private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (mModel.AreAllValid())
                CmsWebServiceClient mCmsWebServiceClient = new CmsWebServiceClient(Utils.WcfBinding, Utils.WcfEndPoint);

                mCmsWebServiceClient.AddControlSystemRevisionHistoryCompleted +=
                    (s1, e1) =>
                            AddedRevisionHistory = e1.Result;
                            DialogResult = true;

                mModel.User = CMS.User;
                mModel.Date = DateTime.Now;
        public ControlSystemRevisionHistory AddControlSystemRevisionHistory(ControlSystemRevisionHistory history)
            using (var cee = new CmsEntities())
                const decimal incrediment = 0.001m;

                var latestPrh = (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories
                                 where x.ControlSystemId == history.ControlSystemId
                                 select x.Revision).ToList();

                if (latestPrh.Count > 0)
                    history.Revision = latestPrh.AsQueryable().Max() + incrediment;
                    history.Revision = incrediment;

                var userid = history.UserId;
                var issueId = history.IssueId;

                history.Issue = null;
                history.User = null;
                history.IssueId = null;

                if (issueId.HasValue && issueId.Value > 0)
                    history.IssueId = issueId;

                history.UserId = userid;
                history.IsSystemMessage = false;


                return (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories.Include("Issue").Include("User") where x.Id == history.Id select x).FirstOrDefault();
        private void OkButtonHander(object parameter)
            if (!AreAllValid())

            CmsWebServiceClient cmsWebServiceClient = new CmsWebServiceClient(Utils.WcfBinding, Utils.WcfEndPoint);

            cmsWebServiceClient.SaveControlSystemCompleted +=
                (s2, e2) =>
                    var dbOperationalResultTest = e2.Result;

                    if (!dbOperationalResultTest.HasErrors)
                        View.SavedControlSystem = dbOperationalResultTest.EntityResult;
                        View.DialogResult = true;
                        EventAggregator.GetEvent<PrismEvents.RefreshNavigationEvent>().Publish(new QuickControlSystem());
                        View.ValidationPopup.Show(Utils.BuildValidationResultFromServerErrors("Save Failed", e2.Result.ServerErrorMessages));

            ControlSystem.ControlSystemRevisionHistories = new List<ControlSystemRevisionHistory>();
            ControlSystemRevisionHistory rh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "Initial Creation",
                Revision = new decimal(0.001),
                UserId = CMS.User.Id

            cmsWebServiceClient.SaveControlSystemAsync(ControlSystem, CMS.User.Id);
        private ControlSystemRevisionHistory BuildRevisionHistory(ControlSystem controlSystem)
            const decimal incrediment = 0.001m;
            var revision = new decimal(1.000);

            List<decimal> foo = (from x in Cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories where x.ControlSystemId == controlSystem.Id orderby x.Revision descending select x.Revision).ToList();

            if (foo.Count > 0)
                revision = foo[0] + incrediment;

            var rvh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                ControlSystemId = controlSystem.Id,
                UserId = MetaData.UserId,
                Description = BuildRevisionHistoryUpdateComment(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment),
                Revision = revision,
                IsSystemMessage = true
            return rvh;
        private void AddInsertRevisionHistory(ControlSystem newContrlControlSystem)
            var revision = new decimal(1.000);

            var rvh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                UserId = MetaData.UserId,
                Description = BuildRevisionHistoryInsertComment(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment),
                Revision = revision,
                IsSystemMessage = true
        private bool InsertRevisionHistoryFailed(ControlSystemComponent newComponent, ControlSystem controlSystem)
            var revision = new decimal(1.000);

            string comment = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment))
                if (MetaData.ImportType == CommonUtils.ImportType.CreateControlComponents)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment))
                        comment = BuildRevisionHistoryInsertComment(string.Format("Created Component '{0}' {1}.", newComponent.Name, MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment));
                        comment = BuildRevisionHistoryInsertComment(string.Format("Created Component '{0}'", newComponent.Name));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment))
                        comment = BuildRevisionHistoryUpdateComment(string.Format("Updated Component '{0}' {1}.", newComponent.Name, MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment));
                        comment = BuildRevisionHistoryUpdateComment(string.Format("Updated Component '{0}'", newComponent.Name));

            var rvh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                UserId = MetaData.UserId,
                Description = comment,
                Revision = revision

            if (controlSystem == null)
                controlSystem = (from x in Cee.ControlSystems where x.Id == newComponent.ControlSystemId select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (controlSystem == null)
                    RaiseMessage(CommonUtils.MessageType.Error, string.Format("Could not find existing Control System by Id '{0}'.", newComponent.ControlSystemId));
                    return true;
            rvh.IsSystemMessage = true;
            return false;
        private void BuildMoveComponentRevisionHistory(ControlSystemComponentsControl componentsControl)
            if (componentsControl == null || componentsControl.Model == null || componentsControl.Model.MovedComponents == null)

            foreach (var movedComponent in componentsControl.Model.MovedComponents)
                var rv = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory();
                rv.Date = DateTime.Now;
                rv.UserId = CMS.User.Id;
                rv.ControlSystemId = ControlSystem.Id;
                rv.Description = string.Format("Moved Component {0} to Intrument {1}.", movedComponent.Name, movedComponent.ControlSystem.Name);
        private void SaveAcceptanceTestButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            CmsWebServiceClient mCmsWebServiceClient = new CmsWebServiceClient(Utils.WcfBinding, Utils.WcfEndPoint);

            mCmsWebServiceClient.AddControlSystemRevisionHistoryCompleted +=
                (s1, e1) =>
                        AddedRevisionHistory = e1.Result;
                        DialogResult = true;

            mModel.User = CMS.User;
            mModel.Date = DateTime.Now;
            mModel.Description = "Site Acceptance Testing";
            mModel.Issue = null;
 public ControlSystemRevisionHistoryViewModel(ControlSystemRevisionHistory history)
     mHistory = history;
        private void InsertRevisionHistory(InterlockType interLockType, int interlockNumber, ControlSystem controlSystem)
            var revision = new decimal(1.000);

            string comment = string.Empty;

            if (MetaData.ImportType == CommonUtils.ImportType.CreateInterlocks)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment))
                    comment = BuildRevisionHistoryInsertComment(string.Format("Added Interlock Type '{0}' Number '{1}' to Control '{2}'. {3}",
                        interLockType.Name, interlockNumber, controlSystem.Name, MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment));
                    comment = BuildRevisionHistoryInsertComment(string.Format("Added Interlock Type '{0}' Number '{1}' to Control '{2}'.",
                        interLockType.Name, interlockNumber, controlSystem.Name));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment))
                    comment = BuildRevisionHistoryUpdateComment(string.Format("Updated Interlock Type '{0}' Number '{1}' on Control '{2}'. {3}",
                        interLockType.Name, interlockNumber, controlSystem.Name, MetaData.RevisionHistoryComment));
                    comment = BuildRevisionHistoryUpdateComment(string.Format("Updated Interlock Type '{0}'  Number '{1}' on Control '{2}'.",
                        interLockType.Name, interlockNumber, controlSystem.Name));

            var rvh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory
                Date = DateTime.Now,
                UserId = MetaData.UserId,
                Description = comment,
                Revision = revision,
                IsSystemMessage = true

        private void BuildInterlocksToBeDeletedRevisionHistory(ControlSystem controlSystem, int userId, IEnumerable<Interlock> interlocksToBeDeleted, CmsEntities cee)
            var rh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory();
            var messages = new List<string>();

            var user = (from x in cee.Users where x.Id == userId select x).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("User not found for Id " + userId);

            var ids = (from x in interlocksToBeDeleted select x.Id).ToList();

            var results = (from x in cee.Interlocks
                           where ids.Contains(x.Id)
                           select x).ToList();

            foreach (var interlock in results)
                var toprisk = GetHighestInterlockRisk(interlock.InterlockRisks);

                string riskText;
                if (toprisk != null && toprisk.InterlockRiskMatrix != null)
                    riskText = string.Format("Override Override Risk = ({0} - {1})", toprisk.InterlockRiskMatrix.RiskRatingNumber, toprisk.InterlockRiskMatrix.InterlockRiskRating.Name, Environment.NewLine);
                    riskText = "No Override Risk present";

                var properties = GetPropertiesFromInterlock(interlock.Id, cee);

                var message = string.Format("Interlock deleted by : {0} - ({1}{2} - {3} ({4})){5}" +
                                            "{6}{7}" +
                    user.FirstLastName, interlock.InterlockType.Name, interlock.Number, interlock.Description, interlock.Cause, Environment.NewLine, riskText, Environment.NewLine, properties);


            if (messages.Any())
                var joined = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages);

                rh.Description = joined;
                rh.ControlSystemId = controlSystem.Id;
                rh.Date = DateTime.Now;
                rh.UserId = userId;
                rh.IsSystemMessage = true;

                var latestPrh = (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories
                                 where x.ControlSystemId == controlSystem.Id
                                 select x.Revision).ToList();

                if (latestPrh.Count > 0)
                    rh.Revision = latestPrh.AsQueryable().Max() + VERSIONINCREMENT;
                    rh.Revision = VERSIONINCREMENT;

        private void BuildInterlocksModifiedRevisionHistory(ControlSystem controlSystem, int userId, List<ModifiedInterlockDto> modifiedInterlocksDtoList, CmsEntities cee)
            var rh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory();
            var messages = new List<string>();

            var user = (from x in cee.Users where x.Id == userId select x).FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("User not found for Id " + userId);

            var ids = (from x in modifiedInterlocksDtoList select x.Interlock.Id).ToList();

            var results = (from x in cee.Interlocks
                           where ids.Contains(x.Id)
                           select x).ToList();

            foreach (var interlock in results)
                var toprisk = GetHighestInterlockRisk(interlock.InterlockRisks);

                string riskText;
                if (toprisk != null && toprisk.InterlockRiskMatrix != null)
                    riskText = string.Format("Override Override Risk = ({0} - {1})", toprisk.InterlockRiskMatrix.RiskRatingNumber, toprisk.InterlockRiskMatrix.InterlockRiskRating.Name, Environment.NewLine);
                    riskText = "No Override Risk present";

                //find matching dto from our list
                var interlockDto = (from x in modifiedInterlocksDtoList where x.Interlock.Id == interlock.Id select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (interlockDto == null)

                //make a nice comm sep list
                var interlockMessage = new List<string> { interlockDto.ToString() };
                var interlockCommaSepList = string.Join(", ", interlockMessage);

                //build message
                var message = string.Format("Interlock modified by : {0} - ({1}{2} - {3} ({4})){5}" +
                                            "{6}{7}" +
                    user.FirstLastName, interlock.InterlockType.Name, interlock.Number, interlock.Description, interlock.Cause, Environment.NewLine, riskText, Environment.NewLine, interlockCommaSepList);

                //add it

            if (messages.Any())
                var joined = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages);

                rh.Description = joined;
                rh.ControlSystemId = controlSystem.Id;
                rh.Date = DateTime.Now;
                rh.UserId = userId;
                rh.IsSystemMessage = true;

                var latestPrh = (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories
                                 where x.ControlSystemId == controlSystem.Id
                                 select x.Revision).ToList();

                if (latestPrh.Count > 0)
                    rh.Revision = latestPrh.AsQueryable().Max() + VERSIONINCREMENT;
                    rh.Revision = VERSIONINCREMENT;

        private void BuildComponentsTypeChangedRevisionHistory(ControlSystem controlSystem, int userId, ControlSystem originalControlSystem, CmsEntities cee)
            var componentsTypeChanged = (from x in originalControlSystem.ControlSystemComponents
                                         where controlSystem.ControlSystemComponents.All(x1 => x1.ControlSystemComponentTypeId != x.ControlSystemComponentTypeId)
                                         select x).ToList();

            if (!componentsTypeChanged.Any())

            var rh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (ControlSystemComponent component in componentsTypeChanged)

                sb.Append(" : ");
                sb.Append(" from ");


                sb.Append(" to ");

                var changed = (from x in controlSystem.ControlSystemComponents where x.Id == component.Id select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (changed != null) sb.Append(changed.ControlSystemComponentType.Name);

            if (sb.Length > 0)

                rh.Description = string.Format("ControlSystem Components had their Type changed : {0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, sb.ToString());
                rh.ControlSystemId = controlSystem.Id;
                rh.Date = DateTime.Now;
                rh.UserId = userId;
                rh.IsSystemMessage = true;

                var latestPrh = (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories
                                 where x.ControlSystemId == controlSystem.Id
                                 select x.Revision).ToList();

                if (latestPrh.Count > 0)
                    rh.Revision = latestPrh.AsQueryable().Max() + VERSIONINCREMENT;
                    rh.Revision = VERSIONINCREMENT;
        private void BuildAlarmRevisionHistory(int controlSystemId, int userId, List<ControlSystemComponent> controlSystemComponents, CmsEntities cee)
            var modifiedList = new List<ControlSystemAlarmPropertyValue>();

            foreach (var component in controlSystemComponents)
                if (component.ControlSystemAlarmPropertyValues != null && component.ControlSystemAlarmPropertyValues.Any())

            if (!modifiedList.Any()) { return; }

            var idList = (from x in modifiedList select x.Id).ToArray();
            var dbMatches = (from x in cee.ControlSystemAlarmPropertyValues where idList.Contains(x.Id) select x).ToList();

            var purposes = (from x in cee.ControlSystemAlarmPurposes select x).ToList();
            var consequences = (from x in cee.ControlSystemAlarmConsequences select x).ToList();
            var responses = (from x in cee.ControlSystemAlarmResponses select x).ToList();
            var priorities = (from x in cee.ControlSystemAlarmPriorities select x).ToList();
            var users = GetQuickUsersInternal(true, cee);

            var messages = new List<string>();

            foreach (var pv in modifiedList)
                ControlSystemAlarmPropertyValue db;
                if (pv.Id != 0)
                    db = (from x in dbMatches where x.Id == pv.Id select x).FirstOrDefault();
                    db = new ControlSystemAlarmPropertyValue();

                if (db != null)
                    var propertyComparer = new ModifiedAlarmPropertyComparer(db, pv, priorities, purposes, consequences, responses, users);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyComparer.Result))
                        var heading = string.Format("[Component: {0}, Alarm: {1}] ", pv.ControlSystemComponent.Name, pv.ControlSystemAlarmProperty.Name);


            var rh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory();

            if (messages.Any())
                var joined = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, messages);

                rh.Description = joined;
                rh.ControlSystemId = controlSystemId;
                rh.Date = DateTime.Now;
                rh.UserId = userId;
                rh.IsSystemMessage = true;

                var latestPrh = (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories
                                 where x.ControlSystemId == controlSystemId
                                 select x.Revision).ToList();

                if (latestPrh.Count > 0)
                    rh.Revision = latestPrh.AsQueryable().Max() + VERSIONINCREMENT;
                    rh.Revision = VERSIONINCREMENT;

        private static void BuildComponentsToBeDeletedRevisionHistory(ControlSystem controlSystem, int userId, IEnumerable<ControlSystemComponent> componentsToBeDeleted, CmsEntities cee)
            var rh = new ControlSystemRevisionHistory();

            var componentMessages = (from x in componentsToBeDeleted select "Name: " + x.Name + " Type: " + x.ControlSystemComponentType.Name).ToArray();

            if (componentMessages.Length > 0)
                var removedItems = string.Join(",", componentMessages);

                rh.Description = string.Format("ControlSystem Components were removed : {0}", removedItems);
                rh.ControlSystemId = controlSystem.Id;
                rh.Date = DateTime.Now;
                rh.UserId = userId;
                rh.IsSystemMessage = true;

                var latestPrh = (from x in cee.ControlSystemRevisionHistories
                                 where x.ControlSystemId == controlSystem.Id
                                 select x.Revision).ToList();

                if (latestPrh.Count > 0)
                    rh.Revision = latestPrh.AsQueryable().Max() + VERSIONINCREMENT;
                    rh.Revision = VERSIONINCREMENT;