protected virtual void InitIconImage(char icon, ColorContexts colorContext) { ImagePanelContainer = Controls.AddChild(new Panel("imagecontainer", Docking.Left, new BrightPanelWidgetStyle())); IconText = ImagePanelContainer.AddChild(new TextWidget("icon", Docking.Top, new EmptyWidgetStyle(), null, null)); IconText.SetIconFontByTag(CommonFontTags.LargeIcons); IconText.Icon = icon; IconText.Style.ForeColorBrush.Color = Theme.GetContextColor(colorContext); IconText.Padding = new Padding(6, 18, 6, 6); }
protected virtual void InitTable() { Table = Controls.AddChild(new TableLayoutContainer("table")); Table.Padding = new Padding(12, 6); ImageWidget = Table.AddChild(new ImagePanel("image", Docking.Fill, String.Empty), 0, 0, 5); ImageWidget.Padding = new Padding(0, 8, 8, 0); ImageWidget.VAlign = Alignment.Near; ImageWidget.SizeMode = ImageSizeModes.None; TitleWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("title"), 0, 1, 1, 2); TitleWidget.SetFontByTag(CommonFontTags.ExtraLarge); TitleWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultMultiLine; // ToDo: DPI Scaling TitleWidget.Margin = new Padding(TitleWidget.Margin.Left, 8, TitleWidget.Margin.Right, TitleWidget.Margin.Bottom); SubTitleWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("subtitle"), 1, 1, 1, 2); SubTitleWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultMultiLine; VersionWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("version"), 2, 1, 1, 2); VersionWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultSingleLine; //VersionWidget.Margin = new Padding (VersionWidget.Margin.Left, 8, VersionWidget.Margin.Right, 8); VersionWidget.Text = GetVersion(); LicenseInfoWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("licinfo"), 3, 1, 1, 2); LicenseInfoWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultMultiLine; LicenseInfoWidget.Margin = new Padding(LicenseInfoWidget.Margin.Left, 0, LicenseInfoWidget.Margin.Right, 8); LicenseInfoWidget.Visible = false; CreditsCaptionWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("creditscaption"), 4, 0); CreditsCaptionWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultSingleLine; CreditsCaptionWidget.Text = "Credits:"; UrlCaptionWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("moreinfocaption"), 4, 1); UrlCaptionWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultSingleLine; UrlCaptionWidget.Text = "More Info:"; UrlCaptionWidget.Visible = false; UrlWidget = Table.AddChild(new UrlTextWidget("url", ""), 4, 2); CreditsWidget = Table.AddChild(new ScrollingBox("credits"), 5, 0, 1, 3); CreditsWidget.SetFontByTag(CommonFontTags.Serif); CopyrightWidget = Table.AddChild(new TextWidget("copyright"), 6, 0, 1, 3); CopyrightWidget.Format = FontFormat.DefaultMultiLine; // finally set some SizeModes Table.Columns [0].SizeMode = TableSizeModes.Content; Table.Columns [1].SizeMode = TableSizeModes.Content; Table.Rows [5].SizeMode = TableSizeModes.Fill; }
protected virtual void InitButtons() { // panel ButtonContainer = Controls.AddChild(new ButtonContainer("buttoncontainer")); ButtonContainer.BackColor = Theme.Colors.Base01; DefaultButton btnOK = ButtonContainer.AddChild(new DefaultButton("okbutton", "&OK")); btnOK.Click += (sender, eOK) => OnOK(); btnOK.MakeDefaultButton(); // handle Enter-Key even when not focused btnOK.Update(); //DefaultButton btnCancel = ButtonContainer.AddChild (new DefaultButton ("cancelbutton", "&Cancel")); DefaultButton btnCancel = ButtonContainer.AddChild(new DefaultButton("cancelbutton", "&Cancel")); btnCancel.Click += (sender, eCancel) => OnCancel(); btnCancel.Update(); //btnOK.Selected = true; // make this the default button. }
protected MessageBoxWindow(string name, string caption, int width, int height, SummerGUIWindow parent) : base(name, caption, width, height, parent, true, GameWindowFlags.FixedWindow) { ButtonContainer = Controls.AddChild(new ButtonContainer("buttoncontainer")); }
protected virtual void InitTable() { MainContainer = Controls.AddChild(new ScrollableContainer("main", Docking.Fill, new SilverPanelWidgetStyle())); MainContainer.AutoScroll = true; MainContainer.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; Table = MainContainer.AddChild(new TableLayoutContainer("table")); // this should do the same: Table.Padding = new Padding(12, 6); Table.CellPadding = new SizeF(12, 6); Table.CollapsibleColumnsWidth = 420; int row = 0; /*** * Table.AddChild (new TextLabel ("lblGender", "Gender"), row, 0, 1, 2); * row++; * Table.AddChild (new ComboListBox ("Gender"), row, 0, 1, 2).CastTo<ComboListBox>().Do (cbo => { * cbo.Items.Add("Male", 1); * cbo.Items.Add("Female", 2); * cbo.Items.Add("Not sure", 0); * cbo.SelectedIndex = 0; * }); * row++; ***/ Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblFirstName", "First Name"), row, 0, 1, 2); Table.AddChild(new TextBox("FirstName"), row + 1, 0, 1, 2); Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblLastName", "Last Name"), row, 2); Table.AddChild(new TextBox("LastName"), row + 1, 2); row++; row++; Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblCompany", "Company"), row, 0, 1, 3); row++; Table.AddChild(new TextBox("Company"), row, 0, 1, 3); row++; Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblZip", "Zip"), row, 0); Table.AddChild(new TextBox("Zip"), row + 1, 0); Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblCity", "City"), row, 1); Table.AddChild(new TextBox("City"), row + 1, 1); Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblAddress", "Street Address"), row, 2); Table.AddChild(new TextBox("Address"), row + 1, 2); row++; row++; Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblPhone", "Phone"), row, 0, 1, 2); Table.AddChild(new ButtonTextBox("Phone", (char)FontAwesomeIcons.fa_phone, null, ColorContexts.Success), row + 1, 0, 1, 2); Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblEmail", "Email"), row, 2); Table.AddChild(new ButtonTextBox("Email", (char)FontAwesomeIcons.fa_envelope_o, null, ColorContexts.Success), row + 1, 2); row++; row++; Table.AddChild(new TextLabel("lblWeb", "Web"), row, 0, 1, 3); row++; Table.AddChild(new ButtonTextBox("Web", (char)FontAwesomeIcons.fa_chain, null, ColorContexts.Default), row, 0, 1, 3); LayoutDirtyFlag = true; Table.AfterLayout += (sender, e) => UpdateTableSize(); }