void UpdateDataView()
        string filter = string.Empty;

        filter += " FeatureContainerId=" + featureContainerId;

        // filter
        if (txtFilter.Text.Length > 0)
            string cleanFilter = txtFilter.Text.Replace("'", "''").ToLower();
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("[", "[[]");
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("_", "[_]");
            cleanFilter = cleanFilter.Replace("%", "[%]");

            filter += " AND (LOWER(TC.Tag) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%'";
            filter += " OR LOWER(TC.ContainerName) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%'";
            filter += " OR LOWER(TC.Definition) like '%" + cleanFilter + "%')";

        // Get all container dependencies
        using (ContainerDependencyList dependencies = ContainerDependency.GetAll(filter))
            if (dependencies != null)
                if (dependencies.Count > 0)
                    dg.DataSource = dependencies;
                    Utils.InitGridSort(ref dg);

                    UITools.RefreshTab(this.Page, "ContainerDependencies", dg.Rows.Count);

                    if (SessionState.User.HasCapability(CapabilitiesEnum.MANAGE_DICTIONARY))
                        UITools.ShowToolBarSeparator(uwToolbar, "DeleteSep");
                        UITools.ShowToolBarButton(uwToolbar, "Delete");
                        uwToolbar.Items.FromKeyButton("Delete").DefaultStyle.Width = Unit.Pixel(120);

                    dg.Visible          = true;
                    lbNoresults.Visible = false;
                    if (txtFilter.Text.Length > 0)
                        lbNoresults.Text = "No record match your search (" + txtFilter.Text + ")";

                    dg.Visible          = false;
                    lbNoresults.Visible = true;

                // refresh tab count
                UITools.RefreshTab(Page, "ContainerDependencies", dependencies.Count);
    private void CheckDependency()
        InputForm inputForm = InputForm.GetByKey(InputFormId);

        if (inputForm != null)
            if (refContainer.ContainerTypeCode == 'F') // feature container
                // Retrieve all container dependencies for this feature container
                string filter = " FeatureContainerId=" + refContainer.Id;
                using (ContainerDependencyList dependencies = ContainerDependency.GetAll(filter))
                    if ((dependencies != null) && (dependencies.Count > 0))
                        // Create list of tech spec containers (in container dependencies)
                        string techSpecsList = string.Empty;
                        foreach (HyperCatalog.Business.ContainerDependency d in dependencies)
                            // Current tech spec container
                            HyperCatalog.Business.Container techSpecContainer = d.TechspecContainer;

                            // tech spec container is or not attached to this input form
                            int i = 0;
                            using (InputFormContainerList ifcList = InputFormContainer.GetAll("InputFormId=" + InputFormId + " AND ContainerId=" + techSpecContainer.Id))
                                if ((ifcList == null) || (ifcList.Count == 0))
                                    if (techSpecsList.Length > 0)
                                        techSpecsList += "\\n";
                                    techSpecsList += " " + i.ToString() + " - " + techSpecContainer.Name + " [" + techSpecContainer.Tag + "]";

                        // Tech specs (in container dependencies) are not attached to this input form
                        if (techSpecsList.Length > 0)
                            string msg = "REMINDER - are the following tech spec containers in your tech specs input forms?\\n";
                            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "warning", "<script>alert('" + msg + techSpecsList + "');</script>");