x => ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.tacpham).ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower().Trim()));
                model2 = model2.Where(x => x.Title.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower().Trim()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(number))
                model  = model.Where(x => ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.sochungnhan).ToLower().Contains(number.ToLower().Trim()));
                model2 = model2.Where(x => ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.GlobalCode).ToLower().Contains(number.ToLower().Trim()));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameOwner))
                model  = model.Where(x => ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.tendaidien).ToLower().Contains(nameOwner.ToLower().Trim()));
                model2 = (from q in model2
                          join p in _db2.Owners on q.Id equals p.WorkId
                          where p.FullName.ToLower().Contains(nameOwner.ToLower().Trim())
                          select q);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameAuthor))
                model  = model.Where(x => ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.IDquoctich_tg).ToLower().Contains(nameAuthor.ToLower().Trim()));
                model2 = (from q in model2
                          join p in _db2.Owners on q.Id equals p.WorkId
                          where p.FullName.ToLower().Contains(nameAuthor.ToLower().Trim())
                          select q);

            var query  = model;
            var query2 = model2.AsEnumerable();
            var result = query.Select(x => new TTNiemGiam
                IdTacPham   = 0,
                NgayDangKy  = x.ngaycap,
                SoChungNhan = ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.sochungnhan),
                TenDaiDien  = ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.daidien),
                TenTacGia   = ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.IDquoctich_tg),
                TenTacPham  = ConvertFont.TCVN3ToUnicode(x.tacpham)
            var result2 = query2.Select(x => new TTNiemGiam
                IdTacPham   = 1,
                NgayDangKy  = x.CreatedDate,
                SoChungNhan = x.GlobalCode,
                TenDaiDien  = _db2.Owners.FirstOrDefault(c => c.WorkId == x.Id)?.FullName ?? null,
                TenTacGia   = _db2.Owners.FirstOrDefault(c => c.WorkId == x.Id)?.FullName ?? null,
                TenTacPham  = x.Title
            var resultTotal = new List <TTNiemGiam>();

            try { resultTotal.AddRange(result2); }
            catch (Exception) { }
            try { resultTotal.AddRange(result); }
            catch (Exception ex) { }
            resultTotal = resultTotal.OrderByDescending(x => x.NgayDangKy).ToList();
            int totalPage   = 0;
            int?pageSize    = 20;
            var totalRecord = resultTotal.Count();
            var QueryTotal  = resultTotal;

            if (pageIndex != null && pageSize != null)
                if (pageIndex.Value == 0)
                    pageIndex = 1;
                QueryTotal = QueryTotal.Skip(((int)pageIndex - 1) * (int)pageSize).ToList();
            if (pageSize != null)
                totalPage  = (totalRecord / pageSize.Value) + 1;
                totalPage  = totalRecord == pageSize.Value ? 1 : totalPage;
                QueryTotal = QueryTotal.Take((int)pageSize).ToList();
            ViewBag.name       = name;
            ViewBag.nameAuthor = nameAuthor;
            ViewBag.nameOwner  = nameOwner;
            ViewBag.number     = number;
            ViewBag.fromDate   = fromDate;
            ViewBag.toDate     = toDate;
            ViewBag.PageIndex  = pageIndex ?? 1;
            ViewBag.TotalPage  = totalPage;
            languagecode       = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["languagecode"];
            if (languagecode != null && languagecode.Value == "en")
                ViewBag.Title       = "Yearbook lookup system";
                ViewBag.Time        = "Registration time:";
                ViewBag.From        = "From Date:";
                ViewBag.To          = "To Date:";
                ViewBag.Info        = "Information about the work:";
                ViewBag.NameTacPham = "Name of the work:";
                ViewBag.TNumber     = "Certification Number:";
                ViewBag.InfoAuthor  = "Information about the author:";
                ViewBag.InfoOwner   = "Information about the owner:";
                ViewBag.Author      = "FullName:";
                ViewBag.Owner       = "FullName:";

                ViewBag.Title       = "Hệ thống tra cứu niên giám";
                ViewBag.Time        = "Thời gian đăng ký:";
                ViewBag.From        = "Từ ngày:";
                ViewBag.To          = "Đến ngày:";
                ViewBag.Info        = "Thông tin về tác phẩm:";
                ViewBag.NameTacPham = "Tên tác phẩm:";
                ViewBag.TNumber     = "Số chứng nhận:";
                ViewBag.InfoAuthor  = "Thông tin về tác giả:";
                ViewBag.InfoOwner   = "Thông tin về chủ sở hữu:";
                ViewBag.Author      = "Họ tên:";
                ViewBag.Owner       = "Họ tên:";
        private void PopulateEmployeeListView()
            ConvertFont convertFont = new ConvertFont();


            string departmentNM, employeeNM, companyNM = string.Empty, creditCardNM = string.Empty;

            int    STT = 0;
            string strBarCode;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsEmployee.Tables[0].Rows)
                departmentNM = dr["DepartmentName"].ToString();
                employeeNM   = dr["EmployeeName"].ToString();
                companyNM    = COMPANY_NM;
                creditCardNM = CREDIT_CARD_NM;

                //Tieng viet ko dau
                if (rdbTiengVietKD.Checked)
                    departmentNM = Utils.RemoveSign4VietnameseString(departmentNM);
                    employeeNM   = Utils.RemoveSign4VietnameseString(employeeNM);
                    companyNM    = Utils.RemoveSign4VietnameseString(COMPANY_NM);
                    creditCardNM = Utils.RemoveSign4VietnameseString(CREDIT_CARD_NM);
                //font: TCVN3(ABC)
                else if (rdbTCVN3.Checked)
                    convertFont.Convert(ref departmentNM, FontIndex.iUNI, FontIndex.iTCV);
                    convertFont.Convert(ref employeeNM, FontIndex.iUNI, FontIndex.iTCV);
                    convertFont.Convert(ref companyNM, FontIndex.iUNI, FontIndex.iTCV);
                    convertFont.Convert(ref creditCardNM, FontIndex.iUNI, FontIndex.iTCV);

                Cell DepartmentName = new Cell(departmentNM);
                Cell EmployeeName   = new Cell(employeeNM);
                Cell CompanyName    = new Cell(companyNM);
                Cell CreditCardName = new Cell(creditCardNM);

                Cell BarCodeNew = new Cell("");
                if (dr["BarCode"] != DBNull.Value)
                    strBarCode = dr["BarCode"].ToString();

                    if (strBarCode.Length > 0)
                        //Barcode 8 so
                        if (cboBarCodeType.SelectedIndex == 0)
                            strBarCode = strBarCode.Substring(5, 8);

                        //Ma BarCode bo so check code
                        if (!chkCheckCode.Checked)
                            strBarCode = strBarCode.Substring(0, strBarCode.Length - 1);

                        BarCodeNew = new Cell(strBarCode);

                Cell CardID    = new Cell(dr["CardID"].ToString());
                Cell StartDate = new Cell("");

                if (dr["StartDate"] != DBNull.Value)
                    StartDate = new Cell(DateTime.Parse(dr["StartDate"].ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                Cell ImageFilePath = new Cell("");
                if (dr["Picture"] != DBNull.Value)
                    string PictureFileName = dr["Picture"].ToString();
                    if (PictureFileName.Equals(""))
                        ImageFilePath = new Cell(Application.StartupPath + @"\IMAGES\noimage3.jpg");
                        string PictureFilePath = WorkingContext.Setting.PicturePath + '\\' + dr["Picture"].ToString();
                            ImageFilePath = new Cell(PictureFilePath);
                            ImageFilePath = new Cell(Application.StartupPath + @"\IMAGES\noimage3.jpg");
                    ImageFilePath = new Cell(Application.StartupPath + "/IMAGES/noimage3.jpg");

                Row rowBarcode = new Row(new Cell[] { new Cell(STT + 1), CompanyName, CreditCardName, CardID, BarCodeNew, EmployeeName, DepartmentName, StartDate, ImageFilePath });
                rowBarcode.Tag = STT;
