/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="adId"></param> /// <param name="onRewardEarned"></param> /// <returns>false если что то пошло не так. true если началась загрузка</returns> public static bool LoadRewardedAd(RewardedAdId adId, int tryReloadOnLoadingFailed = 0) { //Debug.Log($"advertising dubig is {debug}"); ////это для тестирования //if (debug) // adId = RewardedAdId.ID__TEST; var adCount = rewardedAds.Count(a => a.adId == adId); Debug.Log($"count of olready loaded advertising {adId} is: {adCount}. and max is: {GADWrapper.maximumSameRevardedAds}"); if (adCount >= GADWrapper.maximumSameRevardedAds) { return(false); } var ad = new RewardedAd(Const.GetId(adId)); rewardedAds.Add ( new RewardedAdWrap() { adId = adId, ad = ad, tryReloadOnLoadingFailed = tryReloadOnLoadingFailed } ); ad.OnAdClosed += Ad_OnAdClosed; ad.OnAdFailedToLoad += Ad_OnAdFailedToLoad; ad.OnAdFailedToShow += Ad_OnAdFailedToShow; ad.OnAdLoaded += Ad_OnAdLoaded; ad.OnAdOpening += Ad_OnAdOpening; ad.OnUserEarnedReward += Ad_OnUserEarnedReward; //Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("B36E541FF471B2ADC7410D9DEAC3A651") to get test ads on this device. ad.LoadAd(new AdRequest .Builder() .AddTestDevice("B36E541FF471B2ADC7410D9DEAC3A651") .Build() ); return(true); }
public static bool LoadInterstitialAd(InterstitialAdId adId, int tryReloadOnLoadingFailed = 0) { //это для тестирования //if (debug) // adId = InterstitialAdId.ID__TEST; if (interAds.Where(rad => rad.adId == adId).ToList().Count >= GADWrapper.maximumSameInterstitialAds) { return(false); } var ad = new InterstitialAd(Const.GetId(adId)); interAds.Add ( new InterstitialAdWrap() { adId = adId, ad = ad, tryReloadOnLoadingFailed = tryReloadOnLoadingFailed } ); ad.OnAdClosed += Ad_OnInterstitialAdClosed; ad.OnAdFailedToLoad += Ad_OnInterstitialAdFailedToLoad; ad.OnAdLeavingApplication += Ad_OnInterstitialAdLeavingApplication; ad.OnAdLoaded += Ad_OnInterstitialAdLoaded; ad.OnAdOpening += Ad_OnInterstitialAdOpening; ad.LoadAd(new AdRequest .Builder() .AddTestDevice("B36E541FF471B2ADC7410D9DEAC3A651") .Build() ); return(true); }