        public override void Update(TimeSpan delta)
            // Update our console and then update the scroll bar

            // If we detect that this console has shifted the data up for any reason (like the virtual cursor reached the
            // bottom of the entire text surface, OR we reached the bottom of the render area, we need to adjust the
            // scroll bar and follow the cursor
            if (TimesShiftedUp != 0 | Cursor.Position.Y == ViewPort.Height + scrollingCounter)
                // Once the buffer has finally been filled enough to need scrolling, turn on the scroll bar
                scrollBar.IsEnabled = true;

                // Make sure we've never scrolled the entire size of the buffer
                if (scrollingCounter < Height - ViewPort.Height)
                    // Record how much we've scrolled to enable how far back the bar can see
                    scrollingCounter += TimesShiftedUp != 0 ? TimesShiftedUp : 1;

                scrollBar.Maximum = (Height + scrollingCounter) - Height;

                // This will follow the cursor since we move the render area in the event.
                scrollBar.Value = scrollingCounter;

                // Reset the shift amount.
                TimesShiftedUp = 0;