private void Display_EditLibraryItem() { EditLibraryItemPanel.Visible = true; FolderData folder_data; PermissionData security_data; LibraryData library_data; librarytoolbar m_libraryToolBar; string strPath = ""; string[] tmpAr; _Id = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id"]); _FolderId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["parent_id"]); folder_data = _ContentApi.GetFolderById(_FolderId); security_data = _ContentApi.LoadPermissions(_FolderId, "folder", 0); library_data = _ContentApi.GetLibraryItemByID(_Id, _FolderId); if (!(library_data == null)) { _Type = library_data.Type; } else { //ErrorString = "Item not found -HC" } System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "TITLE"; colBound.HeaderText = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Title"); colBound.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; colBound.ItemStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; colBound.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "title-header"; colBound.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; EditLibraryItemGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "ID"; colBound.HeaderText = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic ID"); colBound.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; colBound.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "title-header"; colBound.ItemStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; colBound.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; EditLibraryItemGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "TYPE"; if ((_Type == "files") || (_Type == "images")) { colBound.HeaderText = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Filename"); } else { colBound.HeaderText = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic URL Link"); } colBound.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; colBound.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "title-header"; colBound.ItemStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; colBound.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; EditLibraryItemGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); if (_Type == "quicklinks") { colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "CONTENTID"; colBound.HeaderText = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Content ID"); colBound.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; colBound.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "title-header"; colBound.ItemStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; colBound.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; EditLibraryItemGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataRow dr; dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TITLE", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TYPE", typeof(string))); if (_Type == "quicklinks") { dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CONTENTID", typeof(string))); } if (!(library_data == null)) { dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<input type=\"text\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"200\" name=\"frm_title\" id=\"frm_title\" value=\"" + library_data.Title + "\" onkeypress = \"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event, \'34,13\');\"/>"; dr[1] = library_data.Id; if (_Type == "hyperlinks") { dr[2] = "<input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\" name=\"frm_filename\" value=\"" + library_data.FileName + "\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; } else if (((_Type == "quicklinks") || (_Type == "forms")) && (Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.IsAssetContentType(library_data.ContentType, true) == false)) // (library_data.FileName.IndexOf("javascript:void") < 0) Then { if (folder_data.IsDomainFolder || folder_data.DomainProduction != "") { tmpAr = library_data.FileName.Split(folder_data.DomainProduction.ToCharArray()[0]); dr[2] = strPath + "<input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\" name=\"frm_filename\" value=\"" + tmpAr[1] + "\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; } else { if (_SitePath == "/") { tmpAr = Strings.Split(library_data.FileName, _SitePath, 2, 0); } else { tmpAr = Strings.Split(library_data.FileName, _SitePath); } strPath = (string)(tmpAr[0] + _SitePath); dr[2] = strPath + "<input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\" name=\"frm_filename\" value=\"" + tmpAr[1] + "\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; } } else { // dr(2) = library_data.FileName dr[2] += "<input type=\"text\" disabled=\"true\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\" name=\"frm_filename\" value=\"" + library_data.FileName + "\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; } if (_Type == "quicklinks") { dr[3] = "<input type=\"hidden\" size=\"9\" maxlength=\"19\" name=\"frm_content_id\" value=\"" + library_data.ContentId + "\"/>" + library_data.ContentId; } else { dr[2] += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"frm_content_id\" value=\"\"/>"; } dr[2] += "<input type=hidden name=frm_libtype id=frm_libtype value=\"" + _Type + "\"/>"; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } DataView dv = new DataView(dt); EditLibraryItemGrid.DataSource = dv; EditLibraryItemGrid.DataBind(); m_libraryToolBar = (librarytoolbar)(LoadControl("controls/library/librarytoolbar.ascx")); ToolBarHolder.Controls.Add(m_libraryToolBar); m_libraryToolBar.AppImgPath = _AppImgPath; m_libraryToolBar.PageAction = _PageAction; m_libraryToolBar.FolderInfo = folder_data; m_libraryToolBar.SecurityInfo = security_data; m_libraryToolBar.FolderId = _FolderId; m_libraryToolBar.LibType = _Type; m_libraryToolBar.ContentLanguage = _ContentLanguage; m_libraryToolBar.LibraryInfo = library_data; if (_Type != "quicklinks" && _Type != "forms") { editTabs.Visible = true; dvSummary.Attributes.Add("class", _SelectedDivStyleClass); bool bManagedAsset = false; ContentData content_data = null; ContentAPI m_refcontentapi = new ContentAPI(); CustomFields cFieldsO = new CustomFields(); ContentMetaData[] meta_data; if (_ContentLanguage == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED) { m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES; } else { m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage = _ContentLanguage; } if (library_data.ContentId != 0) { content_data = m_refcontentapi.GetContentById(library_data.ContentId, 0); } if (!(content_data == null)) { meta_data = content_data.MetaData; _ContentTeaser = content_data.Teaser; if (content_data.Type != Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CMSContentType_Library) { bManagedAsset = true; } } else { meta_data = m_refcontentapi.GetMetaDataTypes("id"); } // Setting the titles for tabs EditdvSummaryTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("Summary text"); EditdvMetadataTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("metadata text"); EditdvCategoryTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("viewtaxonomytabtitle"); RenderSummaryEditor(); //Populating the category string Action = "Edit"; PopulateCategory(Action); if (meta_data != null) { if (meta_data.Length > 0) { if (!bManagedAsset) { if (m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage != Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES) { int v = 0; ShowMeta.Text = CustomFields.WriteFilteredMetadataForEdit(meta_data, true, "update", _FolderId, ref v, null).ToString(); ShowTagEditArea(m_refcontentapi, library_data); } else { string strLink; strLink = "<a href=\"library.aspx?LangType=" + meta_data[0].Language.ToString() + "&action=" + _PageAction + "&id=" + _Id + "&parent_id=" + _FolderId + "\">"; ShowMeta.Text = "<span style=\"COLOR: red\">*Note - Related metadata/tags will be displayed only if a specific language was selected. You may either go back to the page and select a language, or click " + strLink + "here</a> to view the metadata with the language selected automatically.</span>"; } } } } } }
private void Display_AddLibraryItem() { FolderData folder_data = null; PermissionData security_data = null; LibraryData library_data = null; LibraryConfigData lib_setting_data = null; librarytoolbar m_libraryToolBar = null; //int i = 0; string Action = "add"; EditLibraryItemPanel.Visible = true; //Id, FolderId differes in this action if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { _Id = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["folder"])) { _FolderId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["folder"]); } if (_Type == "images" || _Type == "files") { LibraryItem.Enctype = "multipart/form-data"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["operation"])) { _Operation = Request.QueryString["operation"].ToLower(); } folder_data = _ContentApi.GetFolderById(_FolderId); security_data = _ContentApi.LoadPermissions(_FolderId, "folder", 0); if (_Operation == "overwrite") { library_data = _ContentApi.GetLibraryItemByID(_Id, _FolderId); } lib_setting_data = _ContentApi.GetLibrarySettings(_FolderId); jsImageExtension.Text = lib_setting_data.ImageExtensions; jsFileExtension.Text = lib_setting_data.FileExtensions; if (security_data.CanAddToFileLib) { jsAddToFileLib.Text = "true"; } else { jsAddToFileLib.Text = "true"; } if (security_data.CanAddToImageLib) { jsAddToImageLib.Text = "true"; } else { jsAddToImageLib.Text = "true"; } frm_folder_id.Value = Convert.ToString(_FolderId); frm_libtype.Value = _Type; frm_operation.Value = _Operation; frm_library_id.Value = Convert.ToString(_Id); if (_Type == "images") { upload_directory.Value = lib_setting_data.ImageDirectory; } else if (_Type == "files") { upload_directory.Value = lib_setting_data.FileDirectory; } m_libraryToolBar = (librarytoolbar)(LoadControl("controls/library/librarytoolbar.ascx")); ToolBarHolder.Controls.Add(m_libraryToolBar); m_libraryToolBar.AppImgPath = _AppImgPath; m_libraryToolBar.PageAction = _PageAction; m_libraryToolBar.FolderInfo = folder_data; m_libraryToolBar.SecurityInfo = security_data; m_libraryToolBar.FolderId = _FolderId; m_libraryToolBar.LibType = _Type; m_libraryToolBar.ContentLanguage = _ContentLanguage; m_libraryToolBar.Operation = _Operation; AddLibraryItemPanel.Visible = true; tr1_td1_ali.InnerHtml = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Title"); if ((_Type == "files") || (_Type == "images")) { tr1_td2_ali.InnerHtml = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Filename"); } else { tr1_td2_ali.InnerHtml = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic URL Link"); } if (_Type == "quicklinks") { tr1_td3_ali.InnerHtml = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Content ID"); } else { tr1_td3_ali.Visible = false; } if ((_Type == "quicklinks") || (_Type == "Forms")) { tr2_td3_ali.InnerHtml = "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width:75px\" size=\"9\" maxlength=\"19\" name=\"frm_content_id\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; } else { tr2_td3_ali.InnerHtml = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"frm_content_id\" value=\"\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; tr2_td3_ali.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;"); } if (_Operation == "overwrite") { tr2_td1_ali.InnerHtml = library_data.Title + "<input type=\"hidden\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"200\" name=\"frm_title\" value=\"" + library_data.Title + "\"/>"; } else { tr2_td1_ali.InnerHtml = "<input type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"200\" name=\"frm_title\" id=\"frm_title\" onkeypress = \"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event, \'34,13\');\"/>"; } if (_Operation == "overwrite") { frm_oldfilename.Value = library_data.FileName; OverwriteSubPanel1.Visible = true; OverwriteSubPanel2.Visible = true; TD_filename.InnerHtml = "<input type=\"file\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"255\" id=\"frm_filename\" name=\"frm_filename\"/>"; tr2_td2_ali_controls.Text = library_data.FileName; if (library_data.Type == "images") { Overwrite_Image.ImageUrl = library_data.FileName.Replace(" ", "%20"); Overwrite_Image.ImageUrl += "?id=" + EkFunctions.Random(1, 1000).ToString(); Overwrite_Image.Visible = true; } else { Overwrite_link.Visible = true; Overwrite_link.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title; Overwrite_link.NavigateUrl = library_data.FileName; Overwrite_link.Target = "CurrentPreview"; Overwrite_link.ToolTip = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title"); } AddItemFocus.Text = "document.forms[0].frm_filename.focus();"; } else { OverwriteSubPanel0.Visible = true; if (_Type == "hyperlinks") { tr2_td2_ali_controls.Text = "<input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"255\" name=\"frm_filename\" value=\"http://\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/>"; frm_filename.Visible = false; } else if (_Type == "quicklinks") { tr2_td2_ali_controls.Text = "<span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">" + _SitePath + "<input type=\"text\" size=\"" + (50 - Strings.Len(_SitePath)) + "\" maxlength=\"255\" name=\"frm_filename\" value=\"\" onkeypress=\"javascript:return CheckKeyValue(event,\'34\');\"/></span>"; frm_filename.Visible = false; } AddItemFocus.Text = "document.forms[0].frm_title.focus();"; } if (_Type != "quicklinks" && _Type != "forms") { addTabs.Visible = false; editTabs.Visible = true; dvSummary.Attributes.Add("class", _SelectedDivStyleClass); CustomFields cFieldsO = new CustomFields(); ContentMetaData[] meta_data = null; ContentAPI m_refcontentapi = new ContentAPI(); ContentData content_data = new ContentData(); bool bManagedAsset = false; string ty = ""; if (_ContentLanguage == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED) { m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES; } else { m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage = _ContentLanguage; } if (_Operation == "overwrite") { Action = "Edit"; ty = "update"; if (library_data.ContentId != 0) { content_data = m_refcontentapi.GetContentById(library_data.ContentId, 0); if (!(content_data == null)) { meta_data = content_data.MetaData; _ContentTeaser = content_data.Teaser; if (content_data.Type != Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CMSContentType_Library) { bManagedAsset = true; } } else { meta_data = m_refcontentapi.GetMetaDataTypes("id"); } } } else { if (_PageAction == "addlibraryitem") { ty = "add"; } meta_data = m_refcontentapi.GetMetaDataTypes("id"); } RenderSummaryEditor(); // Setting the titles for tabs AdddvSummaryTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("Summary text"); AdddvMetadataTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("metadata text"); AdddvCategoryTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("viewtaxonomytabtitle"); EditdvSummaryTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("Summary text"); EditdvMetadataTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("metadata text"); EditdvCategoryTxt.Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("viewtaxonomytabtitle"); //Populating the category Tab PopulateCategory(Action); if (meta_data != null) { if (meta_data.Length > 0) { if (!bManagedAsset)// bManagedAsset) { int c = 0; ShowMeta.Text = CustomFields.WriteFilteredMetadataForEdit(meta_data, true, ty, _FolderId, ref c, null).ToString(); ShowTagEditArea(m_refcontentapi, library_data); } } } } }
private void Display_ViewLibraryItem() { ViewLibraryItemPanel.Visible = true; FolderData folder_data; PermissionData security_data; LibraryData library_data; librarytoolbar m_libraryToolBar; _Id = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id"]); _FolderId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["parent_id"]); folder_data = _ContentApi.GetFolderById(_FolderId); security_data = _ContentApi.LoadPermissions(_FolderId, "folder", 0); library_data = _ContentApi.GetLibraryItemByID(_Id, _FolderId); //StagingFileName property would be empty for non-multisite links and as well as when the site is not in Staging Mode if (library_data.StagingFileName == "") { library_data.StagingFileName = library_data.FileName; } if (!(library_data == null)) { _Type = library_data.Type; } else { //ErrorString = "Item not found -HC" } System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "TITLE"; colBound.ItemStyle.CssClass = "label"; ViewLibraryItemGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "TEXT"; System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit percUnit; percUnit = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Percentage(95); colBound.HeaderStyle.Width = percUnit; ViewLibraryItemGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); percUnit = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Empty; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataRow dr; dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TITLE", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TEXT", typeof(string))); if (!(library_data == null)) { dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic title label") + "</span>"; dr[1] = library_data.Title; dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr = dt.NewRow(); if (library_data.Type == "quicklinks" || library_data.Type == "hyperlinks") { dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("url link label") + "</span>"; } else { dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("filename label") + "</span>"; } dr[1] = library_data.FileName; dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("library id label") + "</span>"; dr[1] = library_data.Id; dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("parent folder label") + "</span>"; dr[1] = library_data.FolderName; dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("content LUE label") + "</span>"; dr[1] = library_data.EditorLastName + ", " + library_data.EditorFirstName; dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("content LED label") + "</span>"; dr[1] = library_data.DisplayLastEditDate; dt.Rows.Add(dr); dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = "<span class=\"label\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("content DC label") + "</span>"; dr[1] = library_data.DisplayDateCreated; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } // Don't tbind the data yet, may have teaser data to include... //SEARCH METADATA'''''''''''' ContentData content_data = null; if (_Type != "quicklinks" && _Type != "forms") { bool bManagedAsset = false; ContentAPI m_refcontentapi = new ContentAPI(); CustomFields cFieldsO = new CustomFields(); ContentMetaData[] meta_data; if (_ContentLanguage == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED) { m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES; } else { m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage = _ContentLanguage; } if (library_data.ContentId != 0) { content_data = m_refcontentapi.GetContentById(library_data.ContentId, 0); } if (!(content_data == null)) { meta_data = content_data.MetaData; _ContentTeaser = content_data.Teaser; _ContentTeaser = _ContentTeaser.Replace("<p> </p>", string.Empty); if (content_data.Type != Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CMSContentType_Library) { bManagedAsset = true; } } else { meta_data = m_refcontentapi.GetMetaDataTypes("id"); } // Add the Teaser-Data for this Library item: dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("description label"); dr[1] = _ContentTeaser; dt.Rows.Add(dr); if (meta_data != null) { if (meta_data.Length > 0) { if (!bManagedAsset) { //ViewLibraryMeta.Text = cFieldsO.WriteMetadataForView(meta_data).ToString if (m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage != Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES) { ViewLibraryMeta.Text = CustomFields.WriteFilteredMetadataForView(meta_data, _FolderId, true).ToString(); // display tag info for this library item System.Text.StringBuilder taghtml = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); taghtml.Append("<fieldset style=\"margin:10px\">"); taghtml.Append("<legend>" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl personal tags") + "</legend>"); taghtml.Append("<div style=\"height: 80px; overflow: auto;\" >"); if (library_data.Id > 0) { LocalizationAPI localizationApi = new LocalizationAPI(); TagData[] tdaUser; tdaUser = (new Ektron.Cms.Community.TagsAPI()).GetTagsForObject(library_data.Id, EkEnumeration.CMSObjectTypes.Library, m_refcontentapi.ContentLanguage); if (tdaUser != null && tdaUser.Length > 0) { foreach (TagData td in tdaUser) { taghtml.Append("<input disabled=\"disabled\" checked=\"checked\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"userPTagsCbx_" + td.Id.ToString() + "\" name=\"userPTagsCbx_" + td.Id.ToString() + "\" /> "); taghtml.Append("<img src=\'" + localizationApi.GetFlagUrlByLanguageID(td.LanguageId) + "\' />"); taghtml.Append(" " + td.Text + "<br />"); } } else { taghtml.Append(_MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl notagsselected")); } } taghtml.Append("</div>"); taghtml.Append("</fieldset>"); ViewLibraryTags.Text = taghtml.ToString(); } else { string strLink; strLink = "<a href=\"library.aspx?LangType=" + meta_data[0].Language.ToString() + "&action=" + _PageAction + "&id=" + _Id + "&parent_id=" + _FolderId + "\">"; ViewLibraryMeta.Text = "<span style=\"COLOR: red\">*Note - Related metadata/tags will be displayed only if a specific language was selected on the previous page. You may either go back to the previous page to select a language, or click " + strLink + "here</a> to view the metadata with the language selected automatically.</span>"; } } } } } ///''''''''''''''''''''''''' //Binding the Taxonomy if (_Type != "quicklinks" && _Type != "forms") { if (library_data.ContentId != 0) { TaxonomyBaseData[] data = null; ContentAPI m_refcontentapi = new ContentAPI(); Ektron.Cms.Content.EkContent cref; cref = m_refcontentapi.EkContentRef; data = cref.ReadAllAssignedCategory(library_data.ContentId); ViewTaxonomy.Text = "<fieldset style=\"margin: 10px;\"><legend>Category</legend>"; ViewTaxonomy.Text += "<table width=\"100%\">"; ViewTaxonomy.Text += "<tr><td>"; if ((data != null) && data.Length > 0) { foreach (TaxonomyBaseData tax_data in data) { ViewTaxonomy.Text = ViewTaxonomy.Text + "<li>" + tax_data.TaxonomyPath.Remove(0, 1).Replace("\\", ">") + "</li>"; } } else { ViewTaxonomy.Text += _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl nocatselected"); } ViewTaxonomy.Text += "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</fieldset>"; } } // now bind data, possibly with teaser: DataView dv = new DataView(dt); ViewLibraryItemGrid.DataSource = dv; ViewLibraryItemGrid.DataBind(); colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); colBound.DataField = "LINK"; colBound.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Empty; colBound.HeaderStyle.Height = Unit.Empty; colBound.ItemStyle.Wrap = false; colBound.ItemStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; colBound.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; ViewLibraryItemLinkGrid.Columns.Add(colBound); ViewLibraryItemLinkGrid.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LINK", typeof(string))); if (!(library_data == null)) { library_data.FileName = Server.HtmlDecode(library_data.FileName); if (library_data.TypeId == 1 || library_data.TypeId == 2) { library_data.FileName = library_data.FileName.Replace("%", "%25"); library_data.FileName = library_data.FileName.Replace("#", "%23"); library_data.FileName = library_data.FileName.Replace("$", "%24"); library_data.FileName = library_data.FileName.Replace("&", "%26"); library_data.FileName = library_data.FileName.Replace("^", "%5E"); } dr = dt.NewRow(); if (library_data.Type == "images") { Random r = new Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond); if (content_data != null) { if (content_data.AssetData.Id != "" && content_data.Status == "I") { dr[0] = content_data.Html; } else { dr[0] = "<img src=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "?n=" + r.Next(1, 5000) + "\">"; } } else { dr[0] = "<img src=\"" + library_data.FileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "?n=" + r.Next(1, 5000) + "\">"; } } else if (library_data.Type == "quicklinks") { if (Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.IsAssetContentType(library_data.ContentType, true) && library_data.ContentType != Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CMSContentType_Media) { if ((library_data.FileName.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("javascript:") == -1) && library_data.FileName.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("downloadasset.aspx") == -1) { library_data.FileName = this._SiteApi.SitePath + library_data.FileName; } dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "&LangType=" + library_data.LanguageId + "\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } else if ((library_data.FileName.IndexOf("?") + 1) > 0) { if (library_data.FileName.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("downloadasset.aspx") > -1) { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "&LangType=" + library_data.LanguageId + "\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } else { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + ((library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20").StartsWith(_SitePath)) ? (library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20")) : (((library_data.StagingFileName.Substring(0, 7) != "http://") && (library_data.StagingFileName.Substring(0, 8) != "https://")) ? _SitePath + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") : library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20"))) + "\"&Preview=True&LangType=" + library_data.LanguageId + "\" target=\"Preview\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } } else { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "\"&Preview=True&LangType=" + library_data.LanguageId + "\" target=\"Preview\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } } else if (library_data.Type == "forms") { if ((library_data.FileName.IndexOf("?") + 1) > 0) { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "\"&Preview=True&LangType=" + library_data.LanguageId + "\" target=\"Preview\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } else { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "\"&Preview=True&LangType=" + library_data.LanguageId + "\" target=\"Preview\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } } else if ((library_data.Type == "hyperlinks") && (!library_data.FileName.Contains("http://")) && (!library_data.FileName.Contains("https://"))) { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.FileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "\" target=\"Preview\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } else { dr[0] = "<a href=\"" + library_data.StagingFileName.Replace(" ", "%20") + "\" target=\"Preview\" title=\"" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "\">" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("generic Preview title") + " " + library_data.Title + "</a>"; } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } dv = new DataView(dt); ViewLibraryItemLinkGrid.DataSource = dv; ViewLibraryItemLinkGrid.DataBind(); m_libraryToolBar = (librarytoolbar)(LoadControl("controls/library/librarytoolbar.ascx")); ToolBarHolder.Controls.Add(m_libraryToolBar); m_libraryToolBar.AppImgPath = _AppImgPath; m_libraryToolBar.PageAction = _PageAction; m_libraryToolBar.FolderInfo = folder_data; m_libraryToolBar.SecurityInfo = security_data; m_libraryToolBar.FolderId = _FolderId; m_libraryToolBar.LibType = _Type; m_libraryToolBar.ContentLanguage = _ContentLanguage; m_libraryToolBar.ContentType = library_data.ContentType; m_libraryToolBar.LibraryInfo = library_data; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { refContentAPI = new ContentAPI(); refEkContent = refContentAPI.EkContentRef; refEkSite = refContentAPI.EkSiteRef; ContentMetaData[] metaData = null; Ektron.Cms.ContentData originalContent = null; ltrEnhancedMetadataArea.Text = CustomFields.GetEnhancedMetadataArea(); if (ContentID != 0) { originalContent = refContentAPI.GetContentById(this.ContentID, ResultType); if (resultType == ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Staged && originalContent == null) { originalContent = refContentAPI.GetContentById(this.ContentID, ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); } if (originalContent.FolderId == FolderID) { metaData = originalContent.MetaData; } } if(metaData == null){ metaData = refContentAPI.GetMetaDataTypes("id"); } int validCounter = 0; if (originalContent != null || ContentID == 0) { foreach (ContentMetaData cMeta in metaData) { if (cMeta.Type.ToString() == "ImageSelector") { cMeta.Text = cMeta.Text.Replace(SitePath + "assets/", ""); cMeta.Text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(cMeta.Text, "\\?.*", ""); } } StringBuilder sbMetadata = Ektron.Cms.CustomFields.WriteFilteredMetadataForEdit( metaData, false, MetaUpdateString, this.FolderID, ref validCounter, refEkSite.GetPermissions(this.FolderID, 0, "folder")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sbMetadata.ToString())) { ltrMetadataHTML.Text = sbMetadata.ToString(); if (sbMetadata.ToString().Contains("<span style=\"color:red\">")) MetadataRequired = metadataRequired = true; } else { ltrMetadataHTML.Text = "<span>"+siteAPI.EkMsgRef.GetMessage("lbl no metadata associated")+"</span>"; } } Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, refContentAPI.AppPath + "java/jfunct.js", "CommunityJFunctJS"); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, refContentAPI.AppPath + "java/metadata_selectlist.js", "CommunityMetadataSelectListJS"); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, refContentAPI.AppPath + "java/searchfuncsupport.js", "CommunitySearchFuncSupportJS"); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, refContentAPI.AppPath + "java/internCalendarDisplayFuncs.js", "CommunityInternCalendarDisplayFuncsJS"); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, refContentAPI.AppPath + "java/metadata_associations.js", "CommunityMetadataAssociationsJS"); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSInclude(this, refContentAPI.AppPath + "java/optiontransfer.js", "CommunityOptionTransferJS"); Ektron.Cms.API.JS.RegisterJSBlock(this, "window.ek_ma_ForceNewWindow = " + ForceNewWindow.ToString().ToLower(), "ek_ma_ForceNewWindow"); }
private StringBuilder CaptureMetadata(long contentId, long folderId) { StringBuilder metadataOutput = new StringBuilder(); ContentAPI myContentAPI = new ContentAPI(); ContentData myContentEditData = new ContentData(); ContentMetaData[] myContentMetadata; string myType = "update"; int myCounter = 0; Ektron.Cms.Site.EkSite myEkSite = new Ektron.Cms.Site.EkSite(); int ContentLanguage = EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED; if (Page.Request.QueryString["LangType"] != null) { if (Page.Request.QueryString["LangType"] != "") { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(Page.Request.QueryString["LangType"]); myContentAPI.SetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID", ContentLanguage.ToString()); } else { if (myContentAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID") != "") { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(myContentAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID")); } } } else { if (myContentAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID") != "") { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(myContentAPI.GetCookieValue("LastValidLanguageID")); } } if (ContentLanguage == EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED) { myContentAPI.ContentLanguage = EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES; } else { myContentAPI.ContentLanguage = ContentLanguage; } if (contentId != -1) { myEkSite = myContentAPI.EkSiteRef; myContentEditData = myContentAPI.GetContentById(contentId, 0); myContentMetadata = myContentEditData.MetaData; if (myContentMetadata.Length > 0) { metadataOutput = Ektron.Cms.CustomFields.WriteFilteredMetadataForEdit(myContentMetadata, false, myType, folderId, ref myCounter, myEkSite.GetPermissions(folderId, 0, "folder")); if (metadataOutput.Length > 0) { ltrShowMetadata.Text = "<li><a id=\"metadataAnchor\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"dmsMetadataShowHideCategory(\'metadata\');return false;\" title=\"View Metadata\" class=\"selected\">" + myContentAPI.EkMsgRef.GetMessage("metadata text") + "</a></li>"; } } } return metadataOutput; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { contentAPI = new ContentAPI(); ekContent = contentAPI.EkContentRef; messageHelper = contentAPI.EkMsgRef; distributionMode = DistributionWizardHelperMethods.GetModeFromQueryString(Request); switch (distributionMode) { case DistributionWizardEnumerations.Mode.CommunityCopy: if (ParseCommunityCopyParameters()) { long distributionFolderID = (long)Session[DistributionWizardConstants.SESSION_PARAM_DEST_FOLDER_ID]; long distributionContentID = (long)Session[DistributionWizardConstants.SESSION_PARAM_ORIG_CONTENT_ID]; ContentData content = contentAPI.GetContentById( distributionContentID, ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); if (content != null) { int distributionLanguageID = content.LanguageId; DisplayCommunityCopyMode(content, distributionFolderID); } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } break; case DistributionWizardEnumerations.Mode.CommunityRedistribute: if (ParseCommunityRedistributeParameters()) { long distributionContentID = (long)Session[DistributionWizardConstants.SESSION_PARAM_DEST_CONTENT_ID]; ContentData content = null; try { content = contentAPI.GetContentById( distributionContentID, ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); } catch { // Exception likely occurred due to the user not being logged in. // Unfortunately, ContentAPI.IsLoggedIn is not reliable enough (still // returns true if user is user is logged out from a different client) // to check in this case. } if (content != null) { long distributionFolderID = content.FolderId; long distributionLanguageID = content.LanguageId; DisplayCommunityRedistributeMode(content, content.FolderId); } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } break; case DistributionWizardEnumerations.Mode.CommunityReplace: if (ParseCommunityReplaceParameters()) { long distributionContentID = (long)Session[DistributionWizardConstants.SESSION_PARAM_DEST_CONTENT_ID]; ContentData content = contentAPI.GetContentById( distributionContentID, ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); if (content != null) { long distributionFolderID = content.FolderId; long distributionLanguageID = content.LanguageId; DisplayCommunityReplaceMode(content, content.FolderId); } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } break; case DistributionWizardEnumerations.Mode.Sharepoint: if (ParseSharepointParameters()) { long distributionContentID = (long)Session[DistributionWizardConstants.SESSION_PARAM_SHAREPOINT_CONTENT_ID]; ContentData content = contentAPI.GetContentById( distributionContentID, ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); if (content != null) { long distributionFolderID = content.FolderId; int distributionLanguageID = content.LanguageId; DisplaySharepointMode(content, distributionFolderID); } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } break; case DistributionWizardEnumerations.Mode.SharepointRedistribute: if (ParseSharepointParameters()) { long distributionContentID = (long)Session[DistributionWizardConstants.SESSION_PARAM_SHAREPOINT_CONTENT_ID]; ContentData content = null; try { content = contentAPI.GetContentById( distributionContentID, ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); } catch { // Exception likely occurred due to the user not being logged in. // Unfortunately, ContentAPI.IsLoggedIn is not reliable enough (still // returns true if user is user is logged out from a different client) // to check in this case. } if (content != null) { long distributionFolderID = content.FolderId; int distributionLanguageID = content.LanguageId; DisplaySharepointMode(content, distributionFolderID); } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } } else { DisplayErrorMessage( messageHelper.GetMessage("distribution wizard required parameters"), true); } break; } RegisterStylesheets(); }