public RequireCultureValidator() { RuleFor(x => x.CultureName) .NotNull().WithMessage(ErrorDetailConstants.HeaderFieldRequired) .NotEmpty().WithMessage(ErrorDetailConstants.HeaderFieldEmpty) .Must(m => ContextResolver.GetContextByCultureName(m) != null).WithMessage(ErrorDetailConstants.HeaderFieldNotSupported); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the label text /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Field value</param> private string GetLabelText(object value) { string txt; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputFormat)) { txt = OutputFormat; } else { // Try to find the transformation if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Transformation) && UniGridTransformations.Global.ExecuteTransformation(label, Transformation, ref value)) { txt = ValidationHelper.GetString(value, ""); } else if (FieldInfo != null) { txt = GetStringValue(value); } else { txt = ValidationHelper.GetString(value, ""); } } // Resolve macros return(ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(txt)); }
private Task assertEmptyContext(HttpContext context) { var ctx = ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <CorrelationContext>(); Assert.NotNull(ctx); return(Task.FromResult(1)); }
public Task SendEventsAsync(IReadOnlyCollection <EventData> events, long transmissionSequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (this.telemetryClient == null || events == null || events.Count == 0) { return(CompletedTask); } try { foreach (var e in events) { //restore event context so ApplicationInsights TelemetryInitializer could access it object eventContext; if (e.TryGetPropertyValue("EventContext", out eventContext)) { ContextResolver.SetRequestContext(eventContext); } if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return(CompletedTask); } IReadOnlyCollection <EventMetadata> metadata; bool handled = false; if (e.TryGetMetadata(MetricData.MetricMetadataKind, out metadata)) { TrackMetric(e, metadata); handled = true; } if (e.TryGetMetadata(RequestData.RequestMetadataKind, out metadata)) { TrackRequest(e, metadata); handled = true; } if (!handled) { object message = null; e.Payload.TryGetValue("Message", out message); TraceTelemetry t = new TraceTelemetry(message as string ?? string.Empty); AddProperties(t, e); telemetryClient.TrackTrace(t); } } telemetryClient.Flush(); this.healthReporter.ReportHealthy(); } catch (Exception e) { this.healthReporter.ReportProblem("Diagnostics data upload has failed." + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString()); } return(CompletedTask); }
private static object OnBeginGetResponse <TContext>(object requestObj, Configuration <TContext, WebRequest, WebResponse> config) where TContext : ICorrelationContext <TContext> { var request = requestObj as HttpWebRequest; if (request != null) { if (config.EndpointFilter.Validate(request.RequestUri)) { var ctx = ContextResolver.GetContext <TContext>(); if (ctx != null) { foreach (var injector in config.ContextInjectors) { injector.UpdateRequest(ctx, request); } try { config.RequestNotifier?.OnBeforeRequest(ctx.GetChildRequestContext(request.GetChildRequestId()), request); } catch (Exception) { //ignored } } } } return(requestObj); }
/// <summary> /// Resolve custom macros for specified input value. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value to resolve</param> /// <param name="dr">Current data row</param> /// <param name="columnName">Column name</param> /// <param name="sum">Summary of all items</param> private string ResolveCustomMacros(string value, DataRow dr, string columnName, double sum) { // Ensure resolver if (itemResolver == null) { itemResolver = CMSContext.CurrentResolver.CreateContextChild(); } // Get current item value double itemvalue = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr[columnName], 0.0); // Custom macros definition string[,] macros = new string[4, 2]; macros[0, 0] = "xval"; macros[0, 1] = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); macros[1, 0] = "yval"; macros[1, 1] = Convert.ToString(itemvalue); macros[2, 0] = "ser"; macros[2, 1] = columnName; macros[3, 0] = "pval"; macros[3, 1] = Convert.ToString(itemvalue / sum * 100); // Set custom macros itemResolver.SourceParameters = macros; // Resolve macros return(itemResolver.ResolveMacros(value)); }
private void SendEmail() { EmailMessage msg = new CMS.EmailEngine.EmailMessage(); EmailTemplateInfo eti = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.ChangedPassword", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID); string pswd = passStrength.Text.Trim(); ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(CurrentUser.UserName); if (ui != null) { if (eti != null) { MacroResolver mcr = new MacroResolver(); // Macros string[,] macros = new string[5, 2]; macros[0, 0] = "UserName"; macros[0, 1] = ui.UserName; macros[1, 0] = "Password"; macros[1, 1] = pswd; ContextResolver resolver = MacroContext.CurrentResolver; resolver.SourceParameters = macros; resolver.EncodeResolvedValues = true; msg.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Both; msg.From = "*****@*****.**"; msg.Recipients = CurrentUser.Email; msg.Subject = "Changement de mot de passe - Servranx"; EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, msg, eti, resolver, true); } } }
private Task assertEmptyContext(IDictionary <string, object> environment) { var ctx = ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <CorrelationContext>(); Assert.NotNull(ctx); return(Task.FromResult(1)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a resolver based on given name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the resolver</param> public static ContextResolver GetResolver(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(GetDefaultResolver()); } string key = name.ToLowerCSafe(); ContextResolver resolver = GetStaticResolver(name); if (resolver == null) { if (key.StartsWithCSafe("form.")) { resolver = GetFormResolver(key.Substring(5)); } else if (key.StartsWithCSafe("formdefinition.")) { resolver = GetFormDefinitionResolver(name.Substring(15)); } else { resolver = GetDefaultResolver(); } } return(resolver.CreateContextChild()); }
public async Task SuccessFlowWebRequest() { fixture.Notifier.BeforeWasCalled = false; fixture.Notifier.AfterWasCalled = false; fixture.Injector.WasCalled = false; var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ContextResolver.SetContext(new CorrelationContext(correlationId)); var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(""); try { await request.GetResponseAsync(); } catch { // ignored } Assert.True(fixture.Injector.WasCalled); Assert.True(fixture.Notifier.BeforeWasCalled); Assert.True(fixture.Notifier.AfterWasCalled); }
/// <summary> /// Page load. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set control style and css class if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ControlStyle)) { txtMacro.Editor.Attributes.Add("style", this.ControlStyle); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CssClass)) { txtMacro.Editor.CssClass = this.CssClass; } this.txtMacro.ShowAutoCompletionAbove = this.ShowAutoCompletionAbove; this.txtMacro.Editor.UseSmallFonts = true; this.txtMacro.Editor.Height = new Unit("50px"); this.txtMacro.MixedMode = false; this.txtMacro.Editor.ShowToolbar = false; this.txtMacro.Editor.ShowLineNumbers = false; ContextResolver resolver = (ContextResolver)GetValue("Resolver"); if (resolver != null) { txtMacro.Resolver = resolver; } ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, typeof(string), "InsertMacroCondition", "function InsertMacroCondition(text) {" + this.txtMacro.Editor.EditorID + ".setValue(text);}", true); ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(this.Page); btnEdit.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("Design/Controls/UniGrid/Actions/Edit.png"); btnEdit.OnClientClick = "modalDialog('" + CMSContext.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSFormControls/Inputs/ConditionBuilder.aspx") + "?condition=' + encodeURIComponent(" + this.txtMacro.Editor.EditorID + ".getValue()) , 'editmacrocondition', 900, 700); return false;"; }
/// <summary> /// Creates breadcrumbs array leading to specified node using given tree provider and starting at given starting path. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Tree node to generate breadcrumbs for.</param> /// <param name="startingPath">Path where to start to generate.</param> protected virtual string[,] CreateBreadcrumbs(TreeNode node, string startingPath) { string[,] breadcrumbs = null; if (node != null) { const string columns = "NodeID, NodeAliasPath, NodeSiteID, NodeOwner, DocumentName, DocumentLastVersionName, DocumentMenuCaption, DocumentCulture, SiteName, ClassName, NodeACLID"; // Prepare the where condition string where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(null, TreeProvider.GetNodesOnPathWhereCondition(node.NodeAliasPath, true, true)); DataSet ds = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(CurrentSiteName, startingPath, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, "NodeAliasPath ASC", -1, false, 0, columns, node.TreeProvider); ds = TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions(ds, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, CMSContext.CurrentUser); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { // Initialize resolver ContextResolver currentResolver = CMSContext.CurrentResolver.CreateContextChild(); currentResolver.EncodeResolvedValues = true; DataRow[] resolverData = new DataRow[1]; DataTable table = ds.Tables[0]; // Prepare breadcrumbs breadcrumbs = new string[table.Rows.Count + 1, 4]; int i = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { // Add current datarow to the resolver resolverData[0] = dr; currentResolver.SourceData = resolverData; // Prepare the item name. Disable encoding. currentResolver.EncodeResolvedValues = false; string linkName = currentResolver.ResolveMacros(TreePathUtils.GetMenuCaption(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["DocumentMenuCaption"], String.Empty), ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["DocumentName"], String.Empty))); currentResolver.EncodeResolvedValues = true; // Use site name for root node linkName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkName) ? CMSContext.CurrentSite.DisplayName : linkName; // Create breadcrumb breadcrumbs[i, 0] = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(linkName); breadcrumbs[i, 1] = "~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Pages/Tools/Products/Product_List.aspx?nodeid=" + dr["NodeID"]; breadcrumbs[i, 3] = string.Format("EditDocument({0}); RefreshTree({0},{0});", dr["NodeID"]); // Increment index i++; } // Add 'properties' breadcrumb breadcrumbs[i, 0] = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(GetString((Action == "new") ? "" : "")); breadcrumbs[i, 1] = ""; breadcrumbs[i, 2] = ""; } } return(breadcrumbs); }
private static void validateHeader(HttpRequestMessage request) { IEnumerable <string> actualHeader; Assert.True(request.Headers.TryGetValues(CorrelationHeaderInfo.CorrelationIdHeaderName, out actualHeader)); Assert.Equal(1, actualHeader.Count()); Assert.Equal(ContextResolver.GetContext <CorrelationContext>().CorrelationId, actualHeader.First()); }
private Task AssertContext(HttpContext context) { var ctx = ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <CorrelationContext>(); Assert.NotNull(ctx); Assert.Equal(correlationId, ctx.CorrelationId); return(Task.FromResult(1)); }
private Task AssertContext(IDictionary <string, object> environment) { var ctx = ContextResolver.GetContext <CorrelationContext>(); Assert.NotNull(ctx); Assert.Equal(correlationId, ctx.CorrelationId); return(Task.FromResult(1)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { chkBindObject.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(Caption)); if (Form != null) { Form.OnAfterSave += Form_OnAfterSave; } }
/// <summary> /// Inits page /// </summary> private void InitPage() { // Disable debug for this page if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(UIContext["disabledebug"], false)) { DisableDebugging(); } // Master page must he addressed here to allow access to page controls on PreInit - DO NOT REMOVE! var master = Master as CMSMasterPage; if (UIContext.IsDialog) { master.PanelBody.CssClass = "DialogPageBody"; } if (HandleHierarchy()) { return; } switch (UIElement.ElementType) { case UIElementTypeEnum.PageTemplate: LoadTemplate(); break; case UIElementTypeEnum.Url: { string url = ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(UIElement.ElementTargetURL); RedirectToUrl(url); } break; } if (PageTemplate.PageTemplateIsLayout) { // Layout template needs to propagate the return handler further. The return handler may be used in one of the child layout panes. var handlerName = QueryHelper.GetString("returnhandler", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(handlerName)) { string script = string.Format( @" function {0}(parameterValue) {{ if (wopener && wopener.{0}) {{ wopener.{0}(parameterValue); }} }} ", ScriptHelper.GetString(handlerName, false)); ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "returnhandler", script, true); } } }
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry) { //add request id to every event var ctx = ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <MyContext>(); if (ctx != null) { telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = ctx.CorrelationId; } }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); ContactInfo contact = new ContactInfo(); ContextResolver resolver = CMSContext.CurrentResolver.CreateContextChild(); resolver.SetNamedSourceData("Contact", contact); DescriptionMacroEditor.Resolver = resolver; DescriptionMacroEditor.Editor.Language = LanguageEnum.Text; }
public static void LogIncomingRequest(HttpContext context, TimeSpan elapsed) { Log.Write("incoming_request", new { context.Request, context.Response, Elapsed = elapsed, Context = ContextResolver.GetContext <CorrelationContext>() }); }
public void SiteAssetsFolder_Should_Be_Correctly_Set() { mockContentRepository .Setup(x => x.GetDefault <ContentFolder>(It.IsAny <ContentReference>())) .Returns(new ContentFolder()); var contextResolver = new ContextResolver(mockContentRepository.Object, pageRouteHelper.Object); contextResolver.SiteAssetsFolder.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public async Task SuccessFlow() { var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ContextResolver.SetContext(new CorrelationContext(correlationId)); var innerHandler = setupMockHandler(validateHeader); var client = HttpClientBuilder.CreateClient(innerHandler.Object, new[] { new CorrelationContextInjector() }); await client.GetAsync(""); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonLdContextModule"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="pathProvider">@context path provider</param> /// <param name="provider">custom @context provider</param> public JsonLdContextModule(IContextPathMapper pathProvider, IContextProvider provider) : base(pathProvider.BasePath) { this.resolver = new ContextResolver(provider); foreach (var path in pathProvider.Contexts) { this.Get(path.Path, this.ServeContextOf(path.ModelType)); } }
public void ContextResolverSetClear() { var ctx = new TestContext { CorrelationId = "1", OtherId = "2" }; ContextResolver.SetRequestContext(ctx); ContextResolver.ClearContext(); Assert.Null(ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <TestContext>()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String text = String.Empty; String url = TargetUrl; bool enabled = true; String onClick = String.Empty; // If new element is set, load it directly, otherwise use first element with prefix 'new' in its name. UIElementInfo uiNew = String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewElement) ? UIContext.UIElement.GetNewElement() : UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo(UIContext.UIElement.ElementResourceID, NewElement); bool openInDialog = false; String dialogWidth = null; String dialogHeight = null; if (uiNew != null) { UIContextData data = new UIContextData(); data.LoadData(uiNew.ElementProperties); text = UIElementInfoProvider.GetElementCaption(uiNew); enabled = UIContextHelper.CheckElementVisibilityCondition(uiNew); url = ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(UIContextHelper.GetElementUrl(uiNew, UIContext)); openInDialog = data["OpenInDialog"].ToBoolean(false); dialogWidth = data["DialogWidth"].ToString(null); dialogHeight = data["DialogHeight"].ToString(null); // Set on-click for JavaScript type if (uiNew.ElementType == UIElementTypeEnum.Javascript) { onClick = url; url = String.Empty; } else { // For URL append dialog hash if needed url = UIContextHelper.AppendDialogHash(UIContext, url); } } // If url is non empty add action if (((url != String.Empty) || (onClick != String.Empty)) && (HeaderActions != null)) { HeaderActions.AddAction(new HeaderAction() { Text = GetString(text), RedirectUrl = url, Enabled = enabled, OnClientClick = onClick, OpenInDialog = openInDialog, DialogWidth = dialogWidth, DialogHeight = dialogHeight }); } }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the macros within current WebPart context, with special handling for onclickaction field. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputText">Input text to resolve</param> public string ResolveOnClickMacros(string inputText) { // Special "macro" with two '%' will be resolveed later if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputText) && !inputText.Contains("%%")) { ContextResolver resolver = ContextResolver.CreateContextChild(); resolver.KeepUnresolvedMacros = true; return(resolver.ResolveMacros(inputText, false)); } return(inputText); }
public void PutStringGetObject() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ContextResolver.SetRequestContext(guid); var got = ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <object>(); Assert.NotNull(got); Assert.Equal(guid, got.ToString()); }
public void ContextResolverSetGet() { var ctx = new TestContext { CorrelationId = "1", OtherId = "2" }; ContextResolver.SetRequestContext(ctx); var gotCtx = ContextResolver.GetRequestContext <TestContext>(); TestContextHelper.AssertAreEqual(ctx, gotCtx); }
private string GetConsentReferenceMarkup() { var consentReferenceMarkupFieldName = "ConsentReferenceMarkup"; if (FieldInfo.SettingIsMacro(consentReferenceMarkupFieldName)) { return(ContextResolver.ResolveMacros(FieldInfo.SettingsMacroTable[consentReferenceMarkupFieldName] as string)); } return(FieldInfo.Settings[consentReferenceMarkupFieldName] as string); }
public async Task NoInjectors() { var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ContextResolver.SetContext(correlationId); var innerHandler = setupMockHandler(validateNoHeader); var client = HttpClientBuilder.CreateClient(innerHandler.Object, new List <IContextInjector <string, HttpRequestMessage> >()); await client.GetAsync(""); }
/// <summary> /// Sets additional context values to resolver. /// </summary> /// <param name="resolver">Context resolver</param> private static void SetContext(ContextResolver resolver) { resolver.Context.DisableContextObjectMacros = true; }
/// <summary> /// Generate documentation page. /// </summary> protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); // Get current resolver resolver = CMSContext.CurrentResolver.CreateContextChild(); plImg = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/WebpartProperties/plus.png"); minImg = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/WebpartProperties/minus.png"); webPartId = QueryHelper.GetString("webPartId", String.Empty); if (webPartId != String.Empty) { wpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(webPartId); } string aliasPath = QueryHelper.GetString("aliaspath", String.Empty); // Ensure correct view mode if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasPath)) { // Ensure the dashboard mode for the dialog if (QueryHelper.Contains("dashboard")) { PortalContext.SetRequestViewMode(ViewModeEnum.DashboardWidgets); PortalContext.DashboardName = QueryHelper.GetString("dashboard", String.Empty); PortalContext.DashboardSiteName = QueryHelper.GetString("sitename", String.Empty); } // Ensure the design mode for the dialog else { PortalContext.SetRequestViewMode(ViewModeEnum.Design); } } // If widgetId is in query create widget documentation widgetID = QueryHelper.GetString("widgetId", String.Empty); if (widgetID != String.Empty) { // Get widget from instance string zoneId = QueryHelper.GetString("zoneid", String.Empty); Guid instanceGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("instanceGuid", Guid.Empty); int templateID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("templateID", 0); bool newItem = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("isNew", false); bool isInline = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("Inline", false); PageInfo pi = null; try { // Load page info from alias path and page template pi = CMSWebPartPropertiesPage.GetPageInfo(aliasPath, templateID); } catch (PageNotFoundException) { // Do not throw exception if page info not found (e.g. bad alias path) } if (pi != null) { PageTemplateInstance templateInstance = CMSPortalManager.GetTemplateInstanceForEditing(pi); if (templateInstance != null) { // Get the instance of widget WebPartInstance widgetInstance = templateInstance.GetWebPart(instanceGuid, widgetID); // Info for zone type WebPartZoneInstance zone = templateInstance.GetZone(zoneId); if (zone != null) { zoneType = zone.WidgetZoneType; } if (widgetInstance != null) { // Create widget from webpart instance wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetInstance.WebPartType); } } } // If inline widget display columns as in editor zone if (isInline) { zoneType = WidgetZoneTypeEnum.Editor; } // If no zone set (only global admins allowed to continue) if (zoneType == WidgetZoneTypeEnum.None) { if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserSiteManagerAdmin) { RedirectToAccessDenied(GetString("attach.actiondenied")); } } // If wi is still null (new item f.e.) if (wi == null) { // Try to get widget info directly by ID if (!newItem) { wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(widgetID); } else { wi = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgetInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(widgetID, 0)); } } } String itemDescription = String.Empty; String itemType = String.Empty; String itemDisplayName = String.Empty; String itemDocumentation = String.Empty; int itemID = 0; // Check whether webpart was found if (wpi != null) { itemDescription = wpi.WebPartDescription; itemType = PortalObjectType.WEBPART; itemID = wpi.WebPartID; itemDisplayName = wpi.WebPartDisplayName; itemDocumentation = wpi.WebPartDocumentation; } // Or widget was found else if (wi != null) { itemDescription = wi.WidgetDescription; itemType = PortalObjectType.WIDGET; itemID = wi.WidgetID; itemDisplayName = wi.WidgetDisplayName; itemDocumentation = wi.WidgetDocumentation; } if ((wpi != null) || (wi != null)) { // Get WebPart (widget) image DataSet ds = MetaFileInfoProvider.GetMetaFiles(itemID, itemType); // Set image url of exists if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { MetaFileInfo mtfi = new MetaFileInfo(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]); if (mtfi != null) { if (mtfi.MetaFileImageWidth > 385) { imgTeaser.Width = 385; } imgTeaser.ImageUrl = ResolveUrl("~/CMSPages/GetMetaFile.aspx?fileguid=" + mtfi.MetaFileGUID.ToString()); } } else { // Set default image imgTeaser.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_PortalEngine/WebpartProperties/imagenotavailable.png"); } // Additional image information imgTeaser.ToolTip = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(itemDisplayName); imgTeaser.AlternateText = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(itemDisplayName); // Set description of webpart ltlDescription.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(itemDescription); // Get description from parent weboart if webpart is inherited if ((wpi != null) && ((wpi.WebPartDescription == null || wpi.WebPartDescription == "") && (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0))) { WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID); if (pwpi != null) { ltlDescription.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(pwpi.WebPartDescription); } } FormInfo fi = null; // Generate properties if (wpi != null) { // Get form info from parent if webpart is inherited if (wpi.WebPartParentID != 0) { WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID); if (pwpi != null) { fi = GetWebPartProperties(pwpi); } } else { fi = GetWebPartProperties(wpi); } } else if (wi != null) { fi = GetWidgetProperties(wi); } // Generate properties if (fi != null) { GenerateProperties(fi); } // Generate documentation text if (itemDocumentation == null || itemDocumentation.Trim() == "") { if ((wpi != null) && (wpi.WebPartParentID != 0)) { WebPartInfo pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID); if (pwpi != null && pwpi.WebPartDocumentation.Trim() != "") { ltlContent.Text = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(pwpi.WebPartDocumentation, null); } else { ltlContent.Text = "<br /><div style=\"padding-left:5px; font-weight: bold;\">" + GetString("WebPartDocumentation.DocumentationText") + "</div><br />"; } } else { ltlContent.Text = "<br /><div style=\"padding-left:5px; font-weight: bold;\">" + GetString("WebPartDocumentation.DocumentationText") + "</div><br />"; } } else { ltlContent.Text = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(itemDocumentation, null); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Security test if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserSiteManagerAdmin) { RedirectToAccessDenied(GetString("attach.actiondenied")); } // Add link to external stylesheet CSSHelper.RegisterCSSLink(this, "~/App_Themes/Default/CMSDesk.css"); // Get current resolver resolver = CMSContext.CurrentResolver.CreateContextChild(); DataSet ds = null; DataSet cds = null; // Check init settings bool allWidgets = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("allWidgets", false); bool allWebParts = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("allWebparts", false); // Get webpart (widget) from querystring - only if no allwidget or allwebparts set bool isWebpartInQuery = false; bool isWidgetInQuery = false; String webpartQueryParam = String.Empty; //If not show all widgets or webparts - check if any widget or webpart is present if ((!allWidgets) && (!allWebParts)) { webpartQueryParam = QueryHelper.GetString("webpart", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webpartQueryParam)) { isWebpartInQuery = true; } else { webpartQueryParam = QueryHelper.GetString("widget", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webpartQueryParam)) { isWidgetInQuery = true; } } } // Set development option if is required if (QueryHelper.GetString("details", "0") == "1") { development = true; } // Generate all webparts if (allWebParts) { // Get all webpart categories cds = WebPartCategoryInfoProvider.GetAllCategories(); } // Generate all widgets else if (allWidgets) { // Get all widget categories cds = WidgetCategoryInfoProvider.GetWidgetCategories(String.Empty, String.Empty, 0, String.Empty); } // Generate single webpart else if (isWebpartInQuery) { // Split weparts string[] webparts = webpartQueryParam.Split(';'); if (webparts.Length > 0) { string webpartWhere = SqlHelperClass.GetWhereCondition("WebpartName", webparts); ds = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebParts(webpartWhere, null); // If any webparts found if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { StringBuilder categoryWhere = new StringBuilder(""); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { categoryWhere.Append(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["WebpartCategoryID"], "NULL") + ","); } string ctWhere = "CategoryID IN (" + categoryWhere.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + ")"; cds = WebPartCategoryInfoProvider.GetCategories(ctWhere, null); } } } // Generate single widget else if (isWidgetInQuery) { string[] widgets = webpartQueryParam.Split(';'); if (widgets.Length > 0) { string widgetsWhere = SqlHelperClass.GetWhereCondition("WidgetName", widgets); ds = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgets(widgetsWhere, null, 0, String.Empty); } if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { StringBuilder categoryWhere = new StringBuilder(""); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { categoryWhere.Append(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["WidgetCategoryID"], "NULL") + ","); } string ctWhere = "WidgetCategoryID IN (" + categoryWhere.ToString().TrimEnd(',') + ")"; cds = WidgetCategoryInfoProvider.GetWidgetCategories(ctWhere, null, 0, String.Empty); } } if (allWidgets || isWidgetInQuery) { documentationTitle = "Kentico CMS Widgets"; Page.Header.Title = "Widgets documentation"; } if (!allWebParts && !allWidgets && !isWebpartInQuery && !isWidgetInQuery) { pnlContent.Visible = false; pnlInfo.Visible = true; } // Check whether at least one category is present if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(cds)) { string namePrefix = ((isWidgetInQuery) || (allWidgets)) ? "Widget" : String.Empty; // Loop through all web part categories foreach (DataRow cdr in cds.Tables[0].Rows) { // Get all webpart in the categories if (allWebParts) { ds = WebPartInfoProvider.GetAllWebParts(Convert.ToInt32(cdr["CategoryId"])); } // Get all widgets in the category else if (allWidgets) { int categoryID = Convert.ToInt32(cdr["WidgetCategoryId"]); ds = WidgetInfoProvider.GetWidgets("WidgetCategoryID = " + categoryID.ToString(), null, 0, null); } // Check whether current category contains at least one webpart if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { // Generate category name code menu += "<br /><strong>" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(cdr[namePrefix + "CategoryDisplayName"].ToString()) + "</strong><br /><br />"; // Loop through all web web parts in categories foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { // Init isImagePresent = false; undocumentedProperties = 0; documentation = 0; // Webpart (Widget) information string itemDisplayName = String.Empty; string itemDescription = String.Empty; string itemDocumentation = String.Empty; string itemType = String.Empty; int itemID = 0; WebPartInfo wpi = null; WidgetInfo wi = null; // Set webpart info if ((isWebpartInQuery) || (allWebParts)) { wpi = new WebPartInfo(dr); if (wpi != null) { itemDisplayName = wpi.WebPartDisplayName; itemDescription = wpi.WebPartDescription; itemDocumentation = wpi.WebPartDocumentation; itemID = wpi.WebPartID; itemType = PortalObjectType.WEBPART; if (wpi.WebPartCategoryID != ValidationHelper.GetInteger(cdr["CategoryId"], 0)) { wpi = null; } } } // Set widget info else if ((isWidgetInQuery) || (allWidgets)) { wi = new WidgetInfo(dr); if (wi != null) { itemDisplayName = wi.WidgetDisplayName; itemDescription = wi.WidgetDescription; itemDocumentation = wi.WidgetDocumentation; itemType = PortalObjectType.WIDGET; itemID = wi.WidgetID; if (wi.WidgetCategoryID != ValidationHelper.GetInteger(cdr["WidgetCategoryId"], 0)) { wi = null; } } } // Check whether web part (widget) exists if ((wpi != null) || (wi != null)) { // Link GUID Guid mguid = Guid.NewGuid(); // Whether description is present in webpart bool isDescription = false; // Image url string wimgurl = GetItemImage(itemID, itemType); // Set description text string descriptionText = itemDescription; // Parent webpart info WebPartInfo pwpi = null; // If webpart look for parent's description and documentation if (wpi != null) { // Get parent description if webpart is inherited if (wpi.WebPartParentID > 0) { pwpi = WebPartInfoProvider.GetWebPartInfo(wpi.WebPartParentID); if (pwpi != null) { if ((descriptionText == null || descriptionText.Trim() == "")) { // Set description from parent descriptionText = pwpi.WebPartDescription; } // Set documentation text from parent if WebPart is inherited if ((wpi.WebPartDocumentation == null) || (wpi.WebPartDocumentation.Trim() == "")) { itemDocumentation = pwpi.WebPartDocumentation; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemDocumentation)) { documentation = 2; } } } } } // Set description as present if (descriptionText.Trim().Length > 0) { isDescription = true; } // Generate HTML for menu and content menu += " <a href=\"#_" + mguid.ToString() + "\">" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(itemDisplayName) + "</a> "; // Generate webpart header content += "<table style=\"width:100%;\"><tr><td><h1><a name=\"_" + mguid.ToString() + "\">" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(cdr[namePrefix + "CategoryDisplayName"].ToString()) + " > " + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(itemDisplayName) + "</a></h1></td><td style=\"text-align:right;\"> <a href=\"#top\" class=\"noprint\">top</a></td></tr></table>"; // Generate WebPart content content += @"<table style=""width: 100%; height: 200px; border: solid 1px #DDDDDD;""> <tr> <td style=""width: 50%; text-align:center; border-right: solid 1px #DDDDDD; vertical-align: middle;margin-left: auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;""> <img src=""" + wimgurl + @""" alt=""imageTeaser""> </td> <td style=""width: 50%; vertical-align: center;text-align:center;"">" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(descriptionText) + @" </td> </tr> </table>"; // Properties content content += "<div class=\"DocumentationWebPartsProperties\">"; // Generate content if (wpi != null) { GenerateDocContent(CreateFormInfo(wpi)); } else if (wi != null) { GenerateDocContent(CreateFormInfo(wi)); } // Close content area content += "</div>"; // Generate documentation text content content += "<br /><div style=\"border: solid 1px #dddddd;width: 100%;\">" + DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(itemDocumentation, null), "<strong>Additional documentation text is not provided.</strong>") + "</div>"; // Set page break tag for print content += "<br /><p style=\"page-break-after: always;width:100%\"> </p><hr class=\"noprint\" />"; // If development is required - highlight missing description, images and doc. text if (development) { // Check image if (!isImagePresent) { menu += "<span style=\"color:Brown;\">image </span>"; } // Check properties if (undocumentedProperties > 0) { menu += "<span style=\"color:Red;\">properties(" + undocumentedProperties + ") </span>"; } // Check properties if (!isDescription) { menu += "<span style=\"color:#37627F;\">description </span>"; } // Check documentation text if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemDocumentation)) { documentation = 1; } switch (documentation) { // Display information about missing documentation case 1: menu += "<span style=\"color:Green;\">documentation </span>"; break; // Display information about inherited documentation case 2: menu += "<span style=\"color:Green;\">documentation (inherited) </span>"; break; } } menu += "<br />"; } } } } } ltlContent.Text = menu + "<br /><p style=\"page-break-after: always;width:100%\"> </p><hr class=\"noprint\" />" + content; }
/// <summary> /// Sets additional context values to resolver. /// </summary> /// <param name="resolver">Context resolver</param> private static void SetContext(ContextResolver resolver) { resolver.CurrentDocument = TreeNode.New("CMS.root"); resolver.CurrentPageInfo = new PageInfo(); resolver.CurrentPageInfo.PageTemplateInfo = new PageTemplateInfo(); }
/// <summary> /// Resolve custom macros for specified input value. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value to resolve</param> /// <param name="dr">Current data row</param> /// <param name="columnName">Column name</param> /// <param name="sum">Summary of all items</param> private string ResolveCustomMacros(string value, DataRow dr, string columnName, double sum) { // Ensure resolver if (itemResolver == null) { itemResolver = CMSContext.CurrentResolver.CreateContextChild(); } // Get current item value double itemvalue = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(dr[columnName], 0.0); // Custom macros definition string[,] macros = new string[4, 2]; macros[0, 0] = "xval"; macros[0, 1] = Convert.ToString(dr[0]); macros[1, 0] = "yval"; macros[1, 1] = Convert.ToString(itemvalue); macros[2, 0] = "ser"; macros[2, 1] = columnName; macros[3, 0] = "pval"; macros[3, 1] = Convert.ToString(itemvalue / sum * 100); // Set custom macros itemResolver.SourceParameters = macros; // Resolve macros return itemResolver.ResolveMacros(value); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the email. /// </summary> protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check "modify" permission if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Users", "Modify")) { RedirectToAccessDenied("CMS.Users", "Modify"); } // Validate first string errorMessage = new Validator().IsEmail(this.txtFrom.Text, GetString("general.correctemailformat")).Result; // Get recipients string groupIds = null; if (groupsControl != null) { groupIds = Convert.ToString(this.groupsControl.Value); } string userIDs = Convert.ToString(this.users.Value); string roleIDs = Convert.ToString(this.roles.Value); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupIds) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(userIDs) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleIDs)) { errorMessage = GetString("massemail.norecipients"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { this.lblError.Text = errorMessage; this.lblError.Visible = true; return; } // Get resolver to resolve context macros ContextResolver resolver = new ContextResolver(); // Create the message EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(); message.Subject = resolver.ResolveMacros(this.txtSubject.Text); message.From = this.txtFrom.Text; if (plcText.Visible) { message.Body = resolver.ResolveMacros(htmlText.ResolvedValue); } if (plcPlainText.Visible) { message.PlainTextBody = resolver.ResolveMacros(txtPlainText.Text); } // Get the attachments HttpPostedFile[] attachments = this.uploader.PostedFiles; foreach (HttpPostedFile att in attachments) { message.Attachments.Add(new EmailAttachment(StreamWrapper.New(att.InputStream), Path.GetFileName(att.FileName), Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Now, siteId)); } // Check if list of roleIds contains generic role 'Everyone' bool containsEveryone = false; RoleInfo roleEveryone = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleIDs)) { roleEveryone = RoleInfoProvider.GetRoleInfo(CMSConstants.ROLE_EVERYONE, siteId); if ((roleEveryone != null) && (";" + roleIDs + ";").Contains(";" + roleEveryone.RoleID.ToString() + ";")) { containsEveryone = true; } } // Send messages using email engine EmailSender.SendMassEmails(message, userIDs, roleIDs, groupIds, siteId, containsEveryone); this.lblInfo.Text = GetString("massemail.emailsent"); this.lblInfo.Visible = true; this.btnClear.Visible = true; }