/// <summary> /// We receive the slug value as a kind of cross-cutting value that /// all methods need and use, so we catch and load the conference here, /// so it's available for all. Each method doesn't need the slug parameter. /// </summary> protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { var slug = (string)this.ControllerContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["slug"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slug)) { this.ViewBag.Slug = slug; this.Contest = this.Service.FindContest(slug); if (this.Contest != null) { // check access var accessCode = (string)this.ControllerContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["accessCode"]; if (accessCode == null || !string.Equals(accessCode, this.Contest.AccessCode, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult("Invalid access code."); } else { this.ViewBag.OwnerName = this.Contest.OwnerName; this.ViewBag.WasEverPublished = this.Contest.WasEverPublished; } } } base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public void ConfigureSlot(bool isActive, ContestInfo contestInfo) { this.gameObject.SetActive(isActive); if (isActive) { Contest = contestInfo; ContestTitle.text = contestInfo.contestTitle; ContestLogo.sprite = contestInfo.contestLogo; StartDate = Backend.Utility.ConvertTimestampToDatetime(contestInfo.contestStartDate); } }
protected void AdminSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = con_name.Text; string text = con_text.Text; string ruletext = Server.HtmlEncode(con_rule.Text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")); int price, validmonth; Int32.TryParse(con_price.Text, out price); Int32.TryParse(con_valdation.Text, out validmonth); DateTime dt; DateTime.TryParse(con_startdate.Text, out dt); ContestHelper.addContest(name, text, price, validmonth, ruletext, dt.ToString()); // Response.Write(name+text+ price+ validmonth+ ruletext+ dt.ToString()); cont_info = ContestHelper.getCotestInfo(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } ContestInfo = await _context.ContestInfo.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id); if (ContestInfo == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Page()); }
public void AddContestInfo() { DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2018, 03, 05); ContestInfo contestInto = new ContestInfo("Bra simhoppstävling", "Örebro", DateTime.Now, endDate, "Gustavsvik"); Database database = new Database(); try { database.PushContestInfo(contestInto); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txt_result.Visible = false; chkerror.Visible = false; cont_info = ContestHelper.getCotestInfo(); if (!IsPostBack) { con_name.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(cont_info.Name); con_text.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(cont_info.Text); con_price.Text = cont_info.Price.ToString(); con_rule.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(cont_info.RuleText).Replace("<br />", Environment.NewLine); con_valdation.Text = cont_info.ValidMonth.ToString(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(cont_info.StartDate); con_startdate.Text = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } ContestInfo = await _context.ContestInfo.FindAsync(id); if (ContestInfo != null) { _context.ContestInfo.Remove(ContestInfo); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(RedirectToPage("./Index")); }
public SelectSongManager(ContestInfo contestInfo, WebSongInformation[] activeScores, ListInfo[] listInfos) { this.contestInfo = contestInfo; this.activeScores = activeScores; this.listInfos = listInfos; Filter = new SongSelectFilter(); songSelect = new SelectInfo(); logicSelect = new SelectInfo(); contestSelect = new SelectInfo(); activeScoreSelect = new SelectInfo(); listInfoSelect = new SelectInfo(); GenerateSelectContests(); GenerateSelectActiveScores(); GenerateSelectLists(); SongInformation.Updated += SongInformation_Updated; LogicFolderInfomation.StaticAfterAdd += LogicFolderInfomation_StaticAfterAdd; LogicFolderInfomation.StaticBeforeRemove += LogicFolderInfomation_StaticBeforeRemove; LogicFolderInfomation.StaticBeforeChangeIndex += LogicFolderInfomation_StaticBeforeChangeIndex; }
public Contest Load(string fileName) { if (!isolatedStore.FileExists(fileName)) { return(null); } using (var reader = isolatedStore.OpenFile(fileName)) { var contestInfo = new ContestInfo() { IsoStoreFileName = fileName }; var contest = new Contest(contestInfo); var doc = XDocument.Load(reader); foreach (var trackNode in doc.Element("Contest").Element("Tracks").Elements("Track")) { var track = CreateTrackFromNode(trackNode); contest.Tracks.Add(track); } var contestElement = doc.Element("Contest"); if (contestElement != null) { var loadUrlElement = doc.Element("TrackListUrl"); if (loadUrlElement != null) { contestInfo.TrackListUrl = loadUrlElement.Value; } var nameElement = doc.Element("Name"); if (nameElement != null) { contestInfo.Name = nameElement.Value; } } return(contest); } }
private IEnumerable <ContestInfo> ParseContestInfosFromTable(IElement tbody) { foreach (var row in tbody.GetElementsByTagName("tr")) { var res = new ContestInfo(); var tds = row.GetElementsByTagName("td"); var dateTimeStr = tds[0].FirstElementChild.GetAttribute("href").Split('?')[1].Substring(4, 13); res.StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateTimeStr, "yyyyMMddTHHmm", null).AddHours(-9); var contestAnchor = tds[1].GetElementsByTagName("a")[0]; res.ContestName = contestAnchor.TextContent; res.ContestScreenName = contestAnchor.GetAttribute("href").Split('/').Last(); var durationHourAndMin = tds[2].TextContent.Split(':'); res.Duration = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(durationHourAndMin[0]), int.Parse(durationHourAndMin[1]), 0); var ratedRange = tds[3].TextContent; res.RatedRange = RatingRange.Parse(ratedRange); yield return(res); } }
public EventContestSelected(ContestInfo selectedContest) { contest = selectedContest; }
public ContestLoader(ContestInfo contestInfo, IIsolatedStore isoStore) { this.contestInfo = contestInfo; this.isoLoader = new IsolatedStoreContestLoader(contestInfo.IsoStoreFileName, isoStore); this.kvrLoader = new KvrTrackListLoader(contestInfo.TrackListUrl); }
public static void GetContestInfoFromGameSparks(System.Action callbackOnComplete) { new GameSparks.Api.Requests.LogEventRequest() .SetEventKey("getContests") .SetEventAttribute("contestId", "") .Send((response) => { if (!response.HasErrors) { Logging.Log("Received ContestInfos from GameSparks: " + response.JSONString.ToString()); if (response.BaseData != null) { GameSparks.Core.GSData data = response.ScriptData; if (data != null) { List <GameSparks.Core.GSData> dataList = data.GetGSDataList("fantasyContests"); if (dataList != null) { int i = 0; foreach (var obj in dataList) { ContestInfo info = new ContestInfo(); info.contestID = obj.GetString("contestId"); info.contestTitle = obj.GetString("name"); info.contestStartDate = obj.GetString("startdate") + " " + obj.GetString("starttime"); // Grab the corresponding logo image for this contest System.Action <Texture2D> imageReceived = delegate(Texture2D image) { i++; info.contestLogo = Sprite.Create(image, new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, image.width, image.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100.0f); ContestsView.CurrentContests[info.contestID] = info; if (i == dataList.Count) { if (callbackOnComplete != null) { callbackOnComplete(); } } }; FantasyManager.Instance.DownloadAnImage(obj.GetString("logoShortCode"), imageReceived); // Populate the contest with teams list string teamsCSV = obj.GetString("teamNames"); if (teamsCSV != null) { Logging.Log("Teams: " + teamsCSV); string[] teamsSplit = teamsCSV.Split(','); if (teamsSplit.Length > 0) { info.Teams = FantasyManager.Instance.GetFantasyTeamListByNames(teamsSplit); } } else { Logging.LogError("No teams found for contest: " + info.contestID); } } } else { Logging.LogError("Couldn't get FantasyContests GSData"); } } else { Logging.LogError("FantasyContests ScriptData is NULL"); } } else { Logging.LogError("response Base Data = null"); } } }); }
public override void Initialize(object[] optionalParams) { base.Initialize(optionalParams); if (optionalParams == null) { Logging.LogError("Tried to initialize LineupView with optional params but the array was null!"); return; } // Try to get a contest from the optional parameters (should never be null) contest = (ContestInfo)optionalParams[0]; if (contest != null) { ContestName.text = contest.contestTitle; int i = 0; // Configure the player choices (on the lineup popup) based on the teams in the contest and hte players on those teams foreach (var team in contest.Teams) { foreach (var player in team.Players) { FantasyPlayerChoices[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); FantasyPlayerChoices[i].Configure(player); player.OptionSlot = i; FantasyPlayer fPlayer = player; // Avoid Boxing FantasyPlayerChoices[i].AddButton.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); FantasyPlayerChoices[i].AddButton.onClick.AddListener(() => AddFantasyPlayerToEntry(fPlayer)); FantasyPlayersSlot slot = FantasyPlayerChoices[i]; // Boxing FantasyPlayerChoices[i].AddButton.onClick.AddListener(() => slot.gameObject.SetActive(false)); i++; } } // Turn off the remaining unused choices for (; i < FantasyPlayerChoices.Count; i++) { FantasyPlayerChoices[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } for (int index = 0; index < FantasyPlayerChoices.Count; index++) { FantasyPlayerChoices[index].transform.SetSiblingIndex(index); } // Configure the current lineup slots with default parameters, including an empty name for (int j = 0; j < CurrentLineupSlots.Count; j++) { CurrentLineupSlots[j].Configure(EMPTY, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, null); } CurrentContestEntry.SlotPlayer1.Name = EMPTY; CurrentContestEntry.SlotPlayer2.Name = EMPTY; CurrentContestEntry.SlotPlayer3.Name = EMPTY; CurrentContestEntry.SlotPlayer4.Name = EMPTY; CurrentContestEntry.SlotTeam1 = EMPTY; CurrentContestEntry.CurrentSalary = 0; currentTotalFPPG = 0; fullSlots = 0; RemainingSalaryText.text = "$" + (baseSalary - CurrentContestEntry.CurrentSalary).ToString(); AvgFantasyPointsText.text = "0.00"; SubmitButton.interactable = false; } }
public override bool Load() { WebManager.Instance.UpdateAccountInfo(); //init var list = SongInformation.All; int selectnum = 0; string initialdirectory = PPDSetting.Setting.SongDir; ContestInfo contestInfo = null; WebSongInformation[] activeScores = null; ListInfo[] lists = null; Action[] actions = { () => { contestInfo = WebManager.Instance.GetContestInfo(); }, () => { activeScores = WebManager.Instance.GetScores(true); }, () => { lists = WebManager.Instance.GetListInfos(); }, PerfectTrialCache.Instance.Update }; Parallel.ForEach(actions, (action) => action()); // 前のメニューからのパラメーターを調べる if (PreviousParam.TryGetValue("PPDGameUtility", out object temp)) { var gameutility = temp as PPDGameUtility; initialdirectory = gameutility.SongInformation.ParentDirectory; } ssm = new SelectSongManager(contestInfo, activeScores, lists); ssm.SongChanged += ssm_SongChanged; ssm.DirectoryChanged += ssm_DirectoryChanged; ssm.ModeChanged += ssm_ModeChanged; ssm.Filter.Desc = SkinSetting.Setting.Desc; ssm.Filter.Difficulty = SkinSetting.Setting.Difficulty; ssm.Filter.Field = SkinSetting.Setting.SortField; ssm.Filter.Type = SkinSetting.Setting.ScoreType; textBox = new DxTextBox(device, GameHost, ResourceManager); mss = new MenuSelectSong(device, ResourceManager, this); mss.Inputed += mss_Inputed; mss.GotFocused += mss_GotFocused; sic = new SongInfoControl(device, ResourceManager); sic.Inputed += sic_Inputed; cc = new ConfirmControl(device, ResourceManager); cc.Inputed += cc_Inputed; oc = new OptionControl(device, ResourceManager, Sound); lm = new LeftMenu(device, GameHost, ResourceManager, textBox, ssm, Sound); lm.RandomSelected += lm_RandomSelected; lm.FilterChanged += lm_FilterChanged; ss = new ScoreSearcher(device, ResourceManager, textBox, ssm.Filter); obd = new OpenBrowserDialog(device, ResourceManager, Sound); fm = new FocusManager(this); fm.Focus(mss); mss.DisapperFinish += cc.Show; bgd = new BackGroundDisplay(device, ResourceManager, "skins\\PPDSingle_BackGround.xml", "Menu"); black = new RectangleComponent(device, ResourceManager, PPDColors.Black) { RectangleHeight = 450, RectangleWidth = 800, Alpha = 0 }; menuMovie = new MenuMovie(device); this.AddChild(black); this.AddChild(textBox); this.AddChild(obd); this.AddChild(cc); this.AddChild(oc); this.AddChild(ss); this.AddChild(lm); this.AddChild(sic); this.AddChild(mss); var po = new PictureObject(device, ResourceManager, Utility.Path.Combine("bottom.png")); po.Position = new Vector2(0, 450 - po.Height + 1); po.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["SearchScore"], 14, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(85, 7) }); po.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Move"], 14, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(205, 7) }); po.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Menu"], 14, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(325, 7) }); po.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Option"], 14, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(445, 7) }); po.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Decide"], 14, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(565, 7) }); po.AddChild(new TextureString(device, Utility.Language["Back"], 14, PPDColors.Gray) { Position = new Vector2(685, 7) }); this.AddChild(po); this.AddChild(menuMovie); this.AddChild(bgd); oc.Connect = SkinSetting.Setting.Connect; oc.RivalGhost = SkinSetting.Setting.RivalGhost; ssm.CurrentRoot = SongInformation.Root; ssm.CurrentLogicRoot = LogicFolderInfomation.Root; if (PreviousParam.TryGetValue("CurrentRoot", out temp)) { var root = temp as SongInformation; ssm.CurrentRoot = root; } if (PreviousParam.TryGetValue("CurrentLogicRoot", out temp)) { var root = temp as LogicFolderInfomation; ssm.CurrentLogicRoot = root; } if (PreviousParam.TryGetValue("CurrentMode", out temp)) { var mode = (SelectSongManager.Mode)temp; ssm.ChangeMode(mode); } if (PreviousParam.TryGetValue("SelectedIndex", out temp)) { selectnum = (int)temp; } ssm.SelectedIndex = selectnum; return(true); }
public void TestFullContest() { DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2018, 2, 22); ContestInfo contestInfo = new ContestInfo("Svedala simhopps tävling", "Örebro", DateTime.Now, endDate, "Gustavsvik"); Judge judge1 = new Judge("Karl", "Mal"); Judge judge2 = new Judge("LAban", "Asda"); Judge judge3 = new Judge("Leg", "Shin"); Judge judge4 = new Judge("Handy", "Bandy"); Judge judge5 = new Judge("Sammy", "Rol"); JudgeList judgeList = new JudgeList(); judgeList.Add(judge1); judgeList.Add(judge2); judgeList.Add(judge3); judgeList.Add(judge4); judgeList.Add(judge5); Contestant kalle = new Contestant("kalle", "Cool"); Contestant pelle = new Contestant("pelle", "Holm"); Contestant lars = new Contestant("Lars", "Lerin"); Contestant anna = new Contestant("Anna", "Annasson"); ContestantList contestantList = new ContestantList(); contestantList.Add(kalle); contestantList.Add(pelle); contestantList.Add(lars); contestantList.Add(anna); // create the new Contest object Contest contest = new Contest(contestInfo, judgeList, contestantList); // create ContestantLists for a subcontest ContestantList branch1_Contestants = new ContestantList(); branch1_Contestants.Add(kalle); branch1_Contestants.Add(pelle); branch1_Contestants.Add(lars); SubContestBranch branch1 = new SubContestBranch("Deltävling 1", contest, branch1_Contestants); // create second subcontest ContestantList branch2_Contestants = new ContestantList(); branch2_Contestants.Add(kalle); branch2_Contestants.Add(pelle); branch2_Contestants.Add(anna); SubContestBranch branch2 = new SubContestBranch("Deltävling 2", contest, branch2_Contestants); // add the newly created subcontests to the contest contest.SubContestBranches.Add(branch1); contest.SubContestBranches.Add(branch2); // first dive of the subcontest Dive dive1Kalle = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.1)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Kalle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(9, judge5)); dive1Kalle.Scores = scoreListDive1Kalle; branch1.AddNewDive(kalle, dive1Kalle); // second dive Dive dive1Pelle = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.1)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Pelle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive1Pelle.Scores = scoreListDive1Pelle; branch1.AddNewDive(pelle, dive1Pelle); // third dive Dive dive1Lars = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.1)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Lars = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(7.5, judge1)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(9, judge2)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive1Lars.Scores = scoreListDive1Lars; branch1.AddNewDive(lars, dive1Lars); // first dive of second subcontest Dive dive2Kalle = new Dive(new DiveCode(2.8)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive2Kalle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(9, judge5)); dive2Kalle.Scores = scoreListDive1Kalle; branch2.AddNewDive(kalle, dive2Kalle); // second dive Dive dive2Pelle = new Dive(new DiveCode(2.9)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive2Pelle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(8, judge3)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive2Pelle.Scores = scoreListDive1Pelle; branch2.AddNewDive(pelle, dive2Pelle); // third dive Dive dive1Anna = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.0)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Anna = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(7.5, judge1)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(9, judge2)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive1Anna.Scores = scoreListDive1Anna; branch2.AddNewDive(anna, dive1Anna); Console.WriteLine("HEJ"); foreach (var subContest in contest.SubContestBranches) { int i = 1; foreach (var result in subContest.GenerateSubContestResult()) { Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + result.Key.FirstName + " Score: " + result.Value); i++; } } }
public ContestInfo CreateContest(Organization org, Product product) { ContestInfo contestInfo = new ContestInfo { Product = product, Organization = org }; _contestInfos.Add(contestInfo); return contestInfo; }
public Contest createTestContest() { DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2018, 2, 22); ContestInfo contestInfo = new ContestInfo("Svedala simhoppstävling", "Örebro", DateTime.Now, endDate, "Gustavsvik"); Judge judge1 = new Judge(1, "Karl", "Mal", 22, "*****@*****.**", "male", "891017-6653", "Pappersvägen 3"); Judge judge2 = new Judge(2, "Laban", "Asda", 45, "*****@*****.**", "male", "651011-6423", "Venavägen 8"); Judge judge3 = new Judge(3, "Leg", "Shin", 33, "*****@*****.**", "male", "821201-5434", "Storgatan 1"); Judge judge4 = new Judge(4, "Anna", "Pann", 29, "*****@*****.**", "female", "910413-4594", "Järnvägsgatan 33"); Judge judge5 = new Judge(5, "Sammy", "Rol", 38, "*****@*****.**", "female", "880623-5921", "Skolgatan 28"); JudgeList judgeList = new JudgeList(); judgeList.Add(judge1); judgeList.Add(judge2); judgeList.Add(judge3); judgeList.Add(judge4); judgeList.Add(judge5); Contestant kalle = new Contestant(6, "Kalle", "Cool", 35, "*****@*****.**", "male", "78345345-435", "Storgatan 3"); Contestant pelle = new Contestant(7, "Pelle", "Holm", 14, "*****@*****.**", "male", "04546387-1104", "Småttmisnöjdmedtillvaro gatan 25"); Contestant lars = new Contestant(8, "Lars", "Lerin", 50, "*****@*****.**", "male", "68345435-4352", "Brittmarie-gatan 89"); Contestant anna = new Contestant(9, "Anna", "Annasson", 28, "*****@*****.**", "female", "88376534534-3455", "Lokalgatan 8"); ContestantList contestantList = new ContestantList(); contestantList.Add(kalle); contestantList.Add(pelle); contestantList.Add(lars); contestantList.Add(anna); // create the new Contest object Contest contest = new Contest(contestInfo, judgeList, contestantList); // create ContestantLists for a subcontest ContestantList branch1_Contestants = new ContestantList(); branch1_Contestants.Add(kalle); branch1_Contestants.Add(pelle); branch1_Contestants.Add(lars); SubContestBranch branch1 = new SubContestBranch("Deltävling 1", contest, branch1_Contestants); // create second subcontest ContestantList branch2_Contestants = new ContestantList(); branch2_Contestants.Add(kalle); branch2_Contestants.Add(pelle); branch2_Contestants.Add(anna); SubContestBranch branch2 = new SubContestBranch("Deltävling 2", contest, branch2_Contestants); // add the newly created subcontests to the contest contest.SubContestBranches.Add(branch1); contest.SubContestBranches.Add(branch2); // first dive of the subcontest Dive dive1Kalle = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.1)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Kalle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Kalle.Add(new Score(9, judge5)); dive1Kalle.Scores = scoreListDive1Kalle; branch1.AddNewDive(kalle, dive1Kalle); // second dive Dive dive1Pelle = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.1)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Pelle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Pelle.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive1Pelle.Scores = scoreListDive1Pelle; branch1.AddNewDive(pelle, dive1Pelle); // third dive Dive dive1Lars = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.1)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Lars = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(7.5, judge1)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(9, judge2)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Lars.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive1Lars.Scores = scoreListDive1Lars; branch1.AddNewDive(lars, dive1Lars); // first dive of second subcontest Dive dive2Kalle = new Dive(new DiveCode(2.8)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive2Kalle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive2Kalle.Add(new Score(9, judge5)); dive2Kalle.Scores = scoreListDive1Kalle; branch2.AddNewDive(kalle, dive2Kalle); // second dive Dive dive2Pelle = new Dive(new DiveCode(2.9)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive2Pelle = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(8, judge1)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(5, judge2)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(8, judge3)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive2Pelle.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive2Pelle.Scores = scoreListDive1Pelle; branch2.AddNewDive(pelle, dive2Pelle); // third dive Dive dive1Anna = new Dive(new DiveCode(3.0)); // Scores come in from all the judges and is built into a full ScoreList ScoreList scoreListDive1Anna = new ScoreList(); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(7.5, judge1)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(9, judge2)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(8.5, judge3)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(7, judge4)); scoreListDive1Anna.Add(new Score(6.5, judge5)); dive1Anna.Scores = scoreListDive1Anna; branch2.AddNewDive(anna, dive1Anna); return(contest); }
public ContestSelectedSongInfo(ContestInfo contestInfo) : base(SongInformation.FindSongInformationByHash(CryptographyUtility.Parsex2String(contestInfo.ScoreHash), contestInfo.Difficulty)) { ContestInfo = contestInfo; }