protected override bool Insert() { ContentTypeInfo info = new ContentTypeInfo(); info.Name = txtName.Text; info.TableName = txtTableName.Text; info.Description = txtDescription.Text; if (flpScreenshot.HasFile) { string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string fileName = guid + "_" + flpScreenshot.FileName; flpScreenshot.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/userfiles/") + fileName); info.Image = fileName; } else info.Image = ""; _contentTypeProvider.Create(info, ErrorList); return CheckErrors(); }
public ContentTypeInfo GetModel(Guid id) { ContentTypeInfo model = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(300); sb.Append(@"select top 1 AppCode,UserId,DepmtId,Id,ParentId,Coded,Named,Step,FlagName,Sort,Remark,RecordDate,LastUpdatedDate from ContentType where Id = @Id " ); SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier) }; parms[0].Value = id; using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.AssetDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), parms)) { if (reader != null) { if (reader.Read()) { model = new ContentTypeInfo(); model.AppCode = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(0); model.UserId = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(1); model.DepmtId = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(2); model.Id = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(3); model.ParentId = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(4); model.Coded = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(5); model.Named = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(6); model.Step = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(7); model.FlagName = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(8); model.Sort = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); model.Remark = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(10); model.RecordDate = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? DateTime.Parse("1754-01-01") : reader.GetDateTime(11); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? DateTime.Parse("1754-01-01") : reader.GetDateTime(12); } } } return(model); }
public int InsertByOutput(ContentTypeInfo model) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(300); sb.Append(@"insert into ContentType (Id,AppCode,UserId,DepmtId,ParentId,Coded,Named,Step,FlagName,Sort,Remark,RecordDate,LastUpdatedDate) values (@Id,@AppCode,@UserId,@DepmtId,@ParentId,@Coded,@Named,@Step,@FlagName,@Sort,@Remark,@RecordDate,@LastUpdatedDate) " ); SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@AppCode", SqlDbType.Char, 10), new SqlParameter("@UserId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@DepmtId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@ParentId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Coded", SqlDbType.VarChar, 36), new SqlParameter("@Named", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256), new SqlParameter("@Step", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000), new SqlParameter("@FlagName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new SqlParameter("@Sort", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@Remark", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@RecordDate", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@LastUpdatedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) }; parms[0].Value = model.Id; parms[1].Value = model.AppCode; parms[2].Value = model.UserId; parms[3].Value = model.DepmtId; parms[4].Value = model.ParentId; parms[5].Value = model.Coded; parms[6].Value = model.Named; parms[7].Value = model.Step; parms[8].Value = model.FlagName; parms[9].Value = model.Sort; parms[10].Value = model.Remark; parms[11].Value = model.RecordDate; parms[12].Value = model.LastUpdatedDate; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.AssetDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), parms)); }
public IList <ContentTypeInfo> GetList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sqlWhere, params SqlParameter[] cmdParms) { int startIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1; int endIndex = pageIndex * pageSize; string cmdText = @"select * from(select row_number() over(order by LastUpdatedDate desc) as RowNumber, Id,TypeName,TypeCode,TypeValue,ParentId,Sort,IsSys,LastUpdatedDate from ContentType" ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { cmdText += " where 1=1 " + sqlWhere; } cmdText += ")as objTable where RowNumber between " + startIndex + " and " + endIndex + " "; IList <ContentTypeInfo> list = new List <ContentTypeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.SqlProviderConnString, CommandType.Text, cmdText, cmdParms)) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { ContentTypeInfo model = new ContentTypeInfo(); model.Id = reader.GetGuid(1); model.TypeName = reader.GetString(2); model.TypeCode = reader.GetString(3); model.TypeValue = reader.GetString(4); model.ParentId = reader.GetGuid(5); model.Sort = reader.GetInt32(6); model.IsSys = reader.GetBoolean(7); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(8); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
public List <ContentTypeInfo> GetListByJoin() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250); sb.Append(@"select ct.Id,ct.TypeName,ct.TypeCode,ct.TypeValue,ct.ParentId,ct.Sort,ct.PictureId,ct.IsSys,ct.LastUpdatedDate, cp.OriginalPicture,cp.BPicture,cp.MPicture,cp.SPicture from ContentType ct left join ContentPicture cp on cp.Id = ct.PictureId order by ct.LastUpdatedDate desc,ct.Sort desc " ); List <ContentTypeInfo> list = new List <ContentTypeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.SqlProviderConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString())) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { ContentTypeInfo model = new ContentTypeInfo(); model.Id = reader.GetGuid(0); model.TypeName = reader.GetString(1); model.TypeCode = reader.GetString(2); model.TypeValue = reader.GetString(3); model.ParentId = reader.GetGuid(4); model.Sort = reader.GetInt32(5); model.PictureId = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(6); model.IsSys = reader.GetBoolean(7); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(8); model.OriginalPicture = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? "" : reader.GetString(9); model.BPicture = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? "" : reader.GetString(10); model.MPicture = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? "" : reader.GetString(11); model.SPicture = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? "" : reader.GetString(12); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
private static void GetContentTypes(SiteInfo info, ClientContext clientContext, SP.Web web) { try { clientContext.Load(web.AvailableContentTypes, acts => acts.Where(act => act.Group == "Microsoft InfoPath" && act.Hidden == false) .Include( act => act.Description, act => act.DisplayFormTemplateName, act => act.DisplayFormUrl, act => act.DocumentTemplate, act => act.DocumentTemplateUrl, act => act.EditFormTemplateName, act => act.EditFormUrl, act => act.Group, act => act.Hidden, act => act.Id, act => act.Name, act => act.NewFormTemplateName, act => act.NewFormUrl, act => act.ReadOnly, act => act.SchemaXml, act => act.Scope, act => act.Sealed, act => act.StringId )); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ContentType ct in web.AvailableContentTypes) { ContentTypeInfo cti = new ContentTypeInfo(ct); info.ContentTypes.Add(cti); } } catch (Exception ex) { info.Messages.Add("Error collecting available content types"); } }
public int Update(ContentTypeInfo model) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); sb.Append(@"update ContentType set UserId = @UserId,Coded = @Coded,Named = @Named,ParentId = @ParentId,Step = @Step,FlagName = @FlagName,Openness = @Openness,Sort = @Sort,Remark = @Remark,RecordDate = @RecordDate,LastUpdatedDate = @LastUpdatedDate where AppCode = @AppCode and Id = @Id " ); SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@AppCode", SqlDbType.Char, 10), new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@UserId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Coded", SqlDbType.VarChar, 36), new SqlParameter("@Named", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256), new SqlParameter("@ParentId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Step", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000), new SqlParameter("@FlagName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new SqlParameter("@Openness", SqlDbType.TinyInt), new SqlParameter("@Sort", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@Remark", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100), new SqlParameter("@RecordDate", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter("@LastUpdatedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) }; parms[0].Value = model.AppCode; parms[1].Value = model.Id; parms[2].Value = model.UserId; parms[3].Value = model.Coded; parms[4].Value = model.Named; parms[5].Value = model.ParentId; parms[6].Value = model.Step; parms[7].Value = model.FlagName; parms[8].Value = model.Openness; parms[9].Value = model.Sort; parms[10].Value = model.Remark; parms[11].Value = model.RecordDate; parms[12].Value = model.LastUpdatedDate; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.TygaSoftDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), parms)); }
public IList <ContentTypeInfo> GetList(string sqlWhere, params SqlParameter[] cmdParms) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250); sb.Append(@"select Id,TypeName,TypeCode,TypeValue,ParentId,Sort,PictureId,HasChild,IsSys,LastUpdatedDate from ContentType "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) { sb.AppendFormat(" where 1=1 {0} ", sqlWhere); } sb.Append("order by Sort,LastUpdatedDate desc"); IList <ContentTypeInfo> list = new List <ContentTypeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.GzxySiteDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), cmdParms)) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { ContentTypeInfo model = new ContentTypeInfo(); model.Id = reader.GetGuid(0); model.TypeName = reader.GetString(1); model.TypeCode = reader.GetString(2); model.TypeValue = reader.GetString(3); model.ParentId = reader.GetGuid(4); model.Sort = reader.GetInt32(5); model.PictureId = reader.GetGuid(6); model.HasChild = reader.GetBoolean(7); model.IsSys = reader.GetBoolean(8); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(9); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
public int Update(ContentTypeInfo model) { if (IsExist(model.TypeCode, model.ParentId, model.Id)) { return(110); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250); sb.Append(@"update ContentType set TypeName = @TypeName,TypeCode = @TypeCode,TypeValue = @TypeValue,ParentId = @ParentId,Sort = @Sort,PictureId = @PictureId,HasChild = @HasChild,IsSys = @IsSys,LastUpdatedDate = @LastUpdatedDate where Id = @Id " ); SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@TypeName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@TypeCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@TypeValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256), new SqlParameter("@ParentId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Sort", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@PictureId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@HasChild", SqlDbType.Bit), new SqlParameter("@IsSys", SqlDbType.Bit), new SqlParameter("@LastUpdatedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) }; parms[0].Value = model.Id; parms[1].Value = model.TypeName; parms[2].Value = model.TypeCode; parms[3].Value = model.TypeValue; parms[4].Value = model.ParentId; parms[5].Value = model.Sort; parms[6].Value = model.PictureId; parms[7].Value = model.HasChild; parms[8].Value = model.IsSys; parms[9].Value = model.LastUpdatedDate; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.GzxySiteDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), parms)); }
public List <ContentTypeInfo> GetListByJoin() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250); sb.Append(@"select ct.Id,ct.TypeName,ct.TypeCode,ct.TypeValue,ct.ParentId,ct.Sort,ct.PictureId,ct.IsSys,ct.LastUpdatedDate, pc.FileExtension,pc.FileDirectory,pc.RandomFolder from ContentType ct left join Picture_Content pc on pc.Id = ct.PictureId order by ct.Sort, ct.LastUpdatedDate desc " ); List <ContentTypeInfo> list = new List <ContentTypeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.GzxySiteDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString())) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { ContentTypeInfo model = new ContentTypeInfo(); model.Id = reader.GetGuid(0); model.TypeName = reader.GetString(1); model.TypeCode = reader.GetString(2); model.TypeValue = reader.GetString(3); model.ParentId = reader.GetGuid(4); model.Sort = reader.GetInt32(5); model.PictureId = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(6); model.IsSys = reader.GetBoolean(7); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.GetDateTime(8); model.FileExtension = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? "" : reader.GetString(9); model.FileDirectory = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? "" : reader.GetString(10); model.RandomFolder = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? "" : reader.GetString(11); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
public IList <ContentTypeInfo> GetList() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(300); sb.Append(@"select AppCode,UserId,DepmtId,Id,ParentId,Coded,Named,Step,FlagName,Sort,Remark,RecordDate,LastUpdatedDate from ContentType order by Sort " ); IList <ContentTypeInfo> list = new List <ContentTypeInfo>(); using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.AssetDbConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString())) { if (reader != null && reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { ContentTypeInfo model = new ContentTypeInfo(); model.AppCode = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(0); model.UserId = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(1); model.DepmtId = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(2); model.Id = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(3); model.ParentId = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? Guid.Empty : reader.GetGuid(4); model.Coded = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(5); model.Named = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(6); model.Step = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(7); model.FlagName = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(8); model.Sort = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? 0 : reader.GetInt32(9); model.Remark = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(10); model.RecordDate = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? DateTime.Parse("1754-01-01") : reader.GetDateTime(11); model.LastUpdatedDate = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? DateTime.Parse("1754-01-01") : reader.GetDateTime(12); list.Add(model); } } } return(list); }
public int Insert(ContentTypeInfo model) { if (IsExist(model.TypeCode, model.ParentId, null)) { return(110); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250); sb.Append(@"insert into ContentType (TypeName,TypeCode,TypeValue,ParentId,Sort,PictureId,HasChild,IsSys,LastUpdatedDate) values (@TypeName,@TypeCode,@TypeValue,@ParentId,@Sort,@PictureId,@HasChild,@IsSys,@LastUpdatedDate) " ); SqlParameter[] parms = { new SqlParameter("@TypeName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@TypeCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new SqlParameter("@TypeValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 256), new SqlParameter("@ParentId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@Sort", SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@PictureId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier), new SqlParameter("@HasChild", SqlDbType.Bit), new SqlParameter("@IsSys", SqlDbType.Bit), new SqlParameter("@LastUpdatedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime) }; parms[0].Value = model.TypeName; parms[1].Value = model.TypeCode; parms[2].Value = model.TypeValue; parms[3].Value = model.ParentId; parms[4].Value = model.Sort; parms[5].Value = model.PictureId; parms[6].Value = model.HasChild; parms[7].Value = model.IsSys; parms[8].Value = model.LastUpdatedDate; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.SqlProviderConnString, CommandType.Text, sb.ToString(), parms)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取公告类别json格式字符串 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetTreeJsonForContentTypeByTypeCode(string typeCode) { ContentTypeInfo model = GetModelByTypeCode(typeCode); if (model == null) { return("[]"); } SqlParameter parm = new SqlParameter("@ParentId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); parm.Value = model.Id; List <ContentTypeInfo> list = GetList("and ParentId = @ParentId", parm).ToList <ContentTypeInfo>(); StringBuilder jsonAppend = new StringBuilder(); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return("[]"); } CreateTreeJson(list, model.Id, ref jsonAppend); return(jsonAppend.ToString()); }
private void Init(DataRow row) { if (_contentTypeInfo == null) { if (_contentTypeProvider == null) _contentTypeProvider = new ContentTypeProvider(); if (_generalConnection == null) _generalConnection = new GeneralConnection(); } if (_contentTypeInfo == null) _contentTypeInfo = _contentTypeProvider.Select(_contentTypeId, ErrorInfoList); _dataSet = FormHelper.GetDataSet(_contentTypeInfo.XmlSchema); _dataTable = _dataSet.Tables[0]; _dataRow = _dataTable.NewRow(); _dataTable.Rows.Add(_dataRow); Name = _contentTypeInfo.Name; TableName = _contentTypeInfo.TableName; FillColumns(); if (IsEdit) { if (ContentId != 0) { var parameters = new object[1, 3]; parameters[0, 0] = "@Id"; parameters[0, 1] = _contentId; DataTable dt = _generalConnection.ExecuteDataTableQuery(TableName + ".select", parameters, ErrorInfoList); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) FillDefaultRowValues(dt.Rows[0]); } else { FillDefaultRowValues(row); } } IsPublished = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(GetValue("IsPublished"), false); }
/// <summary> /// Event Receiver Info (Content Type) /// </summary> /// <param name="contentType">The content type</param> /// <param name="type">The event receiver type</param> /// <param name="syncType">The synchronization type</param> public EventReceiverInfo(ContentTypeInfo contentType, SPEventReceiverType type, SPEventReceiverSynchronization syncType) : this(contentType, type, syncType, string.Empty, string.Empty) { }
/// <summary> /// Event Receiver Info (Content Type) /// </summary> /// <param name="contentType">The content type</param> /// <param name="type">The event receiver type</param> public EventReceiverInfo(ContentTypeInfo contentType, SPEventReceiverType type) : this(contentType, type, SPEventReceiverSynchronization.Default) { }
/// <summary> /// Builds the entire element. /// </summary> /// <param name="contentTypeInfo">The content type info.</param> /// <returns>The XElement representing the content type.</returns> static XElement BuildContentTypeElement(ContentTypeInfo contentTypeInfo) { XNamespace sharePointNamespace = XNamespace.Get(""); XElement contentType = new XElement("ContentType"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeInfo.Id)) { XAttribute id = new XAttribute("ID", contentTypeInfo.Id); contentType.Add(id); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeInfo.Name)) { XAttribute name = new XAttribute("Name", contentTypeInfo.Name); contentType.Add(name); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeInfo.Description)) { XAttribute description = new XAttribute("Description", contentTypeInfo.Description); contentType.Add(description); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeInfo.Group)) { XAttribute group = new XAttribute("Group", contentTypeInfo.Group); contentType.Add(group); } if (contentTypeInfo.Inherits != null) { XAttribute inherits = new XAttribute("Inherits", contentTypeInfo.Inherits); contentType.Add(inherits); } if (contentTypeInfo.Hidden != null) { XAttribute hidden = new XAttribute("Hidden", contentTypeInfo.Hidden); contentType.Add(hidden); } if (contentTypeInfo.ReadOnly != null) { XAttribute readOnly = new XAttribute("ReadOnly", contentTypeInfo.ReadOnly); contentType.Add(readOnly); } if (contentTypeInfo.Sealed != null) { XAttribute sealedValue = new XAttribute("Sealed", contentTypeInfo.Sealed); contentType.Add(sealedValue); } //Add the field refs if (contentTypeInfo.FieldRefs != null && contentTypeInfo.FieldRefs.Length > 0) { XElement fieldRefs = new XElement("FieldRefs"); foreach (var item in contentTypeInfo.FieldRefs) { fieldRefs.Add(new XElement("FieldRef", new XAttribute("ID", item.Id), new XAttribute("Name", item.Name), new XAttribute("DisplayName", item.DisplayName))); } contentType.Add(fieldRefs); } //Add the document template if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentTypeInfo.DocumentTemplate)) { contentType.Add(new XElement(sharePointNamespace + "DocumentTemplate", new XAttribute("TargetName", contentTypeInfo.DocumentTemplate))); } if (contentTypeInfo.XmlDocuments != null && contentTypeInfo.XmlDocuments.Length > 0) { XElement xmlDocuments = new XElement(sharePointNamespace + "XmlDocuments"); foreach (string xmlDocument in contentTypeInfo.XmlDocuments) { XElement xDocument = XElement.Parse(xmlDocument); string ns = ""; XAttribute xmlns = xDocument.Attribute("xmlns"); if (xmlns != null) { ns = xmlns.Value; } xmlDocuments.Add(new XElement(sharePointNamespace + "XmlDocument", new XAttribute("NamespaceURI", ns), xDocument)); } contentType.Add(xmlDocuments); } return(contentType); }
private static ContentTypeInfo GetContentTypeImportProperties(ISharePointCommandContext context, string contentTypeName) { SPContentType contentType = context.Web.AvailableContentTypes[contentTypeName]; if (contentType == null) { context.Logger.WriteLine(String.Format(Resources.ContentTypeSharePointCommands_GetContentTypePropertiesException, contentTypeName), LogCategory.Error); return(null); } ContentTypeInfo info = new ContentTypeInfo(); if (contentType != null) { info.Id = contentType.Id.ToString(); info.Name = contentType.Name; info.Description = contentType.Description; info.Group = contentType.Group; info.Sealed = contentType.Sealed; info.Hidden = contentType.Hidden; info.ReadOnly = contentType.ReadOnly; SPContentType parentContentType = contentType.Parent; List <ContentTypeInfo.FieldRef> fields = new List <ContentTypeInfo.FieldRef>(); foreach (SPField field in contentType.Fields) { // check if the field is in the parent content type, skip it... if (parentContentType.Fields.ContainsField(field.StaticName)) { continue; } ContentTypeInfo.FieldRef fieldRef = new ContentTypeInfo.FieldRef(); fieldRef.Id = field.Id.ToString(); fieldRef.Name = field.StaticName; fieldRef.DisplayName = field.Title; fields.Add(fieldRef); } if (fields.Count > 0) { info.FieldRefs = fields.ToArray(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType.DocumentTemplate)) { info.DocumentTemplate = contentType.DocumentTemplate; } if (contentType.XmlDocuments != null && contentType.XmlDocuments.Count > 0) { List <string> xmlDocs = new List <string>(); foreach (string doc in contentType.XmlDocuments) { xmlDocs.Add(doc); } info.XmlDocuments = xmlDocs.ToArray(); } } return(info); }
public int InsertByOutput(ContentTypeInfo model) { _db.ContentTypes.Insert(model); return(1); }
public int InsertByOutput(ContentTypeInfo model) { return(dal.InsertByOutput(model)); }
private void CreateTreeJson(IEnumerable <ContentTypeInfo> q, object parentId, ContentTypeInfo rootNode, ref StringBuilder jsonAppend) { jsonAppend.Append("["); var qChild = q.Where(x => x.ParentId.Equals(parentId)); if (qChild != null && qChild.Count() > 0) { int index = 0; foreach (var model in qChild) { var state = (model.Id == rootNode.Id) ? "open" : "closed"; var sText = model.ParentId.Equals(Guid.Empty) ? model.Named : string.Format("{0}({1})", model.Coded, model.Named); jsonAppend.AppendFormat(@"{{""id"":""{0}"",""text"":""{1}"",""state"":""{2}"",""attributes"":{3}", model.Id, sText, state, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model)); if (q.Any(r => r.ParentId.Equals(model.Id))) { jsonAppend.Append(",\"children\":"); CreateTreeJson(q, model.Id, rootNode, ref jsonAppend); } jsonAppend.Append("}"); if (index < qChild.Count() - 1) { jsonAppend.Append(","); } index++; } } jsonAppend.Append("]"); }
public int Update(ContentTypeInfo model) { _db.ContentTypes.Update(model); return(1); }
public int Update(ContentTypeInfo model) { return(dal.Update(model)); }
public string SaveContentType(ContentTypeInfo model) { string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.TypeName)) { return(MC.Submit_Params_InvalidError); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.TypeCode)) { return(MC.Submit_Params_InvalidError); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.TypeValue)) { return(MC.Submit_Params_InvalidError); } Guid gId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(model.Id.ToString(), out gId); model.Id = gId; Guid parentId = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(model.ParentId.ToString(), out parentId); model.ParentId = parentId; model.LastUpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; ContentType bll = new ContentType(); int effect = -1; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { if (!gId.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { effect = bll.Update(model); } else { model.HasChild = false; effect = bll.Insert(model); } bll.UpdateHasChild(gId); bll.UpdateHasChild(parentId); scope.Complete(); } if (effect == 110) { return(MC.Submit_Exist); } if (effect > 0) { return("1"); } else { return(MC.Submit_Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMsg = ex.Message; } return(MC.GetString(MC.Submit_Ex_Error, errorMsg)); }