 protected GetterInfo(string kind, ColumnType type)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(kind, nameof(kind), "Invalid metadata kind");
     Contracts.CheckValue(type, nameof(type));
     Kind = kind;
     Type = type;
        public ColumnMetadataInfo(string name)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));

            Name   = name;
            _infos = new Dictionary <string, MetadataInfo>();
            internal ColumnInfoBase(ModelLoadContext ctx, string input, string output, bool normKindSerialized)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(output, nameof(output));
                Input  = input;
                Output = output;

                // *** Binary format ***
                // byte: SubtractMean
                // byte: NormKind
                // Float: Scale
                SubtractMean = ctx.Reader.ReadBoolByte();
                byte normKindVal = ctx.Reader.ReadByte();

                Contracts.CheckDecode(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(LpNormalizingEstimatorBase.NormalizerKind), normKindVal));
                NormKind = (LpNormalizingEstimatorBase.NormalizerKind)normKindVal;
                // Note: In early versions, a bool option (useStd) to whether to normalize by StdDev rather than
                // L2 norm was used. normKind was added in version=verVectorNormalizerSupported.
                // normKind was defined in a way such that the serialized boolean (0: use StdDev, 1: use L2) is
                // still valid.
                Contracts.CheckDecode(normKindSerialized ||
                                      (NormKind == LpNormalizingEstimatorBase.NormalizerKind.L2Norm || NormKind == LpNormalizingEstimatorBase.NormalizerKind.StdDev));
                Scale = ctx.Reader.ReadFloat();
                Contracts.CheckDecode(0 < Scale && Scale < float.PositiveInfinity);
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="name"/> will be used as source.</param>
 /// <param name="bag">Whether to combine multiple indicator vectors into a single bag vector instead of concatenating them. This is only relevant when the input column is a vector.</param>
 public ColumnInfo(string name, string inputColumnName = null, bool bag = KeyToVectorMappingEstimator.Defaults.Bag)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));
     Name            = name;
     InputColumnName = inputColumnName ?? name;
     Bag             = bag;
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">Name of input column.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="input"/>. Null means <paramref name="input"/> is replaced.</param>
 /// <param name="bag">Whether to combine multiple indicator vectors into a single bag vector instead of concatenating them. This is only relevant when the input column is a vector.</param>
 public ColumnInfo(string input, string output = null, bool bag = KeyToVectorMappingEstimator.Defaults.Bag)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));
     Input  = input;
     Output = output ?? input;
     Bag    = bag;
            public Bindings(ArgumentsBase args, bool keep, ISchema schemaInput)

                Keep  = keep;
                Input = schemaInput;

                Names = new HashSet <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Columns.Length; i++)
                    var name = args.Columns[i];
                    Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(args.Columns));

                    // REVIEW: Should this just be a warning?
                    if (!Names.Add(name))
                        throw Contracts.ExceptUserArg(nameof(args.Columns), "Column '{0}' specified multiple times", name);

                BuildMap(out ColMap, out NameToCol);

                AsSchema = Schema.Create(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a stream writer for the specified file using the specified encoding and buffer size.
        /// If the file exists, it can be either overwritten or appended to.
        /// If the file does not exist, a new file is created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The complete file path to write to.</param>
        /// <param name="append">
        /// true to append data to the file; false to overwrite the file.
        /// If the specified file does not exist, this parameter has no effect and a new file is created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The character encoding to use.</param>
        /// <param name="bufferSize">The buffer size, in bytes.</param>
        /// <returns>The stream writer to write to the specified file.</returns>
        protected static StreamWriter OpenWriter(string path, bool append = false, Encoding encoding = null, int bufferSize = 1024)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(path, nameof(path));
            return(Utils.OpenWriter(File.Open(path, append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.OpenOrCreate), encoding, bufferSize, false));
            return(new StreamWriter(path, append));
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a stream reader for the specified file name, with the specified character encoding, byte order mark detection option, and buffer size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The complete file path to be read.</param>
        /// <returns>The stream reader to read from the specified file.</returns>
        protected static StreamReader OpenReader(string path)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(path, nameof(path));
            return(new StreamReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)));
            return(new StreamReader(path));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic facilities for calling a function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="func">The function to call</param>
        /// <param name="prms">The parameters for the function</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static JObject Call(string func, params JToken[] prms)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(func, nameof(func));
            Contracts.CheckValue(prms, nameof(prms));
            var retval = new JObject();

            retval[func] = new JArray(prms);
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">Name of input column.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="input"/>. Null means <paramref name="input"/> is replaced.</param>
 /// <param name="replacementMode">What to replace the missing value with.</param>
 /// <param name="imputeBySlot">If true, per-slot imputation of replacement is performed.
 /// Otherwise, replacement value is imputed for the entire vector column. This setting is ignored for scalars and variable vectors,
 /// where imputation is always for the entire column.</param>
 public ColumnInfo(string input, string output = null, ReplacementMode replacementMode = MissingValueReplacingEstimator.Defaults.ReplacementMode,
                   bool imputeBySlot           = MissingValueReplacingEstimator.Defaults.ImputeBySlot)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));
     Input        = input;
     Output       = output ?? input;
     ImputeBySlot = imputeBySlot;
     Replacement  = replacementMode;
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="name"/> will be used as source.</param>
 /// <param name="replacementMode">What to replace the missing value with.</param>
 /// <param name="imputeBySlot">If true, per-slot imputation of replacement is performed.
 /// Otherwise, replacement value is imputed for the entire vector column. This setting is ignored for scalars and variable vectors,
 /// where imputation is always for the entire column.</param>
 public ColumnInfo(string name, string inputColumnName = null, ReplacementMode replacementMode = MissingValueReplacingEstimator.Defaults.ReplacementMode,
                   bool imputeBySlot = MissingValueReplacingEstimator.Defaults.ImputeBySlot)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));
     Name            = name;
     InputColumnName = inputColumnName ?? name;
     ImputeBySlot    = imputeBySlot;
     Replacement     = replacementMode;
            public RepositoryStreamWrapper(RepositoryReader repository, string directory, string filename)
                Contracts.CheckValue(repository, nameof(repository));
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(directory, nameof(directory));
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(filename, nameof(filename));

                _repository = repository;
                _directory  = directory;
                _filename   = filename;
 private protected ColumnOptionsBase(string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName,
                                     int maximumNumberOfKeys, KeyOrdinality keyOrdinality, bool addKeyValueAnnotationsAsText)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(outputColumnName, nameof(outputColumnName));
     OutputColumnName             = outputColumnName;
     InputColumnName              = inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName;
     KeyOrdinality                = keyOrdinality;
     MaximumNumberOfKeys          = maximumNumberOfKeys;
     AddKeyValueAnnotationsAsText = addKeyValueAnnotationsAsText;
 private protected ColumnOptionsBase(string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName,
                                     int maxNumKeys, SortOrder sort, string[] term, bool textKeyValues)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(outputColumnName, nameof(outputColumnName));
     OutputColumnName = outputColumnName;
     InputColumnName  = inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName;
     Sort             = sort;
     MaxNumKeys       = maxNumKeys;
     TermArray        = term;
     TextKeyValues    = textKeyValues;
 internal ColumnInfoBase(string input, string output, bool substractMean, LpNormalizingEstimatorBase.NormalizerKind normalizerKind, float scale)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(output, nameof(output));
     Input        = input;
     Output       = output;
     SubtractMean = substractMean;
     Contracts.CheckUserArg(0 < scale && scale < float.PositiveInfinity, nameof(scale), "scale must be a positive finite value");
     Scale    = scale;
     NormKind = normalizerKind;
            public static Range Parse(string str)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(str, nameof(str));

                var res = new Range();

                if (res.TryParse(str))
            internal static Column Parse(string str)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(str, nameof(str));

                var res = new Column();

                if (res.TryParse(str))
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="outputColumnName">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of the column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="outputColumnName"/> will be used as source.</param>
 /// <param name="maxNumKeys">Maximum number of keys to keep per column when auto-training.</param>
 /// <param name="sort">How items should be ordered when vectorized. If <see cref="SortOrder.Occurrence"/> choosen they will be in the order encountered.
 /// If <see cref="SortOrder.Value"/>, items are sorted according to their default comparison, for example, text sorting will be case sensitive (for example, 'A' then 'Z' then 'a').</param>
 /// <param name="term">List of terms.</param>
 /// <param name="textKeyValues">Whether key value metadata should be text, regardless of the actual input type.</param>
 public ColumnOptions(string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName = null,
                      int maxNumKeys     = Defaults.MaxNumKeys,
                      SortOrder sort     = Defaults.Sort,
                      string[] term      = null,
                      bool textKeyValues = false
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(outputColumnName, nameof(outputColumnName));
     OutputColumnName = outputColumnName;
     InputColumnName  = inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName;
     Sort             = sort;
     MaxNumKeys       = maxNumKeys;
     Term             = term;
     TextKeyValues    = textKeyValues;
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of the column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="name"/> will be used as source.</param>
 /// <param name="maxNumTerms">Maximum number of terms to keep per column when auto-training.</param>
 /// <param name="sort">How items should be ordered when vectorized. If <see cref="SortOrder.Occurrence"/> choosen they will be in the order encountered.
 /// If <see cref="SortOrder.Value"/>, items are sorted according to their default comparison, for example, text sorting will be case sensitive (for example, 'A' then 'Z' then 'a').</param>
 /// <param name="term">List of terms.</param>
 /// <param name="textKeyValues">Whether key value metadata should be text, regardless of the actual input type.</param>
 public ColumnInfo(string name, string inputColumnName = null,
                   int maxNumTerms    = ValueToKeyMappingEstimator.Defaults.MaxNumTerms,
                   SortOrder sort     = ValueToKeyMappingEstimator.Defaults.Sort,
                   string[] term      = null,
                   bool textKeyValues = false
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));
     Name            = name;
     InputColumnName = inputColumnName ?? name;
     Sort            = sort;
     MaxNumTerms     = maxNumTerms;
     Term            = term;
     TextKeyValues   = textKeyValues;
 /// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">Name of input column.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="input"/>. Null means <paramref name="input"/> is replaced.</param>
 /// <param name="maxNumTerms">Maximum number of terms to keep per column when auto-training.</param>
 /// <param name="sort">How items should be ordered when vectorized. If <see cref="SortOrder.Occurrence"/> choosen they will be in the order encountered.
 /// If <see cref="SortOrder.Value"/>, items are sorted according to their default comparison, for example, text sorting will be case sensitive (for example, 'A' then 'Z' then 'a').</param>
 /// <param name="term">List of terms.</param>
 /// <param name="textKeyValues">Whether key value metadata should be text, regardless of the actual input type.</param>
 public ColumnInfo(string input, string output = null,
                   int maxNumTerms             = ValueToKeyMappingEstimator.Defaults.MaxNumTerms,
                   SortOrder sort     = ValueToKeyMappingEstimator.Defaults.Sort,
                   string[] term      = null,
                   bool textKeyValues = false
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));
     Input         = input;
     Output        = output ?? input;
     Sort          = sort;
     MaxNumTerms   = maxNumTerms;
     Term          = term;
     TextKeyValues = textKeyValues;
            /// <summary>
            /// Describes how the transformer handles one input-output column pair.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="name">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
            /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="name"/> will be used as source.</param>
            /// <param name="colors">What colors to extract.</param>
            /// <param name="interleave"></param>
            /// <param name="scale">Scale color pixel value by this amount.</param>
            /// <param name="offset">Offset color pixel value by this amount.</param>
            /// <param name="asFloat">Output array as float array. If false, output as byte array.</param>

            public ColumnInfo(string name, string inputColumnName = null,
                              ColorBits colors = Defaults.Colors,
                              bool interleave  = Defaults.Interleave,
                              float scale      = Defaults.Scale,
                              float offset     = Defaults.Offset,
                              bool asFloat     = Defaults.Convert)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));

                Name            = name;
                InputColumnName = inputColumnName ?? name;
                Colors          = colors;

                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Alpha) == ColorBits.Alpha)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Red) == ColorBits.Red)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Green) == ColorBits.Green)
                if ((Colors & ColorBits.Blue) == ColorBits.Blue)
                Contracts.CheckParam(Planes > 0, nameof(colors), "Need to use at least one color plane");

                Interleave = interleave;

                AsFloat = asFloat;
                if (!AsFloat)
                    Offset = Defaults.Offset;
                    Scale  = Defaults.Scale;
                    Offset = offset;
                    Scale  = scale;
                Contracts.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFinite(Offset), nameof(offset));
                Contracts.CheckParam(FloatUtils.IsFiniteNonZero(Scale), nameof(scale));
            /// <summary>
            /// Parse all column values from the directory path.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="path">The directory path to parse for name/value pairs.</param>
            /// <param name="results">The resulting name value pairs.</param>
            /// <returns>true if the parsing was successfull.</returns>
            private bool TryParseValuesFromPath(string path, out List <string> results)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(path, nameof(path));

                results = null;

                    results = _parent._pathParser.ParseValues(path).ToList();
                catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                    Ch.Warning($"Could not parse column values from the path {path}. Ex: {e.Message}");
                    results = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// For parsing name and source from a string. This supports "name" and "name:source" and "name:extra:source".
        /// For the last form, the out extra parameter is set accordingly. For the other forms, extra is set to null.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TryParse(string str, out string name, out string source, out string extra)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(str, nameof(str));

            extra = null;
            int ich = str.IndexOf(':');

            if (ich < 0)
                name   = str;
                source = str;
            if (ich == 0 || ich >= str.Length - 1)
                name   = null;
                source = null;

            name = str.Substring(0, ich);

            int ichMin = ich + 1;

            ich = str.LastIndexOf(':');
            Contracts.Assert(ich >= ichMin - 1);
            if (ich == ichMin - 1)
                source = str.Substring(ichMin);
            if (ich == ichMin || ich >= str.Length - 1)
                name   = null;
                source = null;

            extra  = str.Substring(ichMin, ich - ichMin);
            source = str.Substring(ich + 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// For parsing name and source from a string. This supports "name" and "name:source".
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TryParse(string str, out string name, out string source)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(str, nameof(str));

            int ich = str.IndexOf(':');

            if (ich < 0)
                name   = str;
                source = str;

            if (0 < ich && ich < str.Length - 1)
                name   = str.Substring(0, ich);
                source = str.Substring(ich + 1);

            name   = null;
            source = null;
 public void Rename(string newName)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(newName, nameof(newName));
     VariableName = newName;
            /// <summary>
            /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="input">Name of input column.</param>
            /// <param name="output">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="input"/>. Null means <paramref name="input"/> is replaced.</param>

            public ColumnInfo(string input, string output = null)
                Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(input));
                Input  = input;
                Output = output ?? input;
 public static JObject FuncRef(string func)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(func, nameof(func));
     return(((JObject)null).AddReturn("fcn", func));
 public static JObject Cell(string name)
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(name, nameof(name));
     return(((JObject)null).AddReturn("cell", name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a stream reader for the specified file name, with the specified character encoding, byte order mark detection option, and buffer size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The complete file path to be read.</param>
        /// <returns>The stream reader to read from the specified file.</returns>
        protected static StreamReader OpenReader(string path)
            Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(path, nameof(path));

            return(new StreamReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Start building metadata for a column that passes through metadata of the given kind from
 /// a source column.
 /// </summary>
 public Builder BuildMetadata(int index, Schema schemaSrc, int indexSrc, string kindSrc)
     Contracts.CheckValue(schemaSrc, nameof(schemaSrc));
     Contracts.CheckNonWhiteSpace(kindSrc, nameof(kindSrc));
     return(new Builder(this, index, schemaSrc, indexSrc, (k, i) => k == kindSrc));