static void Main(string[] args) { bool notdone = true; string username = ""; string password = ""; string command = ""; string secretPhrase = ""; string welcome = "Welcome to " + Constants.ProgramName; string message = welcome; UsersContext uctx = new UsersContext(); UserContext ucUser = null; while (notdone) { BoardContext.Initialize(); DisplaySplash(message); Console.WriteLine(" Using the Properties dialog on the top-left menu:"); Console.WriteLine(" 1. On the Fonts tab, set your Font Size to 12"); Console.WriteLine(" 2. On the Layouts tab, set your Window Height and Width to 66 rows x 66 columns (minimum)"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Username: "******""; Console.Write("Password: "******"*"); } else { if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && password.Length > 0) { password = password.Substring(0, (password.Length - 1)); Console.Write("\b \b"); } } }while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter); Console.WriteLine(); // Reference: secretPhrase = ""; Console.Write("Secret Phrase: "); do { key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Backspace && key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { secretPhrase += key.KeyChar; Console.Write("*"); } else { if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && secretPhrase.Length > 0) { secretPhrase = secretPhrase.Substring(0, (secretPhrase.Length - 1)); Console.Write("\b \b"); } } }while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter); Console.WriteLine(); if (username.Length >= 1 && password.Length >= 1 && secretPhrase.Length >= 1) { byte[] encodedUsername; byte[] encodedPassword; if (username == "100") { encodedUsername = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(username); encodedPassword = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password); } else { encodedUsername = Helpers.GetHash(username); encodedPassword = Helpers.GetHash(username + password + secretPhrase); } password = ""; secretPhrase = ""; //Console.WriteLine("user: "******" " + encodedUsername.ToHexString()); //Console.WriteLine("user.ep.true: " + encodedPassword.ToHexString()); UserCredentials uc = Contract.GetUserCredentials(encodedUsername); if (uc == null) { //Console.WriteLine("User '" + username + "' not found"); string response = ""; while (response != "YES" && response != "NO") { string text = "'" + username + "' was not found in the User Directory. Do you want to register as new user [YES or NO]?"; //Console.WriteLine(text); //response = Console.ReadLine(); } if (response == "NO") { //Console.WriteLine("NO: " + username); //Console.ReadLine(); notdone = true; } else // YES - add user { bool success = Contract.AddUser(encodedUsername, encodedPassword); //Console.WriteLine("YES: " + username); //Console.WriteLine(" " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(uc.encodedUsername)); //Console.WriteLine("YES.ep: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(uc.encodedPassword)); ucUser = new UserContext(username, encodedUsername, encodedPassword); message = "The account for '" + username + "' is being created. Try to login in minute or so."; //Console.ReadLine(); notdone = true; } } else // found user - check password { //Console.WriteLine("User '" + username + "' found"); //Console.WriteLine("uc.ep: " + uc.encodedPassword.ToHexString() + " " + uc.encodedPassword.ToHexString().Length.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("user.ep: " + encodedPassword.ToHexString() + " " + encodedPassword.ToHexString().Length.ToString()); if (uc.encodedPassword.SequenceEqual(encodedPassword)) { //Console.WriteLine("User " + username + " password matches"); ucUser = new UserContext(username, encodedUsername, encodedPassword); UserPoint[] pointsUser = Contract.GetAllPoints(ucUser.EncodedUsername); bool firstPointUser = true; foreach (UserPoint up in pointsUser) { if (firstPointUser) { ucUser.AddPoint(up, username); firstPointUser = false; } else { ucUser.AddPoint(up); } } uctx.uc.Add(username, ucUser); notdone = false; } else { message = "The password for '" + username + "' does not match"; //Console.WriteLine("User " + username + " password does not match"); //Console.WriteLine("uc.ep: " + uc.encodedPassword.ToHexString()); //Console.WriteLine("user.ep: " + encodedPassword.ToHexString()); } //Console.ReadLine(); } } } UserContext ucHedge = new UserContext("Hedge", "Hedge", "Hedge"); UserPoint[] pointsHedge = new UserPoint[] { new UserPoint { x = 20, y = 2 }, new UserPoint { x = 40, y = 100 } }; bool firstPoint = true; foreach (UserPoint up in pointsHedge) { if (firstPoint) { ucHedge.AddPoint(up, "Hedge"); firstPoint = false; } else { ucHedge.AddPoint(up); } } uctx.uc.Add("Hedge", ucHedge); UserContext ucWall = new UserContext("Wall", "Wall", "Wall"); UserPoint[] pointsWall = new UserPoint[] { new UserPoint { x = 2, y = 3 }, new UserPoint { x = 30, y = 5 } }; firstPoint = true; foreach (UserPoint up in pointsWall) { if (firstPoint) { ucWall.AddPoint(up, "Wall"); firstPoint = false; } else { ucWall.AddPoint(up); } } uctx.uc.Add("Wall", ucWall); UserContext uc100 = new UserContext("100", "100", "100"); UserPoint[] points100 = Contract.GetAllPoints(uc100.EncodedUsername); firstPoint = true; foreach (UserPoint up in points100) { if (firstPoint) { uc100.AddPoint(up, "User 100"); firstPoint = false; } else { uc100.AddPoint(up); } } uctx.uc.Add("100", uc100); BoardContext.DrawVectors(ucHedge, '*'); BoardContext.DrawVectors(ucWall, '.'); BoardContext.DrawVectors(uc100, '+'); notdone = true; welcome = "Welcome " + ucUser.Username + "\t(" + BitConverter.ToString(ucUser.EncodedUsername).Replace("-", "") + ")"; message = welcome; while (notdone) { BoardContext.DrawBoard(message); Console.Write("Commmand: "); command = Console.ReadLine(); string[] parts = command.Trim().Split(' '); if (parts.Length == 0) { message = Constants.helpMessage; continue; } message = welcome; string verb = parts[0]; switch (verb) { case "add": // Add point { if (parts.Length != 3) { message = "Wrong number of parameters (" + parts.Length.ToString() + "). Use: add x y"; } else { int _x = -1; int _y = -1; Int32.TryParse(parts[1], out _x); Int32.TryParse(parts[2], out _y); if (_x < 0 || _x >= Constants.NCOLS || _y < 0 || _y >= Constants.NROWS) { message = "0 < X < " + Constants.NCOLS.ToString(); message += " and 0 < Y < " + Constants.NROWS.ToString() + "."; break; } UserPoint up = new UserPoint { x = _x, y = _y }; Contract.AddPoint(ucUser.EncodedUsername, up); message = "Adding point ( " + _x.ToString() + ", " + _y.ToString() + ")"; //Console.ReadLine(); } break; } case "delete": { break; } case "get": { break; } case "exit": { notdone = false; break; } case "help": { message = Constants.helpMessage; break; } default: { message = Constants.helpMessage; UserPoint[] pointsUser = Contract.GetAllPoints(ucUser.EncodedUsername); bool firstPointUser = true; foreach (UserPoint up in pointsUser) { if (firstPointUser) { ucUser.AddPoint(up, username); firstPointUser = false; } else { ucUser.AddPoint(up); } } break; } } BoardContext.DrawVectors(ucUser, '#'); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }