public static Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> AndLambdas<TFrom, TTo>(this Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> first, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> second)
   ParameterExpression paramToUse = first.Parameters[0];
   Expression bodyLeft = first.Body;
   ConversionVisitor visitor = new ConversionVisitor(paramToUse, second.Parameters[0]);
   Expression bodyRight = visitor.Visit(second.Body);
   return Expression.Lambda<Func<TFrom, TTo>>(Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.AndAlso, bodyLeft, bodyRight), first.Parameters);
    public static Expression <Func <TTo, TR> > Convert <TFrom, TR>(
        Expression <Func <TFrom, TR> > e
        var oldParameter = e.Parameters[0];
        var newParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTo), oldParameter.Name);
        var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);
        var newBody      = converter.Visit(e.Body);

        return(Expression.Lambda <Func <TTo, TR> >(newBody, newParameter));
        public CompilationUnit Parse(Stream stream)
            lock (CompilerCallableEntryPoint.parseLock) {
                CompilerCompilationUnit top = CompilerCallableEntryPoint.ParseFile (new string[] { "-v", "-unsafe"}, stream, "parsed.cs", Console.Out);

                if (top == null)
                    return null;
                CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
                top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
                InsertComments (top, conversionVisitor);
                return conversionVisitor.Unit;
        public static Expression <Func <TTo, TR> > Convert <TFrom, TR>(Expression <Func <TFrom, TR> > e)
            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(e));

            var oldParameter = e.Parameters[0];
            var newParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTo), oldParameter.Name);
            var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);
            var newBody      = converter.Visit(e.Body);

            return(Expression.Lambda <Func <TTo, TR> >(newBody, newParameter));
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert expression from type [TFrom] to type [TTo]
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TFrom"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TTo"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TReturn"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Expression <Func <TTo, TResult> > Convert <TFrom, TTo, TResult>(Expression <Func <TFrom, TResult> > e)
            if (e == null)
            var oldParameter = e.Parameters[0];
            var newParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTo), oldParameter.Name);
            var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);

                var newBody = converter.Visit(e.Body);
                return(Expression.Lambda <Func <TTo, TResult> >(newBody, newParameter));
            catch (ArgumentException)
        public ExpressionResolutionResult ResolveExpression(Type currentType, Expression instanceParameter)
            Expression currentChild     = instanceParameter;
            Type       currentChildType = currentType;

            foreach (var resolver in GetSourceValueResolvers())
                var getter = resolver as IMemberGetter;
                if (getter != null)
                    var memberInfo = getter.MemberInfo;

                    var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        currentChild     = Expression.Property(currentChild, propertyInfo);
                        currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Expressions mapping from methods not supported yet.");
                    var oldParameter = CustomExpression.Parameters.Single();
                    var newParameter = instanceParameter;
                    var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);

                    currentChild     = converter.Visit(CustomExpression.Body);
                    currentChildType = currentChild.Type;

            return(new ExpressionResolutionResult(currentChild, currentChildType));
        private static ExpressionResolutionResult ResolveExpression(PropertyMap propertyMap, Type currentType, Expression instanceParameter)
            Expression currentChild     = instanceParameter;
            Type       currentChildType = currentType;

            foreach (var resolver in propertyMap.GetSourceValueResolvers())
                var getter = resolver as IMemberGetter;
                if (getter != null)
                    var memberInfo = getter.MemberInfo;

                    var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
                    if (propertyInfo != null)
                        currentChild     = Expression.Property(currentChild, propertyInfo);
                        currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        currentChildType = currentChild.Type;
                    var oldParameter = propertyMap.CustomExpression.Parameters.Single();
                    var newParameter = instanceParameter;
                    var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);

                    currentChild     = converter.Visit(propertyMap.CustomExpression.Body);
                    currentChildType = currentChild.Type;

            return(new ExpressionResolutionResult(currentChild, currentChildType));
		static void InsertComments (CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
			var leaf = GetOuterLeft (conversionVisitor.Unit);
			for (int i = 0; i < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; i++) {
				var special = top.SpecialsBag.Specials [i];
				AstNode newLeaf = null;
				var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
				if (comment != null) {
					if (conversionVisitor.convertTypeSystemMode && (comment.CommentType != SpecialsBag.CommentType.Documentation))
					var type = (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
					var start = new TextLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
					var end = new TextLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
					newLeaf = new Comment (type, start, end) {
							StartsLine = comment.StartsLine,
							Content = comment.Content
				} else {
					var directive = special as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective;
					if (directive != null) {
						newLeaf = new PreProcessorDirective ((ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.PreProcessorDirectiveType)((int)directive.Cmd & 0xF), new TextLocation (directive.Line, directive.Col), new TextLocation (directive.EndLine, directive.EndCol)) {
							Argument = directive.Arg,
							Take = directive.Take
				if (newLeaf == null)
				while (true) {
					var nextLeaf = NextLeaf (leaf);
					// insert comment at begin
					if (newLeaf.StartLocation < leaf.StartLocation) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						while (node.Parent != null && node.FirstChild == leaf) {
							leaf = node;
							node = node.Parent;
						if (newLeaf is Comment) {
							node.InsertChildBefore (leaf, (Comment)newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						} else {
							node.InsertChildBefore (leaf, (PreProcessorDirective)newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.PreProcessorDirective);
						leaf = newLeaf;
					// insert comment at the end
					if (nextLeaf == null) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						if (newLeaf is Comment) {
							node.AddChild ((Comment)newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						} else {
							node.AddChild ((PreProcessorDirective)newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.PreProcessorDirective);
						leaf = newLeaf;
					// comment is between 2 nodes
					if (leaf.EndLocation <= newLeaf.StartLocation && newLeaf.StartLocation <= nextLeaf.StartLocation) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						if (newLeaf is Comment) {
							node.InsertChildAfter (leaf, (Comment)newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						} else {
							node.InsertChildAfter (leaf, (PreProcessorDirective)newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.PreProcessorDirective);
						leaf = newLeaf;
					leaf = nextLeaf;
        private LambdaExpression CreateMapExpression(
            Type typeIn, Type typeOut)
            var typeMap = ConfigurationProvider.FindTypeMapFor(typeIn, typeOut);

            // this is the input parameter of this expression with name <variableName>
            ParameterExpression instanceParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeIn);

            var bindings = new List <MemberBinding>();

            foreach (var propertyMap in typeMap.GetPropertyMaps().Where(pm => pm.CanResolveValue()))
                var destinationProperty = propertyMap.DestinationProperty;
                var destinationMember   = destinationProperty.MemberInfo;

                Expression currentChild     = instanceParameter;
                Type       currentChildType = typeIn;
                foreach (var resolver in propertyMap.GetSourceValueResolvers())
                    var getter = resolver as IMemberGetter;
                    if (getter != null)
                        var memberInfo = getter.MemberInfo;

                        var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            currentChild     = Expression.Property(currentChild, propertyInfo);
                            currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        var oldParameter =
                        var newParameter = instanceParameter;
                        var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);
                        currentChild = converter.Visit(((LambdaExpression)propertyMap.CustomExpression).Body);
                        var propertyInfo = propertyMap.SourceMember as PropertyInfo;
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;

                var prop = destinationProperty.MemberInfo as PropertyInfo;

                // next to lists, also arrays
                // and objects!!!
                if (prop != null &&
                    prop.PropertyType.GetInterface("IEnumerable", true) != null &&
                    prop.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                    Type destinationListType = prop.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First();
                    Type sourceListType      = null;
                    // is list

                    sourceListType = currentChildType.GetGenericArguments().First();

                    //var newVariableName = "t" + (i++);
                    var transformedExpression = CreateMapExpression(sourceListType, destinationListType);

                    MethodCallExpression selectExpression = Expression.Call(
                        new[] { sourceListType, destinationListType },

                    if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType))
                        MethodCallExpression toListCallExpression = Expression.Call(
                            new Type[] { destinationListType },

                        // todo .ToArray()
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, toListCallExpression));
                        // destination type implements ienumerable, but is not an ilist. allow deferred enumeration
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, selectExpression));
                    // does of course not work for subclasses etc./generic ...
                    if (currentChildType != prop.PropertyType &&
                        // avoid nullable etc.
                        prop.PropertyType.BaseType != typeof(ValueType) &&
                        prop.PropertyType.BaseType != typeof(Enum))
                        var transformedExpression = CreateMapExpression(currentChildType, prop.PropertyType);
                        var expr2 = Expression.Invoke(
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, expr2));
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, currentChild));
            Expression total;

            if (typeOut.IsAbstract)
                if (typeMap.CustomMapper == null)
                    throw new AutoMapperMappingException(
                              String.Format("Abstract type {0} can not be mapped without custom mapper (tip: use ConvertUsing)", typeOut.Name));
                // We are going to return roughly following expression
                // typeOut (typeIn)x => (typeOut)(typeMap.CustomMapper.Invoke(new ResolutionContext(typeMap, x, typeIn, typeOut, options)))

                // This expression generates a new ResolutionContext
                // for the custom mapper (ResolveCore)
                var context = Expression.MemberInit(
                        typeof(ResolutionContext).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null,
                                                                 new Type[]
                    typeof(TypeMap), typeof(object),
                        new List <Expression>
                    instanceParameter,             // Using the original parameter
                    Expression.Constant(new MappingOperationOptions())
                // This expression gets the CustomMapper from the typeMap
                Expression <Func <TypeMap, Func <ResolutionContext, object> > > method = x => x.CustomMapper;
                var customMapper = Expression.Invoke(method, Expression.Constant(typeMap));
                // This expression calls the Invoke method from the CustomMapper func
                var invoke = Expression.Call(customMapper,
                                             typeof(Func <ResolutionContext, object>).GetMethod("Invoke"), context);
                // We have to convert the object from Invoke to typeOut
                total = Expression.Convert(invoke, typeOut);
                total = Expression.MemberInit(

            return(Expression.Lambda(total, instanceParameter));
		public CompilationUnit Parse(CompilerCompilationUnit top, string fileName, int lineModifier = 0)
			if (top == null) {
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (GenerateTypeSystemMode, top.LocationsBag);
			InsertComments(top, conversionVisitor);
			if (CompilationUnitCallback != null) {
			if (top.LastYYValue is Mono.CSharp.Expression) {
				conversionVisitor.Unit.TopExpression = ((Mono.CSharp.Expression)top.LastYYValue).Accept(conversionVisitor) as AstNode;
			conversionVisitor.Unit.FileName = fileName;
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		/// <summary>
		/// Converts a Mono.CSharp syntax tree into an NRefactory syntax tree.
		/// </summary>
		public SyntaxTree Parse(CompilerCompilationUnit top, string fileName)
			if (top == null) {
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor(GenerateTypeSystemMode, top.LocationsBag);
			InsertComments(top, conversionVisitor);
			if (CompilationUnitCallback != null) {
			var expr = top.LastYYValue as Mono.CSharp.Expression;
			if (expr != null)
				conversionVisitor.Unit.TopExpression = expr.Accept(conversionVisitor) as AstNode;

			conversionVisitor.Unit.FileName = fileName;
			var conditionals = new List<string>();
			foreach (var settings in compilerSettings.ConditionalSymbols) {
				if (top.Conditionals.ContainsKey(settings) && !top.Conditionals [settings])
			foreach (var kv in top.Conditionals) {
				if (!kv.Value || compilerSettings.ConditionalSymbols.Contains(kv.Key))
			conversionVisitor.Unit.ConditionalSymbols = conditionals;
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		public MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.CompilationUnit Parse (TextEditorData data)
			lock (CompilerCallableEntryPoint.parseLock) {
				CompilerCompilationUnit top;
				using (Stream stream = data.OpenStream ()) {
					top = CompilerCallableEntryPoint.ParseFile (new string[] { "-v", "-unsafe"}, stream, data.Document.FileName, Console.Out);
				if (top == null)
					return null;
				CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
				top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
				return conversionVisitor.Unit;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a Mono.CSharp syntax tree into an NRefactory syntax tree.
        /// </summary>
        public SyntaxTree Parse(CompilerCompilationUnit top, string fileName)
            if (top == null) {
                return null;
            CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (GenerateTypeSystemMode, top.LocationsBag);
            InsertComments(top, conversionVisitor);
            if (CompilationUnitCallback != null) {
            if (top.LastYYValue is Mono.CSharp.Expression) {
                conversionVisitor.Unit.TopExpression = ((Mono.CSharp.Expression)top.LastYYValue).Accept(conversionVisitor) as AstNode;

            conversionVisitor.Unit.FileName = fileName;
            conversionVisitor.Unit.ConditionalSymbols = top.Conditionals.Concat (compilerSettings.ConditionalSymbols).ToArray ();
            return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		public override ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string content)
			var result = new ParsedDocument (fileName);
			var unit = new MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.CompilationUnit (fileName);
			result.CompilationUnit = unit;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (content))
				return result;
			lock (CompilerCallableEntryPoint.parseLock) {
				var tagComments = ProjectDomService.SpecialCommentTags.GetNames ();
				List<string > compilerArguments = new List<string> ();
				if (dom != null && dom.Project != null && MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workspace != null) {
					DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration = dom.Project.GetConfiguration (MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration) as DotNetProjectConfiguration;
					CSharpCompilerParameters par = configuration != null ? configuration.CompilationParameters as CSharpCompilerParameters : null;
					if (par != null) {
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (par.DefineSymbols)) {
							compilerArguments.Add ("-define:" + string.Join (";", par.DefineSymbols.Split (';', ',', ' ', '\t').Where (s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (s))));
						if (par.UnsafeCode)
							compilerArguments.Add ("-unsafe");
						if (par.TreatWarningsAsErrors)
							compilerArguments.Add ("-warnaserror");
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (par.NoWarnings))
							compilerArguments.Add ("-nowarn:" + string.Join (",", par.NoWarnings.Split (';', ',', ' ', '\t')));
						compilerArguments.Add ("-warn:" + par.WarningLevel);
						compilerArguments.Add ("-langversion:" + GetLangString (par.LangVersion));
						if (par.GenerateOverflowChecks)
							compilerArguments.Add ("-checked");
				CompilerCompilationUnit top;
				ErrorReportPrinter errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter ();
				using (var stream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (content))) {
					top = CompilerCallableEntryPoint.ParseFile (compilerArguments.ToArray (), stream, fileName, errorReportPrinter);
				if (top == null)
					return null;
				foreach (var special in top.SpecialsBag.Specials) {
					var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
					if (comment != null) {
						VisitComment (result, comment, tagComments);
					} else {
						VisitPreprocessorDirective (result, special as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective);
				// convert DOM
				var conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
				try {
					conversionVisitor.Dom = dom;
					conversionVisitor.ParsedDocument = result;
					conversionVisitor.Unit = unit;
					top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
					top.ModuleCompiled.Accept (conversionVisitor);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					System.Console.WriteLine (ex);
				result.LanguageAST = new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CSharpParser().Parse (top, 0);
				// parser errorse
				errorReportPrinter.Errors.ForEach (e => conversionVisitor.ParsedDocument.Add (e));
				return result;
        private LambdaExpression CreateMapExpression(
            Type typeIn, Type typeOut)
            var typeMap = ConfigurationProvider.FindTypeMapFor(typeIn, typeOut);

            if (typeMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Type map for converting from \"{0}\" to \"{1}\" was not found. Please use Mapper.CreateMap<{0}, {1}>() to register a type map.", typeIn.Name, typeOut.Name));

            // this is the input parameter of this expression with name <variableName>
            ParameterExpression instanceParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeIn);

            var bindings = new List <MemberBinding>();

            foreach (var propertyMap in typeMap.GetPropertyMaps().Where(pm => pm.CanResolveValue()))
                var destinationProperty = propertyMap.DestinationProperty;
                var destinationMember   = destinationProperty.MemberInfo;

                Expression currentChild     = instanceParameter;
                Type       currentChildType = typeIn;
                foreach (var resolver in propertyMap.GetSourceValueResolvers())
                    var getter = resolver as IMemberGetter;
                    if (getter != null)
                        var memberInfo = getter.MemberInfo;

                        var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            currentChild     = Expression.Property(currentChild, propertyInfo);
                            currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        var oldParameter = propertyMap.CustomExpression.Parameters.Single();
                        var newParameter = instanceParameter;
                        var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);
                        currentChild = converter.Visit(propertyMap.CustomExpression.Body);
                        var propertyInfo = propertyMap.SourceMember as PropertyInfo;
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                            currentChildType = currentChild.Type;

                var prop = destinationProperty.MemberInfo as PropertyInfo;

                // next to lists, also arrays
                // and objects!!!
                if (prop != null &&
                    prop.PropertyType.GetInterface("IEnumerable", true) != null &&
                    prop.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                    Type destinationListType = prop.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault() ?? prop.PropertyType.GetElementType();
		internal static CompilationUnit Parse (bool convertTypeSystemMode, CompilerCompilationUnit top)
			if (top == null)
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (convertTypeSystemMode, top.LocationsBag);
			top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
			conversionVisitor.AddAttributeSection (conversionVisitor.Unit, top.ModuleCompiled);
			InsertComments (top, conversionVisitor);
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		public MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.CompilationUnit Parse (TextEditorData data)
			lock (CompilerCallableEntryPoint.parseLock) {
				CompilerCompilationUnit top;
				using (Stream stream = data.OpenStream ()) {
					top = CompilerCallableEntryPoint.ParseFile (new string[] { "-v", "-unsafe"}, stream, data.Document.FileName ?? "empty.cs", Console.Out);
				if (top == null)
					return null;
				CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
				top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
				foreach (var special in top.SpecialsBag.Specials) {
					var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
					if (comment != null) {
						var type  = (MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.CommentType)comment.CommentType;
						var start =  new DomLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
						var end =  new DomLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
						var domComment = new MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.Comment (type, start, end);
						domComment.StartsLine = comment.StartsLine;
						domComment.Content = comment.Content;
						InsertComment (conversionVisitor.Unit, domComment);
				return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		void InsertComments (CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
			foreach (var special in top.SpecialsBag.Specials) {
				var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
				if (comment != null) {
					var type  = (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
					var start =  new AstLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
					var end =  new AstLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
					var domComment = new Comment (type, start, end);
					domComment.StartsLine = comment.StartsLine;
					domComment.Content = comment.Content;
					InsertComment (conversionVisitor.Unit, domComment);
		internal static CompilationUnit Parse (CompilerCompilationUnit top)
			if (top == null)
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
			top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
			InsertComments (top, conversionVisitor);
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		public CompilationUnit Parse (CompilerCompilationUnit top, int line)
			if (top == null)
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
			conversionVisitor.AddAttributeSection (conversionVisitor.Unit, top.ModuleCompiled);
			top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
			InsertComments (top, conversionVisitor);
			if (line != 0)
				AdjustLineLocations (conversionVisitor.Unit, line);
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
        public BaseValue ConvertTo(BaseValue value, TypeId to)
            var convertor = new ConversionVisitor(to);

		public CompilationUnit Parse (CompilerCompilationUnit top, string fileName, int lineModifier = 0)
			if (top == null)
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (GenerateTypeSystemMode, top.LocationsBag);
			top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
			conversionVisitor.AddAttributeSection (conversionVisitor.Unit, top.ModuleCompiled);
			InsertComments (top, conversionVisitor);
			if (CompilationUnitCallback != null)
				CompilationUnitCallback (top);
			if (lineModifier != 0)
				AdjustLineLocations (conversionVisitor.Unit, lineModifier);
			if (top.LastYYValue is Mono.CSharp.Expression)
				conversionVisitor.Unit.TopExpression = ((Mono.CSharp.Expression)top.LastYYValue).Accept (conversionVisitor) as AstNode;
			conversionVisitor.Unit.FileName = fileName;
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
		internal static MonoDevelop.CSharp.Ast.CompilationUnit Parse (CompilerCompilationUnit top)
			if (top == null)
				return null;
			CSharpParser.ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag);
			top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
			foreach (var special in top.SpecialsBag.Specials) {
				var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
				if (comment != null) {
					var type  = (MonoDevelop.CSharp.Ast.CommentType)comment.CommentType;
					var start =  new DomLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
					var end =  new DomLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
					var domComment = new MonoDevelop.CSharp.Ast.Comment (type, start, end);
					domComment.StartsLine = comment.StartsLine;
					domComment.Content = comment.Content;
					InsertComment (conversionVisitor.Unit, domComment);
			return conversionVisitor.Unit;
        static void InsertComments(CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
            var leaf = GetOuterLeft (conversionVisitor.Unit);
            for (int i = 0; i < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; i++) {
                var special = top.SpecialsBag.Specials [i];
                AstNode newLeaf = null;
                var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
                if (comment != null) {
                    // HACK: multiline documentation comment detection; better move this logic into the mcs tokenizer
                    bool isMultilineDocumentationComment = (
                        comment.CommentType == SpecialsBag.CommentType.Multi
                        && comment.Content.StartsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                        && !comment.Content.StartsWith("**", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                    if (conversionVisitor.convertTypeSystemMode && !(comment.CommentType == SpecialsBag.CommentType.Documentation || isMultilineDocumentationComment))
                    var type = isMultilineDocumentationComment ? CommentType.MultiLineDocumentation : (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
                    var start = new TextLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
                    var end = new TextLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
                    newLeaf = new Comment (type, start, end) {
                        StartsLine = comment.StartsLine,
                        Content = isMultilineDocumentationComment ? comment.Content.Substring(1) : comment.Content
                } else {
                    var directive = special as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective;
                    if (directive != null) {
                        newLeaf = new PreProcessorDirective ((ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.PreProcessorDirectiveType)((int)directive.Cmd & 0xF), new TextLocation (directive.Line, directive.Col), new TextLocation (directive.EndLine, directive.EndCol)) {
                            Argument = directive.Arg,
                            Take = directive.Take
                    } else {
            /*					var newLine = special as SpecialsBag.NewLineToken;
                        if (newLine != null) {
                            if (newLine.NewLine == SpecialsBag.NewLine.Unix) {
                                newLeaf = new UnixNewLine (new TextLocation (newLine.Line, newLine.Col));
                            } else {
                                newLeaf = new WindowsNewLine (new TextLocation (newLine.Line, newLine.Col));
                if (newLeaf == null)

                while (true) {
                    var nextLeaf = NextLeaf (leaf);
                    // insert comment at begin
                    if (newLeaf.StartLocation < leaf.StartLocation) {
                        var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
                        while (node.Parent != null && node.FirstChild == leaf) {
                            leaf = node;
                            node = node.Parent;
                        if (newLeaf is NewLineNode) {
                            node.InsertChildBefore (leaf, (NewLineNode)newLeaf, Roles.NewLine);
                        } else if (newLeaf is Comment) {
                            node.InsertChildBefore (leaf, (Comment)newLeaf, Roles.Comment);
                        } else {
                            node.InsertChildBefore (leaf, (PreProcessorDirective)newLeaf, Roles.PreProcessorDirective);
                        leaf = newLeaf;

                    // insert comment at the end
                    if (nextLeaf == null) {
                        var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
                        if (newLeaf is NewLineNode) {
                            node.AddChild ((NewLineNode)newLeaf, Roles.NewLine);
                        } else if (newLeaf is Comment) {
                            node.AddChild ((Comment)newLeaf, Roles.Comment);
                        } else {
                            node.AddChild ((PreProcessorDirective)newLeaf, Roles.PreProcessorDirective);
                        leaf = newLeaf;

                    // comment is between 2 nodes
                    if (leaf.EndLocation <= newLeaf.StartLocation && newLeaf.StartLocation <= nextLeaf.StartLocation) {
                        var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
                        if (newLeaf is NewLineNode) {
                            node.InsertChildAfter (leaf, (NewLineNode)newLeaf, Roles.NewLine);
                        } else if (newLeaf is Comment) {
                            node.InsertChildAfter (leaf, (Comment)newLeaf, Roles.Comment);
                        } else {
                            node.InsertChildAfter (leaf, (PreProcessorDirective)newLeaf, Roles.PreProcessorDirective);
                        leaf = newLeaf;
                    leaf = nextLeaf;
		public override ParsedDocument Parse (ProjectDom dom, string fileName, string content)
			lock (CompilerCallableEntryPoint.parseLock) {
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (content))
					return null;
				List<string> compilerArguments = new List<string> ();
				var unit =  new MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.CompilationUnit (fileName);;
				var result = new ParsedDocument (fileName);
				result.CompilationUnit = unit;
				ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Parser.CSharp.Lexer lexer = new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Parser.CSharp.Lexer (new StringReader (content));
				lexer.SpecialCommentTags = ProjectDomService.SpecialCommentTags.GetNames ();
				lexer.EvaluateConditionalCompilation = true;
				if (dom != null && dom.Project != null && MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workspace != null) {
					DotNetProjectConfiguration configuration = dom.Project.GetConfiguration (MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration) as DotNetProjectConfiguration;
					CSharpCompilerParameters par = configuration != null ? configuration.CompilationParameters as CSharpCompilerParameters : null;
					if (par != null) {
						lexer.SetConditionalCompilationSymbols (par.DefineSymbols);
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (par.DefineSymbols)) {
							compilerArguments.Add ("-define:" + string.Join (";", par.DefineSymbols.Split (';', ',', ' ', '\t')));
						if (par.UnsafeCode)
							compilerArguments.Add ("-unsafe");
						if (par.TreatWarningsAsErrors)
							compilerArguments.Add ("-warnaserror");
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (par.NoWarnings))
							compilerArguments.Add ("-nowarn:"+ string.Join (",", par.NoWarnings.Split (';', ',', ' ', '\t')));
						compilerArguments.Add ("-warn:" + par.WarningLevel);
						compilerArguments.Add ("-langversion:" + GetLangString (par.LangVersion));
						if (par.GenerateOverflowChecks)
							compilerArguments.Add ("-checked");
	//			compilerArguments.ForEach (arg => Console.WriteLine (arg));
				while (lexer.NextToken ().Kind != ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Parser.CSharp.Tokens.EOF)
				CompilerCompilationUnit top;
				ErrorReportPrinter errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter ();
				using (var stream = new MemoryStream (Encoding.Default.GetBytes (content))) {
					top = CompilerCallableEntryPoint.ParseFile (compilerArguments.ToArray (), stream, fileName, errorReportPrinter);
				if (top == null)
					return null;
				SpecialTracker tracker = new SpecialTracker (result);
				foreach (ICSharpCode.NRefactory.ISpecial special in lexer.SpecialTracker.CurrentSpecials) {
					special.AcceptVisitor (tracker, null);
				// convert DOM
				var conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor (top.LocationsBag, lexer.SpecialTracker.CurrentSpecials);
				conversionVisitor.Dom = dom;
				conversionVisitor.Unit = unit;
				conversionVisitor.ParsedDocument = result;
				top.UsingsBag.Global.Accept (conversionVisitor);
				unit.Tag = top;
				// parser errors
				errorReportPrinter.Errors.ForEach (e => conversionVisitor.ParsedDocument.Add (e));
				return result;
		void InsertComments(CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
			AstNode insertionPoint = conversionVisitor.Unit.FirstChild;
			foreach (var special in top.SpecialsBag.Specials) {
				AstNode newLeaf = null;
				Role role = null;
				bool isDocumentationComment = false;
				var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
				if (comment != null) {
					// HACK: multiline documentation comment detection; better move this logic into the mcs tokenizer
					bool isMultilineDocumentationComment = (comment.CommentType == SpecialsBag.CommentType.Multi && comment.Content.StartsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal) && !comment.Content.StartsWith("**", StringComparison.Ordinal));
					isDocumentationComment = comment.CommentType == SpecialsBag.CommentType.Documentation || isMultilineDocumentationComment;
					if (conversionVisitor.convertTypeSystemMode && !isDocumentationComment)
					var type = isMultilineDocumentationComment ? CommentType.MultiLineDocumentation : (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
					var start = new TextLocation(comment.Line, comment.Col);
					var end = new TextLocation(comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
					newLeaf = new Comment(type, start, end) {
						StartsLine = comment.StartsLine,
						Content = isMultilineDocumentationComment ? comment.Content.Substring(1) : comment.Content
					role = Roles.Comment;
				} else if (!GenerateTypeSystemMode) {
					var pragmaDirective = special as SpecialsBag.PragmaPreProcessorDirective;
					if (pragmaDirective != null) {
						var pragma = new PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective(new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.Line, pragmaDirective.Col), new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.EndLine, pragmaDirective.EndCol));
						pragma.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.Line, pragmaDirective.Col), PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.PragmaKeywordRole), PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.PragmaKeywordRole);
						pragma.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.Line, pragmaDirective.WarningColumn), PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.WarningKeywordRole), PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.WarningKeywordRole);
						var pragmaRole = pragmaDirective.Disalbe ? PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.DisableKeywordRole : PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.RestoreKeywordRole;
						pragma.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.Line, pragmaDirective.DisableRestoreColumn), pragmaRole), pragmaRole);
						foreach (var code in pragmaDirective.Codes) {
							pragma.AddChild((PrimitiveExpression)conversionVisitor.Visit(code), PragmaWarningPreprocessorDirective.WarningRole);
						newLeaf = pragma;
						role = Roles.PreProcessorDirective;
						goto end;
					var lineDirective = special as SpecialsBag.LineProcessorDirective;
					if (lineDirective != null) {
						var pragma = new LinePreprocessorDirective(new TextLocation(lineDirective.Line, lineDirective.Col), new TextLocation(lineDirective.EndLine, lineDirective.EndCol));
						pragma.LineNumber = lineDirective.LineNumber;
						pragma.FileName = lineDirective.FileName;
						newLeaf = pragma;
						role = Roles.PreProcessorDirective;
						goto end;
					var directive = special as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective;
					if (directive != null) {
						newLeaf = new PreProcessorDirective((PreProcessorDirectiveType)((int)directive.Cmd & 0xF), new TextLocation(directive.Line, directive.Col), new TextLocation(directive.EndLine, directive.EndCol)) {
							Argument = directive.Arg,
							Take = directive.Take
						role = Roles.PreProcessorDirective;
				if (newLeaf != null) {
					InsertComment(ref insertionPoint, newLeaf, role, isDocumentationComment, conversionVisitor.Unit);
			if (!GenerateTypeSystemMode) {
				// We cannot insert newlines in the same loop as comments/preprocessor directives
				// because they are not correctly ordered in the specials bag
				insertionPoint = conversionVisitor.Unit.FirstChild;
				for (int i = 0; i < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; i++) {
					var newLine = top.SpecialsBag.Specials [i] as SpecialsBag.NewLineToken;
					if (newLine != null) {
						var newLeaf = new NewLineNode(new TextLocation(newLine.Line, newLine.Col + 1));
						newLeaf.NewLineType = newLine.NewLine == SpecialsBag.NewLine.Unix ? UnicodeNewline.LF : UnicodeNewline.CRLF;
						InsertComment(ref insertionPoint, newLeaf, Roles.NewLine, false, conversionVisitor.Unit);
		static void InsertComments (CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
			var leaf = GetOuterLeft(conversionVisitor.Unit);
			foreach (var special in top.SpecialsBag.Specials) {
				var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
				if (comment == null)
				if (conversionVisitor.convertTypeSystemMode && (comment.CommentType != SpecialsBag.CommentType.Documentation))
				var type = (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
				var start = new AstLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
				var end = new AstLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
				var domComment = new Comment (type, start, end);
				domComment.StartsLine = comment.StartsLine;
				domComment.Content = comment.Content;
				while (true) {
					var nextLeaf = NextLeaf(leaf);
					// instert comment at the end
					if (nextLeaf == null) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						node.AddChild(domComment, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						leaf = domComment;
					// comment is between 2 nodes
					if (leaf.EndLocation <= domComment.StartLocation && domComment.StartLocation <= nextLeaf.StartLocation) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						node.InsertChildAfter(leaf, domComment, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						leaf = domComment;
					leaf = nextLeaf;
		/// <summary>
		/// Parses a file snippet; guessing what the code snippet represents (whole file, type members, block, type reference, expression).
		/// </summary>
		public AstNode ParseSnippet (string code)
			// TODO: add support for parsing a part of a file
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
		public DocumentationReference ParseDocumentationReference(string cref)
			// see Mono.CSharp.DocumentationBuilder.HandleXrefCommon
			if (cref == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cref");
			// Additional symbols for < and > are allowed for easier XML typing
			cref = cref.Replace('{', '<').Replace('}', '>');
			lock (parseLock) {
				errorReportPrinter = new ErrorReportPrinter("");
				var ctx = new CompilerContext(compilerSettings.ToMono(), errorReportPrinter);
				ctx.Settings.TabSize = 1;
				var reader = new SeekableStreamReader(new StringTextSource(cref));
				var file = new SourceFile("", "", 0);
				Location.Initialize(new List<SourceFile>(new [] { file }));
				var module = new ModuleContainer(ctx);
				module.DocumentationBuilder = new DocumentationBuilder(module);
				var source_file = new CompilationSourceFile(module);
				var report = new Report(ctx, errorReportPrinter);
				var session = new ParserSession();
				session.LocationsBag = new LocationsBag();
				var parser = new Mono.CSharp.CSharpParser(reader, source_file, report, session);
				parser.Lexer.Line += initialLocation.Line - 1;
				parser.Lexer.Column += initialLocation.Column - 1;
				parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.DocumentationXref;
				parser.Lexer.parsing_generic_declaration_doc = true;
				if (report.Errors > 0) {
//					Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'",
//					                mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref);
				var conversionVisitor = new ConversionVisitor(false, session.LocationsBag);
				var docRef = conversionVisitor.ConvertXmlDoc(module.DocumentationBuilder);
				return docRef;
		static void InsertComments (CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
			var leaf = GetOuterLeft (conversionVisitor.Unit);
			for (int i = 0; i < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; i++) {
				var special = top.SpecialsBag.Specials [i];
				Comment newLeaf = null;
				var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
				if (comment != null) {
					if (conversionVisitor.convertTypeSystemMode && (comment.CommentType != SpecialsBag.CommentType.Documentation))
					var type = (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
					var start = new AstLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
					var end = new AstLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
					newLeaf = new Comment (type, start, end) {
							StartsLine = comment.StartsLine,
							Content = comment.Content
				} else {
					// TODO: Proper handling of pre processor directives (atm got treated as comments Ast wise)
					var directive = special as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective;
					if (directive != null) {
						newLeaf = new Comment (CommentType.SingleLine, new AstLocation (directive.Line, directive.Col), new AstLocation (directive.EndLine, directive.EndCol + 1));
						if (!directive.Take) {
							SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective endif = null;
							int endifLevel = 0;
							for (int j = i + 1; j < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; j++) {
								var s = top.SpecialsBag.Specials [j] as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective;
								if (s == null)
								if (s.Cmd == Tokenizer.PreprocessorDirective.If) {
								if (s.Cmd == Tokenizer.PreprocessorDirective.Endif || endifLevel == 0 && s.Cmd == Tokenizer.PreprocessorDirective.Else) {
									if (endifLevel == 0) {
										endif = s;
										i = j;
							if (endif != null)
								newLeaf = new Comment (CommentType.SingleLine, new AstLocation (directive.Line, directive.Col), new AstLocation (endif.EndLine, endif.EndCol));
				if (newLeaf == null)
				while (true) {
					var nextLeaf = NextLeaf (leaf);
					// insert comment at begin
					if (newLeaf.StartLocation < leaf.StartLocation) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						while (node.Parent != null && node.FirstChild == leaf) {
							leaf = node;
							node = node.Parent;
						node.InsertChildBefore (leaf, newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						leaf = newLeaf;
					// insert comment at the end
					if (nextLeaf == null) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						node.AddChild (newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						leaf = newLeaf;
					// comment is between 2 nodes
					if (leaf.EndLocation <= newLeaf.StartLocation && newLeaf.StartLocation <= nextLeaf.StartLocation) {
						var node = leaf.Parent ?? conversionVisitor.Unit;
						node.InsertChildAfter (leaf, newLeaf, AstNode.Roles.Comment);
						leaf = newLeaf;
					leaf = nextLeaf;
        private LambdaExpression CreateMapExpression(
            Type typeIn, Type typeOut)
            var typeMap = ConfigurationProvider.FindTypeMapFor(typeIn, typeOut);

            // this is the input parameter of this expression with name <variableName>
            ParameterExpression instanceParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeIn);

            var bindings = new List <MemberBinding>();

            foreach (var propertyMap in typeMap.GetPropertyMaps().Where(pm => pm.CanResolveValue()))
                var destinationProperty = propertyMap.DestinationProperty;
                var destinationMember   = destinationProperty.MemberInfo;

                Expression currentChild     = instanceParameter;
                Type       currentChildType = typeIn;
                foreach (var resolver in propertyMap.GetSourceValueResolvers())
                    var getter = resolver as IMemberGetter;
                    if (getter != null)
                        var memberInfo = getter.MemberInfo;

                        var propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            currentChild     = Expression.Property(currentChild, propertyInfo);
                            currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                        var oldParameter =
                        var newParameter = instanceParameter;
                        var converter    = new ConversionVisitor(newParameter, oldParameter);
                        currentChild = converter.Visit(((LambdaExpression)propertyMap.CustomExpression).Body);
                        var propertyInfo = propertyMap.SourceMember as PropertyInfo;
                        if (propertyInfo != null)
                            currentChildType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;

                var prop = destinationProperty.MemberInfo as PropertyInfo;

                // next to lists, also arrays
                // and objects!!!
                if (prop != null &&
                    prop.PropertyType.GetInterface("IEnumerable", true) != null &&
                    prop.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                    Type destinationListType = prop.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First();
                    Type sourceListType      = null;
                    // is list

                    sourceListType = currentChildType.GetGenericArguments().First();

                    //var newVariableName = "t" + (i++);
                    var transformedExpression = CreateMapExpression(sourceListType, destinationListType);

                    MethodCallExpression selectExpression = Expression.Call(
                        new[] { sourceListType, destinationListType },

                    if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(prop.PropertyType))
                        MethodCallExpression toListCallExpression = Expression.Call(
                            new Type[] { destinationListType },

                        // todo .ToArray()
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, toListCallExpression));
                        // destination type implements ienumerable, but is not an ilist. allow deferred enumeration
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, selectExpression));
                    // does of course not work for subclasses etc./generic ...
                    if (currentChildType != prop.PropertyType &&
                        // avoid nullable etc.
                        prop.PropertyType.BaseType != typeof(ValueType) &&
                        prop.PropertyType.BaseType != typeof(Enum))
                        var transformedExpression = CreateMapExpression(currentChildType, prop.PropertyType);
                        var expr2 = Expression.Invoke(
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, expr2));
                        bindings.Add(Expression.Bind(destinationMember, currentChild));
            var total = Expression.MemberInit(

            return(Expression.Lambda(total, instanceParameter));
 void InsertComments(CompilerCompilationUnit top, ConversionVisitor conversionVisitor)
     AstNode insertionPoint = conversionVisitor.Unit.FirstChild;
     for (int i = 0; i < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; i++) {
         var special = top.SpecialsBag.Specials [i];
         AstNode newLeaf = null;
         Role role = null;
         bool isDocumentationComment = false;
         var comment = special as SpecialsBag.Comment;
         if (comment != null) {
             // HACK: multiline documentation comment detection; better move this logic into the mcs tokenizer
             bool isMultilineDocumentationComment = (
                 comment.CommentType == SpecialsBag.CommentType.Multi
                 && comment.Content.StartsWith("*", StringComparison.Ordinal)
                 && !comment.Content.StartsWith("**", StringComparison.Ordinal)
             isDocumentationComment = comment.CommentType == SpecialsBag.CommentType.Documentation || isMultilineDocumentationComment;
             if (conversionVisitor.convertTypeSystemMode && !isDocumentationComment)
             var type = isMultilineDocumentationComment ? CommentType.MultiLineDocumentation : (CommentType)comment.CommentType;
             var start = new TextLocation (comment.Line, comment.Col);
             var end = new TextLocation (comment.EndLine, comment.EndCol);
             newLeaf = new Comment (type, start, end) {
                 StartsLine = comment.StartsLine,
                 Content = isMultilineDocumentationComment ? comment.Content.Substring(1) : comment.Content
             role = Roles.Comment;
         } else if (!GenerateTypeSystemMode) {
             var pragmaDirective = special as SpecialsBag.PragmaPreProcessorDirective;
             if (pragmaDirective != null) {
                 var pragma = new PragmaWarningPreprocssorDirective(new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.Line, pragmaDirective.Col), new TextLocation(pragmaDirective.EndLine, pragmaDirective.EndCol));
                 pragma.Disable = pragmaDirective.Disalbe;
                 newLeaf = pragma;
                 role = Roles.PreProcessorDirective;
             } else {
                 var directive = special as SpecialsBag.PreProcessorDirective;
                 if (directive != null) {
                     newLeaf = new PreProcessorDirective ((ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.PreProcessorDirectiveType)((int)directive.Cmd & 0xF), new TextLocation (directive.Line, directive.Col), new TextLocation (directive.EndLine, directive.EndCol)) {
                         Argument = directive.Arg,
                         Take = directive.Take
                     role = Roles.PreProcessorDirective;
         if (newLeaf != null) {
             InsertComment(ref insertionPoint, newLeaf, role, isDocumentationComment, conversionVisitor.Unit);
     if (!GenerateTypeSystemMode) {
         // We cannot insert newlines in the same loop as comments/preprocessor directives
         // because they are not correctly ordered in the specials bag
         insertionPoint = conversionVisitor.Unit.FirstChild;
         for (int i = 0; i < top.SpecialsBag.Specials.Count; i++) {
             var newLine = top.SpecialsBag.Specials[i] as SpecialsBag.NewLineToken;
             if (newLine != null) {
                 AstNode newLeaf;
                 if (newLine.NewLine == SpecialsBag.NewLine.Unix) {
                     newLeaf = new UnixNewLine (new TextLocation (newLine.Line, newLine.Col + 1));
                 } else {
                     newLeaf = new WindowsNewLine (new TextLocation (newLine.Line, newLine.Col + 1));
                 InsertComment(ref insertionPoint, newLeaf, Roles.NewLine, false, conversionVisitor.Unit);