//Populates patient details in textboxes
        private void Dropdown_1_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Patient_Database.patientSelectedGenerateLetter(Dropdown_1, Input_1, Input_2,
                                                           Input_3, Input_4, Input_5, GP_Letter);

            //Gets all initial consultations of patient
            DataTable initialConsultations =
            int consCount = initialConsultations.Rows.Count;

            //Depending on how many initial consultations will depend on the text displayed
            if (consCount == 0)
                Input_6.Text = "No Initial Consultation";
            else if (consCount == 1)
                Input_6.Text = Convert.ToString(initialConsultations.Rows[0]["Display Text"]);
            else if (consCount > 1)
                Input_6.Text = "More than one Initial Consultation";

            //Enables controls to generate letters
            Initial_Letter.Enabled      = true;
            Initial_Letter_MHLP.Enabled = true;
            No_Contact_Letter.Enabled   = true;
            GP_Letter.Enabled           = true;
        //No contant letter is based on the initial consultation.  If thre is more than 1 initial consultation then
        //furethr validation is required
        private void No_Contact_Letter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Gets all initial Consultations from patient and stores the id and date in a dictionary
            DataTable initialConsultations =

            if (initialConsultations.Rows.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("There is no initial consultations for This patient.  Please add a new initial " +
                                "consultation to generate this letter", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //If only one consultation then generate letter
            else if (initialConsultations.Rows.Count == 1)
                consultationDate = Convert.ToString(initialConsultations.Rows[0]["Date"]);
                WriteLetter("No Contact.dat");

            //Changing the form to allow user to choose which consultation will be in the letter
            else if (initialConsultations.Rows.Count > 1)
                //Sets trigger so other events know we are choosing the initial consultation
                ChooseInitialConsultation = true;

                //Adjusting form height and setting unwanted objects to visible = false
                this.Height        = 190;
                this.Width         = 352;
                Sort_Lists.Visible = false;
                label2.Visible     = false;
                label4.Visible     = false;
                label5.Visible     = false;
                Input_1.Visible    = false;
                Input_2.Visible    = false;
                Input_3.Visible    = false;

                //Changes the header label
                label1.Visible = false;
                label3.Visible = true;
                label6.Visible = true;

                //Centering the dropdown and moving the back button into view
                Dropdown_1.Visible = false;
                Dropdown_2.Visible = true;
                UserLabel.Location = new Point(20, 133);
                Back.Location      = new Point(239, 122);

                //Making visible the accept consultation button and cancel button
                Accept_Consultation.Visible = true;
                Cancel.Visible = true;

                //Changes the datasource of the dropdown2
                Dropdown_2.DataSource    = null;
                Dropdown_2.DataSource    = initialConsultations;
                Dropdown_2.DisplayMember = "Display Text";
                Dropdown_2.ValueMember   = "Date";
 //When a user clicks a selection from the dropdown box all the values of the selected patient will
 //populate the fields.
 private void Dropdown_1_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Patient_Database.PatientSelectedConsultation1(Dropdown_1, Input_1, Input_2, Input_3,
                                                   Input_4, Input_5);
     Consultation_Database.PopulateConsultationDataGridView(Dropdown_1, Existing_Consultations); //Poplulates existing consultations if any
     Dropdown_2.Enabled = true;                                                                  //Allows user to choose time period
     if (Dropdown_2.SelectedIndex != -1)
         Add_Consultation.Enabled = true;
        //Deletes selected consultation
        private void Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool deleteSuccessful = Consultation_Database.DeleteConsultation(Dropdown_1, Existing_Consultations); //Deletes Consultation

            //If user chooses to cancel delete or there is no consultations to delete it stops the method
            if (deleteSuccessful == false)
            Consultation_Database.PopulateConsultationDataGridView(Dropdown_1, Existing_Consultations); //Refreshes existing consultations
        //DDL for Consultation
        //    "PAT_ID_Number INT NOT NULL," +
        //    "CONS_Consultant TEXT NOT NULL," +
        //    "CONS_Time_Period TEXT NOT NULL," +
        //    "CONS_Date DATE NOT NULL," +
        //    "CONS_Health_Rating TEXT," +
        //    "CONS_Smoking_Status TEXT," +
        //    "CONS_Alcohol_Days NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Alcohol_Drinks NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Height NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Weight NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_BMI NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Waist NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_SBP NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_DBP NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Body_Fat_Percentage NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_LBM NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Visceral_Fat_Rating NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_CHO_TC NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_CHO_LDL NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_CHO_HDL NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_CHO_TG NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Fasting_Glucose NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_HbA1c NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Resistance INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Cardio INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Brisk_Walk INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Light_Activity INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Fruit_Serves NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Fruit_Greater_2_Serves NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Vegetable_Serves NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Vegetable_Greater_5_Serves NUMERIC," +
        //    "CONS_Commercial_Meals INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Sweets INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Soft_Drinks INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Skip_Main_Meals INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Keep_Track_Of_Food INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Limit_Portions INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Eat_When_Upset INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Eat_In_Front_Of_TV INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Choose_Healthier_Foods INTEGER," +
        //    "CONS_Notes TEXT);";

        //********************Class Constructor********************

        public Add_Edit_Consultation_2()
            Global.testConnection(this);                   //Tests database connection
            Date_1.Value   = DateTime.Now;                 //Sets Date to today
            UserLabel.Text = "Current User: "******" " + Global.userLastName;     //Sets user label

            //Shows existing consultations in the DGV
            FillPatientDetails();                           //Sets pre fill details
        //********************Non Event Methods********************

        //If new consultation then Patient details and time period is populated
        //If edit session then all fields are populated
        private void FillPatientDetails()
            Patient_Details.Text = "ID: " + Global.consPatientID.ToString() + " *** " + Global.consPatientName;
            Input_2.Text         = Global.consTimePeriod;

            //Popultaes existing data if in edit session
            if (Global.editingExistingConsulation == true)
                Input_1.Text = Global.consID;
                Date_1.Value = Global.consDate;
                Consultation_Database.EditConsultation(Input_1, Input_3, Input_4, Input_5, Input_6, Input_7,
                                                       Input_8, Input_9, Input_10, Input_11, Input_12, Input_13, Input_14, Input_15, Input_16,
                                                       Input_17, Input_18, Input_19, Input_20, Input_21, Input_22, Input_23, Input_24, Input_25,
                                                       Input_26, Input_27, Input_28, Input_29, Input_30, Input_31, Input_32, Input_33, Input_34,
                                                       Input_35, Input_36, Input_37, Input_38, Date_1, Dropdown_1, Dropdown_2);
        //********************Database Event Methods********************

        //Saves changes to new patient or existing patient
        private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //All input boxes are read only when they can't be saved.
            //This will stop users from clicking save when not in edit mode
            if (Input_3.ReadOnly == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Please click 'Edit Current' button to save changes", "Error",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            //Consultant must be chosen
            if (Dropdown_2.SelectedIndex == -1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please choose a consultant", "Error",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            //Testing if only numbers were input
            if (TestNumbers() == false)
                MessageBox.Show("All fields need to be numbers except for:\nHeath Rating,\nSmoking Status and\nNotes", "Error",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Saves Consultation to Database
            bool saveSuccessful = Consultation_Database.SaveConsultation(Input_1, Input_2, Input_3, Input_4, Input_5, Input_6, Input_7,
                                                                         Input_8, Input_9, Input_10, Input_11, Input_12, Input_13, Input_14, Input_15, Input_16,
                                                                         Input_17, Input_18, Input_19, Input_20, Input_21, Input_22, Input_23, Input_24, Input_25,
                                                                         Input_26, Input_27, Input_28, Input_29, Input_30, Input_31, Input_32, Input_33, Input_34,
                                                                         Input_35, Input_36, Input_37, Input_38, Date_1, Dropdown_1, Dropdown_2);

            //Triggered if user is promted that a record exists with the same time period and the user clicks cancel
            if (saveSuccessful == false)

            //Once consultation is saved the DGV is updated

            AddOrEditFields(false);                 //Changes all fields to read only
            Edit_Consultation.Visible = true;       //Allows user to make edits if necessary
        //Views all of the records determined by the dropdown1 selection
        private void View_All_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (Global.view)
            case "View Patients":
                Patient_Database.ViewAllRecords(Dropdown_1, Records_Gridview);

            case "View Consultations":
                Consultation_Database.ViewAllRecords(Dropdown_1, Records_Gridview);

            case "View Reffering GPs":

            case "View Practices":
            Total_Records.Text = Records_Gridview.Rows.Count.ToString();
        private void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (Global.view)
            case "View Patients":
                Patient_Database.ViewSearchedRecords(Records_Gridview, Input_1, Dropdown_1, Dropdown_2,
                                                     Dropdown_3, Date_1, Date_2);

            case "View Consultations":
                Consultation_Database.ViewSearchedRecords(Records_Gridview, Input_1, Dropdown_1, Dropdown_2,
                                                          Dropdown_3, Date_1, Date_2);

            case "View Reffering GPs":
                Reffering_GP_Database.ViewSearchedRecords(Records_Gridview, Input_1, Dropdown_2);

            case "View Practices":
                Practice_Database.ViewSearchedRecords(Records_Gridview, Input_1, Dropdown_2);
            Total_Records.Text = Records_Gridview.Rows.Count.ToString();
        //Sets the search input box and labels
        private void Dropdown_2_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Search.Enabled = true;          //Allows user to search once a selection is made
            switch (Global.view)
            case "View Patients":
                Patient_Database.Show_HideSearchOptions(Dropdown_2, Dropdown_3, Input_1, Date_1,
                                                        Date_2, Search_Label, Search_Label2);

            case "View Consultations":
                Consultation_Database.Show_HideSearchOptions(Dropdown_2, Dropdown_3, Input_1, Date_1,
                                                             Date_2, Search_Label, Search_Label2);

            case "View Reffering GPs":
                Reffering_GP_Database.Show_HideSearchOptions(Dropdown_2, Input_1, Search_Label);

            case "View Practices":
                Practice_Database.Show_HideSearchOptions(Dropdown_2, Input_1, Search_Label);