public override void StartSelection() { base.StartSelection(); //Give a small delay before we return the skill selection // so that we can give a chance to clear the stack out ContTime.Get().Invoke(Mathf.Min(ContTime.Get().fMaxSelectionTime / 2, 1.5f), SubmitNextSkill); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { fCurTime += ContTime.Get().fDeltaTime; if (fCurTime >= fMaxTime) { sAnnouncement = ""; SetText(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { fCurTime -= ContTime.Get().fDeltaTime; if (fCurTime < 0) { Destroy(this.gameObject); } SetBarWidth(); }
public void UpdateRecoil() { if (bRecoiling == false) { return; } fCurRecoilTime += ContTime.Get().fDeltaTime; goPortrait.transform.localPosition += fRecoilSpeed * v3RecoilDirection * ContTime.Get().fDeltaTime; //Debug.Log("x coord is " + goPortrait.transform.localPosition.x); //If we've moved past the left boundary if (v3RecoilDirection.x >= 0 && goPortrait.transform.localPosition.x >= v3BasePosition.x + fMaxRecoilDistance) { //Make sure we don't move too far past the edge goPortrait.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (v3BasePosition.x + fMaxRecoilDistance, goPortrait.transform.localPosition.y, goPortrait.transform.localPosition.z); //Reverse the direction v3RecoilDirection *= -1; //Debug.Log("reversing"); } else if (v3RecoilDirection.x < 0 && goPortrait.transform.localPosition.x <= v3BasePosition.x - fMaxRecoilDistance) { //Make sure we don't move too far past the edge goPortrait.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (v3BasePosition.x - fMaxRecoilDistance, goPortrait.transform.localPosition.y, goPortrait.transform.localPosition.z); //Reverse the direction v3RecoilDirection *= -1; //Debug.Log("reversing"); } if (fCurRecoilTime > fMaxRecoilTime) { //Debug.Log(mod.sName + " is ending recoil"); bRecoiling = false; fCurRecoilTime = 0f; //Ensure the position is now equal to the original base position goPortrait.transform.localPosition = v3BasePosition; //And reset our state back to idle statePortrait = PortraitState.IDLE; SetPortrait(); } }
public void InitDefaultOptions() { //Initially Set the default options btnPlyr0Human.bSelected = true; subPlayer0SelectedInGroup.NotifyObs(btnPlyr0Human); btnPlyr1AI.bSelected = true; subPlayer1SelectedInGroup.NotifyObs(btnPlyr1AI); ContTime.Get().SetMaxSelectionTime(ContTime.DELAYOPTIONS.MEDIUM); btnTimerMedium.bSelected = true; subTimerSelectedInGroup.NotifyObs(btnTimerMedium); }
public void HandleFastForwarding() { //Check if we have a stacked up number of stored inputs that we need to plow through if (NetworkMatchReceiver.Get().HasNReadyInputs(nFASTFORWARDTHRESHOLD)) { ContTime.Get().SetAutoFastForward(true); } else { ContTime.Get().SetAutoFastForward(false); } }
public void cbOnEnter(Object target, params object[] args) { //Move the overlay onto the screen this.transform.position = v3OnScreen; ContTime.Get().Pause(); //Initialize all of the button's action subscription and action groups btnPlyr0Human.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickPlyr0Human); btnPlyr0AI.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickPlyr0AI); btnPlyr1Human.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickPlyr1Human); btnPlyr1AI.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickPlyr1AI); btnTimerFast.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickTimerFast); btnTimerMedium.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickTimerMedium); btnTimerInf.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickTimerInf); btnRestart.subClick.Subscribe(cbClickRestart); //And listen for the open menu shortcut KeyBindings.SetBinding(cbOnLeave, KeyCode.Escape); }
public void cbOnLeave(Object target, params object[] args) { //Move the overlay off of the screen this.transform.position = v3OffScreen; ContTime.Get().UnPause(); //Unsubscribe each button action btnPlyr0Human.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickPlyr0Human); btnPlyr0AI.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickPlyr0AI); btnPlyr1Human.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickPlyr1Human); btnPlyr1AI.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickPlyr1AI); btnTimerFast.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickTimerFast); btnTimerMedium.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickTimerMedium); btnTimerInf.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickTimerInf); btnRestart.subClick.UnSubscribe(cbClickRestart); //And listen for the open menu shortcut KeyBindings.SetBinding(cbOnEnter, KeyCode.Escape); }
public void StartTimeoutTimer(ContTurns.STATETURN stateTurn) { if (fTimeoutTimer != 0.0f) { //If the timer is already going, then we don't need to start it again return; } //Save the current turnstate we're processing stateTurnWaitingOn = stateTurn; if (stateTurn == ContTurns.STATETURN.CHOOSESKILL) { //TODO - only enforce the full time if we're waiting on the active player //just piggy-back off the local player's selection // TODO - sync this variable up among all players fTimeoutTimer = ContTime.Get().fMaxSelectionTime; } else { fTimeoutTimer = fTimeoutStandard; } }
public void OnToggleFastForward() { ContTime.Get().SetManualFastForward(togFastForward.isOn); }
public void cbClickTimerInf(Object target, params object[] args) { ContTime.Get().SetMaxSelectionTime(ContTime.DELAYOPTIONS.INF); subTimerSelectedInGroup.NotifyObs(target); }