        public override FATabStripItem CreateTab()
            this.editor = new FastColoredTextBox();

            this.tab       = new FATabStripItem();
            this.tab.Title = this.File.Name;
            this.tab.Tag   = this;

            //load the spellchecker extension for FastColoredTextBox
            SpellCheckFastColoredTextBox spellCheckerTextBox = new SpellCheckFastColoredTextBox();

            ControlExtensions.LoadSingleControlExtension(editor, spellCheckerTextBox);
            spellCheckerTextBox.SpellCheckMatch = @"^([\w']+)| ([\w']+)|>([\w']+)"; // Only process words starting a line, following a space or a tag

            this.editor.Parent = this.tab;
            this.editor.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;
            this.editor.Text   = this.Read();

            this.editor.TextChanged += this.Editor_TextChanged;
            this.editor.KeyDown     += this.Editor_KeyDown;
            this.editor.MouseMove   += this.Editor_MouseMove;
            this.editor.MouseUp     += this.Editor_MouseUp;
            this.editor.MouseDown   += this.Editor_MouseDown;

            autoMenu = new AutocompleteMenu(this.editor); //Autocompletion items will be set upon tab selection to be able to include all vocab files
            autoMenu.MinFragmentLength = 2;
            autoMenu.TopLevel          = true;
            autoMenu.Items.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 300);
            autoMenu.Items.Width       = 200;
