public PageContentChildRegionViewModel(ContentRegion contentRegion)
     if (contentRegion != null)
         RegionId         = contentRegion.Region.Id;
         RegionIdentifier = contentRegion.Region.RegionIdentifier;
 public PageContentChildRegionViewModel(ContentRegion contentRegion)
     if (contentRegion != null)
         RegionId = contentRegion.Region.Id;
         RegionIdentifier = contentRegion.Region.RegionIdentifier;
        public int GetLastDynamicRegionNumber(Guid pageId)
            ContentRegion crAlias     = null;
            Region        regionAlias = null;

            Root.Models.Content contentAlias = null;
            Root.Models.Content hAlias       = null;
            PageContent         pcAlias      = null;

            // Load all original contents
            var originalFuture = repository
                                 .AsQueryOver(() => crAlias)
                                 .Inner.JoinAlias(() => crAlias.Region, () => regionAlias)
                                 .Inner.JoinAlias(() => crAlias.Content, () => contentAlias)
                                 .Inner.JoinAlias(() => contentAlias.PageContents, () => pcAlias)

                                 .Where(() => pcAlias.Page.Id == pageId)
                                 .And(() => contentAlias.GetType() == typeof(HtmlContent))
                                 .And(() => contentAlias.Status == ContentStatus.Draft ||
                                      contentAlias.Status == ContentStatus.Published)
                                 .And(() => !crAlias.IsDeleted &&
                                      !contentAlias.IsDeleted &&
                                 .SelectList(list => list.SelectGroup(() => regionAlias.RegionIdentifier))
                                 .Future <string>();

            // Load all draft contents
            var draftFuture = repository
                              .AsQueryOver(() => crAlias)
                              .Inner.JoinAlias(() => crAlias.Region, () => regionAlias)
                              .Inner.JoinAlias(() => crAlias.Content, () => hAlias)
                              .Inner.JoinAlias(() => hAlias.Original, () => contentAlias)
                              .Inner.JoinAlias(() => contentAlias.PageContents, () => pcAlias)

                              .Where(() => pcAlias.Page.Id == pageId)
                              .And(() => contentAlias.GetType() == typeof(HtmlContent))
                              .And(() => hAlias.Status == ContentStatus.Draft &&
                                   contentAlias.Status == ContentStatus.Published)
                              .And(() => !crAlias.IsDeleted &&
                                   !contentAlias.IsDeleted &&
                                   !pcAlias.IsDeleted &&
                              .SelectList(list => list.SelectGroup(() => regionAlias.RegionIdentifier))
                              .Future <string>();

            var regionIdentifiers = draftFuture.ToList().Concat(originalFuture.ToList()).Distinct();

        private IList <ChildContent> GetChildContents(Guid[] ids, bool canManageContent)
            ChildContent       ccAlias       = null;
            ChildContentOption ccOptionAlias = null;

            Models.Content childAlias   = null;
            ContentOption  cOptionAlias = null;
            ContentRegion  cRegionAlias = null;
            Region         regionAlias  = null;

            ChildContent ccAlias1 = null;

            Models.Content ccChildAlias   = null;
            Models.Content historyAlias   = null;
            ChildContent   historyCcAlias = null;

            Models.Content historyChildAlias = null;

            var query = repository
                        .AsQueryOver(() => ccAlias)
                        .Where(Restrictions.In(NHibernate.Criterion.Projections.Property(() => ccAlias.Parent.Id), ids))
                        .And(() => !ccAlias.IsDeleted)
                        .Inner.JoinAlias(() => ccAlias.Child, () => childAlias)
                        .Where(() => !childAlias.IsDeleted)
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => childAlias.ContentOptions, () => cOptionAlias)
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => ccAlias.Options, () => ccOptionAlias)

                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => childAlias.ContentRegions, () => cRegionAlias)
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => cRegionAlias.Region, () => regionAlias)

                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => childAlias.ChildContents, () => ccAlias1)
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => ccAlias1.Child, () => ccChildAlias);

            if (canManageContent)
                query = query
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => childAlias.History, () => historyAlias)
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => historyAlias.ChildContents, () => historyCcAlias)
                        .Left.JoinAlias(() => historyCcAlias.Child, () => historyChildAlias);

            return(query.List <ChildContent>());
        public void Should_CRUD_BlogPost_WithMasterPage_Successfully()
            // Attach to events
            Events.BlogEvents.Instance.BlogCreated += Instance_EntityCreated;
            Events.BlogEvents.Instance.BlogUpdated += Instance_EntityUpdated;
            Events.BlogEvents.Instance.BlogDeleted += Instance_EntityDeleted;

                (api, session) =>
                isMarkdown = false;
                isHtmlSet  = true;
                isNullUrl  = false;

                masterPage = TestDataProvider.CreateNewPage();
                masterPage.IsMasterPage = true;
                layout = null;

                var htmlContent   = TestDataProvider.CreateNewHtmlContent(100);
                region            = TestDataProvider.CreateNewRegion();
                var contentRegion = new ContentRegion {
                    Content = htmlContent, Region = region
                htmlContent.ContentRegions = new[] { contentRegion };

                var pageContent = new PageContent {
                    Page = masterPage, Content = htmlContent, Region = region


                Run(session, api.Blog.BlogPost.Properties.Post, api.Blog.BlogPost.Properties.Get, api.Blog.BlogPost.Properties.Put, api.Blog.BlogPost.Properties.Delete);

            // Detach from events
            Events.BlogEvents.Instance.BlogCreated -= Instance_EntityCreated;
            Events.BlogEvents.Instance.BlogUpdated -= Instance_EntityUpdated;
            Events.BlogEvents.Instance.BlogDeleted -= Instance_EntityDeleted;
        private void CheckIfContentHasDeletingWidgetsWithDynamicRegions(Widget widget, string targetHtml)
            var sourceHtml    = ((IDynamicContentContainer)widget).Html;
            var sourceWidgets = PageContentRenderHelper.ParseWidgetsFromHtml(sourceHtml);
            var targetWidgets = PageContentRenderHelper.ParseWidgetsFromHtml(targetHtml);

            // Get ids of child widgets, which are being removed from the content
            var removingWidgetIds = sourceWidgets
                                    .Where(sw => targetWidgets.All(tw => tw.WidgetId != sw.WidgetId))
                                    .Select(sw => sw.WidgetId)

            if (removingWidgetIds.Any())
                var childContents   = childContentService.RetrieveChildrenContentsRecursively(true, removingWidgetIds);
                var childContentIds = childContents.Select(cc => cc.Child.Id).Distinct().ToList();

                PageContent   pcAlias            = null;
                ContentRegion contentRegionAlias = null;

                var subQuery = QueryOver.Of(() => contentRegionAlias)
                               .Where(() => !contentRegionAlias.IsDeleted)
                               .And(Restrictions.In(Projections.Property(() => contentRegionAlias.Content.Id), childContentIds))
                               .And(() => contentRegionAlias.Region == pcAlias.Region)
                               .Select(cr => cr.Id);

                var areAnyContentUsages = repository.AsQueryOver(() => pcAlias)
                                          .And(() => !pcAlias.IsDeleted)
                                          .RowCount() > 0;

                if (areAnyContentUsages)
                    var message    = PagesGlobalization.SaveWidget_ContentHasChildrenWidgetWithDynamicContents_ConfirmationMessage;
                    var logMessage = string.Format("User is trying to remove child widget which has children with dynamic regions and assigned contents. Confirmation is required.");
                    throw new ConfirmationRequestException(() => message, logMessage);
        private void CollectDynamicRegions(string html, Models.Content content, IList <ContentRegion> contentRegions)
            var regionIdentifiers = GetRegionIds(html);

            if (regionIdentifiers.Length > 0)
                var regionIdentifiersLower = regionIdentifiers.Select(s => s.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();
                var existingRegions        = repository
                                             .AsQueryable <Region>()
                                             .Where(r => regionIdentifiersLower.Contains(r.RegionIdentifier.ToLowerInvariant()))

                foreach (var regionId in regionIdentifiers.Where(s => contentRegions.All(region => region.Region.RegionIdentifier != s)))
                    var region = existingRegions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RegionIdentifier.ToLowerInvariant() == regionId.ToLowerInvariant());

                    if (region == null)
                        region = contentRegions
                                 .Where(cr => cr.Region.RegionIdentifier.ToLowerInvariant() == regionId.ToLowerInvariant())
                                 .Select(cr => cr.Region).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (region == null)
                            region = new Region {
                                RegionIdentifier = regionId

                    var contentRegion = new ContentRegion {
                        Region = region, Content = content
        public void CollectDynamicRegions(string html, Models.Content content, IList<ContentRegion> contentRegions)
            var regionIdentifiers = GetRegionIds(html);

            if (regionIdentifiers.Length > 0)
                var existingRegions = repository
                    .Where(r => regionIdentifiers.Contains(r.RegionIdentifier))

                foreach (var regionId in regionIdentifiers.Where(s => contentRegions.All(region => region.Region.RegionIdentifier != s)))
                    var region = existingRegions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RegionIdentifier == regionId);

                    if (region == null)
                        region = contentRegions
                            .Where(cr => cr.Region.RegionIdentifier == regionId)
                            .Select(cr => cr.Region).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (region == null)
                            region = new Region { RegionIdentifier = regionId };

                    var contentRegion = new ContentRegion { Region = region, Content = content };