        /// <summary>
        /// Generate control file
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateControlFile()
            string strPageID;
            string strDefaultLayout;
            string strPageLayout;
            string strPageType;

            ArrayList objPages = new ArrayList();

            //1. Get the required data
            strDefaultLayout = lstDefaultLayout.SelectedValue;

            foreach (DataGridItem dgrItem in dgrPages.Items)
                ListBox lstLayout   = (ListBox)dgrItem.FindControl("lstPageLayout");
                Literal litPageID   = (Literal)dgrItem.FindControl("litPageID");
                Literal litPageType = (Literal)dgrItem.FindControl("litPageType");

                // Get the page layout value
                strPageLayout = lstLayout.SelectedValue;
                strPageID     = litPageID.Text;
                strPageType   = litPageType.Text;

                // If layout contains the '-- Use Default--' stlye entry then use the page level entry
                if (strPageLayout == cm_strDefault)
                    strPageLayout = strDefaultLayout;

                objPages.Add(new ControlFilePage(strPageID, strPageLayout, strPageType));

            //2. Populate the control file
            ControlFile objControlFile = new ControlFile(objPages);

            objControlFile.DefaultLayout = strDefaultLayout;
            objControlFile.Style         = lstStyle.SelectedValue;

            //3. Serialize the control class to Xml file
            XmlSerializer objSer        = new XmlSerializer(objControlFile.GetType());
            FileStream    fsControlFile = new FileStream(lblGeneratePath.Text + "\\Control.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);

            objSer.Serialize(fsControlFile, objControlFile);

            // Flush close and quit