public void ReadContainerFromExternalFile() { Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor; OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "MSH or Text Files|*.msh;*.txt|Text Files|*.txt|Office Files|*.doc|All Files|*.*"; dlg.Multiselect = false; dlg.Title = "Select MSH File "; dlg.DefaultExt = "msh"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { container = new Containers(); if (container.ReadFromExternalFile(dlg.FileName)) { int notfictive = 0; foreach (Bend b in container.Bends) { if (!b.Fictive) { notfictive++; } } string formatString = "{0,-20}\t{1,-12}\n\n"; string mess = "\n"; mess += string.Format(formatString, "Nodes:", container.Nodes.Count); mess += string.Format(formatString, "All Bends:", container.Bends.Count); mess += string.Format(formatString, "Bends:", notfictive); mess += string.Format(formatString, "Fictive Bends:", container.Bends.Count - notfictive); mess += string.Format(formatString, "Peripheral Bends:", container.peripheralBendsNumers.Count); mess += string.Format(formatString, "Triangles:", container.Triangles.Count); mess += string.Format(formatString, "Polygons:", container.Polygons.Count); MessageBox.Show("\nMesh data was loaded from the Dictionary !\n\n" + mess + "\n\n" + ConstantsAndSettings.GetString(), "Reading from the Dictionary ...", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ed.WriteMessage("\nMesh data was loaded from the Dictionary !"); } else { container = new Containers(); } } }