//[Then(@"the '(.*)' team member exists")]
 //public void ThenTheTeamMemberExists(string groupCaption, Table teamMembers)
 //    try
 //    {
 //        foreach (var teamMember in teamMembers.Rows)  // search for a team member
 //        {
 //            if (teamMember["Name"] != string.Empty) teamMember["Name"] = teamMember["Name"] + uniqueStamp;  //The unique stamp is a series of numbers added to the end to keep names distinctive
 //            if (!TeamMemberExists(teamMember))
 //                throw new ArgumentException(
 //                    String.Format("Current constituent page does not have the team member '{0}'", teamMember));
 //        }
 //    }
 //    catch (Exception ex)
 //    {
 //        throw new Exception("Error: could not find that a team member exists. " + ex.Message);
 //    }
 public static void AddTeamRole(string teamRole)
         ConstituentPanel.SelectTab("Prospect");                                         // open the prospect tab
         ConstituentPanel.SelectInnerTab("UNC Prospect Team");                           // prospect team subtab
         ConstituentPanel.ClickSectionAddButton("UNC Prospect Team", "Add team member"); // add a team member
         // set the role for the team member
         ConstituentPanel.SetTextField(Dialog.getXInput("ProspectTeamAddDataForm", "PROSPECTTEAMROLECODEID"), teamRole);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("Error: could not add a team role. " + ex.Message);